1535- New nobles inbound to CAP. Working ZNY Flint Hill (290.2)>ZNY Big Flat (322.4)>Potomac TRACON Guard Dog Sector (269.5). Nobles using 259.0 A2A
Tankers also switched to WIDE-14 #86-0035 from WIDE-13. WIDE-13 passed along tail number for NOBLE-12 as #86-0158
WIDE-13 inbound McGuire alpha 2 with a couple of writeups. NOBLE-21 flight A/A 259.000
1554 NOBLE-11 flight departing on ZNY 322.400>290.200 ZNY Flint.
There is a KC-10 no callsign #84-0189 RCH-804? at FL280 inbound off Coast of Maine from Prestwick UK.Maybe dragged somebody back across?
Looks headed to the barn at McGuire after two weeks overseas.
Dover's HAGAR-91 C-5M #87-0035 departing Eastbound Fort Libby AAF KFHU at Fort Huachuca AZ. Don't see that destination very often.
Didn't realize that KFHU has 12k x 150 foot concrete runway.Whats an old Army Calvary unit there need such a big runway?