Either that or she can stop over somewhere and boot off some disgruntled staff to the other a/c.Maybe VPOTUS wants to make sure she has wings to get to the WH, just in case she's needed
Either that or she can stop over somewhere and boot off some disgruntled staff to the other a/c.Maybe VPOTUS wants to make sure she has wings to get to the WH, just in case she's needed
Capital Guardians just rocked up in Spain,0405 local TABOR-71 flight with ZDC Swann 360.700 then ZDC Sea Isle 285.400.
Couple McGuire KC-10 tankers up GOLD-21 85-0028 coming SW to meet.
Two KC-135's off from Maine..
0409 GOLD-21 with TABOR 71 on Coronet tanker boom 254.600
0411 TABOR-71 says total of 6 aircraft including tanker...
TABOR-71 will spin at Sea Isle at FL260 to pick up tanker. GOLD-21 just a but behind still climbing.
TABOR now says flight of 6 with spare. TABOR-71 1,2,3 will take left wing,4,5 will take right wing spare TABOR-77 is 2 miles in trail.
Fading fast here TABOR-71 reads off some tail numbers 330,332,292,306.
GOLD-21 tracking.. 85-0028 Flight Tracking and History 07-Jul-2021 - FlightAware
Andrews has some oldie F-16's.. Shaw F-16's the other day were all 1991 vintage but understandCapital Guardians just rocked up in Spain,
I'm sure She rates a SAM GLF5 type
2240 local Also a SAM-836 tonight Hanscom to DC GLF-5 #11-0550.. SAM's everywhere Lol.Appears to be a C-32 SAM 645.
Some interesting hot wx ducting going on this AM. I'm picking up the UHF (322.55) side of ZDC Linden loud & clear enough to read. Linden is about 50-60 miles to my west. First time that's ever happened.