1115: There's a RAVEN flight of A-10s just coming home to MTN from wherever they've been. On interflight 142.3 and reporting 10 minutes out to Raven Ops on 347.2
1119: JOSA 829 (C-21A, 84-0118, 458th AS Scott AFB IL) calls Griffin Command for several minutes on 378.1 trying to report their takeoff time...no joy of course. They switch to 141.55, make contact and report airborne at 1508Z
1122: PAT 985 trying to contact Andrews Command now on 378.1...sure thing bud.
1124: PAT 985 (C-26B, 91-0509, OSACOM Det 21, OH-ArNG) switches to 141.55, makes contact, 10 minutes out, IDs as an Army C-26, tail 0509, has 9 pax and will need a fuel topoff. Switches to TRACON 119.85.
[My ID for PAT 985 conflicts with Tony's below and I'll defer to him since I don't follow these guys closely. But I swear he said "0509" for his tail.]
1130: RAVENs landing at MTN with Tower...low approach first time...297.2
1134: RAVENs doing full stop this time...297.2
1142: REACH 6018 (C-5B, 86-0018, 337th AS Westover) to Dover CP...ETA 20 after the hour, 30 pallets...then mentions something about Ramstein and a blown tire on takeoff...349.4
1145: REACH 6018 says they're going to declare an emergency...will do a flyby of the tower when they arrive...wants them notified...349.4
1147: Giant Killer's tactical freq active...312.3
1150: NAVY 300 (C-37B, 166377, VR-1 Andrews) w/TRACON for approach to Andrews...119.85
1156: SPAR 42 (C-9C, 73-1681, 73rd AS Scott AFB IL) reports off from Andrews and climbing...125.65
1159: SPAR 42 wants a call placed to Scott AFB at 618-256-xxxx to let them know SPAR 042 was off at 1555Z...125.65
1202: SPAR 47 (C-40C, 05-0730, 73rd AS Scott AFB IL) also in here somewhere around Andrews (w/TRACON but missed freq)
1209: Nothing further has been heard from REACH 6018. He's due at Dover in 11 minutes.
Update: As of 1226, still nothing further heard from him...perhaps too low to hear.
1209: ARUNDEL 3 (AA County PD helo) w/TRACON 119.85 approaching Andrews area involved in a car chase by PD. (Activity on AA Southern District - TG 1712)...the helo is AIR 20 for an ID on the police freqs. PG County police also involved. #2 male and female bailed...searching for them...tossed a purse out the window with crack pipes. What a shock!

Haven't heard the original reason for the chase. Only a matter of time...they have names, addresses, etc on both jamokes...he's 37, she's 24. Real bright chick - tosses her purse with all her IDs in it. Air and K-9 tracking and searching.
1254: Police helo and K-9 along with a large PD group from AA, PG and MD State still searching for the couple but haven't found them yet. Meanwhile, they've been working near Route 4 and 495 and have traffic on the beltway backed up for miles in both directions - but especially the inner loop.
1301: AIR 20 being sent home, PG breaking off, K-9 done...looks like they're giving up finding them for now but since they have names and addresses - and have impounded their car - they'll find them in due time.
1247: Been listening to the police channels but have to mention this one...Algerian Government Gulfstream V with tail 7T-VPG overflying the area at 47,000 feet....VHF ZDC freqs