Howdy Ed long time no hear! Glad you are still doing mode s etc up your way.
Ok sounds like different SPUR missions coming up..

Been away from the radios for awhile taking care of my Dad but now he's in a nursing home getting better care than I can provide.. Slowly getting back into the hobby after a three years. Moved my radio room up out of the basement into the empty bedroom. I've been on Alan Stern's milradiocomms list here and there but it's not the same since he has passed. Not much radio posts anymore on there.
I did notice all the SPURs up tonight, thought I would catch a BUFF or BONE pass through. Nope, just the RC-135. I did get one hit on 226.55 at 2331z (which I have as a Barksdale BUFF freq) which got me excited! Unfortunately, it was only one transmission of some numbers. Nothing else heard to make any confirmations of whom it may have been. Oh well, that's the fun part, catching those radio comms!