Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
228.175 - I have this freq as being good for the 1st FW at LFI. Today I have recorded audio of DRAGONS on it. Can anyone confirm this as a good C/S for the 1st FW.? The freq was used as an A-A freq for an ACM against BANYONS.

Mark said:
Yes I would rather hear real pilots in training than those video types.
Just isn't the same but someday that is all we may mostly hear or won't hear.
Course back in the early 70's in school many said we would all be flying around in cars by now.
That prediction sure didn't pan out! LOL


Heck Mark, People can't drive in 2 dimensions now. Lets not add a third. ;-)
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Quiet before the storm??

Haven't heard much of anything from my location for a week. Is anybody else having better luck? Only activity today has been several garbled transmissions on 141.600 & 143.800. On my way to work yesterday at 3:27pm I saw 5 helos southbound paralleling I81 which I took to be Army but can't verify as I didn't have my rig with me.


Jul 24, 2005
j333_76484 said:
Yesterdays comms were unique but boring. They had 2 personnel as LRE and/or MCE. One male and one female. They would come up stating "Female voice, left aspect line 1". Then they would read words like. "BLUE, ONE, WET, CAN" etc. on and on. Then the male would come up and read same line of text.

Funny, I recall them doing the exact same thing out here a few days, and there was a girl involved as well. Might be the same crew of people. The ones out here often get an ED "clown" F-16 as chase. I don't believe any of your freqs have been used out here. I was kind of surprised the first time I actually heard them broadcast through the aircraft. Since 2508 is a closed complex and ED has it's own ATC system, I assumed they would use some kind of closed circuit method to communicate with ATC. Which I think they CAN now do, but choose to talk through the AC at times anyway.

I tend to agree... It's interesting, but no comparison to good old manned flight. I happen to view the first flight of the UCAV. I was fairly excited, and then after I saw it, it was like... Yeah, whatever. Big oversized RC plane basically.

- Featuring the MilTenna Air Band Antennas -


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
228.175 - I have this freq as being good for the 1st FW at LFI. Today I have recorded audio of DRAGONS on it. Can anyone confirm this as a good C/S for the 1st FW.? The freq was used as an A-A freq for an ACM against BANYONS.

Jeff, the BANYAN and DRAGON callsigns are good for Langley.

Just got word that on February 21st, two A-10s were transferred to Martin State from the MA-ANG at Barnes. That was part of the BRAC plan. Tail numbers mentioned were 632 and 612. Info came from the commander of the MA-ANG which I guess makes it official.

Back to my sick bed. Y'all have fun.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
They flew again today. Looks like I have to find another freq as they did not used the 355.8 CHASE freq they mentioned the other day. Either they have a new freq or decided to drop a chase plane for todays filght. I doubt they will go up on Friday as we have weather forecasted here so I suspect they will skip it for tomorrow. If you would ever like to listen to it give me a shout and I can give you access to the server. BTW Dave, Since you had copy out there. Were you able to figure out what the acronyms LRE and MCE stood for? I heard them Reference "LOCAL RADIO" a time or 2 and am assuming that is in direct Relationship to LRE. But I don;t know what the "E" might be for. And for MCE I assume that might be something relating to "Mobile Control" or something to that effect.

I looked in most of my usual places to try to confirm the C/S but could not find anything for DRAGONS. Did you get this from any place in particular or is this just through your own notes? SRI you are not feeling up to speed. :-(
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
1512- EASY-566 inbound, calling Andrews. Nothing more heard. 141.55
1528- JOSA-965 inbound to Andrews. 141.55

About 1505 as I pulled in my driveway I saw a Huey heading west. Could only make out a silhouette so I couldn't see colors. I think it was a MUSSELL flight. At 1530 I caught the last half second of comms with MUSSELL CONTROL. 292.2

1535- PAT-44 with Quantico approach. 127.05

1541- MUSSELL-06 calling CONTROL, is inbound. Heard him weakly, then -03 called -06. 03 is loud and clear and relays to Control that 06 is ops normal, 10 miles from Leesburg.

1551- And there goes a MUSSELL eastbound on Rt9.

1600- MUSSELL-06 (female) inbound, 10mi NW of IAD, along the river for the freeze. Gets altimeter setting- 2996. 120.75
1601- MUSSELL-03 17mi to the west inbound for Zone-5. 120.75
1604- 06 for Zone-2

Zone-2 is where I saw an HMX-1 VH-3 flying around on Saturday. Southbound in the area of Wisconsin and Nebraska Avenues then it would turn right and go back, then repeat. Eventually I think it headed off to the NE.

1615- 03 at Tysons Corner, Western freeze. 06 at Chain Bridge wants Rt1 for Andrews

1618- DC-43 tells LIBERATOR his take-off time, advises that LIBERATOR is hard to hear. Apparently LIBERATOR then changed radios and could be heard fine. 378.1

1623- C-130 from Florida with two pax, code A50 inbound to ADW. 141.55

Returning from the Gulf Coast trip.

1809- DC-43 > LIBERATOR 20min out, will do some pattern work and land before the ramp freeze. A1, will have 50k onboard when they land. 378.1

1836- Someone telling DCA tower that someone is shining a laser in his eyes. It's coming from the vicinity of a reservoir. 120.75
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Mar 1, 2003
I have someone up on 236.25 sounds like one voice giving out BRA info. Maybe
a darkstar controller.



Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Here's a bit from Richmond...

0903: VA ANG up. Of course, they haven't said a c/s. Instead, their talking about remodeling a kitchen. <141.875>
0907: U/I talking to GK. Their going into PAM (what is PAM???) for 1/2 hour then their going up to KIWI to refuel with DC 41 and then their going back to PAM. <251.6>
0923: JOSA 107 calling SAM Command. <378.1>
1049: COYOTE 01 calling Leesburg Radio. <255.4>
1051: COYOTE 01 copies the altimeter given. <255.4>
1114: FREIGHT TRAIN 12 (can anyone confirm this callsign? I don't have it on my list) doing jumper practice <142.2>
1129: FREIGHT TRAIN 12 calling DC Control. They stated they are 30 seconds from drop. <142.200>
1130: FREIGHT TRAIN 12 calling DC Control...again. 6 jumpers are away, and they are enroute to their home base. <142.2> Unfortunately, they didn't say where their home base was.
1708: DIAMOND 01 looking for FL350. Currently at 23,000. They stated from lead a/c to trailing a/c is 2 1/2 miles. <235.625>
1712: DIAMOND 01 tells other a/c to push V? 118.925. <235.625>
1714: DIAMOND flight is now switching to 343.8. <118.925> They ultimately decided not to change frequencies, so they got handed off to someone else. Not sure who though.
1719: BATMAN 01 looking for higher if able. He's currently at FL260 climbing FL280. <118.925>

Had a bunch of GK acitivity going on along with some acitivity on 142.3. I didn't catch callsigns on 142.3, so I'm not sure who it was. Might have been DC ANG, not sure.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
AIR FORCE-1 is getting close. 300.4 is active. Time to find it on ATC.

1913- REACH-2098 squeezing in on 19R. 118.4

1918- They're chatting on 136.725. Mentioned crossing ARMEL early, so in from the west. Bumpy with rain shower reported by SAM-92---.

1930- Finally heard "AIR FORCE-1", with Potomac Approach on 119.85. ILS 19R If it wasn't dark and raining I could see it right about now.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
AF1 inbound

Freqhopping beat me to it!! Guess that's what I get for a dial-up connection.

Starting picking up 300.400 at 7.10pm, still active at 7:22pm. Signal strength has increased from 3 to 5.


EDIT - garbled voice on 300.400 at 7:29pm, sounded like touch tones at 7:31pm. Signal strength still 5.
EDIT #2 - Signal strength down to 2 at 7:37pm, still decreasing
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
I looked in most of my usual places to try to confirm the C/S but could not find anything for DRAGONS. Did you get this from any place in particular or is this just through your own notes? SRI you are not feeling up to speed. :-(

Yes, I have it in my own notes Jeff. I guess it was a couple of years ago I began a separate callsign list for all the local units. Both BANYAN and DRAGON are listed on it for Langley fighters. I only add a callsign to that list if I hear it. From about the time the F-22A types started flying from Langley, I've kept a list with the date I first heard the callsign. I don't have BANYAN or DRAGON on the F-22A list yet - just part of the overall list that was strictly F-15s when I started it.

I finally got curious enough about the distance from my house to Patuxent NAS to look it up. It's 63.1 miles - a bit more than I thought. That's as the crow fllies, not driving distance. Dover AFB is 64 flight miles from me - just about the same distance.

So, here it is 4 o'clock in the morning and not a thing to listen to. Even public safety freqs are quiet except for the usual Baltimore City nonsense. That's what I get for sleeping during the day and staying awake all night.

Nick said:
Had a bunch of GK acitivity going on along with some acitivity on 142.3. I didn't catch callsigns on 142.3, so I'm not sure who it was. Might have been DC ANG, not sure.

I woke up once during the day, turned on a radio and heard a couple of MD-ANG flights (RAVEN and AXEMAN) so that's probably what was on the 142.3 freq you mentioned above Nick. That's their favorite interflight freq. Heard AXEMAN say he was 10 minutes out and ZZZZZZZZZ I was asleep again.

I mentioned earlier about the two new A-10 additions to the MD-ANG unit at MTN that came from the MA-ANG at Barnes. I just looked through the logs for 21 February and had this entry:
1632: WARPIG 1 (A-10) flight to Raven Ops reporting 5 minutes out...all is normal...143.8
1634: WARPIG now with Martin Tower for landing...appears to be a flight of two...297.2

That's probably who arrived that day.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just a quick report before going to sleep...

0900 hour had two F-16 flights from Andrews up...SCARY 1 and WILD 1 flights went north somewhere - maybe as far as the Duke MOA, turned around and are on their way home about 1015. They used all the normal freqs for ZDC/ZNY.

Also in the 0900 hour and stretching now into the 1000 hour is a flight of four KC-10A tankers from McGuire - TEAM 50/51/53/54. They were using ZDC VHF freqs flying south as a block of four aircraft in a seven mile trail. Their original mission was to go to AR-207 in the Raleigh-Durham area but they said they got a late start and the area would be closed by the time they got there. So...50/51 (using 139.875 for interflight) got clearance to go to the Savannah GA area and troll for some work. Meanwhile, TEAM 53/54 changed to an interflight freq I've never heard before - 235.1 - and to get some work in they're refueling each other. I managed to get three of their tail numbers...79-1711...84-0188...84-0186...but I don't know which TEAM aircraft they go with.

AXEMAN flight of A-10s from MTN went airborne at 1007 and RAVEN flight at 1015.

There was also a FIRST 71 flight of Langley F-15s through the ZDC area around 1000 and the usual REACH/JOSA/VENUS/PACER transports around the area.

Early in the 0900 hour I heard a DRAGO 51 mention they were going to be doing an Arlington flyby. I only heard him on 119.85 TRACON and nothing further. He sounded like a B-52.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....until later.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
RGr TIN caught those TEAM's also but missed tail numbers..Mentioned working between Florence SC and Savannah Ga.
I have 235.100 as McGuire A/A primary freq,cant remember when I got it though.

HF radio was working fairly well today as heard Lajes 11175 working REACH 889
Readback was REACH 889 departed LBSF Sofia Bulgaria at 1135z
Now that is one you don't hear everyday around here...



Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Thanks for that confirmation Tin. The other question I've got is, do you know who uses the callsign FREIGHT TRAIN? I've heard it before and I heard it yesterday. It's definately a transport a/c of some type, and I'm betting on a C-130. I'd like to be able to figure out this mystery.

Getter better soon Alan! Last week was my sick week. I've still got a lingering cough, but nothing too bad. Hope to see you back on here soon.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
MONKEY-1 and INDIAN HOLE. 267.35

MONKEY-1 said to take down whatever they were doing and put up HF retake 8. Telemetry is up and will leave up.

1626- Passed the 1-2-0 mark, speed is 143.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
Early in the 0900 hour I heard a DRAGO 51 mention they were going to be doing an Arlington flyby. I only heard him on 119.85 TRACON and nothing further. He sounded like a B-52.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....until later.

I had the DRAGO flight up on 138.825 from 0916 -0936.

Don't quote me on these as the comms were slightly muffled but I 'think' I 'may' have heard the following terms used.

Might have just been his Squadron Mates
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
I had the DRAGO flight up on 138.825 from 0916 -0936.

Don't quote me on these as the comms were slightly muffled but I 'think' I 'may' have heard the following terms used.

Might have just been his Squadron Mates

I heard that 138.825 flight too Jeff but never heard a callsign in the few minutes I had the radio on. That's a good tieup and proves it wasn't a B-52 as I thought it might be just from the transmitter sound. While with TRACON, he had that muffled BUFF transmitter characteristic. I ran across the 138.825 while searching for the SCARY/WILD interflight freqs who were up at the same time.

Nick said:
Thanks for that confirmation Tin. The other question I've got is, do you know who uses the callsign FREIGHT TRAIN? I've heard it before and I heard it yesterday. It's definately a transport a/c of some type, and I'm betting on a C-130. I'd like to be able to figure out this mystery.

Nope. Can't help you with FREIGHT TRAIN Nick. I've never heard it and it isn't in any of my callsign database. Thanks for the well wishes. Much appreciated.
Edit: I just looked in the Airport/Facility Directory and there are 17 jump areas listed for Virginia so there's a lot to pick from. One of them, of course, is your favorite place at Blackstone AAF.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
SLAM-1 with ZDC-Franklin 290.425

And to be indentified, interflight 141.875
Nice day for flying, I won't be here long.

ZDC-Cofield 323.0 no callsign. 21k for 23k

1102- DEVIL-11 with ZDC-Calvert now.
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Jun 18, 2006
1129 MUSEL 03 to KNXX tower (119.6) 8.5 miles to the south and inbound to rnwy 33; female voice
1130 MUSEL 03 (spells callsign) ids as a military helicopter; I only hear her say sierra once - I generally see eveyone on here spell it MUSSEL or MUSSELL
1133 can hear the signature sound of a UH-1 Huey
1136 MUSEL 03 on the ground and switches to KNXX ground (118.45)
First time I've ever heard the Musel callsign at Willow Grove
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