1355 local ROMA-91 with 30 minute outcall at McGuire 134.100 reports alpha 2 with one writeup
and req Customs/Ag and crew trans.
I managed to see these yesterday when they diverted into Lakenheath, pure luck I only turned up about 20 minutes before they arrived.
Lakenheath 09/04/2022 CE088 Westbound (dept)
15-5172 F-35A 34FS/388FW/HL
15-5173 F-35A 34FS/388FW/HL
17-5237 F-35A 34FS/388FW/HL
17-5256 F-35A 34FS/388FW/HL
79-1947 KC-10A 305AMW/McGuire ROMA91 EGUN>KWRI
58-0065 KC-135T 22ARW/McConnell ROMA92 KPSM>KIAB