Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Hey guys:

Just heard CG Helo 6041 on with CHO tower 124.500 for a full stop landing at 10:22.

Earlier this am I heard and saw some other military helo heading east away from downtown at low altitude. Couldn't catch it on the scanner.

Hope everybody's having a good summer!


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1208: U/I aircraft with ZDC-Woodstown reporting emergency...engine malfunction...and returning to Atlantic City...363.0
GHOST 61 is the callsign.
1210: GHOST 61 handed to ZDC-Kenton...checks in...says he has 3 hours of gas...wants the block 10-12,000 and wants to orbit the field...354.15
Sounds like an F-16...could be from the 115th Fighter Wing of the WI-ANG at Madison.
1213: GHOST 61 descending to 10,000...repeats 10-12,000 will be the altitude block...354.15
Monitoring Atlantic City Approach 327.125 and NJ-ANG Ops 261.0 but not hearing anything yet.
1221: GHOST 61 says he's going to orbit for another 3 minutes then go high key (faded)...FFO (fades)...354.15
Wish someone closer to Atlantic City could pick this guy up...getting very weak here.
Nothing further heard from him. Also monitoring ACY Tower 239.0 but I don't usually hear them that low from here.
1237: While monitoring ACY Ops freq 261.0 hoping to hear GHOST 61, I just heard BACKY 77 (KC-135R, 62-3509, 77th ARS Seymour Johnson) talking to them.
1241: GHOST 61 still talking to ZDC-Kenton but was too weak to copy message...354.15 (I can't comprehend why he's staying with Center rather than someone at the airfield.)
1250: GHOST 61 tells Center he'll be ready for descent in 15 minutes...354.15 (Guess he's burning off gas before landing.)
1253: GHOST 61 again but uncopiable here...mentions something about when he starts his descent he'll contact approach...354.15
1254: GHOST 61 tells Center he's burning fuel only, not dumping...354.15
1256: GHOST 61 gets a traffic point out, affirms he sees it...354.15
1301: GHOST 61 tells Center he can descend to 9.5 (9500)...354.15
1304: GHOST 61 handed to ACY Approach, checks in, says he's going to do one more spin and then approach runway 13...327.125
1306: GHOST 61 handed off to Atlantic City Tower and checks in...says he on a four mile final...239.0 (very surprised to be able to hear him here)
1307: GHOST 61 continues his descent...I can tell he's talking but that's about all...way out of my range now at probably only a couple thousand feet...239.0
Hopefully, he made it down safely.

[A minute or two before stumbling on this GHOST 61, I heard SALTY 91 report as a flight of two heading for Andrews. They were on the new Andrews Navy Dispatch freq - 251.5.]
1217: SALTY 91 with ADW Approach (TRACON)...cleared down to 3000 feet...335.5
1219: SALTY 91 handed off to ADW Tower, both aircraft check onto the freq....flight of two for initial...349.0
1222: SALTY 91 reports, "right, gear, stop on the right"...SALTY 92 follows with essentially the same message...349.0
I don't have the SALTY callsign listed for anything Navy.

1225: REACH 162 [female] to Cherry Point Base Ops with arrival message....has 61,040 pounds of cargo on 3 pallets, 4 rolling stock, 5000 pounds of hazardous type 9 and type 2.2 cargo...(blocked) pax and 3 through pax...need Customs and Ag and airstairs for the pax...305.7
1229: U/I aircraft on a new freq reporting he'll be on the ramp in 20-25 minutes...138.55 (I have nothing close to this for an Ops freq...139.3 ADW PTD, 139.4 DAA and 141.55 ADW CP are the only ones in this range. Sure wish he'd come back up so I could get a callsign and some idea who's using this freq.)
Airnav shows 138.55 for Bradley CT ANG Ops...I did have a YANKEE 1 (C-21A, 84-0103 from Bradley) a few minutes ago with FSS 255.4 asking for wx at Bradley so I guess it could be him.
1232: CRAB 10 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG) with Phillips AAF...126.15 (Sounds like a couple of CRABs doing drops with Phillips..97-1351 and 97-1354 are up)
1245: MAPLE 14 (F-16, VT-ANG Burlington) with ZDC-Casino...cleared direct DuPont...FL 190...285.4
1247: MAPLE 14 handed to ZDC-Woodstown...checks in at FL 190 and cleared to FL 240...then FL 250 and he says he can stay at 250 the whole way if they want...363.0
1249: MAPLE 14 handed to ZNY-Westminster and checks in at FL 250...323.3
1253: MAPLE 14 handed to ZNY-Yardley and checks in at FL 250...290.2
1253-56: BACKY 77 calling Dover CP...several calls, no joy...349.0
1257: BACKY 77 gets Dover and says he had an AR scheduled with OPEC 33 out of McGuire...wants him to check the status...349.4 (So, why didn't he call McGuire directly?)
1259-1309: HOIST 91 (KC-10A, prob 85-0033, 305th AMW McGuire) calling McGuire joy to many calls...319.4

1300: The sky is littered with transports and tankers...logging only a very small portion of them since I have about six radios concentrated on all possible Atlantic City freqs following the saga of GHOST 61.
1304: F-16s up from Andrews...interflight...143.6

Gotta run. Gone.
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Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
New NOTAM posted for the Hagerstown/Thurmont area again!

NOTAM Number : FDC 7/8927
Issue Date : July 18, 2007 at 1518 UTC
Location : Hagerstown/Thurmont, Maryland near MARTINSBURG VORTAC (MRB)
Beginning Date and Time : July 20, 2007 at 1800 UTC
Ending Date and Time : July 22, 2007 at 1700 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A
Jump To: Affected Areas
Operating Restrictions and Requirements
Other Information
Affected Area(s) Top
Airspace Definition:
Center: 23.7 nautical miles from MARTINSBURG VORTAC(MRB) on the 055 radial (Latitude: 39º38'53"N, Longitude: 77º28'00"W)
Radius: 10 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including FL(180)
Effective Date(s):
From July 20, 2007 at 1800 UTC (July 20, 2007 at 1400 EDT)
To July 22, 2007 at 1700 UTC (July 22, 2007 at 1300 EDT)


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
tinear said:
A minute or two before stumbling on this GHOST 61, I heard SALTY 91 report as a flight of two heading for Andrews. They were on the new Andrews Navy Dispatch freq - 251.5.

Tin is that the UHF side of 122.85 which we have listed in the db as the Navy dispatch freq? I'd like to get this into the database (and the wiki page, of course)

73s and thanx Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
ka3jjz said:
Tin is that the UHF side of 122.85 which we have listed in the db as the Navy dispatch freq? I'd like to get this into the database (and the wiki page, of course)

73s and thanx Mike
Mike, it's the new Navy PTD freq that replaces the old 386.8 per a NOTAM I posted a couple or three weeks ago. The VHF Pilot-To-Dispatch freq is 139.3. I have no idea what 122.85 is and have never heard it used.

Speaking of NOTAMS, there are a couple of ramp freezes posted at Andrews for tomorrow:
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 19 JUL 13:45 2007 UNTIL 19 JUL 14:15 2007
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 19 JUL 19:35 2007 UNTIL 19 JUL 20:05 2007

Late in the 2000 hour, there's a RAVEN flight (A-10, MD-ANG Martin State) working at Patuxent around the Vienna MD area. They're working with a FAC on the ground and contacting him on their Ops freq 143.8. Callsign for the FAC is ASSAULT 1. There is someone else on the ground (I think a group playing the part of the "friendlies") using callsign HUNTER 30.

2054: GOLD 87 (KC-10A, 84-0188, 305th AMW McGuire) with ACY Approach descending from 10,800 to 8000...then to 7000 as he approaches McGuire...124.6
2058: GOLD 87 calling McGuire Command Post...several calls, no joy...319.4 (GOLD 87 escorted two F-117s back from the Fairford show in the U.K.)
A few minutes earlier, THUG 01 (C-17A, 98-0052, 62nd AW McChord) called several times too and never got a reply.

2106: CRAB 51 (C-130J, 97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG) to Phillips AAF saying he's going to be doing a sandbag drop at the AEGIS Drop Zone at 2115 local...126.15
Around 2030, he called "Ops" on 385.9 and asked that C-130 Ops be notified that he'd be doing the drop around 2115.
2109: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 (USCG HH-65) doing practice intercepts on HUNTRESS freq...139.7
2111: CARMEN 06 (C-130H, 90-1057, 142nd AS DE-ANG) to Willow Grove ANG Ops to report 20 minutes out, A-1...gets Spot 6 for parking...343.0
2114: CRAB 51 working the drop zone on their VHF Ops freq...148.925
2115: CRAB 51 to Phillips AAF to say they'll be back at 2145 for their next drop...126.15
2115: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MD-ANG) is up on 139.625 for interflight. I'm not sure what these guys are doing lately. It seems they just pick any old freq they want and use it. Yesterday and earlier today they used 142.45 (the Bollen Range VHF freq) and the 139.625 is the Warren Grove Range VHF freq but they've claimed them as their own. Recently they've used 141.0, 141.025, 141.3 and 143.0 also. Most of these I believe are not assigned to them.
2120: AXEMAN calling RAVEN on Ops freq 143.8 to coordinate work areas.
2124: Martin State Ground Control talking to a COLT flight (A-10 MD-ANG) on the ground at MTN...trying to decide altitude block they want so he can coordinate with Potomac TRACON...253.4
2126: Martin Ground tells COLT to taxi to runway 33 and hold...253.4
2126: Martin Ground calling WARDOG (A-10 MD-ANG) somewhere on a ramp at MTN...changes to Clearance Delivery mode and gives him his flight route and check points for his flight and departure freq 290.475...253.4
Looks like we're going to have four A-10 flights up from Martin State soon.
2132: Martin Ground clears the COLT flight for takeoff...turn to course 190 and use altitude block 2-3000 after takeoff...253.4
2136: COLT flight using interflight...141.3.
2136: Potomac tells COLT to turn on squawk...oops, he says and does it...cleared up to 6-7000...290.475
2139: Not sure what he's talking about but COLT 1 says, "this thing is a pain in the ass."...141.3
Interflight freqs for the A-10s: RAVEN 142.3, AXEMAN 139.625, COLT 141.3, WARDOG 142.45
2141: CRAB 51 on the inbound run to the drop zone...126.15
2144: WARDOG airborne at 2142...347.2
WARDOG interflight freq...142.45
2146: Some of the MTN A-10s are working Pax discrete freq...256.5
Looks like all four flights are working at Pax.
2149: COLT with Pax Check-In (Advisory)...305.2
2150: COLT reports pushing 256.5....and check in there...305.2
2151: One of the COLTs can't hear anything on 256.5...they talk about it on interflight...flight leader talks to wingman like a child telling him it's 256.5, 256.5, are you in manual?..that's 256.5... 141.3
2152: WARDOG checking into Pax...314.0
2154: WARDOG now over to Patuxent Advisory to check in...3054.2
2155: AEGIS Drop Zone controller giving CRAB 51 results of drops but can just barely hear him...148.925 (this is the drop zone at Aberdeen)
2157: AXEMAN/COLT coordinate altitudes...COLT will work 15K and above...COLT 1 reports COLT 2 Uniform radio inop...256.5

2200: CRAB 51 to Ops on 385.9...mentions something about landing but was blocked by five radios (4 interflight freqs plus the Pax discrete freq) full of A-10s yakking constantly
2202: COLT asks AXEMAN on unit Ops freq about the possibility of using 354.8 rather than 256.5...seems COLT 2 doesn't have a bad U radio - just that freq is bad...143.8
2004: WARDOG, COLT, AXEMAN all switching to 354.8 for their work...dumping 256.5 (RAVEN is still there but not joining this conversation)
2220: RAVEN flight heading for home...314.0
2221: RAVEN 2 to Raven Ops report 10 minutes out, two Code 1s...RAVEN 1's laser pointer didn't work...Raven Ops reads it back...347.2
2225: RAVEN to MTN Tower and asks for lowest light settings...then decide on interflight they're supposed to have lights on low setting, not off...back to tower to advise them of that...tells Tower they can turn the taxi lights down or off...297.2
2227: RAVENs report 5 miles out, gear down, full stop...RAVEN 2 reports negative landing lights...297.2
Meanwhile, the other three A-10 flights are still in Close Air Support roles with the FACs on the ground at the Vienna Range.
2234: After landing, RAVEN 2 tells Raven Ops his emergency flood lights aren't working...347.2
2236: AXEMAN 2 to Raven Ops...reports AXEMAN 1 is Code 2 for VHF radio, AXEMAN 2 is Code 1...10 minutes out...347.2
2246: AXEMAN flight to Martin Tower reports...10 miles, runway 33...says lights are fine the way they are now...then says if they could turn them down lower that would be great...297.2
2247: AXEMAN 1 reports gear down, full stop, cleared to land...AXEMAN 2 reports the same....297.2
Two flights down, two to go.
2257: WARDOG flight finishes work and is checking out of Pax...281.8

2300: WARDOG 2 to Raven Ops...reports 2 Code 1s...10 minutes out...Mama Warthog reads it back...347.2
2302: COLT 2 to Raven Ops...reports COLT 1 is Code 1, COLT 2 is Code 2 for TACAN, 10 out...(no response from Mama Warthog)...347.2
All these flight worked Chesapeake Area Potomac TRACON on the way back but I got lazy and didn't log all that stuff.
2306: WARDOG flight to MTN Tower report full stop for runway 33..tells tower he can cut the lights down...says there's one more flight coming...297.2
2308: WARDOG 1 reports 3 miles, gear down, full stop, cleared to land...WARDOG 2 reports 3 miles, gear down...297.2
Three down and only the COLT flight is left in the air.
2310: COLT 1 to MTN Tower reports on the visual to 33, dragging COLT 2...tells Tower he can turn down the lights...wants one more setting down...then one up...that's good...affirms COLT 1, then COLT 2...297.2
2312: COLT 1 reports gear down, full stop....297.2 (Chatting non-stop on interflight 141.3 as they land)
And then they were done.

2330-33: JEDI 44 (C-17A, 04-4129, 6th AS McGuire) calling McGuire Command Post...x3, no joy...319.4

0011 (19 July): ROYAL 91 (C-17A, 06-6167, 3rd AS/436th AW Dover AFB) to Dover CP...ETA 0435Z, A-1, need parking and crew transportation for 3...landing with 55K on the fuel, training is 100% complete...349.4
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Heard almost nothing in the 1700 hour this afternoon - NAVY 7N 523 (C-12) departing [on 118.95] and TROUT 99 heavy (C-135 57-2589) arriving [119.85/119.3]. COAST GUARD 101 (C-37 01) also arrived DCA.

The only comm of note was from 119.85 to JENA 043, what looked like a Cessna 210 orbiting in the vicinity of the 14th Street Bridge - "043, does Hu, Hotel know you're operating in this area?"


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: TROUT 99

Hi Mateo,

TROUT 99 was actually KC-135R 63-7980, once again illustrating the danger of "non-visual sightings".

Best regards,


Mateo said:
Heard almost nothing in the 1700 hour this afternoon - NAVY 7N 523 (C-12) departing [on 118.95] and TROUT 99 heavy (C-135 57-2589) arriving [119.85/119.3]. COAST GUARD 101 (C-37 01) also arrived DCA.

The only comm of note was from 119.85 to JENA 043, what looked like a Cessna 210 orbiting in the vicinity of the 14th Street Bridge - "043, does Hu, Hotel know you're operating in this area?"


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi guys,

Logged the following yesterday and this morning...


1158Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PAT 065 (C-12T 86-0087 OSACOM Det. 22 PA ArNG) - C-12, i/b ADW 10 mins. out tail#86-0087.

1200Z 128.350 Potomac APP - PAT 065 (C-12T 86-0087 OSACOM Det. 22 PA ArNG) - maintain 2000' until established cleared for the ILS app to rwy 19L.

2004Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NIGHTHAWK 12 (CH-53E HMX-1 MCAF Quantico) - req. one low app. then depart to the south
2012Z 360.850 ZDC-Irons - WARDOG (A-10A/OA-10A 104th FS MD ANG) - flight up on this freq.
2013Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 2402 (C-12T LFI-DAA pm shuttle) - arr. in 10 mins, req. fuel on file at fixed-wing parking, also req. search for missing item for LFI pax left at DAA on dep.
2016Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JU 944 (C-9B VR-56 NAS Oceana) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
2023Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2402 (C-12T LFI-DAA pm shuttle) - extended L base for rwy 32 full stop.

07.19.2007 am

1140Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1203 (C-12T DAA-LFI am shuttle) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950 climbing 1200' for 2000' cleared dir GRUBY and 5000' requests 7000' and dir LFI, gets 7000' unable dir LFI QSY 126.400.
1147Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - LOBO 746 (VMR-1 MCAS Cherry Point) - deps ADW 3000' for 11000' dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.
1147Z 128.350 Potomac APP - NELLIE/NLE 101 (J32 FAA Hughes Tech. Center shuttle flight) - @ 4000' dir OTT downto 3000' QSY 119.100 for landing DCA.

QTH: 6 nm. S KIAD and mobile around Northern Virginia
Radios: BCD396T, PRO-97, BC3000XLT, PRO-2055
Antennas: Maldol AL-500H, Watson W-901, Watson WSM-1900, RS Mobile, Comtelco Mobile


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Noon: Flight of four F-16s off from Andrews. Callsign CAPITOL 21. Interflight 143.15. From TRACON 254.25 to ZDC-Hagerstown 227.125 where they climbed to FL 260 and were cleared direct BUSTR (in PA) and then at 1209 to ZOB-Altoona RCAG 363.075 where they checked in at FL 260. That's where I lost them.

Mateo said:
The only comm of note was from 119.85 to JENA 043, what looked like a Cessna 210 orbiting in the vicinity of the 14th Street Bridge - "043, does Hu, Hotel know you're operating in this area?"

Matthew that was a Cessna 206 (but they all look alike.) Registration: N831EM. He was up for about four hours.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Thurmont area notam re-issued with time change

NOTAM Number : FDC 7/9158
Issue Date : July 19, 2007 at 1625 UTC
Location : Hagerstown/Thurmont, Maryland near MARTINSBURG VORTAC (MRB)
Beginning Date and Time : July 20, 2007 at 1705 UTC
Ending Date and Time : July 22, 2007 at 1700 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : 7/8927: due to change in times

Jump To: Affected Areas
Operating Restrictions and Requirements
Other Information

Affected Area(s) Top

Airspace Definition:
Center: 23.7 nautical miles from MARTINSBURG VORTAC(MRB) on the 055 radial (Latitude: 39º38'53"N, Longitude: 77º28'00"W)
Radius: 10 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including FL(180)
Effective Date(s):
From July 20, 2007 at 1705 UTC (July 20, 2007 at 1305 EDT)
To July 22, 2007 at 1700 UTC (July 22, 2007 at 1300 EDT)


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 07192007

1513 - 1515 -- HUNTRESS (female) working unheard ac with modes/codes etc. She twice gave the callsign as HUNTRESS ID. Closed with "have a safe flight" -- 364.2
1522 - SAM interplane active, talking about "it's 34 miles to the south" - 136.725
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Jul 24, 2005
CitationJet said:
Hi Mateo,

TROUT 99 was actually KC-135R 63-7980, once again illustrating the danger of "non-visual sightings".

I heard about this one the other day and it was news to me too... A friend of mine spotted it while he was at ED. I thought the blue and white VIP 135E would be it for them. I'm not sure what they have planned for this new one. When they had both the 135C and 135E running, they used 99 on the E and 89 on the C, inferring that the E was their top plane. So with this one now using 99, I'm not sure if they're going to keep both, or they'll get rid of the 135E. They may be getting rid of the 135E just to eliminate having to support an odd type.

Makers of the "MilTenna" Monitoring Antenna


Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
TinEar said:
2115: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MD-ANG) is up on 139.625 for interflight. I'm not sure what these guys are doing lately. It seems they just pick any old freq they want and use it. Yesterday and earlier today they used 142.45 (the Bollen Range VHF freq) and the 139.625 is the Warren Grove Range VHF freq but they've claimed them as their own.
2202: COLT asks AXEMAN on unit Ops freq about the possibility of using 354.8 rather than 256.5...seems COLT 2 doesn't have a bad U radio - just that freq is bad...143.8
2004: WARDOG, COLT, AXEMAN all switching to 354.8 for their work...dumping 256.5 (RAVEN is still there but not joining this conversation)
2220: RAVEN flight heading for home...314.0
2221: RAVEN 2 to Raven Ops report 10 minutes out, two Code 1s...RAVEN 1's laser pointer didn't work...Raven Ops reads it back...347.2
2225: RAVEN to MTN Tower and asks for lowest light settings...then decide on interflight they're supposed to have lights on low setting, not off...back to tower to advise them of that...tells Tower they can turn the taxi lights down or off...297.2
2227: RAVENs report 5 miles out, gear down, full stop...RAVEN 2 reports negative landing lights...297.2
Meanwhile, the other three A-10 flights are still in Close Air Support roles with the FACs on the ground at the Vienna Range.
2234: After landing, RAVEN 2 tells Raven Ops his emergency flood lights aren't working...347.2
2236: AXEMAN 2 to Raven Ops...reports AXEMAN 1 is Code 2 for VHF radio, AXEMAN 2 is Code 1...10 minutes out...347.2
2246: AXEMAN flight to Martin Tower reports...10 miles, runway 33...says lights are fine the way they are now...then says if they could turn them down lower that would be great...297.2
2247: AXEMAN 1 reports gear down, full stop, cleared to land...AXEMAN 2 reports the same....297.2
Two flights down, two to go.
2257: WARDOG flight finishes work and is checking out of Pax...281.8

I suspect we'll be hearing a lot of the MD ANG A-10s up as they are next to head over. ID ANG should be on their way home, PA ANG just went over and MD is up next in about 2 months. Also interesting about the warren grove freq., as far as I know that is still not up and running because of that 'flare-fire' incident. Such a shame.

And oh by the way, has anyone heard any of the Willow Grove A-10s up at all? Even though they are away, they still have to 'run' operations here, I don't expect them that much, but I thought I heard MADHOG two days ago mid afternoon, but nothing else. Just curious, as man, Willow Grove has been very quiet without them.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
07.19.2007 pm

Just about to head out for a dinner engagement so thought I'd post these to the Forum quickly...

07.19.2007 pm

1902Z 378.100 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - BACKE 91 - re: lightning w/in 5 nms. of ADW - can we still land and park?
1907Z 128.350 Potomac APP - BACKE 91 - @ 2000' weaving around weather.
1909Z 128.350 Potomac APP - NAVY 069 - @ 3000' activating IFR dir dest. ??? QSY 119.700.
1913Z 395.100 BATON Ops - BATON 54 - i/b 40 mins. past the hour A1 11500 on the fuel.
1918Z 136.725 SAM IP - SAM 93 w/AIR FORCE 1 - re: route of flight changes due weather inbound to Andrews.
1923Z 349.400 Dover AFB CP - REACH 9005 - 1935Z proposed ETA 19 pax and crew status A1, no writeup but need to fix pilot's windscreen wiper, loose screw.
1930Z 118.675 Potomac APP - SAM 93 - 15000'-12000' dir MANNE X ELDEE @ 8000'.
1931Z 281.400 ZDC-Calvert - NAVY SD 323 - 10000' for 16000' QSY ZDC-Irons 360.850.
1935Z 360.850 ZDC-Irons - NAVY SD 323 - req. 180 back to Pax due severe wx over our area. Req. FL220 for the next 30 nms. then can descend. Gets 10 nms.
1939Z 120.650 ZDC-Linden - AIR FORCE 1 - @ FL270 to FL200 X DOCCS @ 15000' then when informed they are direct ELDEE, they get 30 nms. W of ELDEE @ 15000' QSY 118.675.
1944Z 118.675 Potomac APP - AIR FORCE 1 - @ 15000' cleared dir JASEN @ or above 11000' and resume the ELDEE1, X ELDEE @ 8000'.
1945Z 250.700 VX-23 Ops - SD 323 - discussing possible divert to Oceana.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
324.0 "noise"

Thought at first that I picked up a stuck mike on 324.0. No vox so I guess it is some sort of data transmission. Started around 2115 local and is ongoing. Sounds similar to activity I've copied in the past on 300.4 that is associated with AF1.


Jan 5, 2004
BM82557 said:
Thought at first that I picked up a stuck mike on 324.0. No vox so I guess it is some sort of data transmission. Started around 2115 local and is ongoing. Sounds similar to activity I've copied in the past on 300.4 that is associated with AF1.

I have it too in Loudoun. The scanner goes right by it in search mode though and stops on either side of it with just static. Sounds like an open mic to me.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
REACH 042 trying to call McGuire CP on 319.400 no joy 2250 local.
Second time today guys have been having problems with 319.400.
Must have Reciever problems like Andrews and Dover have had in past.

COLTS and RAVENS working late again also tonite inbound 2300.
Must be doing lots of night training flights down at Pax River.

0135 HAGAR 36 C-5 departs Dover,"See you in a few days".

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
There has been constant MilAir activity since early this morning.

1000 Snapshot: There is an AWACS E-3 - CHALICE - working Langley F-22A aircraft out in W-386. He's being heard with Giant Killer on 249.8. He just notified GK that JAKE 1 and 2 were going to the tanker and another 3-ship flight is going to RTB....believe they were a SPAD flight. Langley interflight freq 252.775 active with F-22A activity. At 1017, CHALICE told Giant Killer the JAKE flight is with the tanker at FL 270. There is refueling activity on 143.825 but I don't think it's related to the CHALICE/Langley activity. (It isn't, it's 53 and 54, two McGuire tankers working with each other)

In addition to that activity, the NJ-ANG F-16s are active on 138.425 and 138.875 interflight freqs. Transports and tankers are all over the place and LBEs abound. Patuxent has been very busy also this morning. Among the players there, BAC161NG (Northrup Grumman test aircraft) went down there at 0800 for work with Echo Control. It took him some back and forth with BayWatch to get Echo Control to answer up on their work freq - 291.15. There are also a couple of TESTER aircraft in practice ACM activity on 277.0.

At 1019, a REACH 3126 (C-17A, 03-3126, 305th AMW McGuire) just contacted Andrews CP on 378.1 to state he has a scheduled AR op with GOLD 12 from MacDill. He wants Andrews to contact MacDill and find out the status of the GOLD 12 tanker. A couple of minutes later REACH 3126 repeats 1515 which must be the Zulu time they're scheduled to meet up with GOLD 12.

1022: CHALICE calls Giant Killer to say they're done with the airspace and will turn it back over to GK...249.8

Ref Below:
Tony said:
1443Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - GERMAN AIR FORCE 429 (CL601 12+07) - deps IAD rwy 30 QSY 126.650.

I missed him this morning Tony. He arrived about midway through the 1400 hour yesterday.

NOTE: I just learned there is an airshow at Selfridge AFB in Michigan this weekend. That's probably where that four ship Andrews F-16s flight (CAPITOL 21) went yesterday. (In the log at noon)
I called Selfridge an Air Force Base but you never know what to call them anymore. AFB/ARB/ARS/JRS are among the many new designators that are almost impossible to remember.

1216-1227: There is someone calling "PAT Aircraft" on the Wheelhouse 287.6 frequency. Each time he gives his own call, his transmitter cuts out and I haven't been able to understand what he's saying. The caller sounds airborne though.

1245: JENA 13 (Cessna 206, N831EM, FBI) lifting off from BWI...119.4 (4.25 hours later he returns and lands)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1257: DRAGO 52 to ZDC-Gordonsville asking about direct to ENO (Smyrna)...351.9
1259: DRAGO 52 handed to ZDC-Brooke and checks in there...327.0

For the benefit of the new MilAir readers we've got today, DRAGO (usually 51) is the Air Force wide callsign used for memorial flyby flights.

1300: The Guard Dog CAP is scheduled to start in five minutes but I haven't found any of the aircraft - fighters or tanker - heading for this area yet. There isn't any change to the schedule posted at the FAA's Graphic TFR website.

1305: RAMROD 51 (two ship - 51 and 52) calling Guard Dog...then Potomac Approach...looking for clearance into Guard Dog...350.25
I heard these guys with ZNY-Yardley 290.2 and ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 late in the 1200 hour...didn't know who they were.
1306: RAMROD 51 checking in with HUNTRESS...260.9
1307: RAMROD 51 asking if TANKER 01 is on station yet...350.25
Who are they? I don't know.
I also heard them in air-to-air on 388.85 which is a B-2 interflight freq which really confuses me about their identity....oops...I bet the 51/52 I heard on 388.85 is the DRAGO 51/52 flight and are indeed B-2 types. I just recently added that freq to my scan rotation fortunately.
1309: RAMROD 51 tells Potomac they'll be CAPing 220-230...350.25
1309: RAMROD tells HUNTRESS they're with Potomac on 350.25...260.9
1310: DRAGO 51 to Potomac TRACON wants to go to Nottingham to avoid the traffic...335.5
1311: RAMROD tells HUNTRESS they only see course on the net...want confirmation the net is up and running...260.9
1312: DRAGO 51 established over Nottingham...335.5 (no doubt will do an Arlington National Cemetery flyby)
Based on their flight to Guard Dog with the ZNY controllers, the RAMROD 51/52 flight came in from the north...but from where?
1315: DRAGO 51/52 establishing at 5000 feet...335.5
1316: DRAGO 51 flight cleared to 3000 feet...335.5
1316: RAMROD 51/52 trying to get their datalinks in synch...260.9
1319: TANKER 01 reports to HUNTRESS he'll be coming in at FL 240...(still sounds way off)...260.9
1322: RAMROD 52 is already being sent after a's at 2000 feet on a course of 340...260.9
1326: TANKER 01 checking in with Potomac Approach...gets cleared into Guard Dog work area...135.525
Getting out my trusty binoculars...there he is...TANKER 01 is a KC-135R, tail 59-1468, from the 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh.
While following the TOI chase and the new tanker coming into the area, I lost the DRAGO 51 flight. I presume they switched to 279.575 as normal but haven't heard them there yet.
1332: Here they are..>DRAGO 51 reports 330 heading at 3000 feet...279.575
1333: RAMROD 51 tells HUNTRESS they're still only showing course on the Link...260.9
1334: DRAGO 51 mentions 55 (past the hour) for the TOT...279.575 (And definitely has that bomber sound to the transmitter now)
Hopefully, once the RAMROD flight settles in, they'll go to an interflight freq and we'll get some inkling of an ID.
1336: RAMRODs getting point outs to another TOI...perhaps just to confirm Link settings...51 says they are still course only (on the link)...260.9
1337: RAMROD 52 cleared to the tanker...reports weapons safe...260.9
1339: RAMROD 52 establishes contact with TANKER 01...looks like primary will also be the boom freq...260.9
1339: Canadian Air Force aircraft (CC-144, tail 144614, 412 Squadron) overhead the area...ZDC VHF
1340: RAMROD 52 will take a topoff...TANKER 01 says he has 68K to offload so he can have all he wants...260.9
1343: RAMROD 52 IDs from the 334th Fighter Squadron, tail 87-0194 making them F-15s. (that's at Seymour Johnson AFB NC...something new for us)...260.9
We're going to have to do some hard searching to find an interflight freq for them...if they even use one.
1344: RAMROD 52 tells the tanker he'll need 13-14,000 pounds of fuel (confirming the F-15 ID)....260.9
1345: DRAGO 51 tells Potomac TRACON he'd like to cancel IFR now in preparation for the run in...279.575
1348: RAMROD 52 off the tanker after taking 15,000 pounds of fuel...260.9
1349: RAMROD 51 going to the tanker now...260.9
1350: DRAGO 51 requests descent to 1000 AGL...279.575
1352: DRAGO 51 reports departing the IP...279.575
1353: RAMROD 51 gives tail as 88-16?7 (missed that one digit)...wants 15K...260.9
1356: DRAGO 51 reports "feet wet"...279.575
1357: DRAGO 51 climbing to 2000 feet...279.575
1358: RAMROD 51 off the boom...260.9
1358: DRAGO 51 cleared to 11,000 feet...279.575

1400: DRAGO 51 cleared to 17.000...279.575
1400: DRAGO 51 calls 52 on interflight...says they're leaving to the northwest...388.85 (DRAGO 52 must have been the spare waiting out in the wings just in case. Don't believe he made the flyby.)
1404: HAWK 1 (U/I) with ZNY-Modena...335.6
1404: RAMROD 51 reports to HUNTRESS they're still having the same problem with the Link...course only...they do see a ship though...260.9
1405: DRAGO 51 tells 52 to expect them to be on time at Altoona...currently at FL 190...388.85
1408: DRAGO 51 to ZDC-Hagerstown...227.125
1409: DRAGO 51?? handed off to ZDC-Sea Isle and checks in at FL 190...281.45 (Pretty sure it was him...had DRAGO 51/52 talking to each other at the same time on 388.85)
I don't believe that was DRAGO sounded like somebody 54...handed off to ZNY-Manta 353.5 and checks in at FL 190 (That's the right altitude though for DRAGO 51)

Okay...CAP players have been identified...fighters have refueled...they'll be doing their thing for the next 3-4 hours so logging stops here. Will add anything on the DRAGO 51/52 flight though if I hear it.

1417: DRAGO 52 tells 51 he's at FL 200...388.85
1418: DRAGO 51 flight now with ZOB-Tyrone Sector 52 and checks in with them...299.2
1422: Have to add this...TANKER 01 asks HUNTRESS if there's any chance they can go secure for a radio check...260.9
Sure wish I could hear HUNTRESS at this point since RAMROD 51 joins the discussion about going secure. Wouldn't it be great if all the CAP comms went to secure mode in the future?
1426: RAMROD 51 asks HUNTRESS if he's had any luck getting the datalink to work. If not, he and 52 will set up their own two-ship net at Zulu minus 10 minutes...260.9
1427: DRAGO 51 (or 52) talking with ZOB controller about an AR track (can't pull out the entire conversation due to distance now)...299.2
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