Here is YELA-81 still trimming the tree tops. Look at that altitude chart below.
VELA81 Flight Tracking and History 12-Feb-2021 - FlightAware
VELA81 Flight Tracking and History 12-Feb-2021 - FlightAware
Here is YELA-81 still trimming the tree tops. Look at that altitude chart below.
VELA81 Flight Tracking and History 12-Feb-2021 - FlightAware
Bnkr 30 was on 260.9 had 65K lbs/15K more gas than usual; also on 247.05 & 135.525.KC-135 58-0010 AE0499 BANKR 30 heading into Guard Dog from the NE
KC-135 58-0010 AE0499 BANKR 30
This was SPUR 95 yesterday, WRI-BGR. Odd they would run it up to BGR just to come back to the DC area the next day ?
Are the Nobles up from Savannah again?
That's what I thought when I looked up it's history on ADSB-X but it doesn't surprise me
Is it just me or is the pilot of NOBLE 12 female? 293.3
BANKR31 KC-10 83-0079 AE0216 out of Bangor this morning as 30 was, 25 minutes out of the northern end of the CAP
Very interesting! Did BANKR 30 return to McGuire or Bangor? I'll have to check my logs here.This was SPUR 95 yesterday, WRI-BGR. Odd they would run it up to BGR just to come back to the DC area the next day ? Update 1 - and now BANKR 31, K10A 83-0079, just off BGR (ex SPUR 94). First time I've seen a KC-10 do a CAP. Update 2 - BONDI 75, a couple of K10A's off WRI.
10:51 - BANKR 31, handed off to 126.550 Potomac, cleared into the Guard Dog ATCAA FL210-FL250.