trainman111 said:
1230: Just had an aircraft who id'ed himself as N3867X and stated he was going to be doing parachute drops in 3 minutes at 12,500 feet above Blackstone AAF. I looked it up on fligtaware and it says the a/c is owned by T3D&H LLC (WILMINGTON DE). Does anyone have a clue as to what type of a/c this is?
Edit Okay, I just did some research and according to, it's a Lockheed 382G-44K-30. Never heard of that type of aircraft before. It also said it is "probably" operated by Tepper Aviation.
Nick, you found what you needed but here's a website where you can get the registration details including owners, aircraft type and even engine types if you care.
And this one works too...
I heard someone talking about "Jumpers Away" yesterday on Pax freq 127.95 but didn't stay with it to find out where they were working. Where are you hearing the activity?
1241: COBB 26 (C-130H, 700th AS/94th AW AFRC Dobbins ARB GA) calls Dover Command Post asking for a phone patch to commerical number 404-295-XXXX and asks that Colonel M____ be notified they'll arrive at 1315 local time...349.4
1243: One of the new Dover C-17As, 06-6166, arriving back at Dover after a training mission. He's ROYAL 90....349.4 (Look for Dover's C-17s to also use the IMPACT callsign.)
1304: ROYAL 90 with Dover Tower...7 miles out...126.35
1308: REACH 9012 (C-5A, 69-0009, 436th AW Dover) arriving Dover...349.9 (He must be a replacement aircraft...started to give callsign as REACH 9009 which matches his serial number and then changed to 9012.)
1322: CRAB 54 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG) climbing out from Martin State...121.3 MTN Tower and 385.9 Crab Ops
1322: CARMEN 7 (C-130H, 84-0207, 142nd AS DE-ANG) calls Willow Grove to report they're 20 minutes out, A-1, need parking...and get Spot 6...343.0
1326: JAKE (Langley F-22A) flight w/Norfolk TRACON at FL 190...370.925
1327: VIKING (Langley F-22A) flight with Giant Killer checking into W-386...249.8
1328: VIKING flight working 277.6
1330: MANIC 21 (Langley F-22A) flight working Norfolk TRACON...370.925 (Might be F-16 rather than F-22A)
1331: MANIC 21 (new Langley callsign - adding to database) to Giant Killer to check into W-386...249.8
1335: U/I F-16 (sounds like) on interflight...138.0 (Should be VT-ANG Langley Detachment F-16s)
1336: Fighters on 138.0 mention freq 139.725 so I switch there and hear activity from them...still not positive of who this might of them has a problem that happened during takeoff but I haven't heard specifics yet. Pilot is going through the checklist.
1338: It's FURY 1 talking to HUNTRESS on 139.725 (Everything is new about this one.)
1339: MANIC 21 on Victor calling FURY saying he has a flight control problem....139.725
1340: MANIC 22 calling HUNTRESS....139.725
1341: MANIC 22 says he's got to declare an emergency...talking to HUNTRESS....139.725
1342: MANIC 21 and 22 are leaving this freq and pushing to their ops freq...say go to Victor 20....139.725
1342: MANIC 21/22 come up on 138.0 as expected....these have got to be F-16 aircraft....but don't sound like F-16s. Just not sure at this point.
1343: MANIC 21/22 with Giant Killer announce declaring emergency at this time...249.8
1343: MANIC 21 tells 22 to make sure his weapons are in safe mode....138.0
1344: FURY 1 and 2 working 139.725 and certainly sound like F-22A types.
1345: MANIC 21 tells GK they have 90 minutes of fuel remaining...249.8
MANIC 21/22 don't sound like F-16s but they must be considering their use of 138.0 which has been exclusively used by the VT-ANG Langley Detachment F-16s.
By 1347, I think I've heard the last of MANIC 21/22 as they get down too low for their approach to Langley.
1351: MACE 91 (F-16C, 84-1377, 163rd FS IN-ANG) out of Andrews and reporting at 17,000 feet direct Gordonsville...w/ZDC-Montebello...284.7
1354: MACE 91 still trying to report his altitude as 17,000...don't think he's being heard....284.7
1357: MACE 91 now calling ZDC-Azalea trying to report flight level 17,000....263.1
1400: BULLY 1 (F-16 Andrews) up with SOF...139.9
1401: BULLY 1 up with HUNTRESS reporting timber sour on the gateway....139.7
1403: Have an E-6B (BuNo 162784, VQ-3) with SHADOW Ops reporting he's coming in (to Pax) and will need fuel, wants the fuel truck standing by and says he needs Customs...310.15
1404: BULLY 1 flight w/ZDC-Calvert...281.4
1405: BULLY flight to Pax...305.2
1406: Andrews F-16 calling CAPITOL on 143.6...not sure if this is BULLY or a different flight
1408: CAPITOL 1 calling BULLY 1....143,6
1408: CAPITOL 11 flight w/ZDC-Calvert 281.4 heading to Patuxent
1411: CAPITOL 11 flight checks into Pax on 305.2...tells the controller when he leaves he's going IFR to Shaw AFB and asks if he sees that in the system. (And that explains why he's using the CAPITOL callsign.)
1415: CAPITOL 11 now checking with BayWatch to make sure his flight to Shaw is in the system....354.8
1416: BULLY tells BayWatch he'll be looking for a bobsled, a PAR and then RTB to Andrews when done...354.8
End of Log