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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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So, is the BKR9000 really vapourware?


Premium Subscriber
Oct 6, 2018
Here and there
Looks like the viking is the lead winner so far with apx 8000 as alternative.

I'm wondering if they are thinking a rx only 700 would suffice for the primary uhf/ vhf users near 700 use.

I know some, actually a bit of NM agencies staying vhf wanted a rx solution for 700 since they cheaped out or had politics involved on anyone controlling their systems. I've seen a few screw up decisions regarding the statewide NMDoiT system where county managers appointed themselves as directors while being a county manager as well to make calls when they aren't qualified to be involved in anything RF or dispatch wise let alone authorized to be touching any NCIC stuff.

None less we told them that wouldnt be pheasable to do that as a long term solution and got cold shoulder as they listened to a small makeshift dealer trying to make a buck who went under recently. I hope that isn't the idea bk had with 700 listening to morons like them people. They'll sign their own demise if they follow that.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Looks like the viking is the lead winner so far with apx 8000 as alternative.

VP8000 lacks the LTE capability of the APX NEXT and the Harris XL-200 line.
I'm in the market for a bunch, and that was a deal breaker.

The benefit of the VP8000 and the Tait 9800 is that they were smart enough to embrace the DMR capability (and NXDN). If EFJ/K had included LTE capability in the VP8000, I'd probably be buying those.

Some of us are already looking at 3rd generation stuff coming down the pipe...

I'm wondering if they are thinking a rx only 700 would suffice for the primary uhf/ vhf users near 700 use.

No, I'm pretty confident that this point that they F'd up. They won't have a competitive product without it. They are not going to compete as it is, but crippling the radio was a major fail.


Mar 15, 2010
No, I'm pretty confident that this point that they F'd up. They won't have a competitive product without it. They are not going to compete as it is, but crippling the radio was a major fail.
Why would they not re-test for 700? It's not like it's that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things even if it was a overlook. If it passed the 800 and all other bands I can't see why 700 would not (spec wise). This just doesn't make any sense.


P25 Underground
Sep 27, 2019
Gadsden Purchase
VP8000 lacks the LTE capability of the APX NEXT and the Harris XL-200 line.
I'm in the market for a bunch, and that was a deal breaker.

The benefit of the VP8000 and the Tait 9800 is that they were smart enough to embrace the DMR capability (and NXDN). If EFJ/K had included LTE capability in the VP8000, I'd probably be buying those.

Some of us are already looking at 3rd generation stuff coming down the pipe...

No, I'm pretty confident that this point that they F'd up. They won't have a competitive product without it. They are not going to compete as it is, but crippling the radio was a major fail.

Funny, we're the opposite. The inclusion of LTE is a deal-breaker for us; I've never trusted it and want it in as few devices as possible, but I know that's not a widely held opinion.

When we stand up a mine rescue team, I'm going to look at some VP8000s for interoperability with mutual aid departments (and may well purchase one for personal use before then). DMR is a real plus as the corporate technical rescue team up the road uses TRBO and has assisted in the past. Everybody else is the usual patchwork of analog UHF or VHF and VHF P25, plus an underutilized 700 MHz TRS. Frankly the KNG line shook my confidence in BK so they're out of the running, whereas we've used Kenwood/EFJ our entire existence and been quite satisfied.

AZ would have been another potential market if BK hadn't screwed this one up. Unless there's a serious design flaw in these radios, omitting 700 has no upsides and I cannot claim to understand it.


Oct 23, 2010
GALAXY 19 91.0° W
Good morning. So I can tell the Group that the BKR9000 is going for testing (FCC) this week. It takes about 2-3 weeks to get the full results. Once again I'll keep the Group advised as soon as I find out the results.

Im sure it will pass. If it passes 800 then 700 tests should be similar.
Assuming production as normal? It’s just a paperwork update after the certification so they can produce while it’s waiting.
Apr 30, 2008
Pittsboro IN
Funny, we're the opposite. The inclusion of LTE is a deal-breaker for us; I've never trusted it and want it in as few devices as possible, but I know that's not a widely held opinion.

When we stand up a mine rescue team, I'm going to look at some VP8000s for interoperability with mutual aid departments (and may well purchase one for personal use before then).
Our county has been testing the APX wifi link to our SAFE-T system, so far it's working pretty well. Since all vehicles have LTE modems we don't need the LTE option.

I gave a SAR team UHF Hyteras to test in mine and cave work They used my RD-982i with the single freq repeater option, it gave them coverage well past the first turn or bend that takes out simplex. The county has a P-25 mandate so even though they liked the extra distance they could not buy any.


Mar 15, 2010
The BKR-9000 does in fact do VHF/UHF/700/800/900. Not sure where your getting your info.
I'm sure it can do it just fine, but the radio was not FCC certified in the 700 band so it could not legally be used. That's where the info comes from. Has nothing to do with the radio physically not being able to operate in that band.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Last BK employee I talked with about the radio at IACP just started a new job at Motorola...never a good thing when sales team jumps before a new product is being delivered.

Like I said earlier, knowing what I now know about this radio, there's no way I'd put money down on one.

I did notice that they have a booth reserved at IWCE.


Premium Subscriber
May 10, 2003
Paonia, CO
I’ve seen conflicting info as to whether 900MHz made it into the final production version. Can anyone confirm ?