2128: EVAC 38875 (KC-135R, 63-8875, 22 ARW McConnell AFB KS) to Andrews CP with arrival message...30 minutes out, wants to know if Andrews is going to unload pallets tonight - that will determine if they gas up tonight or tomorrow. ADW will unload tonight. They have 8 Space A pax that need transportation as does the crew of 7. There are also 5 AE (AirEvac) crew. The most surprising thing about this exchange is that the Andrews controller is very loud and clear (louder than the aircraft) on this freq which doesn't happen often...378.1
2130: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 on HUNTRESS freq 139.7 and then moved to Marine Channel 21A - 157.05 - to perform practice intercepts.
2143: REACH 918 (C-17A, 96-0002, 437th AW Charleston) calling Pope Command Post...x2, no joy...381.3
2146: REACH 918 makes contact with Pope CP...30 minutes out, A-1, need Customs and Ag to meet the plane...have 9 pallets and 55 pax to offload...need upload info and 25,000 pounds of fuel...381.3
REACH 918 was copied in the UK at 1834Z. He was also heard in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Czecholslovakia (or the Czech Republic or whatever it's called this week) before that. He was heard here yesterday and then all over Europe yesterday too when he went in that direction. Callsign was the same in both directions.
2157: EVAC 38875 landing at Andrews...118.4
2212: BLACKJACK 1/2 finished their practice on 157.05...BJ 2 to Andrews Tower118.4 and Approach 119.3
2215: DC 42 (57-1512) with Andrews Tower with gear down...taking the option...118.4
2215: DC 42 with LIBERATOR [female] talking about problems/writeups and that they'll be working the pattern for about 30 minutes...378.1 (Just when I thought they stopped calling LIBERATOR on this freq, here they are. I haven't heard them calling in with arrival messages lately. I'm also hearing LIBERATOR loud and clear on this freq.
2225: DC 42 doing touch and goes...back and forth betwen TRACON (Approach) 119.3 and Tower 118.4
2231: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, 135th AS MD-ANG) finally landing at Martin State...121.3 (He's been up since 1600.)
2301: Our E-6B, 162784, VQ-3 is coming back to Patuxent. He's with Shadow Maintenance on 310.15 where he just told them he's on his way back and would see them on the deck...and also with Patuxent Tower 123.7 for landing. He left Pax earlier this evening around 2000 and took the same route as last time I heard him - northeast out of Pax and then up into New Jersey where I finally lost him.
2310: (162)784 to Shadow Maintnenace asks about a couple of people by name...wants them rounded up because he has some serious electrical issues and needs some AE troubleshooting done tonight.....things turning on and off aboard the aircraft...310.15
2312: 162784 in his approach to Pax...down to 4000 feet...123.7 (This is the same aircraft I posted the picture of yesterday - the big, white job.)
2313: ROYAL 60 (C-17A, 06-6165, 3rd AS/436th AW Dover) calling Dover CP...ETA Dover 0330Z, A-2, training is 100% complete...then says they cleared out the A-2s so are back to A-1...adds that he'll contact them on the ground with final fuel...349.4
2335: Here's a new one...SLIM 74 (C-21A, 84-0092, 457th AS Andrews) to Griffin Command...25 minutes out, A-2 for autopilot malfunction, done for the night upon landing, want maintenance notified and crew transportation...141.55 (I believe this aircraft was out at McChord AFB WA for the rodeo...he used RODEO 40 as a callsign while there.)
2339: REACH 4131 [male with accent] (C-17A, 04-4131, 6th AS McGuire) calling McGuire CP...319.4
2341: REACH 4131 to McGuire CP...ETA 10 minutes after the hour, A-1, no cargo, have 7 medical crew that need a bus for their equipment and a parking spot...adds that he needs a K-Loader for the medical crew's equipment (changed from the bus I guess)...134.1
2341: JOSA 641 (C-21A, 84-0095, 457th AS Andrews) landing ADW w/Tower...118.4
2345: REACH 4131 (different speaker) w/ACY Approach...124.6
1146: REACH 4131...reports he has two pallets...134.1
Ref Below: Mark, TEAM 48 was 87-0124.
How to hack your cell phone to receive police calls....
(Came from someone on Scan-DC...too funny.)