Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1845: REACH 375 Heavy back off the ground...climbing out from Andrews...125.65
1848: REACH 375 to LIBERATOR to report airborne at 45 past the hour...378.1
He's going to give it another try. The new REACH 375 KC-135R is 59-1469 to replace the broken 57-1512 they tried earlier.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: 257.875

Hi Travis,

See msg #2264, it's the UHF side to 118.675.

Best regards,


freqhopping said:
MACE-91 descending through ZDC-Blue Ridge 285.6
1330- Told to switch to 254.25 TRACON.
1332- Came up on 257.875. FL150 for 120
1334- Cross AML at 8k switch to 322.3 Too cloudy and hazy to see him.
1337-No answer, changed to 335.5
1342- 6k for 3k
1345- ILS for 19L 349.0

257.875 is not just Dover, it's a new TRACON.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Guard Dog cap audio file

I always record the Guard Dog caps and listen to them when I have the time. I messed up when I recorded the one of 7/6 - 7/8 by forgetting to lock out some non-related groups. It's taken me awhile to sort out this mess so I'm just now reviewing my audio from that time frame. Here's one I thought you guys would be interested in. It was on vhf guard at 1051 on 7/7. HUNTRESS sent one of the HARASS F-15's to check out a TOI. The audio is from the TOI.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
I always record the Guard Dog caps and listen to them when I have the time. I messed up when I recorded the one of 7/6 - 7/8 by forgetting to lock out some non-related groups. It's taken me awhile to sort out this mess so I'm just now reviewing my audio from that time frame. Here's one I thought you guys would be interested in. It was on vhf guard at 1051 on 7/7. HUNTRESS sent one of the HARASS F-15's to check out a TOI. The audio is from the TOI.

So, the question is...Did he or didn't he get into P40? And was that the reason he became a TOI to NORAD or was it something else he did? Was there anything in context around that recorded snippet Brian that indicated the reply he got to his question?

Dover's third C-17A (06-6167) is flying today in the 0800 hour as ROYAL 91.

Fighters all seem to be staying on the ground today.
First flight finally heard at 1318 when MARLIN 41, a flight of four F-22As from Langley are heard with Giant Killer on 249.8 for work in W-386 A-J on mission V-1607. They'll be there for 30 minutes. They then switch to 39 Prime which is 254.2 for them and begin their work. And then while I was on the phone at 1331, another flight of three F-22s entered W-386 on 249.8 but I missed the callsign. Suffix was 51. (Turned out to be MAI TAI 51 - heard when checking out of W-386 at 1410) At 1336, DICE 61, another F-22 flight enters W-386. They all switch to 39 Prime but that's 391.2 for either the 51 or 61 flight.
1413: MARLIN 41 flight heading for HEELS at 14,000 feet on the way home to Langley...249.8
1417: MARLIN 41 repeats handoff freq of 370.925 (Norfolk TRACON) to Giant Killer and says he'll accept MARSA with the MAI TAI flight...249.8

1403: Air Force Two (C-32A, 98-0002, 1st AS Andrews) with Potomac TRACON approaching Andrews for landing on runway 1R...128.35
1413: Air Force Two to ADW Tower for landing...118.4
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar said:
So, the question is...Did he or didn't he get into P40? And was that the reason he became a TOI to NORAD or was it something else he did? Was there anything in context around that recorded snippet Brian that indicated the reply he got to his question?

HUNTRESS had reported him as in the restricted airspace and vectored HARASS to investigate. The TOI did not change his heading until after several headbutts. Not sure who he was talking to. Didn't hear HARASS contact him on vhf guard so maybe he was talking to the center?
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
2034z SCALP 99 on pirep self id as B-52H on metro freq,possibly Langley's or WG req wx in 3 hours at KBAD-Barksdale AFB.
Possibly coming back from Air Tattoo in England? Flight level at 360 and read back on wx is possible T-storms all around KBAD.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Cargo type transports and tankers heard today:

02-1102 62nd AW McChord
05-5144 729th AS March ARB
04-4128 6th AS McGuire
98-0054 62nd AW McChord
98-0055 62nd AW McChord
06-6157 60th AMW Travis
06-6167 436th AW Dover
02-1104 62nd AW McChord
03-3115 183rd AS MS-ANG

85-0008 (B) 60th AMW Travis
87-0027 (B) 436th AW Dover
69-0008 (A) 105th AW NY-ANG

62-3513 127th ARS KS-ANG
--------- 108th ARW McGuire
60-0358 136th ARS NY-ANG
59-1458 121st ARW OH-ANG
62-3547 133rd ARS NH-ANG
57-2599 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson
60-0357 22nd ARW McConell (used callsign TOTAL 91 which was new to me)
62-3543 756th ARS Andrews

63-7980 412th FLTS Edwards

84-0192 305th AMW McGuire
87-0124 305th AMW McGuire
84-0190 305th AMW McGuire

Midway through the 1200 hour, heard a TORA 71 (he pronounced it slowly and carefully) calling 'Any Radio' on FSS freq 255.4. I couldn't hear the ground controller so don't know who he made contact with but he wanted weather and NOTAMs for SDF (Standiford Field/ Louisville Intl. Airport, Kentucky) which was his destination. I couldn't find any reference to that callsign.

Mark said:
2034z SCALP 99 on pirep self id as B-52H on metro freq,possibly Langley's or WG req wx in 3 hours at KBAD-Barksdale AFB.
Possibly coming back from Air Tattoo in England? Flight level at 360 and read back on wx is possible T-storms all around KBAD.
If it is the one that was at RIAT Mark, it's 61-0017 from the 93rd Bomb Squadron.

If you want to see some great pics taken this past Saturday at the show, here's a link to Tony Lowther's work:
This guy is good. He identifies each of his pictures and provides the tail number for it.

Alex Peake took some good pictures also but he doesn't identify them which takes away from their value:

Martin State A-10s are active...
WARDOG, flight of two, landed at 1933.
Another pair of A-10s is working 142.3 interflight. It's a RAVEN flight and they're checking into Pax on 314.0 at 1947. They're sent over to Pax freq 305.2 at 1949 where they say they'll be working with another pair of A-10s. From there they change to "tactical" freq. A few minutes later they wind up on BayWatch freq 270.8 to do their ground attack work.
And a third pair just took off at 1943 and is using 141.3 for interflight (new one) This is an AXEMAN flight. They also check into Pax on 314.0 at 1953. Then it's over to 305.2 - which they call "Button 9" and announce they'll work R-4006. AXEMAN is working the area around Vienna MD.
The WARDOG pair before landing were using 142.45 for chat. It's actually the Bollen Range VHF freq so they might have been there before returning home. They called that freq "Button 5"
At 2019, a WARDOG pair of A-10s is back up from MTN.... using 142.45 for an interflight freq.
2023: WARDOG A-10s check into Pax on 314.0. (Looks like they've grabbed the 142.45 freq as their own) Over to BayWatch on 354.8 at 2025. WARDOG is trying to contact the AXEMAN flight since they say they'll be working in the same general area.

Had an E-6B from VQ-4 (BuNo 164410) appear to take off from Patuxent around 1550 this afternoon...flew northwest and disappeared. He's just now back in the area. Picked him up at 1948 off the coast of New Jersey. Since then, he's been flying right down the coast at FL 300 and began a descent right around Ocean City MD. SHADOW Detachment 310.15 is where you want to listen. He's been moving around on the ZDC VHF freqs. And at just about 2000, I lost him....searching. He had descended to FL 260 but I don't know if he curled around and went into Pax. I just couldn't find him again.

1949: REACH 375 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) to Andrews CP with arrival message...378.1
This is not the same bird that took off yesterday (the replacement) as REACH 375 and had all those problems. This bird was heard in the U.K. around 1700Z this afternoon and before that in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany.
2031: REACH 375 w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
The REACH 375 that took off last evening (59-1469) was heard in The Netherlands at 0700 their time this morning. Somewhere along the line, the callsign got swapped from 59-1469 to 62-3543.

Thunderstorms moving into my area in the next couple of minutes (2030 local) so will shut this down soon.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
If it is the one that was at RIAT Mark, it's 61-0017 from the 93rd Bomb Squadron.

If you want to see some great pics taken this past Saturday at the show, here's a link to Tony Lowther's work:
This guy is good. He identifies each of his pictures and provides the tail number for it.

Good pics and tails Tin!

I notice that Italian C-27 and CASA C-295M Finnish has spiral props like our newer C-130J's and E-2C's.
Must be all the tech rage these days for turbo-props.
Also would be nice to see a SUKHOI 30 demo here in US sometime.
Guess you got to head over there to see something like that.
Indian and Italian AF were well represented.
Course a US B-1 burner run I bet sure wowed the crowd!

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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Baltimore, MD
Mark said:
2034z SCALP 99 on pirep self id as B-52H on metro freq,possibly Langley's or WG req wx in 3 hours at KBAD-Barksdale AFB.
Possibly coming back from Air Tattoo in England? Flight level at 360 and read back on wx is possible T-storms all around KBAD.


What is used around these parts for metro frequencies? I had occasion to be around the radio during these recent storms and figured I'd listen in, but realized I'd never programmed them....


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Andrews and Willow Grove metro 344.600
McGuire and Langley metro 239.800
Dover metro 342.000
I did get a Milair hit recently on a New York metro 122.400

Just a post from other board that the US T-Birds departed Europe this am 03:30am our time.A/A 143.850
Next show is in Wyoming on the 25th so they will probably go home to Nellis and patch those old F-16's up.
Wonder of they will do straight shot home with tankers or stop off for break somewhere?
Can't imagine staying strapped in F-16 for long non-stop flight like that.
Maybe they will stop by Langley or Atlantic City on way home.

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I hate motrbro
Jan 29, 2006
Somerset County, MD
I was going into my house after failing to fix my lawn mower and a couple of the A-10s flew over. I was listening to them through the evening; quite a show.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Lots of MilAir activity this morning but I want to mention a MEXICO flight of Langley F-22A types. It's a four ship flight that was working initially with Giant Killer out in W-386 on 249.8. But their work was done on 234.6 which has been a HUNTRESS (NORAD) freq in the past. I've never heard them using this freq before.
Edit: I'm told that Eglin AFB fighters use 234.6 for interflight so perhaps this is new but just normal usage.

About 0925, a Polish Air Force TU-154, tail 102, probably carrying the Polish president Lech Kaczynski, went airborne from one of the local bases (doesn't matter much which one) and headed west. According to news reports...
On Tuesday, Kaczynski will visit Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, where the US has been testing missile defense technology and plans to place four interceptors by 2011.
...that's where he's headed.

1045: HUNTRESS talking to someone on 139.7...can't hear him well enough to tell who he's talking to.

The Thunderbirds returned from the U.K. and landed at Burlington VT about 1045.

1109: MAI TAI 11 flight with Norfolk TRACON....handed off and "Push 7"...370.925
1110: MAI TAI 11 (Langley F-22A) flight checking into W-386 A-J with Giant Killer on mission V1707...will be working MARSA with a JEDI (F-22A) flight...249.8
1114: MOVER 21 (KC-10A, 84-0186, 305th AMW McGuire) to ACY Approach descending to 7000 feet on approach to Mcguire...124.6
1115: JEDI 21 (Langley F-22A) flight to Giant Killer to enter W-386 A-J at FL 230, MARSA MAI TAI...249.8
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Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
1230: Just had an aircraft who id'ed himself as N3867X and stated he was going to be doing parachute drops in 3 minutes at 12,500 feet above Blackstone AAF. I looked it up on fligtaware and it says the a/c is owned by T3D&H LLC (WILMINGTON DE). Does anyone have a clue as to what type of a/c this is?

Edit Okay, I just did some research and according to, it's a Lockheed 382G-44K-30. Never heard of that type of aircraft before. It also said it is "probably" operated by Tepper Aviation.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
1230: Just had an aircraft who id'ed himself as N3867X and stated he was going to be doing parachute drops in 3 minutes at 12,500 feet above Blackstone AAF. I looked it up on fligtaware and it says the a/c is owned by T3D&H LLC (WILMINGTON DE). Does anyone have a clue as to what type of a/c this is?

Edit Okay, I just did some research and according to, it's a Lockheed 382G-44K-30. Never heard of that type of aircraft before. It also said it is "probably" operated by Tepper Aviation.

Nick, you found what you needed but here's a website where you can get the registration details including owners, aircraft type and even engine types if you care.
And this one works too...

I heard someone talking about "Jumpers Away" yesterday on Pax freq 127.95 but didn't stay with it to find out where they were working. Where are you hearing the activity?

1241: COBB 26 (C-130H, 700th AS/94th AW AFRC Dobbins ARB GA) calls Dover Command Post asking for a phone patch to commerical number 404-295-XXXX and asks that Colonel M____ be notified they'll arrive at 1315 local time...349.4
1243: One of the new Dover C-17As, 06-6166, arriving back at Dover after a training mission. He's ROYAL 90....349.4 (Look for Dover's C-17s to also use the IMPACT callsign.)
1304: ROYAL 90 with Dover Tower...7 miles out...126.35
1308: REACH 9012 (C-5A, 69-0009, 436th AW Dover) arriving Dover...349.9 (He must be a replacement aircraft...started to give callsign as REACH 9009 which matches his serial number and then changed to 9012.)
1322: CRAB 54 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG) climbing out from Martin State...121.3 MTN Tower and 385.9 Crab Ops
1322: CARMEN 7 (C-130H, 84-0207, 142nd AS DE-ANG) calls Willow Grove to report they're 20 minutes out, A-1, need parking...and get Spot 6...343.0
1326: JAKE (Langley F-22A) flight w/Norfolk TRACON at FL 190...370.925
1327: VIKING (Langley F-22A) flight with Giant Killer checking into W-386...249.8
1328: VIKING flight working 277.6
1330: MANIC 21 (Langley F-22A) flight working Norfolk TRACON...370.925 (Might be F-16 rather than F-22A)
1331: MANIC 21 (new Langley callsign - adding to database) to Giant Killer to check into W-386...249.8
1335: U/I F-16 (sounds like) on interflight...138.0 (Should be VT-ANG Langley Detachment F-16s)
1336: Fighters on 138.0 mention freq 139.725 so I switch there and hear activity from them...still not positive of who this might of them has a problem that happened during takeoff but I haven't heard specifics yet. Pilot is going through the checklist.
1338: It's FURY 1 talking to HUNTRESS on 139.725 (Everything is new about this one.)
1339: MANIC 21 on Victor calling FURY saying he has a flight control problem....139.725
1340: MANIC 22 calling HUNTRESS....139.725
1341: MANIC 22 says he's got to declare an emergency...talking to HUNTRESS....139.725
1342: MANIC 21 and 22 are leaving this freq and pushing to their ops freq...say go to Victor 20....139.725
1342: MANIC 21/22 come up on 138.0 as expected....these have got to be F-16 aircraft....but don't sound like F-16s. Just not sure at this point.
1343: MANIC 21/22 with Giant Killer announce declaring emergency at this time...249.8
1343: MANIC 21 tells 22 to make sure his weapons are in safe mode....138.0
1344: FURY 1 and 2 working 139.725 and certainly sound like F-22A types.
1345: MANIC 21 tells GK they have 90 minutes of fuel remaining...249.8
MANIC 21/22 don't sound like F-16s but they must be considering their use of 138.0 which has been exclusively used by the VT-ANG Langley Detachment F-16s.
By 1347, I think I've heard the last of MANIC 21/22 as they get down too low for their approach to Langley.
1351: MACE 91 (F-16C, 84-1377, 163rd FS IN-ANG) out of Andrews and reporting at 17,000 feet direct Gordonsville...w/ZDC-Montebello...284.7
1354: MACE 91 still trying to report his altitude as 17,000...don't think he's being heard....284.7
1357: MACE 91 now calling ZDC-Azalea trying to report flight level 17,000....263.1

1400: BULLY 1 (F-16 Andrews) up with SOF...139.9
1401: BULLY 1 up with HUNTRESS reporting timber sour on the gateway....139.7
1403: Have an E-6B (BuNo 162784, VQ-3) with SHADOW Ops reporting he's coming in (to Pax) and will need fuel, wants the fuel truck standing by and says he needs Customs...310.15
1404: BULLY 1 flight w/ZDC-Calvert...281.4
1405: BULLY flight to Pax...305.2
1406: Andrews F-16 calling CAPITOL on 143.6...not sure if this is BULLY or a different flight
1408: CAPITOL 1 calling BULLY 1....143,6
1408: CAPITOL 11 flight w/ZDC-Calvert 281.4 heading to Patuxent
1411: CAPITOL 11 flight checks into Pax on 305.2...tells the controller when he leaves he's going IFR to Shaw AFB and asks if he sees that in the system. (And that explains why he's using the CAPITOL callsign.)
1415: CAPITOL 11 now checking with BayWatch to make sure his flight to Shaw is in the system....354.8
1416: BULLY tells BayWatch he'll be looking for a bobsled, a PAR and then RTB to Andrews when done...354.8

End of Log
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Recent Logs

Hi guys,

Logged the following late last week and this morning...

07.12.2007 pm

1856Z 142.300 104th FS MD ANG A-10 IF - U/I unit A/A comms re: targeting.

1904Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2401 (C-12T Davison pm shuttle) - deps DAA to 5000' dir GRUBY-V268.
1910Z 128.350 Potomac APP - VENUS 22 (C-20B 86-0202 99th AS) - 12000' for 11000' dir RATTA for hold req. ILS rwy 1R @ ADW.
1911Z 128.350 Potomac APP - DRAGON 502 - req. ILS rwy 1R 12000' for 10000'.
1920Z 118.125 Giant Killer - NAVY LT 591 pres. P-3C - req. FL230 QSY Pax APP 127.950.
1928Z 128.350 Potomac APP - REACH 1818 - @ 7000' on the app to ADW.
1929Z 292.200 MUSSEL Control - MUSSEL 01 (UH-1N 1st HS) - ops normal Davison.
1930Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - VENUS 22 (C-20B 86-0202 99th AS) - 9 nms. out full stop rwy 1R.

07.13.2007 pm

1846Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 308 (C-21A 84-0098 457th AS) - home st. C-21 tail #40098 20 mins. out A1 6 Space A's.
1848Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 304.
1858Z 119.850 Potomac APP - JOSA 308 (C-21A 84-0098 457th AS) - X ELDEE @ 8000' then cleared to 6000' QSY 119.300.

1904Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2401 - (C-12T Davison pm shuttle) - deps DAA to 5000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400.
1906Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JOSA 308 (C-21A 84-0098 457th AS) - lands rwy 19L.
1907Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EASY 963 (UC-12B/UC-35 MASD NAS JRB New Orleans) - deps ADW 1400' for 3000'.
1911Z 126.400 Potomac APP - PAT 2401 - (C-12T Davison pm shuttle) - checks in @ 5000' dir Harcum.
1912Z 270.350 ZDC-Shenandoah - TULSA 01 (F-16CG/DG 125th FS OK ANG) - @ FL280 not RVSM.
1917Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - EASY 963 (UC-12B/UC-35 MASD NAS JRB New Orleans) - 11300' for 12000' then cleared to 17000' QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.


1129Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 658 (C-21A JOSAC) - cleared to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1139Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 819 (UC-12B NAS Oceana NFD am shuttle) - dep rwy 14 QSY 118.950.
1141Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 819 (UC-12B NAS Oceana NFD am shuttle) - deps DAA 700' for 2000' cleared to 5000' dir GRUBY.
1149Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - REACH 2513 - clearing up delay issues; delay due to late-arr. pax.

1924Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PACER 13 (C-21A 457th AS Andrews) - 6 nm. out TACAN A option.
1932Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - BOXER 77 (201st AS DC ANG Andrews) - lands ILS rwy 1R.
1935Z 292.200 MUSSEL Control - MUSSEL 01 (UH-1N 1st HS) - ops norm. Zone 5.
1943Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - SAM 1625 - off the deck @ 1942Z.
1943Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 1625 - deps ADW cleared to FL250 QSY 118.675 where he gets stopped at 17000' QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
1950Z 120.650 ZDC-Linden - SAM 1625 - 15000' for 17000' maintain FL260 until J149 then climb and maintain FL270 QSY ZDC-Moorefield 133.275.
1956Z 128.350 Potomac APP - NAVY 692 (C-20D 163692 VR-1) - req. ILS rwy 1R @ ADW descends to 2000'.

2006Z 128.350 Potomac APP - REACH 268T (C-17A 04-4129 305th AMW) - 12000' for 8000' req. ILS app to rwy 1R. ***Correction made to serial, thanks Tin for catching that one!***

07.17.2007 am

1200Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 01053 (UC-35B 00-1053 PATD Andrews) - deps ADW to 11000' dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.

QTH: 6 nm. S KIAD and mobile around Northern Virginia
Radios: BCD396T, PRO-97, BC3000XLT, PRO-2055
Antennas: Maldol AL-500H, Watson W-901, Watson WSM-1900, RS Mobile, Comtelco Mobile
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Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
TinEar said:
Nick, you found what you needed but here's a website where you can get the registration details including owners, aircraft type and even engine types if you care.
And this one works too...

I heard someone talking about "Jumpers Away" yesterday on Pax freq 127.95 but didn't stay with it to find out where they were working. Where are you hearing the activity?

Tin, I'm hearing the activity on RIC's Unicom Frequency (122.95). They stated they were going to be doing parachute drops at 12,500 ft. over Blackstone AAF. Again at 1720, they called in and said "N3867X is 3 miles out at 12,500 feet. We will be preforming parachute drops over Blackstone AAF." Would these be Army soldiers that are droping out of the plane? Usually, I use the FAA site to find owner's of an aircraft, however I went to flightaware to track it, but flightaware said the owner requested that the a/c not be made trackable. I went online and looked at pictures of Lockheed 382G-44K-30 and it looks extremely similar to a Lockheed C-130H.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
REACH 9710 KC-10 #79-1710 depart Dover at 0100z cleared to 20k circle climb direct eastbound Dover appch 132.425.
Dover appch could not clear direct Atlantic City area as AC Radar reported down so Dover had them do 180 left and right spins towards 12k and then clear them direct thru Wash Ctr ZDC 127.700.


RR Site seems slow tonite.. Maybe heavy web traffic.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Langley F-22A activity - lots of it - up this morning as the clock rolls around to 0900. Interflight freqs 238.825, 252.775 and 315.85 all active. They're coming to and leaving from W-386 with Giant Killer on 249.8 and with Norfolk TRACON 370.925. SPAD ops also just heard on 364.125. Believe it was a CYCLONE flight.

0920: BLACKJACK 1 (USCG HH-65) calling HUNTRESS...x3, no joy...139.7

It must have been a very slow morning at Andrews...heard the quickest turnaround ever. Had PAT 065 (C-12T, 86-0087, Det 22 PA-ArNG) land about 0810, pick up pax and was back in the air about 0830.

[And for the 139.075 thread enthusiasts, BIG BIRD has been tracking vehicles since early in the 0800 hour]

0926: MAI TAI Langley F-22A flight w/Giant Killer...249.8
0932: REACH 283T Heavy (C-17A, 98-0055, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA) landing at Andrews...118.4
0934: NAVY JT-942 (C-9B, 160051, VR-52) arriving Andrews...w/CP 378.1 to report picking up pax for Memphis and Ft. Worth...119.3 TRACON for approach...118.4 Tower for landing
0951: AVALON 67 (C-9C, 73-1681, 73rd AS) off from Andrews and with TRACON...118.95 (He just landed about 20 minutes ago also...they're loading them and getting them out in a hurry this morning.)

1017: MARLIN 61 (Langley F-22A) two ship flight into W-386 with Giant Killer on mission V1807 at FL 230...249.8 (over from Norfolk 370.925)
1019: U/I fighters working 138.2
1020: COSMIC 41 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) is the flight working 138.2 calling DARKSTAR (AWACS) but don't know yet if it's simulated or there's actually a DARKSTAR working with the F-16s.
1022: Also have a BICEP (F-16 NJ-ANG) working 138.2
1026: MARLIN F-22A flight working interflight...252.775
1029: U/I F-22A activity on interflight...238.825
1048: BASH 51 w/Norfolk 370/925 and then to Giant Killer 249.8 to enter W-386...IDs as a single F-22.

1112: Belgian Air Force BAF 605 (A-310, tail CA-01, 21 Squadron) climbing out from Andrews w/TRACON...118.95 (Not sure where he's going but it doesn't look like home. He's headed northwest and is just around Frederick at FL 200 and climbing by 1128.)
1117: ARMY 1944 (C-37A, 97-1944) landing ADW w/Tower...118.4
1131: PAT 479 (UC-35A, 03-0726) to Andrews with arrival message...says they'll be leaving ADW at 1300 local time and to have the Space A passenger out there about 20 minutes before that...141.55 (Then to TRACON 128.35 and ADW Tower 118.4)
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
07.18.2007 am

1158Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PAT 065 (C-12T 86-0087 OSACOM Det. 22 PA ArNG) - C-12, i/b ADW 10 mins. out tail#86-0087.

1200Z 128.350 Potomac APP - PAT 065 (C-12T 86-0087 OSACOM Det. 22 PA ArNG) - maintain 2000' until established cleared for the ILS app to rwy 19L.
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