Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Jan 5, 2004
Couple of McGuire tankers are cranking it up trying to make their time. Say it's the best they can hope for. 139.875
1850- One plane will monitor AR primary and the other secondary.
1851- TEAM-15 (and 16) flight with a request. ZDC-Salisbury 120.975 Want 210-220 instead.
1853- 15 relays their clearance to 16
1854- To Norfolk Approach 126.05 and ID as KC-10s climbing. Cleared to Elizabeth City. Before hearing these guys I heard a JEDI and someone else finishing AR(on 238.9 I think it was) and one mentioned heading to Cherry Point rather than back to ADW.
1857- TEAM-15 > 123.9 (? don't have this one in my list)

1847- 502 calling maintenance 280.2
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
And if you want to buy yourself a Christmas present, My Pilot Store has tons of good stuff like charts and maps (and $850 headsets) - but shipping is free! :lol:

I want this...

In case next time goof ball local Cessna pilot keeps buzzing my house
for local approaches I can jump on Unicom freq and tell him to knock it off!



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 12112007

1019 - 1021 local -- PAT 33 with Leesburg radio reporting over Martinsburg, 90 miles out, requesting the weather at Latrobe - 255.400
1024 - PAT 33 now inquiring about the weather at Johnstown, Cumberland and Winchester - 255.400
1030 - DECEE 21 calling OPEC 23 on AR636 primary freq - 238.900, activity ongoing
1415 - PAT 08 with Leesburg radio, enroute Stafford, requested weather for Stafford - 255.400
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
1019 - 1021 local -- PAT 33 with Leesburg radio reporting over Martinsburg, 90 miles out, requesting the weather at Latrobe - 255.400
1024 - PAT 33 now inquiring about the weather at Johnstown, Cumberland and Winchester - 255.400

I heard him too Brian and it was strange to not be able to hear Leesburg Radio responding to him. I posted that NOTAM yesterday that showed the BWI and DCA transmitters for FSS (Leesburg) on 255.4 are down which explains why I was deaf to the response.

Lots of activity in the area...a couple of KC-10s from McGuire and a KC-135 from Andrews have been up in the past few minutes along with a ton of military LBE (Lard Butt Express) flights ferrying those "oh-so-important" government workers around the country. The NJ-ANG F-16s are up on interflight 138.425 and 138.875 along with several Navy fighters working in the Patuxent area. There are also several aircraft working the pattern at Andrews - among them is DC 22 Heavy (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) and VENUS 94 (C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews.) DC 21 (KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th ARS Andrews) took off around 1010 and is the one Brian posted above working AR-636.
Around 1040, a KC-10A took off from McGuire and is working interplane 139.875 at 1046. Tail 83-0082 (TEAM 31 Heavy w/ZDC Salisbury 120.975 heard a few minutes later) is the one that just took off and he should be talking to 87-0123 which is probably the OPEC 23 posted above w/DC 21.
A C-5B (87-0033 from the 337th AS Westover) is also in the area...ZDC VHF
REACH 461 (C-17A, 06-6157, 60th AMW Travis) overhead at FL 290...ZDC VHF (I keep selected ZDC VHF freqs - Sea Isle, Salisbury, Norfolk - on one radio and just listen but pay no attention to the screen so generally miss the freqs when I hear something there. I use it just to keep an ear on what's flying up and down the coast in the area and that I should expect at one of the area AF bases shortly if it's coming to ADW/DOV/WRI.)
ELVIS 65 (C-5A, 70-0465, 164th AW TN-ANG) overhead the area climbing out (probably from Dover)...ZDC VHF (Submitted new unit for this aircraft to Scramble)

1141: Just heard OPEC 23 (KC-10A, 87-0123, 305th AMW McGuire) talking to ZDC-Salisbury 120.975 (did pay attention this time). He was telling the ZDC controller that he has an activity off the coast from Sea Isle and it's called the BLUE 24 Track. This may be the answer to that very elusive track number that I keep hearing that runs off the coast from the Patuxent area up to the W-107 area. This track has never appeared on the published list with all the other recognized AR tracks. Primary freq for it appears to be 288.0.

1143: OPEC 23 to the 108th ARW tanker control Ops asking if he has any words on his tanker...303.0

At noon, Belgian Air Force (Flight BAF 631, C-130H, tail CH-07, 20 Squadron) departs Andrews (when he arrived Sunday, he said he'd be departing today at 1900Z so he's two hours early on the departure.

Have had two E-6B depart from Patuxent this morning. The first was about 1005 when 163920 from VQ-3 got off the deck and then at 1150 it was 164407 from VQ-4. Both appeared to take off to the southwest and then head west.

Shortly after noon, there's a SALTY 11 flight (probably F-16, 170th FS IL-ANG Springfield)...first heard with ZOB-Altoona RCAG 363.075, then to ZNY-Middletown 322.4, ZNY-Westminster 323.3 (no joy so back to 322.4), handed to ZNY-Modena 335.6 where he checks in at FL 210. The ZNY-Modena controller is loud and clear on this freq (first time for me to hear him). SALTY 11 is cleared to 15,000 feet and handed off to ZDC-DuPont 307.25 where he checks in and is cleared direct SIE (Sea Isle), direct ACY (Atlantic City). At 1217, SALTY 11 is handed off to ZDC-Casino 285.4 where he checks in at 15,000 feet. Cleared to 13,000 feet at 1220...then to 9,000 feet at 5,000 at 1224 and handed off to Atlantic City Approach freq 327.125 and that's where I'll leave him as he makes his landing approach at ACY.
There doesn't appear to be an interflight freq associated with SALTY 11 so it's probably a single F-16.
That ZNY-Modena ground controller was loud and clear for about 5 minutes and then it was like someone flipped a switch and he was gone.

Color me gone.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
There are a couple of aircraft from the 201st Airlift Squadron at Andrews that have been working the pattern at Andrews for a bit...
BOXER 77 (C-40C, 02-0202) since 1630 and BOXER 13 (C-38A, 94-1570) since 1700. (Current time 1743)
I wouldn't be surprised if they run the Falcon Virgo exercise later tonight and that BOXER 13 is one of the players.
1746: No sooner typed the above when BOXER 13 said he's going to make a full stop this time around...but he's asking that the pattern be left open for another hour...118.4

1810: REACH 3115 (C-17A, 03-3115, 183rd AS MS-AMG Jackson) departs Andrews...TRACON (came in as EVAC 33115 late in the 1500 hour)
1812: REACH 0467 (C-5A, 74-0467, 155th AS TN-ANG Memphis) to Dover Tower...says he's still about 90 miles out but can't receive any ATIS broadcast and so wants to know the conditions...he understands they're not very good...126.35
1815: BOXER 77 has had enough...announces full stop landing this time to ADW Tower...118.4
1818: BOXER 13 is in the air again...guess that's why he asked that it be kept open for another hour...118.4
1821: REACH 0467 to Dover Tower again to ask if he can "dial up the weather for Charleston"...126.35
1823: FIGHTING TIGER 21 (P-3C VP-8 NAS Brunswick ME) asking HUNTRESS for a modes check....squawking 2036...364.2
1826: FIGHTING TIGER 21 done with codes check and thanks HUNTRESS for the assistance...364.2
And the ID Section of NORAD comes through again!
1827: NAVY 300 (C-37B, 166377, VR-1) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1831: TOPCAT 3 (KC-135E, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire) with OPEC 28 (KC-10A, 83-0082, 305th AMW McGuire) setting up for their work together...determining training requirements for OPEC 28...238.9
1831: NAVY 7N465 (UC-12B) landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1837: Aircraft IDing just as '108' getting weather from Patuxent Metro...356.2
1848: SPAR 76 (C-37A, 01-0076, 309th AS) climbing out from Andrews....TRACON
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: working the pattern at Andrews

Have had the pleasure of listening in to the controller side of the traffic inbound Andrews, etc. via 291.775 and have heard these two plus SUNNY 417 heading into 19R at this time.

Hard to hear some of the traffic over the din of our seven-month old :cool:). Have some logs from this afternoon which I'll post later on.

BOXER 77 still hitting the pattern hard @ 2309Z.
BOXER 13 back up at 2312Z.
NAVY 300 up at 2313Z.
NAVY 7N 465 at 2317Z.

TinEar said:
There are a couple of aircraft from the 201st Airlift Squadron at Andrews that have been working the pattern at Andrews for a bit...
BOXER 77 (C-40C, 02-0202) since 1630 and BOXER 13 (C-38A, 94-1570) since 1700. (Currently time 1743)
I wouldn't be surprised if they run the Falcon Virgo exercise later tonight and that BOXER 13 is one of the players.
1746: No sooner typed the above when BOXER 13 said he's going to make a full stop this time around...but he's asking that the pattern be left open for another hour...118.4
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Well, it's about 15 minutes after midnight and nothing has developed to indicate the Falcon Virgo exercise will go off tonight. There are no Civil Air Patrol flights in the air and no C-38A from Andrews that would have played the parts of airspace intruders. Those aircraft are generally in the air well before the start of the exercise. It could still run later tonight (earlier in the morning I guess I mean) but I'm not going to stay up to listen.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


Some logs from yesterday afternoon...

12.11.2007 pm

1950Z 121.900 Davison AAF Ground - PAT 50 (UH-60 Davison B/12 AvBtn) - clnc to DOV via OTT dir 2000' expect 5000' 20 mins dep freq. 118.950.
1954Z 121.900 Davison AAF Ground - NAVY TP 36 (C-12C 60172/TP-36 USNTPS) - taxies to Hotspot 1 for package offload.
1957Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops "DAVEY OPS" - NAVY TP 36 (C-12C 60172/TP-36 USNTPS) - coordinating package retrieval req. transport to Base Ops.

2014Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 50 (UH-60 Davison) - deps rwy 32 QSY PT DEP 118.950 1000'-2000' then cleared to 3000'.
2016Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY TP 36 (C-12C 60172/TP-36 USNTPS) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950 900'-2000' then cleared to 3000' dir NHK QSY 119.300.
2026Z 118.950 PT DEP - DIAL 1 - 1000'-3000' dir FLUKY QSY PT DEP 121.050 to FL210.
2042Z 118.675 PT APP - REACH 2526 - 15000' QSY PT APP 119.850>PT DEP 125.650>PT APP 128.350 for the ILS app to rwy 19L at Andrews.
2052Z 128.350 PT APP - EVAC 33115 (C-17A 03-3115 183rd AS MS ANG) - cleared for the ILS rwy 19L at Andrews.

2111Z 119.850 PT APP - PAT 663 - @ 6000' req. ILS rwy 32 at Davison.

2156Z-2313Z 291.775 PT APP - enjoyed over an hour of off and on listening to the controller side of traffic inbound Andrews on this freq. used for ADIZ South:

Flights worked: BOXER 77, BOXER 13, SUNNY 417, NAVY 300, NAVY 7N 465.

...and few from this morning...

12.12.2007 am

1108Z 125.650 PT DEP - ARMY 1778 - inbound Andrews QSY 128.350 then over to TWR 118.400 for landing ILS 19R.
1109Z 118.950 PT DEP - PAT 1201 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM/VA RFC Davison) - deps DAA dir GRUBY to 7000' QSY 134.700. Mistakenly IDs as PAT 1264 at one point.
1123Z 118.950 PT DEP - SAM 2067 - deps ADW 1.3-3000' to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1124Z 118.950 PT DEP - COAST GUARD 101 (C-37A 01 CGAS Washington) - deps DCA to 17000' dir GINYA QSY ZDC-Linden 133.550.
1136Z 118.950 PT DEP - COAST GUARD 102 (C-143A 02 CGAS Washington) - deps DCA.
1138Z 123.825 PT DEP - JOSA 431 (C-21A JOSAC) - @ 17000' QSY ZDC-Hagerstown 134.150 dir McRay.


Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
LOG 12/13-12-07 Wed/Thu

actually busy today .... some of this may interest someone ....


0250Z : TIGER 13 wkg GOLDEN HAWK 273.800 'on Uniform in the red' a number of times followed by what sounded like some sort of data-burst

0302Z : TIGER 13 wkg GOLDEN HAWK 273.800 rqst "actual" WX for Bangor & Westover [said 'Bangover']

1202Z : ETHYL 41 wkg RCH 7169 [poss 07-7169 C-17] 305.500 AR20NE

1216Z : PAT 738 hrd ZBW ATC heading W through Lake Henry, NY

1242Z : GOLD 21 w/GOLD 22 254.600 & 255.750 Coronet hauling TREND 71 [tnx MilScanners for c/s] issues with WX @ Lajes and whether to divert to Santa Maria.

1456Z : [ROD] 21 wkg Casino Royale 252.100 T.O. @ :55 to parts unknown

1517Z : MAINE 85 wkg GK & BANGER 21 [NJ ANG?] 255.000 W107 North. Setting entrance point time & Alt. Exit point set for BRIGS, then J-121 SAWED LFI

1533Z : DC 21 wkg ROYAL 50 238.900 AR212

1603Z : RHODY 31 hrd ZBW ATC heading SW towards Yardley sector

1740Z : ROD 19 wkg Casino Royale 252.100 T.O. @ :38 off to do TnG's @ Trenton, ON

1751Z : PACK 11 wkg DUCK Flt 276.500 AR 209
1751Z : DUCK lead & number 2 <138.525> which is used by 158FW, VT

1800Z : DUCK Flt wkg ZBW ATC 377.100 [vry faint, but I was looking for them - plus 1st time I've hrd MilAir on that freq]

1843Z : KILLER 1 x2 [A-10] <140.200> doing simulated 'sweet'n'sour' set-up on the way to Ft. Drum/Wheeler-Sack area. Ref'd CHARIOT, ADVANCE 01 would be worked "R48 on TAB 11"

1848Z : KILLER 1 wkg FSS [BTV] 255.400 for KGTB Wheeler-Sack WX. From hearing KILLER's side of comms, FSS acted like they'd never heard of Wheeler-Sack or KILLER c/s

1938Z : SKIER XX wkg Skier Ops 251.250 RTB from trng @ Westover - possible BASH issues and had to cut short activity. Check ride not completed.

2013Z : YANKEE 38 [C-21] wkg [Shark] Ops 349.700 T.O. :06 and I guess he headed N ...

2100Z : Numerous ARNG choppers from KBAF Barnes on training flts, possible NVG work in Holyoke Range & Dogpatch training area @ KCEF Westover. <356.300> & <46.75 NFM> as well as ATC

2127Z : ROD 19 wkg Casino Royale 252.100 RTB from toff day of TnGs 'all trng complete'

2135Z : RCH 136 wkg Casino Royale 252.100 inbnd Alpha 2, no cargo, need stairs, bus for PAX, crew, Cust/Ag and call the armoury.

2216Z : RCH [6]021 [self ID'd 86-0021] wkg Casino Royale 252.100 'someone call Pease for status of tanker.

2311Z : PACK 61 & 62 wkg ATOMIC & TITAN Flt 295.800 AR631

2310 - 0015Z TITAN <138.625> ATOMIC <138.525> in Yankee Laser 238.250. Lots of ACM - 'fight's on' calls - some critiqueing, then back to the fray. Best part of the monitoring. I love hearing those guys trying to talk in hi-G turns ..... oh, probably 158FW VT F-16s .... also after one call of 'fight's on' same voice said "Darkstar's taking a picture now ..... flight of two." So, don't know if there was simulated/real AWACS or JSTARs

0015Z : DC 32 heard on ZBW ATC rqst routing home - receiver cancld - direct [x] Nottingham Andrews
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JohnFB said:
Sure, it's France, but still interesting.


Thanks to milscanners @ yahoo.groups for the link

Thanks for that link John. Some fairly nice stuff there - even though it's French. Where else could I have learned about the *****e training area?

Seems like you had a busy MilAir day up that way. I would guess it was the same down here but I got the chance to listen to the radios for only about 15 minutes today, I mean yesterday.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Overnite tape 0230 local had PHOENIX 01 with Langley? dispatch says "Give TA a call and that all 4 PHOENIX jets that came out of their tonite are not coming back and are returning to Home base"...



Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
Posted on Thu, Dec. 13, 2007
Philadelphia Inquirer

Battle of Warren Grove rages on

The U.S. moved to tighten rules for using the aerial gunnery range, site of many serious accidents. But it remains closed.

By Jacqueline L. Urgo

Inquirer Staff Writer

Story link here:


Jan 5, 2004
Got some Raptors up on 233.525. FIRST is the callsign, have heard -1, -5 and -6.

RAYMOND-16 on PTD 251.25 saying the troop commander says passengers need to go to the 27th FS.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1724: REACH 228 (C-5B, 86-0020, 436th AW Dover) to Cherry Point Base Ops with arrival message...305.70 (Aircraft coming in from Europe. Noted over Nantucket at 1605. Heard in Italy yesterday so perhaps coming from the desert.)
1726: E-6B (163918, VQ-4) departs Patuxent, climbs and heads south-southwest at 200 degrees. Last heard at a point just about halfway between Richmond and Langley...310.15 ( at some point in the next 45 minutes he made a big left turn and headed northeast on a 25 degree course where I heard him briefly at 1813 around the Cape Charles VA area.)
1726: WILD flight of two F-16s, DC-ANG Andrews airborne w/TRACON 348.725, interflight 139.15, ZDC-Calvert 281.4 by 1727 where they are held for the next 12 minutes since, apparently, Patuxent was not ready for them. At 1739 they switch to Pax 305.2 and enter for their work. WILDs in simulated AWACS (DARKSTAR) activity.
1730: ANGRY flight of two F-16s airborne from Andrews...same freq sequence othe than interflight on 143.6.
They mentioned there's no one else in the Pax area operating at this time and asked if they could use the 305.2 freq for operations. Wish granted.

1801: Just caught the tail end of a transmission with Andrews Tower 349.0 freq. Only heard the suffix given - 91 - reporting gear down.
1805: WILD 3 off the deck at Andrews...w/TRACON...348.725 (Heard WILD 1 wondering a few minutes ago if the third member would get off the ground and join them)
1808: WILD 3 through 5000 feet and told to expedite to 15,000...handed off to ZDC...348.745
1809: WILD 3 checks in with ZDC-Calvert...281.4....and over to Patuxent 305.2 at 1812 to announce intention to work with the rest of the gang.
1820: WILD 3 has a problem...fuel flow indicator is showing okay but fuel remainder is showing at zero, then back to normal and back to zero again....305.2
1820: WILD 1 tells Pax Advisory he's going to send WILD 2 home and he's going to work with WILD 3 on the fuel problem...305.2
1821: WILD 3 says he wants to head to Pax on the 90 degree radial at 5-15 DME to work out his fuel problem...also asks for the wx at Pax....WILD 2 requests tunnel back to Andrews...305.2
1822: WILD 2 over to TRACON...335.5
1822: WILD 1 and 3 to SOF where 1 explains the problem aboard 3...he then tells 3 to explain the problem in detail to the SOF...he's reporting he does have 7,000 pounds of fuel when the indicator works correctly...indicates he may land at Pax if the wx is ok...WILD 1 tells 3 he's in an 8 mile trail with him...3 asks him to rejoin with him to check for a fuel leak...3 is explaining to SOF that when he does get a fuel reading, it's showing more than what he thinks should be in the tanks...139.9
1825: WILD 3 to Pax to ask for the active runway - whether it's 6 or 24...repeats runway 6...305.2
1826: WILD 3 now tells SOF it doesn't appear to be a fuel leak but that the whole system just went to zero again...139.9
1827: WILD 1 reports he's in a 1 mile trail now...then he rejoins with 3 and is asked if he sees any fuel leak...1 tells 3 to turn his lights off so he can get a better look...139.9
1829: WILD 3 will be heading for runway 6 at Patuxent....asking Pax Advisory for PAR advisory to runway 6...says he'll go in first and WILD 1 will be in trail...starting descent now...305.2
1830 WILD 3 declaring emergency now...says its probably just a gauge problem - an indicator issue - but is taking it in....305.2
1831: WILD 3 tells WILD 1 to just follow him in and then head for home...139.15
1832: WILD 3 sent to 362.6 (Pax Radar), checks in there and asks for the approach...tells ground it's WILD 3 with the emergency, not WILD 1...362.6
1834: WILD 1 explains the plan to SOF...tells him about WILD 3 getting the approach in...says he'll follow him in and then RTB...139.9
1835:WILD 2 with ADW Tower for landing...349.0
So...WILD 1 is with Pax Advisory on 305.2....WILD 3 is with Pax Radar on 362.6 and they are both with SOF on 139.9. WILD 3 obviously had a problem even before takeoff which was the reason for his late departure from Andrews.
1838: WILD 1 asking Pax for his clearance to head home to Andrews...currently at 4,000 feet...305.2
1840: WILD 3 is apparently on the ground at Patuxent with no further problems...WILD 1 thanks Pax Advisory for the help and turns for home...305.2
1844: WILD 1 with Patuxent A/D to clear out of the area...281.8
1845: WILD 1 handed off to Potomac TRACON and checks in there as a single ship flight...270.275
1849: WILD 1 cleared from 4000 to 2500 feet...270.275
1851: WILD 1 with ADW Tower for landing...349.0
And so ends the saga. While listening to WILD 3's big adventure, I completely lost track of the ANGRY flight. I'm not hearing them anywhere so I presume they returned to Andrews at some point.

Had a chance to listen for a few minutes in the 1400 hour today. There were three Langley F-22A flights (RACK, TRAP, BASH) working with HUNTRESS on 260.9 practicing intercept skills. they were also with Giant KIller on 249.8 to enter the W-386 area and with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 for climbout from Langley while heading to the offshore area.

For readers in other parts of the country...
Colorado Springs (KCOS): Delete PMSV freq 349.2 and add 226.1 to take its place.
Fort Hood-Robert Gray AAF (KGRK): Delete Pilot-To-Dispatch freqs 305.15 and 38.7. Delete PMSV freq 41.2. They were not replaced with new freqs.

Ref below: Can't find the story at that link Brian.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV

Hampton - An advanced stealth fighter jet in development since the 1980s has been declared fully operational, nearly three years after the first F-22A Raptor arrived at Langley Air Force Base. Officials said that the Raptor has fulfilled requirements for the weapon system and that the jet, pilots and maintenance crews are ready for operations, including combat. Forty Raptors are at Langley.


Jan 5, 2004
Around 1945 there some tankers chatting on 139.875 for a while.
A few minutes ago AMBUSH-21 was calling TEAM-45 but I didn't hear a reply.
Someone was also on AR205 327.6 briefly

2025ish GOTHAM-15 with ZDC-Yorktown 127.425
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Dec 13, 2007
Hello from the noob

Just dropping a note here to say hello. Just moved into the area and am kind of still unpacking and setting up the shack but I had to hurry and get something temporary setup to get back into the hobby before I messed around and shelved it.

Been poking around looking for some freq lists for the area and stumbled in this thread somehow. Nice resource and thanks to all who have been keeping up with things. Should make my getting started that much easier.

Will probably take me several days to get the discone up and unpack the rest of the computers and radios. Bt at least I did think ahead and packed up a couple separately from the rest of the mess so I could get something up and running fast LOL.

I spent the day yesterday making up several scan lists for the area, most of the info came from this thread. Thanks all. Don't be surprised if I am able to add to it over time. Kinda into this mess.

And FWIW, TEAM 45 currently working GiantKiller 238.9.

Oh and BTW,, Just out of curiousity. Would anyone happen to have any pre made scan files already made up for Spectrum SentryNet??? Would save me allot of work if I had something to start with. Thanks

2044: Hoist up on 319.4, Inbound with Writeups and such. Forget the # but the recorder should have it. I'll check that later.

And while I am thinking about it. Are there any good COAX shops in the MD/VA? I just came back in from outside and I am having serious doubts that my current COAX lengths are gonna cut it. Guessing I am gonna be short by about 10'.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1939: Picked up TEAM 45 (KC-10A, 87-0122, 305th AMW McGuire) and TEAM 46 (83-0082, same type, same unit) on tanker interplane freq...139.875
At the same time, they were reporting to ZDC-Salisbury on 120.975 with TEAM 45 in the lead. There was a lot of chat as they did a couple of pre-contact maneuvers with each other on their way to individual missions. The were going to Norfolk together where TEAM 45 would make a left turn out to ATLIC and TEAM 46 would head toward ILM (Wilmington NC.) They chatted on interplane until 2002 when they made the split. At one point a commercial aircraft saw them off to his left and sounded fairly surprised at something big and wanted confirmation it was two aircraft and wanted their types. The last I heard from them was at 2005 when TEAM 46 apparently tried to contact his receiver on 327.6. I've had that freq in the past as an unknown ZNY freq but that was obviously not the case this time since he was already into North Carolina. The 327.6 freq is also primary for a bunch of AR tracks. Among them are AR-103/109/110/202/205/255. My best guess is going to be AR-202 which is controlled by both Jacksonville and Miami Centers and was one of the new freqs assigned this past July. I missed the callsign of the aircraft he called but the suffix was 40.

Callsign MYRON: Very early this morning in the 1100Z hour (0300 local), there were five C-17A transports operating up near McChord AFB WA. They were from the 437th AW at Charleston using callsigns MYRON 43-47. MYRON is more than likely a mission callsign and one that I had never heard before this. The five aircraft and tails were...
MYRON 43 - 03-3122
MYRON 44 - 93-0604
MYRON 45 - 01-0193
MYRON 46 - 02-1099
MYRON 47 - 94-0069
I don't have a clue what type mission they were performing but added the callsign to my database for possible future use.

While I was following the TEAM pair, at 1948 up popped REACH 0177 (C-17A, 0177, 62nd AW McChord) with ZDC-Salisbury heading in this direction. I didn't follow him when he left the freq to determine his destination...120.975
And at 1947, I happened to hear REACH 2526 (KC-135R, 62-3526, NE-ANG) reporting departure time from Andrews at 0042Z. He explained he was 10 minutes late departing because they got a new flight plan at the last minute that he had to enter into his computer and the tower held them until it was done...378.1
There seemed to be many other transports and tankers around the area during that period but I determined I was going to follow the TEAM tankers and so ignored the rest of the traffic.
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