1743: AXEMAN flight of two A-10s airborne from Martin State as reported to Raven Ops...347.2....and they're using 142.3 for interflight.
1748: And another MTN A-10 flight on interflight...this pair is already working ground targets...140.025
I'm beginning to think these are the AXEMAN pair - just changed freq after takeoff.
1800: Coming up on six hours since NZ7572 left SFO...still nothing here. Must have stopped for a long lunch along the way....or went somewhere else.
1825: And MTN A-10s now using 140.0 for interflight. Thes guys just seem to pick a freq and go to it whether it's been assigned or not. I've heard them mention these are not presets in the past. (140.0/140.025/141.0/143.0)
Or...it could be three flights of A-10s working...AXEMAN/RAVEN/COLT but AXEMAN was the only flight I heard report their airborne time to Raven Ops.
1839: Bearing fruit....COLT flight of two A-10s to MTN Tower for landing...297.2
1842: COLT 1 and 2 report "base, gear, stop" and touch down...297.2
COLT must have been the flight using 140.025 since 140.0 and 142.3 are still active.
1905: RAVEN flight to Raven Ops...10 out, two Code 1s...347.2
This is the flight from 140.0
1905: AXEMAN flight to Raven Ops...10 out, two Code 1s...347.2
This is the flight from 142.3
Transports have been calling Griffin/SAM/Andrews all day on 378.1 with the same results they've been getting for the past week -- just about no results until practically on top of the field and even then they're spotty. They have neither fixed the problem nor posted a NOTAM to warn pilots of the problem. Last year I got word to them through channels when this happened and they found a faulty receiver and replaced it to fix the problem. Is this my job? I don't think so.
1912: RAVEN, flight of two to MTN Tower...15 miles to the south, holding hands for full stop landing...297.2
1914: RAVEN flight 5 miles out, full stop for two (aircraft)...297.2
1916: AXEMAN flight reports approaching Hart-Miller (Island) for tactical initial...(two Cessnas in the pattern holding them up)...297.2
1918: AXEMAN says they're going to go back out to Hart-Miller and then re-enter...297.2
1919: RAVEN flight cleared to land...297.2
1921: AXEMAN flight cleared to land...both report "gear down, full stop"...297.2
And we're done with the COLT/RAVEN/AXEMAN flights of A-10s. (except for the chat while on the ground as they taxi over to meet up with the maintenance crew.)
1941: And here (S)HE is...KIWI 568 (New Zealand Defense Force B752, NZ7572) finally showed up with TRACON. (7.5 hours from SFO - that's crawling)...128.35 (into Dulles she goes...except it's a HE talking)
1941: U/I on AR freq...will be at ACK (Nantucket) at 0020Z...341.75
1948: REACH 517 (C-17A, 99-0170, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA), after calling Andrews for 20 minutes with no reply, finally makes contact when 10 minutes out...no pax or cargo, needs crew trans for 8 and will take fuel when he lands.
1954: REACH 517 tries to get back to Andrews but gets no reply (and he's practically over the field now)...378.1
2004: BOXER 07 (C-38A, 94-1570, 201st AS DC-ANG) in the pattern at Andrews...119.3/118.4
2005: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, 135th AS MD-ANG) at Martin State...w/CRAB Ops...385.9
2008: CRAB 52 (C-130J, 97-1352, 135th AS MD-ANG) reports off at 5 past the hour...385.9
2012: POLO 7?1? (C-5A, 69-0012, 105th AW NY-ANG) to Dover CP (fades)...349.4
Should be POLO 74 per message from Mark below.
2017: BATON 52 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW, PA-ANG) with Giant Killer getting clearance back to Harrisburg from W-107...cleared to Sea Isle at FL 180 and gets 281.45 freq...pilot asks if that's the same as 133.125 (it is for ZDC-Sea Isle) and off he goes...255.0
2023: PACER 24 (C-21A, 84-0077, 457th AS Andrews) to Griffin Command to report he was airborne at 0015Z...141.55
2039: Raven Ops talking to aircraft on the ground at MTN...might have another A-10 flight upcoming...347.2
She's talking to RAVEN 1.
2046: PACER 24 (see above) to Griffin Command to say they'll be landing in about 5 minutes...please call their maintenance to let them know and need crew trans...141.55
2047: BOXER 44 (C-40C, 02-0202, 201st AS DC-ANG) working the ADW pattern....119.3
2051: BATON 52 giving arrival message to Baton Ops...395.1
2102: BOXER 07 still working the pattern at ADW...asked tower controller about the upcoming ramp freeze...118.4
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 07 JUN 01:45 2007 UNTIL 07 JUN 02:15 2007 (2145-2215 local time)
2112: RAVEN 1 flight (A-10 MD-ANG) did sneak out of MTN...with Harrisburg Approach...281.525
2112: RAVEN flight working interflight...142.3
2115: And it sounds like another A-10 flight is about to take off from MTN...347.2
2116: COLT flight of A-10s off the deck at MTN and with TRACON departure...290.475
2118: COLT flight handed off to TRACON as they climb out to 7000 feet...317.425
2120: COLT flight working interflight freq...140.025
2125: COLT flight handed off to Patuxent Approach...314.0...then to BayWatch and say they'll be at Pax for the next hour...354.8
2126: AXEMAN flight reports airborne to Raven Ops...347.2
So...all three flights are back up...RAVEN north, perhaps to Bollen Range...COLT to Pax and it remains to be seen where AXEMAN heads.
2127: AXEMAN to TRACON 290.475 and then 317.425
2130: Confirm...RAVEN flight is at Bollen Range...237.2
2131: AXEMAN flight being handed off by TRACON to Patuxent Approach...317.425 (So...AXEMAN and COLT will be at Pax)
2132: AXEMAN checks in with Pax at 7000 feet...314.0....then "Push 10" and come up with BayWatch on 354.8 to say they'll be there for the next 40 minutes working up to 20,000 feet.
The only place I've heard AXEMAN chatting has been on Raven Ops freq 143.8. They must be doing their work on low band FM.
2146: And here's that contract REACH aircraft yet again...REACH 0286 (MD-11, N277WA) heading northeast...currently in Virginia about to cross the Potomac into Maryland at FL 330.
2154: RAVEN tells Bollen Range controller BALKY he can notify Harrisburg they'll be leaving in about 5 minutes...237.2
2200: RAVEN flight leaving Bollen Range...237.2
2200: AXEMAN leaving Pax...or working clearance for when they do leave...354.8
2204: SALTY DOG 102 (single F/A-18 from Pax) with ZDC-Sea Isle...281.45 (He did a round-robin flight to Brunswick, Maine where he did a single touch-and-go on runway 1 and turned around for home.)
2205: SALTY DOG 102 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury...257.7
2206: RAVEN flight reports 10 minutes out...347.2
2206: There has been some interesting activity at Pax on freq 310.55...U/I aircraft has been working tactical targets on the ground. He's lighting up targets on the ground with a laser apparently ("sparkle on middle target", etc.)
2212: SALTY DOG 102 with Pax Approach at 8000 feet...wants ASR to runway 32 and then full stop...not gonna work so he asks for full stop...281.8
2214: RAVEN to MTN Tower asks lighting be reduced to a minimum...297.2
2218: RAVEN flight touching down at MTN...297.2
2220: COLT flight leaving Patuxent...281.8
Didn't hear anyone take off from Andrews or land during the ramp freeze period. Not sure what that was all about.
2223: COLT 2 to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out and both Code 1...347.2
Where'd AXEMAN go? Did I miss them coming back?
2225: No I didn't...AXEMAN to BayWatch at Pax to say they'll be departing in about 5 minutes...354.8 (guess they were just working their return clearance at 2200)
2232: COLT flight to MTN Tower for landing...2 mile trail formation...297.2
2233: AXEMAN 1 to Potomac TRACON for approach to MTN at 6000 feet...then cleared to 3000...317.425
2233: AXEMAN 2 to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out, both Code 1...347.2
2235: COLTs touching down at MTN...297.2
2236: AXEMAN cleared for visual approach to runway 33 at MTN by TRACON...317.425
2240: AXEMAN handed off to MTN Tower...10 mile straight in approach followed by #2 two miles back...297.2
2241: CRAB 52 back in the area...with TRACON (heard the ground simulcast on 317.425 only - acft was using VHF)
2243: AXEMAN 1 gear down, full stop....AXEMAN 2 three miles, gear down, full stop....and they both touch down.
Never did hear the AXEMAN interflight freq. I scanned the low band presets during takeoff and landing approach and heard nothing. I wonder if they have a new one. The 41.95 freq always has static on it so I have to leave that one locked out but put a receiver on it anyway....heard nada.
2248: REACH 5001 (C-5B, 85-0001, 436th AW Dover) to Dover CP with arrival message...A-2, 18 pax and 6000 pounds of cargo on 1 pallet to offload...349.4
2251: CRAB 52 landing MTN...121.3...and w/Crab Ops...385.9
2253: _____ 90 calling McGuire Command Post but on 349.4...someone answers him - probably Dover and 90 asks for a relay to McGuire CP. Apparently, Dover told him he's on the wrong freq so he tries 319.4. Nothing there and immediately back to 349.4 asking again for a relay. Silence.
2301: YANKEE 1 (C-21A, 84-0079) off from Andrews...125.65 (This aircraft serial shows assigned to the 457th AS at Andrews. However, the YANKEE callsign is being used by the new C-21A mission at the CT-ANG Bradley outfit. It might have been reassigned to that unit.)
2309: ?WB? 305 to Giant Killer...233.7 (Too weak)
End of log.