Unfortunately, my milair reception in the direction of Indianapolis is not good, apparently due to terrain. Over the years I've tried different antennas and receivers with little improvement.
Here's a brief clip from 357.0 of SAM 712 discussing with EXEC1F the fact that the crosswind at Andrews is currently out of limits for landing. The plan is to divert to Dulles if the wind doesn't dissipate or swing around before they need to land. I got snippets of the discussion on three different receivers. The pilots decide not to tell the passengers about the divert possibility until they have to go into holding. SAM Dispatch and ATC have already been given a heads up however. Obviously moving the First Lady from another arrival airport is a major change in plans.
Andrews has north-south runways and winds are out of the northwest at 26 knots gusting to 33 knots, above whatever crosswind limitation the SAM FOX Gulfstreams observe. Dulles has a runway 30 aligned to the northwest so that would work if the wind doesn't die down.
It appears that the planes made it home to Andrews OK and nobody will ever know about plan B.![]()
Plan ahead and stay ahead is a good motto.