0522 local NOBLE-01 flight Southbound FL280.
Overnight there was a Special Ops Army Assault drill it seems at Dover AFB.A couple of C-17's arriving Little Rock Arkansas
CADS-106 #4131 McGuire ,CADS-108 #06-6156 from Travis.
Landed with lights out req with Dover tower around 0220 local.Departed for back home at around 0500 local.
Trip home they are just North of Fort Polk AAF area.Seems like they are doing pardrops down there this morning.
As of 0800 local here still circling low down there.
Maybe CADS acronym stands for Combat Air Drill Squadron or something like that..
CADS-106 went down to 6k or less and circled down there while CADS-108 just did racetrack nearby at 18k.
0810 local both seem to be headed back to Little Rock.Maybe was these guys?
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division :: Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk (army.mil)