Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 09242007

1052 - 1054 -- DEMON 44 with ZDC-Blue Ridge reporting out of 180 for 150 and wants to hold at Druse to rejoin DEMON 41 flight marsa - 285.6

Re NYC CAP covered in Tin's post:

Only thing I can copy at my location is interflight chatter as the players transition the area - 360.15
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
To repeat from my last message, this is the CAP over New York City...primary w/HUNTRESS 228.9, secondary 260.9, boom freq 327.9, ATC for fighters 363.1, ATC for tanker unknown.
1325: HUNTRESS asks TANKER 13 to come up on 260.9...13 acknowledges...327.9
1326: TANKER 13 to HUNTRESS on 260.9...then is sent to 228.9
1326: TANKER 13 reports both freqs have that sidetone (same thing the HARASS fighters are hearing on both HUNTRESS freqs)...228.9
1328: TANKER 13 again tells HUNTRESS that when they transmit on 228.9 or 260.9 that for about 4 seconds after they release the mic switch there's a loud tone and then they can hear HUNTRESS and transmit...228.9 (that's a little unclear but it's what he said)
1333: BULLY flight of DC-ANG F-16s active on interflight...143.15
1334: TANKER 13 tells HUNTRESS that if he's been calling them on Victor, they haven't heard him a single time...228.9 (Nor have I if he's using the normal 138.2 or 139.7)
1344: BULLY flight with ZDC-Sea Isle at FL 190...281.45
1345: WILD flight of DC-ANG F-16s also up...checking in with Giant Killer for W-107...says his and BULLY's actual freq will be 337.225...255.0
1348: BULLY 1 flight handed off to Giant Killer and check in for W-107...ID as 3 ship to work with WILD flight on event A-240 from 5-50,000 feet...255.0
1350: CAP HARASS 61/62 and TANKER 13 now getting difficult to copy due to afternoon fade (atmospheric conditions, not mine)...still hear them on 228.9 and 327.9 but too weak to understand transmissions. CAP is scheduled until 1700 local time.
1352: BULLY flight gets separate squawks for wingmen...cleared from 6000-50000...push 337.225...255.0 (BULLY flight leader also went to 139.15 to tell WILD they were cleared into W-107)
1352: HARASS 61/62 just assigned a TOI...if they drop at all to intercept it, I'll never hear them....228.9
1357: HARASS 62 reports going to the tanker, will be off station, weapons safe...228.9 (62 has a much stronger transmitter than 61)
1358: HARASS 62 to TANKER 13 to report in 1 mile trail....327.9

1400: HARASS 61 reports bullseye at 225/ 15,000 feet...reports track is showing "SUSP" (I guess on his datalink)...gets another BRA with the 'A' at 20,000 feet...228.9
Targets down this way normally show as 5-number tracks on the in NYC they're showing as 2-letter, 3-number such as EX231 and EL331.
1401: HARASS 62/TANKER 13 hooked up on the boom...327.9
1403: HARASS 62 off the tanker and on station...228.9
1412: RATS 41 (F-22A Langley) flight checks in with Giant Killer for W-386 on mission V-2408 for the next 30 minutes...249.8
1414: RATS 41 flight switching to "39 Prime"...249.8
1421: RAVAGE flight (DC-ANG F-16s) with ZDC-Irons at 17,000 feet...request direct Nottingham...360.85
1421: JAKE (I think) flight of Langley F-22As into W-386 with Giant Killer...249.8 (Should be JACK...see 1505 entry below)
1424: RAVAGE flight to TRACON on the way to 12,000 feet...heading for runway 1R at Andrews...335.5
1425: HARASS 33/34 flight w/ZNY-Dixie at FL 230...307.8 (Heard them w/NYC Approach on 363.1 but couldn't pull out their transmission)
1426: HARASS 33/34 over to ZNY-Yardley and check in at FL 230...290.2
1428: HARASS 33 flight checking in with HUNTRESS...228.9
1429: HARASS 33 asks HUNTRESS if the FDL (FiDL) net is up and running...228.9
1430: RAVAGE flight w/ADW Tower for landing...349.0
1430: Air Force 1 (VC-25A, 92-9000) departs Andrews...TRACON (to NYC for U.N. meeting I presume)
1430: HARASS 61 asks HUNTRESS to relay to HARASS 33 that they're on a "Zulu Plus 5" net...228.9
1431: HARASS 33 checking in again with NYC Approach...363.1
1431: HARASS 61 w/Approach to work up clearance home in a bit...363.1
1431: HARASS 33 asks NYC Approach for a separate squawk for his wingman...363.1
1432: SNIPER flight of Langley F-22As into W-386 w/Giant Killer....249.8
1432: HARASS 33 wants to head for the tanker and is given 327.9 as the freq to use...228.9
1433: HARASS 34 gets 5123 as his new squawk...363.1
1435: HARASS 33 being called by 34 on their usual interflight freq...360.15
1436: TANKER 13 reports he only has 8,000 pounds for both HARASS 33 and 34...and then he'll be at bingo...228.9
And here we go with the usual KC-135/F-15 problem...that size tanker cannot provide enough fuel for F-15s over a long shift.
1438: HARASS 61 tells NYC Approach they'll be looking for their clearance back to Langley in 5 minutes...363.1
1438: HARASS 33 and 34 establish comms with TANKER 13 on the boom freq...327.9
1442: TANKER 13 tells HUNTRESS he understands TANKER 14 is there...needs to (It's not TANKER 14, it's TANKER 01)
Sure wish I knew the VHF ATC freq being used by the tankers. Not a clue.
1444: HARASS 61 tells NYC Approach he's not quite ready to leave...363.1
1444: BULLY flight with ZDC-Casino asking about clearance back to Andrews....then gets it...285.4
1445: HARASS 61 asks HUNTRESS for permission to RTB...gets it...228.9
1445: HARASS 61 to NYC Approach to pick up clearance to Langley...going direct Coyle...363.1
1447: HARASS 61/62 establish comms on interflight...360.15
1447: HARASS 61/62 handed off to ZNY-Yardley....check in and are immediately handed off...290.2
1448: HARASS 61/62 check in with ZNY-Dixie...307.8
1449: WILD flight trying to check in with SENATE SOF back at Andrews (BULLY did about 3 minutes ago)...139.9
1449: TANKER 01 w/NYC Approach...363.1
1450: TANKER 01 talking to ???? (perhaps HUNTRESS) on boom freq...327.9
1451: HARASS 34 gets BRAA to TOI of 272/29/1000/track 040...228.9
1452: TANKER 01 calling HUNTRESS and says he's switching to 363.1....327.9
1452: TANKER 01 calls New York Approach and says he'll orbit JFK at FL 250...363.1
1453: WILD flight landing at ADW w/Tower...349.0
1455: BULLY flight w/ADW Tower for landing...349.0
1456: HARASS 33 calls HARASS 61 to ask what's wrong with the HUNTRESS freq...33 is getting the same sidetone that 61/62 heard....61 says he'll call HUNTRESS once he gets back to Langley and see if they can't get a new freq....360.15
1457: HARASS 61/62 with ZDC-Cape Charles and check in at FL 200...256.8 (I missed one ATC handoff for them while listening to other freqs)
1458: HARASS 61 tells 62 that was one of the most painful things ever having that sidetone...62 said he couldn't put up with it...he doesn't understand why they can't use a "clear" frequency...360.15
1459: SNIPER 31 flight tells Giant Killer his flight will RTB in 5 minutes....249.8

1501: SNIPER 31 reports ready to RTB, 20 miles east of HEELS, 14,000 feet...flight of two...HEELS-TURET direct...249.8
1502: HARASS 61/62 begin descent to Langley....256.8
1502: TANKER 13 back into this area after leaving the CAP...confirm ID on him as given earlier from Tinker...ZDC VHF
1503: HARASS 34 tells HUNTRESS he can't hear any transmissions from 33 - just a loud buzzing...228.9
1505: HARASS 61/62 leaving 12,500 for 12,000 feet...256.8
1505: JACK 23 and 24 reporting RTB Langley to Giant Killer...249.8 (I reported this flight earlier as JAKE...should be JACK)
1512: REACH 7027 (weak, not sure of numbers) to Willow Grove Base Ops....20 minutes out, has 7 pallets and rolling stock, type 9 hazardous cargo...52K throughload and a pallet...3 pax to download at WG...needs trans for them and a crew bus...blah, blah, blah...parking at Air Guard, don't know how far it is from parking to BAse Ops and need trans...(guy is a yakker)...306.8
Got a clean read on's REACH 7027, C-5B, 87-0027, 436th AW Dover.
1515: TANKER 01 checking in with HUNTRESS...228.9
1530: HARASS 33/34 suddenly mostly uncopiable on 228.9 but do hear the refueling comms on 327.9 clearly.
1532: HARASS 33 with TANKER 01 in a 4 mile trail...also talking here about the sidetones on 228.9...boomer aboard TANKER 01 is a female...327.9
1533: HARASS 34 of course gets a TOI while 33 is at the tanker...I think they do this for a test...same way they always seem to get one during the shift change too...228.9
1536: HARASS 33 cleared to contact the tanker's boom...327.9
1537: HARASS 34 told to "skip it" after zipping hither and yon over NYC chasing the TOI...228.9
1540: HARASS 33 gave his tail number to the tanker...85-00 (and I missed the rest as HARASS 34 talked on the other channel...good timing)...327.9
1546: TACO 81 with ADW Approach...335.5
1547: TACO 81 has field in sight, cleared for visual approach to runway 19R...335.5
1549: TACO 81 to ADW Tower for landing...8 miles out...cleared to land...349.0
Too many units with the TACO callsign to provide firm ID.

Ref below: Sorry Travis...didn't notice you were tracking TACO 81 too. Would have left him alone had I noticed.

Gotta take a break.
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Jan 5, 2004
TACO-81 making his way to ADW. Now on 322.3. I believe this is who I heard on the new ADIZ freq 236.775 a few minutes prior.

Tin-I wasn't really tracking him. I just threw it out there since that was the first time hearing someone on the new freq. The only other time I heard one of the new UHF freqs used was when a PAT flight was heading north and using the north/east freq.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jerseymilair said:
1830: HUNTRESS now working CHEVY 31...228.900 also lot of activity on AR-777 Primary...228.000.

Yup...Noted CHEVY 31 and 32 (F-16s, 163rd Fighter Squadron, IN-ANG Ft. Wayne) came in to take a shift. TANKER 02 (?KC-135T, 58-0045, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh?) also came in at 1800 to replace TANKER 01. The CHEVY F-16s are refueling with TANKER 02 on primary freq 228.9 rather than going over to the 327.9 freq used earlier.
1836: CHEVY 32 working ATC with NYC Approach...363.1
1836: CHEVY 31 off the boom after taking 6000 pounds of gas....228.9
1837: CHEVY 32 reports squawking 5127...228.9
1838: HARASS flight (33/34) with ZNY-Kennedy...282.3
1839: HARASS flight working interflight on the way home...360.15
1841: CHEVY 31 is complaining to HUNTRESS about the same sidetone everyone else has mentioned today...says 31 and 32 can barely hear each other....228.9
1849: HARASS, flight of two checks in at FL 260 w/ZDC-Salisbury...257.7
1855: CHEVY 31 reporting they've checked settings twice and are getting nothing (apparently talking about the datalink)...228.9
1855: HARASS 33/34 descending to 10,000 as they approach Langley...257.7
1857: HARASS 33/34 with Norfolk TRACON (east) for approach to LFI...370.925
1858: HARASS 33 and 34 to IRON Ops at Langley and both report Code 1 status...357.1
1859: HARASS 33/34 cleared down to 5000 feet...370.925

Not sure what HUNTRESS is doing with his transmitter. For the past 40 minutes or so (1930-2020) CHEVY 31 has been responding with signal strength reports...4 by 4, 5 by 4, 4 by I suppose HUNTRESS is trying to do something to fix the problem that has been reported by all the fighters (and a couple of the tankers) concerning "sidetones." It's preventing the fighter pair from hearing each others transmissions. And why haven't they changed to a new freq?

2224: HARASS 42 is now checking into the CAP w/NY Approach 363.1 and then over to HUNTRESS on 228.9 (Looks like the IN-ANG just had a single shift and it's now back to Langley)
2352: So....90 minutes later and HARASS 41 still hasn't showed up...CHEVY 31and 32 had to stay so we have two F-16s and an F-15 with CAP duty. I can't remember that ever happening in the past. Currently, CHEVY 31 is refueling...his tail is 85-0233. CHEVY 32 refueled next and then HARASS 42 was asked if he needed fuel but is waiting a bit. Freq 228.9 is still primary with HUNTRESS and also the boom freq.

Some of the foreign flags noted in this area today...
1352: Egyptian Air Force 1281, C-130H, tail 1281
1601: Brazilian Air Force, BRS 2115, VC-96, tail 2115
1605: German Air Force, GAF 866, A310-304, tail 10+21, FBS
1756: Belgian Air Force, BAF 637, A310-222, tail CA-02, 21 Squadron
2228: Qatar Government, AMIRY 1, A340-541, tail A7-HHH
There were also a couple of French Air Force aircraft in but I can't find my notes on those.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
2024 Heard a HOSER 11 flight saying push A/R primary 235.100.
Is that a generic A/R freq?


235.1 isn't generic Mark but it's used in about a dozen different AR tracks. I guess AR-206, controlled by Cleveland Center is the closest one to us as far as I know.

I was hoping you had caught the tail number for HOSER 11. That's one of the few KC-135s I don't have identified. It's a KC-135E from the 108th at McGuire. He was up with HOSER 12 (57-2602) this evening. I've had that same KC-135E (HOSER 11) using both TOPCAT and ROCCO going back to April and have never been able to slap a tail number on him. That aircraft doesn't seem to fly too often. The HOSER 12, 57-2602 bird, has used TOPCAT and ROCCO around here and ESSO while flying around Europe and is up constantly.

0034: CHEVY 31 and 32 get their clearance back to home base. 31 reports he's Code 2 and 32 is Code 1. Say they'll be on the deck in about 45 minutes. They switched to 260.9 to report this to HUNTRESS.
Just a bit earlier, CHEVY 31 told HUNTRESS their duty day has to end by 0700Z so they'd have to leave the CAP by 0600Z at the latest. Guess that convinced HUNTRESS he could get by with just the one F-15 so he's clearing the F-16s to head on home.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr heard HOSER's 11 and 12 came back in area later on 303.000 as couldn't complete their A/R so looking to kill some fuel.
Dover closes at 0300z so in Atlantic City area. (COYLE) killing time.
"Just one of those days" he says.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I don't know if it's just me or if everyone else is having the same problem with this site loading very slowly. I've been blaming it on the release of the 3.0 version of the site but just don't know if that's it. In any case, it's making it very difficult to log the way I do by constant updating of the same message (Edit function) to keep adding new info as it's heard. That's the primary reason I haven't been logging as much recently - other than days when it seems to work okay like yesterday. I'm on a fiber optic internet service at 15 mbps and everything else loads in a flash. [[End of whine]]

Anyway, while I've got this open, here are a few foreign flags heard so far today...
0915: Royal Air Force, ASCOT 7035, E-3D, tail ZH105, 8/23 Squadron (same guy that used the SOLEX 01 callsign during his time here working out of McGuire)
1037: Belgian Air Force, BAF 637, A310-222, tail CA-02, 21 Squadron
1120: Italian Air Force, Falcon 900EX, tail MM62244, 93 Gruppo -- into Andrews
1128: Brazilian Air Force, BRS 2101, VC-1A, tail 2101, GTA
1130: German Air Force, GAF 412, A310-304, tail 10+26, FBS -- into Dulles
1316: Brazilian Air Force, BRS 2115, VC-96, tail 2115, GTE
1518: French Air Force (Armee de l'Air Francaise), CTM 3801, A319-115X, tail 1556/F-RBFB, ETEC 65 from Villacoublay.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
0915: Royal Air Force, ASCOT 7035, E-3D, tail ZH105, 8/23 Squadron (same guy that used the SOLEX 01 callsign during his time here working out of McGuire)

Rgr TIN checking tape I heard ASCOT 7035 at 1335z with unid metro req wx for homebase EGPK Prestwick at 2200z.
Guess he is done with US visit and work.
Thanks for tail tie-up..

REACH 6020 C-5 depart Dover with CP 1756z,then heard with Pope CP 381.300 at
1818z inbound for landing there... First time heard that Pope CP freq active.Decent wx for
coms from the South.

1415 local MUDDY 55 fighter flt of 2 of some type working there way South req correct freq for 257.700
Salisbury.First they tried 255.700..No go.
Think they were headed to Langley.



Jan 5, 2004
Someone's doing some low level routes. I first heard them with ZDC-Irons >Azalea>Leesburg Flight Service and now ZDC-Hot Springs
1549- Just switched to ZDC-Montebello. Kind of weak, but sounds like HOOK-44.
1555- Came up with Casanova and then switched to Montebello again, requested uniform and I believe he said he was switching to 370.1. Then I heard another flight with Montebello.

1602- SD-122 with ZDC-Irons>Calvert
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr TIN checking tape I heard ASCOT 7035 at 1335z with unid metro req wx for homebase EGPK Prestwick at 2200z.
Guess he is done with US visit and work.
Thanks for tail tie-up..

REACH 6020 C-5 depart Dover with CP 1756z,then heard with Pope CP 381.300 at
1818z inbound for landing there... First time heard that Pope CP freq active.Decent wx for
coms from the South.

1415 local MUDDY 55 fighter flt of 2 of some type working there way South req correct freq for 257.700
Salisbury.First they tried 255.700..No go.
Think they were headed to Langley.


Wish I knew for sure where MUDDY 55 was headed. That was a pair of fighters that had CAP duty over New York City this morning. They got replacements and headed home around noon. (I was hoping someone else would do some logging of the CAP since I couldn't listen to the radios very much today.) While still up there, they were also trying to establish comms with HARRIER 1 on the NYC Approach freq 363.1 but I don't think they were able to. My only listings for the MUDDY callsign are for F-15s out of St. Louis and Portland but that just doesn't sound right for CAP duty in NYC. I'd be happy to take suggestions. :lol:

One of my own suggestions: Wonder if MUDDY could be F-15s deployed to Langley from one of the units I mentioned above? That would make sense for them to augment the Langley F-15s that have around-the-clock CAP duty for most of the three day period. Langley has constant problems getting two F-15s to the CAP on time due to maintenance problems with those birds. Same thing happened when they had Guard Dog duty for the last CAP in this area.

Forgot to mention this earlier...the entire KZME ARTCC area is down due to comm and radar problems. All aircraft from Memphis Center are being routed into other ARTCC areas.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — The Federal Aviation Administration cleared all airline traffic within 250 miles of Memphis on Tuesday, grounding an unknown number of flights around the country, because communications equipment had failed at the regional air-traffic control center there.

Air-traffic control centers in adjacent regions handled flights that were already in the air when the problem was discovered, FAA spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said. "The airspace was completely cleared by 1:30 (p.m.) Eastern time," she said.

High-altitude flights through the region — which includes Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, parts of Indiana and Kentucky and West Tennessee — were discontinued while the equipment was being fixed.

"What we did is put a ground stop in place for any flight that would transition through that airspace. We held them on the ground wherever they were, whether it was Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles, Boston," Bergen said.

Bergen said the FAA did not know how long it would take to fix equipment at the Air Route Traffic Control Center at Memphis or have an immediate number on how many flights were affected.

There's an update to the Memphis problem posted at 4:10 p.m.

1648: Picked up an E-6B (164404, VQ-4) about 10 minutes ago right after takeoff from Patuxent. He's heading west and is currently just east of Gordonsville at FL 270....310.15
1649: Another French Air Force A310-304, CTM 0021, tail 422/F-RADB just climbing out of Dulles...TRACON freqs (Currently just southwest of BWI at 17000 feet at 1654)

Gotta run...back later hopefully.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Sounds like the KC-30 tanker has the lead in battle for
next US Air Tankers.
But politics with Boeing could make or break the deal..
Personally I like the larger KC-30 setup as I hear very often around here like TIN and others that in local CAP flights etc that KC-135 tanker sizes just don't have enough fuel for thirsty F-15's etc and sounds like Boeings entry is more of the same.
Bigger is better and forget about Boeing crap about landing tankers in forward airbases.. How often does that happen?
We need more KC-10 larger tanker types.Getting fighters there and keeping them airborn is most of the battle.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0911: BULLY flight of DC-ANG F-16s on the way to Dare County Range NC. Currently with ZDC-Calvert...281.4
0913: BULLY flight handed to ZDC-Franklin, check in at FL 220 and request direct to restricted area R-5314 (Dare)...290.425
0915: U/I aircraft working HUNTRESS freq...234.6
0918: The 234.6 freq has refueling ops (I haven't checked out the NYC CAP yet this morning and this might be tied to that activity.)
0919: Fighter on 234.6 requesting 4000 pounds of fuel. His suffix is 51. Sure sounds like it's the NYC CAP
0921: 51 completes the AR op...234.6
0922: Yup...234.6 is the CAP....MUDDY 52 now at the tanker...234.6
So, once again we've got a MUDDY pair of ?F-15s? working the NYC CAP. Hopefully, we can track them when they leave and confirm their operating base. Langley suspected.
0926: Navy SD-122 with ZDC-Calvert...281.4
0928: Navy SD-122 (SALTY DOG F/A-18F, 166666, VX-23, Patuxent NAS) handed to ZDC-Irons and checks in as a flight of two F-18s direct Gordonsville...360.85
0933-34: MAPLE 37 (F-16, VT-ANG Burlington) trying to check in at FL 430 with ZNY-Harrisburg...270.3
0935: Tanker interplane active....two tankers performing practice hookups and separations...139.875
0935: HARASS 21 flight with ZDC-Montebellow 284.7 and handed off to ZDC-Sea Isle where they check in at FL 230...281.45
0937: MAPLE 37 handed to ZDC-Potomac and checks in at FL 430...307.025
0941: One of the tankers on 139.875 is TEAM 76. The other has a heavy French accent.
0942: Navy SD-535 with ZDC-Calvert...281.4
0943: U/I flight trying to check in with NYC Approach (probably the HARASS flight)....363.1
0945: MAPLE 37 handed to ZDC-Marlinton and checks in as a single F-16 at FL 430...319.0
0948: HARASS 21 checking in with HUNTRESS...says he's 40 miles south and expect his #2 man to show up in about 40 minutes....260.9 (Here we go again with another broken/late F-15 to the CAP)
0949: HARASS 21 checking in with NYC Approach...363.1
0950: HARASS 21 sent to freq 277.6 by HUNTRESS and that seems to be the operating freq today for the NYC CAP.
So...277.6 is primary with HUNTRESS and 234.6 is the boom freq for the CAP.
0955: TANKER 11 asking HARASS 21 if he's on 234.6 yet...tells him that the boom freq is 234.6 but he doesn't care...he'll use whatever they want....277.6
TANKER 11 is a KC-135E, tail 57-1465 from the 151st ARS TN-ANG. He came through this area around 0530 this morning on the way to New York. He replaced a KC-135R, 62-3500, 126th ARS WI-ANG who departed NY around 0600.
MUDDY 52 will head for home, MUDDY 51 will stay in the CAP with HARASS 21.
0956: MAPLE 37 calling Ops (Langley Detachment)....138.0
0957: MUDDY 52 with NY Approach....cleared at FL 200 to Coyle....363.1
0959: TANKER 11 reports he's at bingo to HUNTRESS...277.6

1000: HUNTRESS clears TANKER 11 to RTB...277.6
1001: POISON 88 (Possibly a T-38 from Columbus AFB) checks in with ZNY-Kennedy at FL 270....282.3
1002: HARASS 21 performs a bullseye check and reports it's at 270/17
1004: POISON 88 back to ZDC-Woodstown to report he can hear New York Center but they're not hearing him...363.0 (so he's heading north)
1005: POISON 88 sent to ZNY-Yardley and checks in at FL 270....290.2
1010: MUDDY 51 checks in with NYC Approach after being told he's being called there...363.1
1010: MUDDY 52 checks in with ZDC-Cape Charles at FL 180....256.9
1010: HARASS 22 with Norfolk TRACON saying he's burning off gas before going back into Langley....370.925 (So, now we know he's not going to show up in the CAP and why he didn't get to NY with HARASS 21)
1015: BULLY flight of four F-16s on the way home...interflight freq chat...139.15 (Heard them with ZDC-Franklin 290.425 a couple of minutes ago) (BULLY 4 is the female pilot)
1017: HARASS 22 requests clearance into Langley....370.925
1017: MUDDY 52 cleared down to 14,000 feet....256.8
1019: MUDDY 52 cleared to 12,000 feet....256.8 (Sure looks like he's heading for Langley)
1020: BULLY flight with ZDC-Irons....360.85
1020: MUDDY 52 over to Norfolk TRACON at 12,000 and requesting direct into Langley....370.925 (Settles that!!!)
1021: SALTY DOG 122, flight of two F-18s checking in with ZDC-Irons....360.85
1023: German Air Force, GAF 412, A310, tail 10+26, FBS climbing out from Dulles.....TRACON freqs
1028: Martin State MD-ANG A-10s up on interflight....142.3 (Callsign RAVEN...they go to Pax for Ground Attack/Close Air Support training)
1031: NJ-ANG F-16s from Atlantic City active on interflight freqs...DEVIL flight on 138.425 and ?? on 138.875
1033: FURY flight active with Norfolk 370.925 and changing over to GIant Killer on 249.8 to enter offshore areas. Earlier I heard TBOLT doing the same thing. Both callsigns were used by the VA-ANG before they moved to Langley so I suspect VA-ANG pilots for both these flights.
1035: WILD flight of two DC-ANG F-16s also on the way home (obviously I missed them going out earlier)...on interflight...143.6
1039: As of this time, MUDDY 51 and HARASS 31 are the fighters in the NYC CAP and primary is still 277.6. Last AR was done on primary rather than changing to the earlier 234.6 boom freq.
1040: MUDDY 51 to NYC Approach to say he'd like them to work up his clearance...he'll be leaviing in 5 minutes....363.1
1041: MUDDY 21 tells NYC Approach he's at FL 200 and would like Uniform freqs....363.1
1044: MUDDY 51 cleared to RTB by HUNTRESS...277.6
1045: MUDDY 51 with ZNY-Dixie requesting direct Snow Hill and then Langley....307.8
1046: Forgot to log this earlier.....the current tanker in the CAP is SKATER 07, the alert tanker...he's currently checking to see if MUDDY 51 is going to get gas before leaving....277.6
1047: MUDDY 51 checks in with ZDC-Coyle....254.3
1055: MUDDY 51 at FL 200 as he checks in with ZDC-Cape Charles....256.8
1059: MAPLE 36 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington) with ZDC-Casino at FL 170....285.4
1059: MAPLE 36 handed to ZDC-DuPont, checks in at FL 170 and is cleared to FL 230...307.25

1100: MUDDY 51 descending as he heads for Langley....256.8
1102: MAPLE 36 handed off to ZNY-Westminster and checks in heading for FL 240...323.3
1103: MAPLE 36 handed off to ZNY-Yardley and checks in there at FL 240....290.2
1104: MUDDY 51 over to Norfolk TRACON where he's cleared to Langley, cleared to descend to 4000 feet and IDs as a single ship F-15....370.925
So, we've now proved the MUDDY flights are working out of Langley and that they're F-15s.
1107: MAPLE 36 handed to ZNY-Parke and checks in at FL 240 and requests direct Albany if able...the controller does better - he clears him direct Burlington...339.8
1111: MAPLE 36 handed off to ZNY-Stoneyfork....273.6
1111: HARASS 21 asking HUNTRESS if he knows what HARASS 22 was aborted for....277.6 (Wish I could have heard the reply)
1115: BLACKJACK 2 (Coast Guard HH-65 helo) working with HUNTRESS...asking for bogey dope on the target....139.7
1118: BAJA (sounds like) 01 to ZDC-Sea Isle and checks in at FL 250....281.45 (Possibly A-10s from 172nd FS MI-ANG)
1120: BLACKJACK 2 finds the target and IDs it with tail number N636CP...asks if he should headbutt...told to headbutt to the south....139.7
This is an exercise since N636CP is a Civil Air Patrol Cessna flight.

For those interested, that humongous Airbus A-380 is going to be making some promotional tours around the U.S. during October. The FAA just issued special aircraft separation instructions for controllers because of the huge wake vortex that plane creates. All references to the A-380 will also contain the word "Super" along with the callsign so other pilots and controllers will immediately recognize who they're dealing with.

All morning there has been a constant stream of LBE aircraft from all services and lots of transport/tanker activity in and through the area. I haven't logged any of them just because I've been searching for something else and didn't want to take the time to take notes and then type up the log for all those aircraft. However, now i've got to leave the radios for a bit and never have found what I was looking for. If anyone should hear the TABOR callsign (search ARTCC freqs with emphasis on ZDC), please log it for me. They'll probably have a VHF interflight freq active too. I'm also looking for some tankers with callsign BLUE. Same for those please.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1621: TREND 44, flight of three (F/A-18s from VMFA-121 Miramar returning from the desert) with ZDC-Woodstown...362.3
1624: TREND 44 handed off to Potomac TRACON (BWI) and are directed from 11,000 down to 4,000 feet....317.425
1624: TRACON controller giving instrux to BLUE 94 on 317.425 but the tanker is working VHF. I'm just hearing the simulcast on UHF by the controller. This must be the accompanying KC-10 for the TREND flight.
1626: TREND 44 handed off to Potomac TRACON where they check in at 4,000 feet for the overhead at Andrews....270.275
1627: TREND 44 wants confirmation they'll be using runway 19 and request the left side...270.275
1629: TREND 44 handed to Andrews Tower and check in as a flight of three...349.0
1632: TREND 44 cleared to land runway 19L...gear down and locked (repeated by 45 and 46)....349.0
Not sure when they'll be completing their flight back to their home base at Miramar CA but would suspect tomorrow sometime.
1639: JESSE 91 (C-130H, 86-1391, 180th AS MO-ANG) landing at Andrews w/Tower....118.4 (Heard this aircraft at the same time as TREND 44/BLUE 94 while they were with TRACON on 317.425 but not sure if he was flying with them.)
1640: BLUE 94 Heavy (KC-10A, 83-0082, 305th AMW McGuire) with Andrews Tower for landing runway 19R....118.4
Was folliowing the TREND flight working UHF and lost BLUE 94 who was on VHF until catching him landing.
This flight was scheduled to return several days ago. I don't know what happened to them in the meantime or why they were delayed somewhere between the desert and here.

1707: Have a VEGAS 51 working with ZDC-Montebello...said he was supposed to go Montebello to Langley....then is cleared to Harcum (VA) FL 210...284.7
Several units use the VEGAS callsign.
1708: SNIPER 21 (F-22A Langley) flight with Giant Killer in W-386...249.8
1710: JACK 11 (F-22A Langley) asking Giant Killer if he has activity in India (of W-386)...249.8
1712: One of the F-22A flights using interflight....262.025 (It's the SNIPER flight)
1712: Another F-22A flight using interflight freq...233.525
1712: VEGAS 51 now with ZDC-Irons....beginning descent...360.85
1715: PAT 443 (prob C-12) to Davey Ops (Davison AAF) to report he had a bird strike on takeoff and tells Ops they should check the runway....139.4
1717: VEGAS 51 with Norfolk TRACON (West) descending into Langley....360.6
1719-26: REACH 371T (C-17A, 04-4135, 6th As McGuire) calling Quantico Ops...x6, no joy...355.4 (Must already be on descent for Quantico since he's currently at 6000 feet upon first call)
1727: REACH 371T makes contact with Quantico for arrival message...fading badly now and all I got was that he has rolling stock to offload....355.3
1731: BULLY flight of four F-16s from DC-ANG Andrews up on interflight....139.15
1737: BULLY flight in ACM activity with a simulated DARKSTAR AWACS...139.15
1742: DC 31 (KC-135R, 57-1487, 756th ARS Andrews) calling joy...aircraft is approaching Andrews at low altitude...378.1
1744: DC 31 now trying to contact Griffin joy there either....378.1
1744: DC 31 gets LIBERATOR and says his ETA is on the hour, A-1, 30K on the fuel, looking for parking on the Reserve ramp...378.1
1745: SNIPER 21, flight of two, reports RTB in 5 minutes to Giant Killer on...249.8
1746: BULLY flight continues ACM activity and I believe they're in the Vienna MD area under Patuxent control...139.15 (Very interesting activity by the way)
1747: ARMY 10301 (UC-35A, 01-0301) landing runway 19L at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1748: Activity on tanker interplane freq....139.875

Mid 1800 hour: PACER 66 working Andrews's a C-21A, tail 84-0131. It's now assigned to the 457th AS at Andrews. Old unit assignment was 459th AS Japen. Scramble still has the old unit designator.

1835: JEDI 62 (C-17A, 03-3125, 732nd AS/514th AMW AFRC McGuire) calls FSS asking them to file a flight plan for them. (They're currently flying in the Andrews area.) His flight plan calls for him to depart Andrews at 2300Z and climb to FL 220. He will depart on KRANT South departure route, From there to BRV, LYH, JOINN intersection, HMV 295/042 radial, to AR-633B for refueling with SODA 92 in assigned altitude block 200 to 220 (etc, etc, with air fixes) finally ending up at destination XNO. After the refueling op, he'll head to VR-088 to enter at 0033Z and exit at 0056Z at Point Delta. He'll have 8 hours of fuel on board, has 8 crew members, he'll be a single ship flight, is gray in color and wants all that info passed to phone number 609-754-xxxx.....255.4
(Destination XNO is a place called North Air Force Auxiliary Field in North SC. The SODA 92 tanker will be a KC-135E from the 151st ARS of the TN-ANG at Knoxville. AR-633B is in northeastern Tennessee. Primary freq for AR in 633B is 240.35, secondary is 343.25 and those are new freqs for that AR track. Training route VR-088 is under the control of Shaw AFB SC. This is an AFRC crew based on callsign usage. His actual description of the aircraft model was as an H/C-17/Q.)

1907: REACH 369T (C-5A, 69-0015, 137th AS NY-ANG) has been working with Andrews CP to report his arrival messages...he's currently being held in the pattern awaiting other aircraft in front of him before he is allowed to land....he has vehicles and personnel to offload (sounds perhaps like the Presidential motorcade returning from New York)...people on board the plane will drive all vehicles off and so no drivers needed...378.1
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
2220z I'm hearing BULLY 1 flt of 4 F-16's DC ANG now up on Balt appch 317.425 mentions for flyby at Naval Academy area.
A/A 139.150.
Even heard one pilot say,"see anyone down there"? Reply:"Yeah I see couple groups of peoplel"
Those Navy guys won't like that..LOL
2224z Mentions 2 passes then landing at Patuxent River.
Sounds like the Air Force getting first digs in...

You got to love the US Mil academies.Most Football colleges have battle of marching bands,steal mascots etc.
The Mil academies on the other hand have alumni buzz each others stadiums with fighter jets/choppers for Army.
Wouldn't surprise me to hear about some Navy jets later buzzing the AF academy in Colorado later next week.

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Jul 5, 2004
A question for TinEar:
How do you get all the hits on these frequencies. Do you have all your scanners constantly searching the MilAir band? I'm in NYC and have been following your posts to get freqs. for the CAP for the UN opening. I wasn't aware that they were using 277.6 today; didn't even have the freq programmed in my Pro-97. The only comms I heard were on Center 363.1.

I generally don't even bother with MilAir scanning in NYC except for events like the UN opening, since the air is usually dead.

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