ka3jjz said:
Tin is that the UHF side of 122.85 which we have listed in the db as the Navy dispatch freq? I'd like to get this into the database (and the wiki page, of course)
73s and thanx Mike
Mike, it's the new Navy PTD freq that replaces the old 386.8 per a NOTAM I posted a couple or three weeks ago. The VHF Pilot-To-Dispatch freq is 139.3. I have no idea what 122.85 is and have never heard it used.
Speaking of NOTAMS, there are a couple of ramp freezes posted at Andrews for tomorrow:
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 19 JUL 13:45 2007 UNTIL 19 JUL 14:15 2007
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 19 JUL 19:35 2007 UNTIL 19 JUL 20:05 2007
Late in the 2000 hour, there's a RAVEN flight (A-10, MD-ANG Martin State) working at Patuxent around the Vienna MD area. They're working with a FAC on the ground and contacting him on their Ops freq 143.8. Callsign for the FAC is ASSAULT 1. There is someone else on the ground (I think a group playing the part of the "friendlies") using callsign HUNTER 30.
2054: GOLD 87 (KC-10A, 84-0188, 305th AMW McGuire) with ACY Approach descending from 10,800 to 8000...then to 7000 as he approaches McGuire...124.6
2058: GOLD 87 calling McGuire Command Post...several calls, no joy...319.4 (GOLD 87 escorted two F-117s back from the Fairford show in the U.K.)
A few minutes earlier, THUG 01 (C-17A, 98-0052, 62nd AW McChord) called several times too and never got a reply.
2106: CRAB 51 (C-130J, 97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG) to Phillips AAF saying he's going to be doing a sandbag drop at the AEGIS Drop Zone at 2115 local...126.15
Around 2030, he called "Ops" on 385.9 and asked that C-130 Ops be notified that he'd be doing the drop around 2115.
2109: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 (USCG HH-65) doing practice intercepts on HUNTRESS freq...139.7
2111: CARMEN 06 (C-130H, 90-1057, 142nd AS DE-ANG) to Willow Grove ANG Ops to report 20 minutes out, A-1...gets Spot 6 for parking...343.0
2114: CRAB 51 working the drop zone on their VHF Ops freq...148.925
2115: CRAB 51 to Phillips AAF to say they'll be back at 2145 for their next drop...126.15
2115: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MD-ANG) is up on 139.625 for interflight. I'm not sure what these guys are doing lately. It seems they just pick any old freq they want and use it. Yesterday and earlier today they used 142.45 (the Bollen Range VHF freq) and the 139.625 is the Warren Grove Range VHF freq but they've claimed them as their own. Recently they've used 141.0, 141.025, 141.3 and 143.0 also. Most of these I believe are not assigned to them.
2120: AXEMAN calling RAVEN on Ops freq 143.8 to coordinate work areas.
2124: Martin State Ground Control talking to a COLT flight (A-10 MD-ANG) on the ground at MTN...trying to decide altitude block they want so he can coordinate with Potomac TRACON...253.4
2126: Martin Ground tells COLT to taxi to runway 33 and hold...253.4
2126: Martin Ground calling WARDOG (A-10 MD-ANG) somewhere on a ramp at MTN...changes to Clearance Delivery mode and gives him his flight route and check points for his flight and departure freq 290.475...253.4
Looks like we're going to have four A-10 flights up from Martin State soon.
2132: Martin Ground clears the COLT flight for takeoff...turn to course 190 and use altitude block 2-3000 after takeoff...253.4
2136: COLT flight using interflight...141.3.
2136: Potomac tells COLT to turn on squawk...oops, he says and does it...cleared up to 6-7000...290.475
2139: Not sure what he's talking about but COLT 1 says, "this thing is a pain in the ass."...141.3
Interflight freqs for the A-10s: RAVEN 142.3, AXEMAN 139.625, COLT 141.3, WARDOG 142.45
2141: CRAB 51 on the inbound run to the drop zone...126.15
2144: WARDOG airborne at 2142...347.2
WARDOG interflight freq...142.45
2146: Some of the MTN A-10s are working Pax discrete freq...256.5
Looks like all four flights are working at Pax.
2149: COLT with Pax Check-In (Advisory)...305.2
2150: COLT reports pushing 256.5....and check in there...305.2
2151: One of the COLTs can't hear anything on 256.5...they talk about it on interflight...flight leader talks to wingman like a child telling him it's 256.5, 256.5, are you in manual?..that's 256.5... 141.3
2152: WARDOG checking into Pax...314.0
2154: WARDOG now over to Patuxent Advisory to check in...3054.2
2155: AEGIS Drop Zone controller giving CRAB 51 results of drops but can just barely hear him...148.925 (this is the drop zone at Aberdeen)
2157: AXEMAN/COLT coordinate altitudes...COLT will work 15K and above...COLT 1 reports COLT 2 Uniform radio inop...256.5
2200: CRAB 51 to Ops on 385.9...mentions something about landing but was blocked by five radios (4 interflight freqs plus the Pax discrete freq) full of A-10s yakking constantly
2202: COLT asks AXEMAN on unit Ops freq about the possibility of using 354.8 rather than 256.5...seems COLT 2 doesn't have a bad U radio - just that freq is bad...143.8
2004: WARDOG, COLT, AXEMAN all switching to 354.8 for their work...dumping 256.5 (RAVEN is still there but not joining this conversation)
2220: RAVEN flight heading for home...314.0
2221: RAVEN 2 to Raven Ops report 10 minutes out, two Code 1s...RAVEN 1's laser pointer didn't work...Raven Ops reads it back...347.2
2225: RAVEN to MTN Tower and asks for lowest light settings...then decide on interflight they're supposed to have lights on low setting, not off...back to tower to advise them of that...tells Tower they can turn the taxi lights down or off...297.2
2227: RAVENs report 5 miles out, gear down, full stop...RAVEN 2 reports negative landing lights...297.2
Meanwhile, the other three A-10 flights are still in Close Air Support roles with the FACs on the ground at the Vienna Range.
2234: After landing, RAVEN 2 tells Raven Ops his emergency flood lights aren't working...347.2
2236: AXEMAN 2 to Raven Ops...reports AXEMAN 1 is Code 2 for VHF radio, AXEMAN 2 is Code 1...10 minutes out...347.2
2246: AXEMAN flight to Martin Tower reports...10 miles, runway 33...says lights are fine the way they are now...then says if they could turn them down lower that would be great...297.2
2247: AXEMAN 1 reports gear down, full stop, cleared to land...AXEMAN 2 reports the same....297.2
Two flights down, two to go.
2257: WARDOG flight finishes work and is checking out of Pax...281.8
2300: WARDOG 2 to Raven Ops...reports 2 Code 1s...10 minutes out...Mama Warthog reads it back...347.2
2302: COLT 2 to Raven Ops...reports COLT 1 is Code 1, COLT 2 is Code 2 for TACAN, 10 out...(no response from Mama Warthog)...347.2
All these flight worked Chesapeake Area Potomac TRACON on the way back but I got lazy and didn't log all that stuff.
2306: WARDOG flight to MTN Tower report full stop for runway 33..tells tower he can cut the lights down...says there's one more flight coming...297.2
2308: WARDOG 1 reports 3 miles, gear down, full stop, cleared to land...WARDOG 2 reports 3 miles, gear down...297.2
Three down and only the COLT flight is left in the air.
2310: COLT 1 to MTN Tower reports on the visual to 33, dragging COLT 2...tells Tower he can turn down the lights...wants one more setting down...then one up...that's good...affirms COLT 1, then COLT 2...297.2
2312: COLT 1 reports gear down, full stop....297.2 (Chatting non-stop on interflight 141.3 as they land)
And then they were done.
2330-33: JEDI 44 (C-17A, 04-4129, 6th AS McGuire) calling McGuire Command Post...x3, no joy...319.4
0011 (19 July): ROYAL 91 (C-17A, 06-6167, 3rd AS/436th AW Dover AFB) to Dover CP...ETA 0435Z, A-1, need parking and crew transportation for 3...landing with 55K on the fuel, training is 100% complete...349.4