Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
From 1643 until 1716, I've been listening to a flight of probable A-10s crossing the area on freq 140.2. This is a good freq for the CT-ANG Bradley although I'm not sure it's them because there has been no callsign given. They must be working VHF ARTCC freqs because they sure haven't been on UHF - and that is very unusual for this type aircraft. From chat, it appears they're flying east to west and at one point mentioned the storms moving into the Pittsburgh area and whether they'd be able to get around them. I hope someone else caught them on an ATC freq somewhere. Yes?

Has anyone heard the DC-ANG F-16s recently? I don't believe I've heard them since the day of the air show at Andrews. We're approaching three weeks since then. Did they slip out of town when I wasn't paying attention?
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: DC ANG F-16s

Hi Tin,

Posts #2310 and 2322 on 05.30.2007 was the last time I heard them, as BRAVE and CAPITOL 91 and 92.


TinEar said:
Has anyone heard the DC-ANG F-16s recently? I don't believe I've heard them since the day of the air show at Andrews. We're approaching three weeks since then. Did they slip out of town when I wasn't paying attention?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Tin,

Posts #2310 and 2322 on 05.30.2007 was the last time I heard them, as BRAVE and CAPITOL 91 and 92.


BRAVEs, of course, are the watch aircraft so they'll always be there on standby. I didn't remember the CAPITOL 91/92 flight but that would also indicate they were going somewhere or coming back from somewhere when using that callsign. But none of the usual WILD/SCARY/ANGRY/BULLY or even GUNNY/RAVAGE normal training flights.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
06.07.2007 pm

Finally have a bit of energy to type these up from yesterday afternoon..

06.07.2007 pm

1815Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - JOSA 233 (C-21A 84-0119) - @ 16000' for ADW, then cleared down to 11000' and to X ELDEE @ 8000' QSY 119.850.
1818Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 233 (C-21A 84-0119) - after trying 378.100 without success, finally finds someone here and reports is a C-21 tail #40119, 20 mnis out, code 1, neg pax, neg cargo.
1843Z 120.650 ZDC-Linden - ARMY 60112 (C-12J 96-0112) - QSY ZDC-Hot Springs 134.400.

1914Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 789 - QSY 123.825.
1925Z 354.800 BayWatch - WB 579 (T-38A 70-1579 USNTPS) - descending from FL430.
1945Z 241.000 BLUEGRASS - MUSSEL 06 - req. freq. change Montgomery County.
1945Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - REACH 3603 (C-17A 93-0603 437th AS) - 20 mins. out, 50K on the gas, crew bus for 2.
1949Z 319.400 McGuire AFB CP - REACH 385 - clg here no joy.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Oddball log on flightaware at Andrews in case anyone heard..

Aerospatiale Dauphin 2 (SA-365C) (twin-turboprop) (S65C/G)

Callsign TPR2 (Tapoavia Uzbekiztan)

2225 local ..Fun listening to VHF in area aviation as pilots dodge incoming thunderstorms.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Oddball log on flightaware at Andrews in case anyone heard..

Aerospatiale Dauphin 2 (SA-365C) (twin-turboprop) (S65C/G)

Callsign TPR2 (Tapoavia Uzbekiztan)

2225 local ..Fun listening to VHF in area aviation as pilots dodge incoming thunderstorms.


That's what I did all evening. Had BWI on listening to the Clearance Delivery and Ground Control guys pulling their hair out and all the pilots talking at once trying to get out of there. It was interesting. While doing that, I've been setting up a PC with a new video card to run dual monitors and the new monitors themselves. It's all making me a little nuts. Everything looks too wide (fat) on these widescreen monitors which I've never used before. They're going to take some getting used to.

That storm earlier this evening went right around me. Not a drop of rain here.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: TPR2

Hi Mark,

TROOPER 2 is from the Maryland State Police based at Andrews.


Best regards,


Mark said:
Oddball log on flightaware at Andrews in case anyone heard..

Aerospatiale Dauphin 2 (SA-365C) (twin-turboprop) (S65C/G)

Callsign TPR2 (Tapoavia Uzbekiztan)

2225 local ..Fun listening to VHF in area aviation as pilots dodge incoming thunderstorms.



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 06092007

0936 & 0937 - GERMAN AIR FORCE 168 on Martinsburg tower freq of 124.3. Wasn't working Martinsburg & Martinsburg tower did not respond like I thought they would to tell them they were on the wrong freq. Not sure what was going on there.

Thanks for the info on that one Alan.

Forgot to mention that I copied a transmission on 259.7 from the shuttle Atlantis during it's ascent yesterday evening. Hadn't tried that before and was kind of surprised that I was able to hear something. Post is in the Space forum at Heard them at 19:44:33 when, according to ascent data for STS-117 on the net, they were at 351,228' traveling at 10,197 mph. It would be neat to know their location at that point in time.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
0936 & 0937 - GERMAN AIR FORCE 168 on Martinsburg tower freq of 124.3. Wasn't working Martinsburg & Martinsburg tower did not respond like I thought they would to tell them they were on the wrong freq. Not sure what was going on there.

Not sure why they used that freq Brian. Those guys come into this area often enough to know where they should be. By the way, GAF 168 was an A-310, tail 10+23. There was another German Air Force plane about 1/2 hour behind that one - a C-160D, tail 50+08.

Seems there's not much going on this morning - just the usual assortment of transports moving around.


Nov 3, 2005
Had some rare Saturday action in the DUKE MOA this morning starting about 10:00AM.

CADE Flight of 2 and UGLY flight of 2 worked with TAZ 71 and SLUFF 61 (both KC-135R 121ST ARG OH ANG RICKENBACKER ANGB). All work was on 301.60. CADE was A2A on 34.75 FM, didn't get UGLY's A2A. CADE 1 was 80-0250 which the scramble website shows as an A-10 from the ID ANG. CADE 2 was 81-0955 also shown from the ID ANG. Must have been two of the birds that came back to Willow Grove when the rest of their group headed over to their deployment a few weeks back.

All work was done by 10:30AM.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1115: There's a RAVEN flight of A-10s just coming home to MTN from wherever they've been. On interflight 142.3 and reporting 10 minutes out to Raven Ops on 347.2
1119: JOSA 829 (C-21A, 84-0118, 458th AS Scott AFB IL) calls Griffin Command for several minutes on 378.1 trying to report their takeoff joy of course. They switch to 141.55, make contact and report airborne at 1508Z
1122: PAT 985 trying to contact Andrews Command now on 378.1...sure thing bud.
1124: PAT 985 (C-26B, 91-0509, OSACOM Det 21, OH-ArNG) switches to 141.55, makes contact, 10 minutes out, IDs as an Army C-26, tail 0509, has 9 pax and will need a fuel topoff. Switches to TRACON 119.85.
[My ID for PAT 985 conflicts with Tony's below and I'll defer to him since I don't follow these guys closely. But I swear he said "0509" for his tail.]
1130: RAVENs landing at MTN with Tower...low approach first time...297.2
1134: RAVENs doing full stop this time...297.2
1142: REACH 6018 (C-5B, 86-0018, 337th AS Westover) to Dover CP...ETA 20 after the hour, 30 pallets...then mentions something about Ramstein and a blown tire on takeoff...349.4
1145: REACH 6018 says they're going to declare an emergency...will do a flyby of the tower when they arrive...wants them notified...349.4
1147: Giant Killer's tactical freq active...312.3
1150: NAVY 300 (C-37B, 166377, VR-1 Andrews) w/TRACON for approach to Andrews...119.85
1156: SPAR 42 (C-9C, 73-1681, 73rd AS Scott AFB IL) reports off from Andrews and climbing...125.65
1159: SPAR 42 wants a call placed to Scott AFB at 618-256-xxxx to let them know SPAR 042 was off at 1555Z...125.65

1202: SPAR 47 (C-40C, 05-0730, 73rd AS Scott AFB IL) also in here somewhere around Andrews (w/TRACON but missed freq)
1209: Nothing further has been heard from REACH 6018. He's due at Dover in 11 minutes.
Update: As of 1226, still nothing further heard from him...perhaps too low to hear.
1209: ARUNDEL 3 (AA County PD helo) w/TRACON 119.85 approaching Andrews area involved in a car chase by PD. (Activity on AA Southern District - TG 1712)...the helo is AIR 20 for an ID on the police freqs. PG County police also involved. #2 male and female bailed...searching for them...tossed a purse out the window with crack pipes. What a shock! :) Haven't heard the original reason for the chase. Only a matter of time...they have names, addresses, etc on both jamokes...he's 37, she's 24. Real bright chick - tosses her purse with all her IDs in it. Air and K-9 tracking and searching.
1254: Police helo and K-9 along with a large PD group from AA, PG and MD State still searching for the couple but haven't found them yet. Meanwhile, they've been working near Route 4 and 495 and have traffic on the beltway backed up for miles in both directions - but especially the inner loop.
1301: AIR 20 being sent home, PG breaking off, K-9 done...looks like they're giving up finding them for now but since they have names and addresses - and have impounded their car - they'll find them in due time.
1247: Been listening to the police channels but have to mention this one...Algerian Government Gulfstream V with tail 7T-VPG overflying the area at 47,000 feet....VHF ZDC freqs
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
06.09.2007 am

1517Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - have JOSA 829 up here doing the usual joy from GRIFFIN...:cool:)
1524Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PAT 985 (C-26B 91-0506 OSACOM Det.33 CO ArNG Buckley AFB) - a C-26, 10 mins. out, fuel top off. Tail #506 passed at 1525Z.

See above: inbound time was wrong for sure, and here we go - I thought he passed 506 as the tail @ 1725Z, but I'm going to write this one off as I don't know and I'm going back to bed now!

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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
TinEar said:
1247: Been listening to the police channels but have to mention this one...Algerian Government Gulfstream V with tail 7T-VPG overflying the area at 47,000 feet....VHF ZDC freqs
Bound from Algiers-Boufarik to the Gulfstream Palace at Savannah. 7T-VPC, which you caught earlier this week, was heading from SAV back to Algeria.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mateo said:
Bound from Algiers-Boufarik to the Gulfstream Palace at Savannah. 7T-VPC, which you caught earlier this week, was heading from SAV back to Algeria.

Thanks Matt. I didn't have a clue why they were here. We do get some strange aircraft passing through this area.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: Algerian AF Gulfstreams

Hi guys,

One more note to clarify Mateo's post, just in case you are not aware, Gulfstream Aerospace's major maintenance facility (along with the factory) is located at SAV.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
Thanks Matt. I didn't have a clue why they were here. We do get some strange aircraft passing through this area.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
06.09.2007 (cont'd)

More from a bit earlier on.

1554Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXR 788 - up here climbing out of ADW.

1600Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - SPAR 42 - pass t/off time ADW of 1555Z to Scott.
1600Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 47 - deps ADW to 16000'
1643Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - PAT 985 - 12000' dir GINYA then cleared to 17000' QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
1656Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - EASY 178 - checks in here and asks about a discrepancy between the ATIS report and NOTAMs, requesting is taxiway C open off of rwy 1R?

1724Z 378.100 DC 93 wkg LIBERATOR who picks him up at first, 20 mins out, status A1, no writeups, 19K on the fuel, then gets no response and spends the next 10 mins. clg both LIBERATOR then GRIFFIN COMMAND no joy.

1900Z 263.100 ZDC-Azalea - U/I VA ANG F-16 flight of four - just north of Shenandoah Valley Airport approx. 20 nms., @ 11500' "flight of four F-16s" QSY ZDC-Casanova 282.200 where I missed the check-in, but they did mention "flight plan back to Richmond."
1948Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 568 - inbound C-21 20 mins out, call C-21 Maintenance for crew bus for two, 0 SA's, 0 Duty pax. If there was a tail # I missed it in a fade...

2137Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JS 184 - to 11000'.
2149Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - REACH 5141 (C-17A 729th AS AFRC) - inbound from McChord as it happens with arrival msg into ADW.
2154Z 119.850 Potomac APP - REACH 5141 (C-17A 729th AS AFRC) - @ 8000' o/h ELDEE for rwy 1R at Andrews full stop.

2224Z 355.300 MCAF Quantico Ops - REACH 501 - clg here x 2 no joy.

2318Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - MARINE 943 - on the ELDEE1 arrival to rwy 1R @ ADW; checks in @ 15000' @ DRUZZ, cleared to 12000' then cross ELDEE @ 8000', QSY 119.850 for the Marines...
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Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Here's some stuff from yesterday. I had some company come over last night so I didn't get a chance to post last night.
1030: 139.875 active. 2 a/c suffix's are 78 and 76. No c/s heard
1044: REACH 1816 wabts to know if he should hold until 1600 or until quiet ours are over. <141.55>
1044: Very weak a/c on 255.4. Can't make out anything. Most likely those F/A-18's you heard Tin.
1046: Navy Refueling activity. It's been active all day so I really didn't pay to much attention to who the a/c were. <123.525
1148: Another a/c up on 255.4. Very weak again. Maybe this was the F/A-18's?
1408-1411: Have some general chit chat. <143.6>
1409: One pilot mentions the "ATIS is comin up there on 19L." <143.6>
1410: Pilot relays cleared down to 2,000. <143.6>
1418: CAPITOL 14 reports Code 2 for Radar. <139.9> Could this have been our fighters on 143.6??
1450: Have got another flight of F-16's coming in. All are 10 minutes out Code 1. I thought I heard a SCARY c/s but I'm not 100% positive. <139.9>
1544: U/I requests ILS Rwy 16 touch and go. <257.8> They're definately wearing a mask so it might be a VA-ANG F-16.

I also had much more comms but my scanner locked on late and I missed alot of the convo so I just didn't mention it. GK, PAX, and Interflight freqs. were extremely active yesterday along with what was posted.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
Here's some stuff from yesterday. I had some company come over last night so I didn't get a chance to post last night.
1030: 139.875 active. 2 a/c suffix's are 78 and 76. No c/s heard
1044: REACH 1816 wabts to know if he should hold until 1600 or until quiet ours are over. <141.55>
1044: Very weak a/c on 255.4. Can't make out anything. Most likely those F/A-18's you heard Tin.
1046: Navy Refueling activity. It's been active all day so I really didn't pay to much attention to who the a/c were. <123.525
1148: Another a/c up on 255.4. Very weak again. Maybe this was the F/A-18's?
1408-1411: Have some general chit chat. <143.6>
1409: One pilot mentions the "ATIS is comin up there on 19L." <143.6>
1410: Pilot relays cleared down to 2,000. <143.6>
1418: CAPITOL 14 reports Code 2 for Radar. <139.9> Could this have been our fighters on 143.6??
1450: Have got another flight of F-16's coming in. All are 10 minutes out Code 1. I thought I heard a SCARY c/s but I'm not 100% positive. <139.9>
1544: U/I requests ILS Rwy 16 touch and go. <257.8> They're definately wearing a mask so it might be a VA-ANG F-16.

I also had much more comms but my scanner locked on late and I missed alot of the convo so I just didn't mention it. GK, PAX, and Interflight freqs. were extremely active yesterday along with what was posted.

If you heard CAPITOL flights coming home Nick, it might be why we haven't heard the DC-ANG flying recently. That's their traveling callsign so they might have slipped out of town at some point.

Those 78 and 76 suffixes on tanker interplane 139.875 were OPEC KC-10A types from McGuire.

And the 255.4 could only be FSS activity. That freq is reserved nationwide for Flight Service Station activity so the users could be anyone from PAT helicopters to B-2 bombers....and, yes, F-18s.

This was really a "nothing" day today. In other words, it was Saturday. Lots of the usual transports moving around from all four services ferrying people that should be flying commercial flights. There were a few KC-135 tankers out there from Andrews and McGuire. DC 93 was up...ROCCO 80 heard returning home giving his Blackjack report to Torch Control and some OPEC KC-10A tankers scooting about. The only single seaters heard today were A-10s from Martin State who worked Bollen Range. There were at least a couple of their flights up on 140.025 and 142.3. I briefly heard a piece of the NJ-ANG F-16s working out in W-107 that Steve mentioned somewhere above. The most interesting activity today was the police chase and helicopter search from Anne Arundel County I mentioned earlier.


Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
TinEar said:
If you heard CAPITOL flights coming home Nick, it might be why we haven't heard the DC-ANG flying recently. That's their traveling callsign so they might have slipped out of town at some point.

And the 255.4 could only be FSS activity. That freq is reserved nationwide for Flight Service Station activity so the users could be anyone from PAT helicopters to B-2 bombers....and, yes, F-18s.


I guess they must have slipped out then. I'll have to remember that CAPITOL is their travel c/s. As for my assumption about the F-18's, I though I remember you mentioning hearing some F-18's on 255.4 I agree on today. It was a typical Saturday. Not much worth noting.
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