Leading the way a KC-10 79-1949 showing 0 for callsign..may be related another BOBBY.
79-1949 was using callsign SPUR 81. So far there's also SPUR 80, 83-0075, departed SUU northbound.
Leading the way a KC-10 79-1949 showing 0 for callsign..may be related another BOBBY.
BLUE 42 dragging 91-94 on boom freq 282.0 and Hill F-35 A-A 348.05 Getting some chatter here and there. BLUE 42 flight just checked in on ZBW 128.325 block 24-26 with "four chicks in tow". Heading West now over NH.
Wow! Rookie Chicago controller? Guess never worked an Altrav before.Here's updated ATC comms with BLUE 42, including the breakup and return to WRI. Looks like they were originally supposed to go to LNK with the other 2 K10As.
1340 local- BLUE 32 landing at KWRIBLUE 32 KC-10 86-0030 AE0228 over Akron OH heading E
BLUE 24 KC-10 84-0186 AE021A over Iowa heading E
Nice lineup.. SPURS are probably for mission and not an Altrav.Coronet West update.
K35R WRI 62-3544 AE05A7 BOBBY 31
K35R SUX 62-3566 AE04D0 BOBBY 41
K10A SUU 79-1713 AE020B CABAL 51
K35R PIT 58-0034 AE0655 CABAL 52
K10A SUU 79-1946 AE020C CABAL 61
K35R IAB 60-0343 AE04E7 CABAL 62
K10A SUU 84-0187 AE01DF CABAL 71
K35R LCK 62-3511 AE0428 CABAL 72
K10A SUU 83-0075 AE0213 SPUR 80
K10A WRI 79-1946 AE01DE SPUR 81
Looks like tanker on way out to fuel up LURE 41 towards Nantuckett.. Yeah E-6's get busy during these exercises.1745 local- An E6, LURE 41 has been out circling in the Atlantic all afternoon. Wonder if related to that exercise.
Just finished a 50 character message on 311.0 "Radcliff out"