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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1740 REACH 920 and ETHYL 84 direct Nantuckett 305.500 and ZDC Sea Isle 133.125 (Thanks for id Tin...REACH 920 is C-17A, 06-6163)
A lot of acivity tonite.. SCARY's up on 139.150 ANGRY's on 143.600,WILD is A/A 143.150
FLYER 1 flt of 2 A-10's rtb Willow Grove A/A 142.250 after touch and go's at Dover and range work.
269.250 Philly appch>319.150>Philly appch 291.700> and Base Ops 343.000
1807 CADE 1 flt of 2 WG A-10's heard on base ops 343.000 and 291.700 inbound WG.

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I hate motrbro
Jan 29, 2006
Somerset County, MD
Mark said:
1740 REACH 920 and ETHYL 84 direct Nantuckett 305.500 and ZDC Sea Isle 133.125
A lot of acivity tonite.. SCARY's up on 139.150 ANGRY's on 143.600
FLYER 1 flt of 2 A-10's rtb Willow Grove A/A 142.250 after touch and go's at Dover and range work.
269.250 Philly appch>319.150>Philly appch 291.700> and Base Ops 343.000
1807 CADE 1 flt of 2 WG A-10's heard on base ops 343.000 and 291.700 inbound WG.


roger that 143.6; Scary, Angry, Angel Flight, hostiles, one ship Andrews rtb, bullseye east group, etc.
some of their turns are bringing them over my house. sweet!!!
thanks for the freqs# folks


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
TinEar said:
So, it covers the airports at Albany, Glens Falls and Hudson in New York, Bennington in Vermont, Pittsfield and Great Barrington in Massachusetts. The new freq is 132.825 and the one it replaces is 125.0. I would imagine from your location, you would hear the traffic in the Albany area and to the east of there.
Wooowwww... that freq has been around forever. I remember as a little kid flying up with my father from NJ to see his parents in Saranac Lake, NY - as we approached ALB, I would dial up Albany Approach South on 118.05 on the unused radio, with 125.0 (Albany Approach North) on standby. Once we got the handoff to 118.05, I'd flick the audio panel over to that radio, and punch in ZBW on 135.7 back on the first radio - 35.7 would be the frequency that we'd use for that interminable 100nm leg on V203 into SLK. Not much GA traffic over the Adirondacks, either - although it wasn't uncommon at all to see A-10s out of somewhere nearby- Griffis? Drum?


Jan 5, 2004
Now SAM-2042 gets to look at the pretty lights. 260.9 with PANTHER. With ATC on 119.85. Using the inbound flights as guinea pigs.


Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
TinEar said:
************************************************** **
JohnFB: There was a new approach/departure freq posted by the FAA today for Albany International Airport. The only significance of that is that several smaller airports within striking distance of there use the freq as aircraft arrive or depart those airports. So, it covers the airports at Albany, Glens Falls and Hudson in New York, Bennington in Vermont, Pittsfield and Great Barrington in Massachusetts. The new freq is 132.825 and the one it replaces is 125.0. I would imagine from your location, you would hear the traffic in the Albany area and to the east of there.
************************************************** **

so THAT's what that was ........ thanks, Tin. I heard something whilst scanning ATC VHF the other day. 125.000 has always been problematic for me since it's very susceptable to interference. Very possibly why they've replaced it.

As for finding the UHF pair, that may be more difficult. W/O a steady stream of A-10s flying VFR up to Ft. Drum, I'll just have to scan and hope. The SKIERs always use ALB A/D when heading into Schnectady, but always Victor.

Speaking of A-10s .........

I think the 103FW are ending A-10 operations at the end of the month and they will get rid of their remaing Hogs by the end of March. I think I may have heard an A-10 leaving today ..... YANKEE 39 headed W towards Lake Henry, NY and parts unknown. He was Uniform all the way, so I don't think it was a C-21. That would leave Bradley with 2 or 3 Hogs.

104FW put 3 F-15s out in the sun to bask last Friday ..... only serial I could read was 80-0016. I never realized how ugly the current camo paint scheme really is. They're taking out the asbestos from the old admin building ..... with any luck, they'll tear it down soon and leave the area open. That would give us a front row seat for spotting @ Barnes/Westfield. Except it's right next to the twoer and their comms tend to blast cross all freqs. That's why I usually park about a 1/2 mile up the airport road.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JohnFB said:
so THAT's what that was ........ thanks, Tin. I heard something whilst scanning ATC VHF the other day. 125.000 has always been problematic for me since it's very susceptable to interference. Very possibly why they've replaced it.

As for finding the UHF pair, that may be more difficult. W/O a steady stream of A-10s flying VFR up to Ft. Drum, I'll just have to scan and hope. The SKIERs always use ALB A/D when heading into Schnectady, but always Victor.

Speaking of A-10s .........

I think the 103FW are ending A-10 operations at the end of the month and they will get rid of their remaing Hogs by the end of March. I think I may have heard an A-10 leaving today ..... YANKEE 39 headed W towards Lake Henry, NY and parts unknown. He was Uniform all the way, so I don't think it was a C-21. That would leave Bradley with 2 or 3 Hogs.

104FW put 3 F-15s out in the sun to bask last Friday ..... only serial I could read was 80-0016. I never realized how ugly the current camo paint scheme really is. They're taking out the asbestos from the old admin building ..... with any luck, they'll tear it down soon and leave the area open. That would give us a front row seat for spotting @ Barnes/Westfield. Except it's right next to the twoer and their comms tend to blast cross all freqs. That's why I usually park about a 1/2 mile up the airport road.

Glad to be able to help. John, the UHF freq was not mentioned at all. If they had changed it, it would have been included in the notification item. I'm fairly sure of that. I'd say it didn't change from whatever it was.

Yes, time is getting close for the Barnes F-15s to start getting their inspections and get ready to fly in a month or so. Bradley, unfortunately, is a different story. Looks like it's going to be C-21s forever. Everyone is counting on getting a piece of that new transport (if it ever gets built), but I think most are going to be disappointed.


Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
1750: FLYER flight of A-10s PA-ANG on the way home to Willow Grove...269.25, 319.15 and 291.7 with Philly TRACON and 343.0 with Ops...interflight 142.25

FLYER flight was a group of four and were practicing 2 on 2 ACM in the DUKE. In the DUKE they used 301.60 for UHF, FLYER 1 & 2 switched to 143.25 with 3 & 4 switching to FM Low, I believe 34.75. Sounded like they put on a pretty good fireworks show with their flares.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JohnFB said:
so THAT's what that was ........ thanks, Tin. I heard something whilst scanning ATC VHF the other day. 125.000 has always been problematic for me since it's very susceptable to interference. Very possibly why they've replaced it.
The FAA posted a correction today to that freq change item John. They've changed the effective date to 14 February 2008 rather than immediately. Otherwise, it's the same info - 132.825 replaces 125.0 for that list of six airports controlled by Albany App/Dep.

1404: EVAC 50041 (C-130H, 85-0041, 757th AS Youngstown) to Andrews with arrival message...25 minutes out, A-1, need 18K fuel, no download...378.1
1410: JOSA ??? (C-21A, 84-0077, 457th AS Andrews) to Griffin Cmd...30 minutes out, have one A-3 and one Space A pax to download, need 3K gas, A-3 for stall warning system...would like parking in 9 row...we've notified maintenance about our problem...378.1
1411: JOSA 073 or SPACE 01 (he gave it just that way) (C-21A, 84-0095, 457th AS Andrews) reports departure at 1909Z...late due to D/V late...378.1
1446: YANKEE 28 (C-21A, 84-0124, CT-ANG Bradley) reports departure from ADW at 1947Z (bad clock)...378.1 (after first calling on 372.2)

1501: JOSA 273 (C-21A, 86-0374, 200th AS CO-ANG) estimating blocks at ADW at 1530 local, no pax, picking up one A-5 and proposed departure will be at 2230Z...we can take 5 Space A pax and need 3K fuel...378.1
1505-09: REACH 7169 (C-17A, 07-7169, 436th AS Dover) to Dover CP to report on the ground in 25 minutes, A-1, no pax or cargo, need Ag to meet the plane, jetside service, crew transportation for seven and parking...349.4 (Departed for Europe 11/29)
1513: REACH 7169 to Dover requesting 30 yards of 3/8-inch flightline...349.4
1531: SAM 29000 (VC-25A, 92-9000, 1st AS Andrews) to ADW Tower for landing, gear down...118.4
1533: 407 (E-6B, 164407, VQ-4) flying from Virginia, across the panhandle of WV and into PA on a 60 degree heading at FL 350...310.15
1550: Air Force One (VC-25A, 82-8000, 1st AS Andrews) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1551: REACH 9005 (C-5A, 69-0005, 89th AS) to Norfolk CP...30 minutes out, need parking, nothing to download...349.5
1557: Interflight freq active...should be VT-ANG Langley Detachment F-16s..."hanging out east of the test track" (probably in W-386)...138.0
Confirm's a flight of at least four aircraft...JAWS and SLAM callsigns being used.

1608: JAWS 21 to Giant Killer...reports RTB...says he thinks the test track is hot so he's looking for an alternate way out of there...238.1
1610: COWBOY 21 flight (F-22A Langley to Giant Killer reports RTB descending to 14,000...249.8
1611: JAWS 21 over to the other freq...gets pointout to someone and says he'll stay above him...249.8
1615: SLAM 11, flight of two, reports 50 miles east of HEELS, RTB Langley...249.
SLAM 11 and JAWS 21 were probably both two-ship flights of the VT-ANG but I have no record of SLAM being used by them. Guess SLAM could have been Langley F-22A types.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
They have been testing a new variant of H-60 over at New Castle airport the past 6 months.Piasecki X-49 Speedhawk.
Haven't seen it my self but in case you do see it buzzing around area you will know what it is.
Army probably won't buy it as Navy didn't want it either but you never know.
Apparently you sacrifice 1,600 pounds in payload lift also just to get some more forward speed.

Course I like the zero gravity dog video...

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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 12062007

BRAVE flight DC-ANG (61 heard) with practice intercepts on 139.700. At 1207 mentioned a single engine TOI 230 miles out.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
BRAVE flight DC-ANG (61 heard) with practice intercepts on 139.700. At 1207 mentioned a single engine TOI 230 miles out.

It seems to be an exercise perhaps including Customs. OMAHA 43 (N4043L, a Eurocopter, Customs) is also working the area and is with THOR on 260.9 (at 1212). OMAHA 43 has been flying around the area since about 1030. BRAVE 61 and 62 working both HUNTRESS and CAPITOL.

1218: There's an AR about to take place at 1728Z. Tanker is a KC-135R (62-3509) from the 77th ARS at Seymour Johnson but didn't get any ID on his receiver...238.9
There's also refueling activity on 228.0 but is too weak from my location to copy.
1225: HUSKY 58 (C-130H, 84-0213, 142nd AS DE-ANG) reports off the deck (from New Castle County airport) at 21 past the hour...343.0
1232: And Naval refueling on the usual...123.525
1237: BRAVE 61 reports headbutting TOI for third time but it's not responding...says flares are not authorized...139.7
Meanwhile, I'm hearing short transmissions from OMAHA 43 on 260.9 so it looks like he could be the TOI for the BRAVEs.
1239: OMAHA 43 says he's signing off and will call once he's on the ground...260.9
1241: AR freq 343.5 active....very weak but heard Cherry Point mentioned. (I've only had Naval refueling on this freq in the past.)
1243: BRAVE 61 reporting crash sight info...too weak to copy from here...there was mention of a runway 15 in his report...139.7
1245: BRAVE 61 with Potomac TRACON mentions returning to Andrews via Nottingham...343.775
1245: BRAVE 61 requesting authentication from HUNTRESS...139.7
HUNTRESS would be readable on this freq if VHF conditions were better...very noisy today.
1247: BRAVE 61 mentions "downed aircraft"....just too weak for me to get good copy because of their low altitude wherever they are...139.7
1248: BRAVE 61 flight handed off to TRACON freq 335.5 by TRACON controller on...343.775
1250: BRAVE 61 reports airfield is at 050 for 25 (miles)...139.7
1253: BRAVE 61 and 62 with TRACON...335.5 (Probably will do the normal and one of them will land and the other hold at Nottingham until the first one has completed landing sequence and could be put back into service if necessary. Both alert aircraft cannot be in position to not respond if needed which is why one always holds for several minutes at OTT.)
1255: BRAVE 62 reports direct initial, field in sight...pushing to tower...335.5
1255: BRAVE 62 to ADW Tower reports 6 to the south for initial (runway) 1R...349.0 (He'll land...61 will orbit Nottingham for now)
1257: BRAVE 62 reports, "base, gear, stop, right...cleared to land 1R"...349.0
1257: BRAVE 61 to CAPITOL to report establishing hold...declares he's Code 1...mentions "ready for intel debrief"...139.7
1258: RIDER 75 (C-17A, 07-7171, 436th AW Dover) w/Dover Tower for landing...126.35
1258-1310: BRAVE 61 transmitting in encrypted mode...probably with CAPITOL for that intel debriefing he mentioned...139.7
He has done a whole lot of talking in encrypted mode. It has been non-stop since he started.

1303: DC 42 (KC-135R, 61-0307, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR to report 15 minutes out, about 22K on the fuel and A-2 with 1 writeup...378.1
1304: DC 41 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARs Andrews) to LIBERATOR to report 20 minutes out, 50K on the fuel, needs parking...378.1
1310: HUNTRESS calls BRAVE 61 and they chat in the clear...139.7
1312: BRAVE 61 tells TRACON it will be about 10 more minutes...335.5
1312: BRAVE 61 asking CAPITOL about BRAVE 62's status...asks if he has already shut down...139.7
1320: BRAVE 61 reports radar contact with traffic in his area...then reports visual...says he's going to do one more outbound (leg)...335.5
1321: BRAVE 61 asks CAPITOL for BRAVE 2's status when able...asks if he can see in the camera if he's shut down already...61 says he'll be home in about six minutes...139.7
1324: BRAVE 61 reports he has Andrews in sight and he's ready...initial 1R...335.5
1325: BRAVE 61 reports at 2500 feet, field in sight...335.5
1327: BRAVE 61 with ADW Tower for landing runway 1R...349.0
1329: BRAVE 61 reports, "base, gear, stop, right, cleared to land"...349.0 (And we're done with the scramble/exercise)
1329: REACH 5003 (C-5B, 85-0003, 436th AW Dover) to Dover CP reports airborne at 1825Z...says he'll see them in a week...349.4
1329: Just had a German Air Force C-160D (tail 50+78) come off the ocean and overhead Cape Cod at this time...will look for him here in about 45-60 minutes.
1350: The Customs helo (N4043L) is back in the air...not sure where he landed and took off from - probably DCA.

1425: Have to note this one...BUDMAN 1 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) off the deck and climbing w/TRACON....348.725 (single ship)
Haven't heard the DC-ANG guys use that callsign in a couple of years.
1426: BUDMAN 1 handed to ZDC-Calvert and checks in as a single F-16 at 15000 feet...281.4
1428: BUDMAN 1 checks in with Patuxent, cancels VFR...says he'll work up to 18,000 feet for the next 10 minutes...says he won't need any callouts for ANGRY flight who will take off from Andrews in about 8 minutes...354.8 (I believe he said WILD, uhh, ANGRY flight rather than WILD *and* ANGRY flights...guess we'll see in a few minutes)
1433: ANGRY flight off the deck at Andrews...w/TRACON...348.725
1433: ANGRY flight using interflight's a flight of two F-16s...143.6
1435: ANGRY flight cleared direct Patuxent at 15,000 feet...348.725
1436: ANGRY flight over to ZDC-Calvert climbing to 15,000...281.4
1436: PECOS and RAMBO flights of F-22As returning to Langley via HEELS from W-386 w/Giant Killer...249.8
1436: PA-ANG A-10 flight on interflight freq...142.25
1438: And another PA-ANG A-10 flight on interflight...143.25
1438: ANGRY flight to Patuxent...want to put R-6609 and south spin on request...354.8
1443: ANGRY flight cleared to use R-6609 and South Spin areas...354.8

1516: BUDMAN 1 leaves Patuxent area, gives in flight report to SOF on 139.9...contacts TRACON...335.5
1516: ANGRY contacts BUDMAN on SOF freq and gives their position in case BUDMAN wants to join up to return to Andrews....BUDMAN 1 isn't going for that and tells ANGRY, "Negative."...139.9
1519: ANGRY flight to SOF with in flight report...both Code 1, they are 6-9 minutes out....139.9 (they always have to work that "69" somewhere in that report)
1520: BUDMAN 1 to ADW Tower for 5 mile initial to runway 1R, gear down...349.0
1523: ANGRY flight to ADW Tower for landing...349.0
1526: ANGRY 1 reports, "Base, gear, stop, right,...gear down"...ANGRY 2, "Base, gear, stop, right"...and they're down...349.0

1618: German Air Force C-160D, tail 50+78, into the area. Mentioned above at 1329 when he came off the ocean. He must have stopped somewhere between there and here....TRACON
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
1441: UGLY 4 gets clearance for takeoff from WG tower 340.2 and then tells PA Ops to call out to UGLY 1 at the range (assuming Bollen) to tell him he will rejoin as the 4th. Must of had a problem to start. Later interflight heard on 141.8 and 143.75. Coming home is the flight of 4 UGLYs, Ugly 2 (80-0214) is NORAD (no radios). Also on the flight is 81-0949 and 81-0981. Missed the other one.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 16, 2002
Orlando, FL
Hi TinEar,

FYI heard Dolphin 1 (USCG HH65 Dolphin helicopter out of Air Station Atlantic City) comms w/Huntress, with simulated TOIs near Atlantic City coast.

Time frame was early afternoon.

primary freq 228.9 (confirmed)
secondary freq 260.9 (confirmed)

also comms with SFO Atlantic City on 157.175 primary (not sure of secondary but either 345.0 or 156.8 normally used).


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jcardani said:
Hi TinEar,

FYI heard Dolphin 1 (USCG HH65 Dolphin helicopter out of Air Station Atlantic City) comms w/Huntress, with simulated TOIs near Atlantic City coast.

Time frame was early afternoon.

primary freq 228.9 (confirmed)
secondary freq 260.9 (confirmed)

also comms with SFO Atlantic City on 157.175 primary (not sure of secondary but either 345.0 or 156.8 normally used).

Nice...thanks for the report Joe. That fits with some offshore work I heard in that general time frame in that same area by a COSMIC 43 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG) which is their alert aircraft callsign. I'm not sure if it was before or after that activity he went out to W-107 with Giant Killer on 255.0. At the same time, there was a DEVIL 11 flight working offshore too on 138.425 interflight and on GK's tac freq 312.3. Guess this was a scheduled day for NORAD to run practice intercepts. (There were probably two aircraft in the COSMIC 43 flight - 43 and 44.)

1706: FLOP 71 (C-32B, 00-9001, 227th Special Ops Flight, NJ-ANG McGuire) w/ACY Approach for run into McGuire...descending to 8, then 7 and finally 5,000 feet...124.6
This aircraft left McGuire shortly after 0500 this morning. No idea where he went but heard him in this area around 1530 and again at 1650 before showing up now with ACY.
Another aircraft from that unit, using TARA 97 (C-32B, 02-4452) was working at and around Andrews for a good part of the day.

1746: FLight of F-16s airborne from Andrews w/TRACON for climbout...callsign WILD...348.725 (Flight of two)
1747: WILD flight using interflight freq...143.6
1749: WILD flight pilots put on NVGs...143.6
1750: WILD flight handed to ZDC-Swann and check in at FL 170 heading for 210...360.7
1752: WILD flight handed off to ZDC-Coyle and check in there at FL 210...254.3
1754: WILD flight leader sends #2 to V-1 to check with SOF to see if their event number is 0506...#2 goes to 139.9 and finds it's 0606...reports back with correct number...143.6 (He should have known the first two numbers correspond to the date.)
1757: WILD flight handed to ZDC-Sea Isle and check in at FL 210....281.45

1801: WILD handed off to Giant Killer and try to check joy...255.0
1802: WILD flight switches freqs and checks in with GK for W-107 on mission 0606...delay time will be 40 minutes...will be MARSA with SCARY flight...312.3
1804: SCARY flight takes off from Andrews...w/TRACON for climbout...say they'll be non-standard all the way...348.725 (Flight of three)
1804: SCARY using interflight freq...139.15
1805: SCARY flight handed off to ZDC-Swann and check in...360.7
1809: SCARY flight handed to ZDC-Casino and check in as a flight of three...285.4
1811: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 (HH-65C, USCG) in practice maneuvers on Marine Channel 21A...local air traffic is limiting them to 2500 feet and below...157.05
1816: BLACKJACKs report in the area of FedEx Field...for practice intercept coming up at 2500 feet at 100 knots airspeed...157.05
1816: SCARY flight handed to Giant Killer and check in at 16,000 feet, flight of three, MARSA with WILD...255.0
1825: SCARY/WILD flights using GK's tac freq for ACM activity coordination...337.225
1845: SCARY flight leader tells his two wingmen they can RTB and he'll stick around with the WILDs...139.15
1848: BLACKJACKs are breaking off their practice exercise...will switch to ADW Tower to get route 3 access...157.05
1849: BLACKJACK 2 to ADW Tower requesting route to water tower and then Route 3 (helo route 3)...118.4
1853: SCARY flight leader to Giant Killer says SCARY 2 and 3 will RTB...SCARY 1 will RTB in about 5 minutes...requests routing Sea Isle direct Nottingham...255.0
1854: SCARY 2 and 3 cleared to route requested...descending to 14,000 feet...255.0
1857: SCARY 2 and 3 over to ZDC-Casino for return flight...285.4
1857: SCARY 1 to Giant Killer says he'll RTB as a single ship...255.0 (Guess the WILDs want nothing to do with him)
1856-59: JOSA 414 (C-21A, 84-0137, 457th AS Andrews) calls Griffin Command on 141.55 and then 372.2 where he makes contact w/Dispatch to report he was airborne at 2346Z. Says he couldn't get Griffin Command and asks that Dispatch pass that message along...372.2

1901: DC 43 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) to Griffin to report airborne at 0000Z...378.1
1905: SCARY 1 w/ZDC-Casino...285.4
1905: SCARY 2 and 3 w/SOF for in flight report...both Code 2...10 minutes out...139.9
1911: SCARY 1 descending down to 4000 feet...says he has SCARY 2 and 3 in sight...285.4 (Coming all the way home w/ZDC-Casino...that's different)
1912: WILD flight also on the way home...#2 just cleared off to get the ATIS report...143.6
1914: WILD flight of two w/ZDC-Casino...285.4
1915: WILD to SENATE SOF for in-flight report...both Code 1...139.9
1915: SCARY 2 and 3 to Potomac 4000 feet for ILS to r/w 1R...270.275
1915: SCARY 1 to SOF...10minutes out, Code 1....139.9
1916: SCARY 1 to TRACON at 4000 feet ILS for runway 1R at ADW..cleared from 4000 to 2500 feet....270.275
1918: SCARY 2 and 3 to ADW tower...5 mile final for runway 1R...flight of two cleared to land...349.0
1921: SCARY 1 to ADW Tower...for full stop 1R...349.0
1923: WILD flight to TRACON for ADW approach to runway 1R...270.275
1925: WILD flight down to 2500 feet...cleared for the visual to 1R at ADW...270.275
1926: NAVY 692 (C-20D, 163692, VR-1) with ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1927: WILD flight over to ADW Tower for landing runway 1R...349.0
1929: WILD 1, then 2 with gear down and touch down on 1R...349.0
And they're done.
1926: An unusual one...with Harrisburg A/D on 122.45...Air Mexico (Flight AM 005, B762, tail XA-JBC) at FL 370 asking for the weather for JFK and then for BOS. (I almost never hear anything on that freq..surprising to hear this guy pop up there very loud and clear.)
1931: U/I tanker on AR freq saying he's in the blocks 330-340 and will be on time...228.0 (I have a tanker with ZDC VHF at FL 330 through the's a KC-135T, tail 58-0062, from the 63rd ARS at Selfridge. Scramble will tell you he's from somewhere else but don't believe them. :) Up until October, this same aircraft was noted in my logs using TAHOE callsign from Beale. Beginning in November he's been using PISTON and AUTO exclusively which puts him at Selfridge in the 63rd.)
1938: REACH 5003 (C-5B, 85-0003, 436th AW Dover) in the area w/ZDC (Logged this afternoon at 1329 departing Dover and saying he'd see them in a week. He's back.)

2010: ROYAL 50 (C-17A, 07-7171, 436th AW Dover) reports airborne at 5 after the hour...349.4

It sure got quiet all of a sudden. Guess it's a good time to end this log.
Something's going on at Dulles....I just got a report that emegency vehicles are converging on a plane there. Anyone close by that can let us know what's happening? (about 1745)
Report by the observer was he saw 8 emergency vehicles heading for that plane. He's aboard a plane himself so can't stick around to find out what was happening.
By the way, he noted that German Air Force C-160D (50+78) on the ground at Dulles that I mentioned earlier at 1618 in the log. So, we know that's where he went.

Noted that the FAA changed the McChord AFB PMSV freq from 342.5 to 342.3 today. I've been waiting for them to pull the 344.6 Metro freq used at Andrews which they are supposed to do sometime soon. Doesn't much matter....Andrews doesn't answer anyone anyway.
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Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
TinEar said:
There's also refueling activity on 228.0 but is too weak from my location to copy.

might have been this, Tin:

1645Z : 228.000 AR 777 OPEC 43 clg HAGAR 70 [nil hrd] - 'climbing to FL260 on time for enroute AR'


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1856Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR PAT 1264.

1900Z 139.400 Davsion AAF Ops - PAT 945.
1901Z 128.350 PT APP - PAT 379.
1906Z 118.675 PT APP - AVALON 26.
1906Z 118.675 PT APP - JOSA 414.
1912Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 945.

2111Z 133.550 ZDC-Linden - REACH 474T.
2112Z 118.675 PT APP - PACER 99.
2138Z 119.850 PT APP - PACER 12.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
12.07.2007 am


1136Z 139.700 PT TRACON - BLACKJACK 1 and 2 (HH-65Bs CGAS Washington)
wkg HUNTRESS coordinating intercept practice activity. Also wkg
Andrews AFB TWR 118.400 for coord. of the activity over FedEx Field.

1248Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1203 (C-12T OSACOM/VA RFC shuttle)
- deps rwy 14 QSY PT DEP 118.950.


Jan 5, 2004
TinEar said:
It seems to be an exercise perhaps including Customs. OMAHA 43 (N4043L, a Eurocopter, Customs) is also working the area and is with THOR on 260.9 (at 1212). OMAHA 43 has been flying around the area since about 1030.

Actually I believe this may be the aircraft that was working a surveillance in the area. Later in the day after the surveillance I heard him calling Charlie-100 on 165.2375.

Just heard what sounded like a Raptor heading home. I think the suffix was -18. 370.925


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1614: EVAC 33118 (C-17A, 03-3118, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) to Griffin Command with arrival message...30 minutes out, A-1, have 28 ambulatory patients, 18 litter patients, 8 attendants, a baggage pallet, 7 medical crew, need fuel/svc/pkg...get 13A...378.1
1616: EVAC 44138 (C-17A,. 04-4138, 729th AS March) cleared to land w/ADW Tower...118.4
1619: VENUS 21 (C-20B, 86-0201, 99th AS Andrews) arriving 2200Z, A-1, need transportation for 3 crew members and parking spot...wants info on the ramp freeze...378.1

AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE. 07 DEC 22:25 2007 UNTIL 07 DEC 22:55 2007. (1725-1755 local)
NAVY BASE OPERATIONS (KNSF) WILL BE CLOSED 12/08/07 THROUGH 12/09/07. 08 DEC 12:00 2007 UNTIL 09 DEC 22:00 2007.

1626: AVALON 26 (C-9C, 73-1681, 73rd AS) departing Andrews...w/TRACON ...118.95
1626: AVALON 24 (C-9C, 73-1683, 73rd AS) also departing Andrews...w/TRACON...118.95
1627: EVAC 131 also heading for Andrews (trying to ID him...sounds like a C-130 type)...128.35
1634: EVAC 131 w/ADW Tower for initial...118.4 (got's a WC-130J, 97-5304, 53rd WRS Keesler)
Must be a replacement since his tail doesn't match his mission number.
1636: EVAC 33118 w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1639: EVAC 131 reports as #2 in the landing sequence...gear down (he's behind E33118)...118.4
1653: PITT 10 (C-130H, 86-0410, 758th AS Pittsburgh) with arrival msg to Griffin Command...has 20K fuel, A-1...will need fuel and parking...378.1
1655: PITT 10 with TRACON for approach to Andrews...119.3
1658: PITT 10 to ADW tower for landing...gear down...118.4
1658: VENUS 21 with ADW Tower for landing...118.4

1704: Air Force 2 (C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews) w/TRACON on approach to Andrews...119.85
AF 2 departed Andrews about 0945 this morning.
1713: AF 2 heading for runway 19R at Andrews...119.85
1714: AF 2 w/ADW Tower on ILS for runway 19R...gear down....cleared to land...118.4
1723: BATON 60? (EC-130J, 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) calling BATON Ops...395.1
1727: BATON makes contact with BATON Ops but is weak and unreadable...first time suffix sounded like 60 and this time like 63...395.1
1728: COBRA 70 (OC-135B, 61-2670, 45th Recon Squadron Offutt)...ZDC VHF (not sure which freq-wasn't watching radios)
1728: A few seconds later...REACH 6155 (C-17A, 06-6155, 60th AMW Travis)...FL 310...also unk ZDC VHF
1738: COBRA 70 on his way to Andrews w/TRACON...119.3
1739: COBRA 70 to ADW tower...declares emergency at this time...has a gear indicator showing in transit position....right main gear...will do a low approach so they can take a look at it in the tower...118.4
1742: COBRA 70 tells Tower he'd like to go back to radar...climbing to 2000 feet...118.4
1743: COBRA 70 w/TRACON says he declared an emergency with the tower...119.3
1746: VENUS 01 (VC-25A, 82-8000, 1st AS Andrews) on approach to Andrews...119.3
1746: COBRA 70 receiving vectors from TRACON (ADW Approach) to get him back on landing course...119.3
1748: COBRA 70 says he'd like a full stop (must have gotten a good report from the tower during the flyby)...119.3
1750: COBRA 70 given back to Tower...checks in for the ILS, gear down...118.4
1751: COBRA 70 to ADW Tower...inbound ILS...says they have the indication they're all down and locked...cleared to land by tower...118.4
1752: VENUS 01 to ADW Tower for runway 19R...cleared to land...118.4
VENUS 01 wasn't waved off so COBRA 70 must have touched down without a problem.
1758: JOSA 152 (C-21A. 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews) w/ADW Tower to land runway 19R...118.4

1813: REACH 2509 (KC-135R, 62-3509, 77th ARS Seymour Johnson) to Dover CP with arrival msg...30 minutes out, A-1, no cargo (gave fuel remainder and needs but confused the hell out of me the way he gave it)...349.4
1840: REACH 3118 Heavy (came in as EVAC 33118 above) departing Andrews...w/TRACON...118.95 (Two hours on the ground and gone)

New callsign noted today for a C-17A from the 62nd Airlift Wing at McChord AFB WA....ILIAD
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
12.07.2007 pm

1859Z 119.300 PT APP - VENUS 7 setting up for the ILS rwy 19L.

1901Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM/VA RFC Davison) - will be departing as PAT 2401 on the shuttle. QSY 139.400 for a departure change.
1913Z 118.675 PT APP - SPAR 24 - @ 15000' X ELDEE @ 8000' QSY 119.850.
1918Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM/VA RFC Davison) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950 1500'-2000' dir GRUBY then climbs to 5000'.
1921Z 118.675 PT APP - SPAR 26 - QSY 119.850 where the vis. to rwy 19L is req.
1923Z 118.950 PT DEP - JOS 264 - is off ADW 1.3 for 3000'.
1924Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - ARMY 23541 (RC-12D 81-23541) - PIREP @ 6000'.
1928Z 119.850 PT APP - ARMY 23541 (RC-12D 81-23541) - @ 6000' w/Davison in sight, QSYs to correct freq. 118.950 for the descent and lands rwy 32 @ 1933Z.
1938Z 118.675 PT APP - ARMY 1778 - ILS 19L @ ADW goes dir OJAAY dir OTT for the arrival.
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