Thats it exactly here
I have been hearing that sound on 8.992 for a least a month now. Almost sounds like an A10 gun !!
Thats it exactly here
Same here Terry. Definitely at least a month now. Agreed!I have been hearing that sound on 8.992 for a least a month now. Almost sounds like an A10 gun !!
Looks like Biden had trouble making up his mind where he wants to spend the weekend, two new FAA Safety Team Notices issued for this weekend (Friday/Saturday & Saturday/Sunday)
VIP Movement Notification- Thurmont, MD
Notice Number: NOTC2287
Notice: Expect VIP movement March 04-05, 2022 in the vicinity of Thurmont, MD.
VIP Movement Notification- Wilmington, DE
Notice Number: NOTC2285
Notice: Expect VIP movement March 05-06, 2022 in the vicinity of Wilmington, Delaware.
Famously, one member of the President's Cabinet is picked to be the 'Designated Survivor' for the SOTU speech.
From a recent book on continuity of government programs:
Terrel Bell, Ronald Reagan’s new education secretary, was already en route to Capitol Hill on February 18, 1981, when he got the telephone call from White House chief of staff James Baker. It was less than an hour before the cabinet was set to attend Reagan’s address to a joint session of Congress about the nation’s economic woes. On the car phone, Baker said he had “good news and bad news.” “The bad news is that you don’t get to go and hear the speech,” Baker told the cabinet secretary. “The good news is that if the Capitol is subjected to a nuclear attack you’ll be President of the United States.”
Graff, Garrett M.. Raven Rock: The Story of the U.S. Government's Secret Plan to Save Itself--While the Rest of Us Die Simon & Schuster.
Being in remote VA SW of the Farmville MOA I've tried to scan channels and ADS never shows stuff. Is there anyone savy that I can DM or point me to a thread on more info ?
Chicks were Mazda12 flight (Mazda12+13), Gold62 dragged them across the pond, Gold72 did the first part, and is now heading back to KSUU.Looks like they went down from McGuire to Myrtle Beach area and are now headed up.
Had some coms from them A/A I think on 134.100 on departure South 0151 local. Called it VHF common.
Same Travis tails/callsigns that took F/18's the other day 2/26 to Norway.More MAZDA's?
AirAnyone catching anything in the DINO ATCAA, currently active until 1245 EST. Then again from 1500-1630 EST.
View attachment 117548
BLUE21 83-0078 KC-10A with FORCE71-73 F-15SA Saudi AF and BLUE31 84-0187 with FORCE74-76 F-15SA Saudi AF off MoronAB Westbound 08:48Z and 09:00Z
First I've heard of the Dino ATCAA.
Just got in and heard him running down checklists on Ops 293.3 Raven flight saying "I haven't stalled this in a long time"Hearing checklist A>A chatter on 293.3
A-10 with a problem it seems.
Other action on 271.4
264.850 Busy with A2A