Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mateo said:
The Czech President is heading for Houston -

164997 is a C-130T based at Andrews with VR-53.

Appreciate that Matthew. Thanks. I was especially curious where that Czech CEF 01 was headed.

NOTE: Added FLASH to my callsign database for two new units today:
181st Airlift Squadron TX-ANG NAS Ft. Worth JRB
328th Airlift Squadron AFRC Niagara Falls IAP/ARS NY
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
Interesting to note. I have recorded audio of 2 tankers from last night around the 0230 hour heading south. I have about 4.5 minutes of audio from them. Referenced heading to Puerto Rico Area. Also referenced going about 150 miles off of PALM BEACH to a point called "NUCAR". Spelled it out. Appeared to be 2 tankers but no C/S heard.

What freq did you hear them on Jeff? I looked up NUCAR to find where it was....

Identifier: NUCAR
Lat/Long: 28-07-33.700N / 077-37-58.800W
State Name: BAHAMAS
Fix Category: Civil
Charting Info: COMPULSORY FL240 & ABOVE.

Ref below: Okay, thanks Jeff. Guess that means they were McGuire KC-10A types. Sounds like a good place to fly.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
What freq did you hear them on Jeff? I looked up NUCAR to find where it was....

Identifier: NUCAR
Lat/Long: 28-07-33.700N / 077-37-58.800W
State Name: BAHAMAS
Fix Category: Civil
Charting Info: COMPULSORY FL240 & ABOVE.

I had them via the recording but it was 139.875


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1435Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY BD 811 (C-130T VR-64 NAS JRB Willow Grove) - deps ADW dir LDN to 12000'.
1439Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 1159 - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1505Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 206 - deps ADW QSY 118.675.

1545Z 231.300 Pentagon TWR - PAT 24 - checks in as a flight of two H-60s then xmsn fades out. Heard them depart DAA a little earlier...
1559Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 24 - heading back in from the Pentagon, @ Springfield direct DAVEY from present pos. Stuck mike then provided about
20 seconds of insight into helo cockpit ops...:cool:)

1606Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 805 (C-21A JOSAC) - checking in at 11000' then cleared to 15000' dir FLUKY to FL210 QSY ZDC-Montebello 121.675.
1614Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 044 - deps DAA and checks in @ 2000' cleared to 8000' QSY 126.650.
1649Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 01052 (UC-35C 00-1052) - deps ADW and checks in @ 3000' heading 270 cleared to 5000' then 15000' dir FLUKY then cleared to FL210 QSY ZDC-Montebello 121.675.
1653Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 735 (C-21A JOSAC) - passes t/off time ADW.
1654Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 735 (C-21A JOSAC) - deps ADW to 11000' then cleared to 15000' dir FLUKY.

1700Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 759 (C-21A 84-0140 JOSAC) - rpting i/b ADW tail #40140 status A1, pickup one A1 + 3 for the o/b to McGuire.
1711Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JOSA 759 - lands rwy 1R.
1716Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 749 - deps DAA checks in at 800' for 2000' cleared to 4000' QSY 125.650.
1719Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JEDI 22 (C-17A 04-4131 6th AS McGuire) - tnks for the ID Tin - lands rwy 1R.
1724Z 372.200 Andrews AFB PTD - JOSA 771 (C-21A JOSAC) - clg Andrews Dispatch here no joy.
1726Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JOSA 771 (C-21A JOSAC) - switches here and rpts no joy on U, told to switch to 139.3.
1727Z 139.300 Andrews AFB PTD - JOSA 771 (C-21A JOSAC) - i/b C-21A A7 pickup and 3 space-a's on board - req parking and 4000 lbs. gas, parking 3B.
1729Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPACE 1 (C-21A) - deps ADW dir LDN.

1837Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 676 - deps DAA 1000' for 2000' init. alt. to 11000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1846Z 311.000 LIBERATE reporting "we are 150 miles away". Tried to get further but comms too weak, just that one excellent burst. LIBERATE??
1851Z 311.000 ACC OPS (t) - Just got another hit here - "This is LIBERATE 74 miles out - delay my last...". Difficult to copy due xmsn overmod. Re: "delay/belay": OK, see how difficult the copy was...:cool:)

Possibly ACC Ops is the station LIBERATE is clg on 311.000?

1902Z 311.000 LIBERATE here again clg "ACC OPS" (t) LIBERATE now 3X miles out. Any help with this one?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1042: BANGER F-16s from the NJ-ANG Atlantic City working interflight...138.875
1044: There are also DEVIL F-16s of the NJ-ANG working the same freq...138.875
They're performing ACM activity wherever they are. They're in the Pax Range area...mention Vienna.
1035-49: ETHYL 69 (U/I tanker) with many, many calls to McGuire CP before making contact...going into McGuire...asking for Customs and Ag to meet the plane so coming in from overseas.
1053: SCARY, flight of two DC-ANG F-16s, up on interflight coming home to Andrews...139.15
1055: SCARY to SENATE SOF to report 10 minutes out, SCARY 1 is Code 3 for IFF, SCARY 2 is Code 1...139.9
1055: WILD 1 F-16, single ship, also coming home to Andrews...with TRACON...270.275
1059: WILD 1 with Andrews Tower for landing runway 19L...349.0

1100: WILD 2 with TRACON also coming home to Andrews...270.275
1102: SCARY flight with TRACON...270.275
1103: WILD 2 with Andrews Tower for landing...349.0
1108: SCARY to Andrews Tower, IDs as two F-16s for landing runway 19L...349.0
1114: PAT 208 landing Andrews...118.4
1117: JOSA 805 calling Griffin Command and reports he's wheels up at 1604Z...funny thing is that he's on 349.4 to call Griffin Command. This is the second time in the past three days I've heard a JOSA aircraft using this freq for Griffin. Mistake? Or something we don't know about yet?
1124: BANGER 21 flight on the way home...with ZDC-Cape Charles...256.8
1126: BANGERs 21 with ZDC-Casino at 15,000 feet...285.4
1127: BANGER 22 to Ops to report 10 minutes out, both aircraft are Code 1...261.0
1131: BANGER flight with Atlantic City Approach...327.125

1209: JEDI 22 (C-17A, tail 04-4131, 6th Airlift Squadron McGuire AFB) calling Andrews Dispatch...372.2
1211: JEDI 22 changes to Victor to call Andrews Dispatch...wants to know if they see 5 of their local aircrews hanging around there waiting...139.3 (Sounds like he's just coming into ADW to pick up a crew...currently at 4000 feet on the approach.) (He lands, picks up his crew and is in the air again at 1259)
1226: JOSA 771 (C-21A) has been calling Griffin Command and Andrews Dispatch on all the freqs he knows and can't make contact....141.55/378.1/372.2/139.3/118.4 (Finally makes contact with tower to pass his arrival msg)

1304: GHOST 53 (C-20G, BuNo 165153, USMC Hq) with arrival message to Andrews...needs Customs/AG so it's a flight from overseas...378.1
1337: REACH 01 to Andrews to report takeoff at 1832Z...141.55 (He then proceeds to call Washington Center several times while still on 141.55 giving his altitude as 11,000 feet)
1342: Have someone called "LIBERATE" working on 311.0. Missed who he called because he's so loud he's overmodulating...sounds like he's right overhead. His transmission was "LIBERATE is 25 miles out" and that's all I caught.
1347: REACH 01 to McGuire Dispatch ...IDs as tail 84-0140 (C-21A) 20 minutes out to drop off pax and get 3000 pounds of gas...372.2 (This is the same aircraft that was JOSA 759 going into Andrews earlier)
1347: LIBERATE reports 150 miles away...311.0
1350: NJ-ANG F-16s up on interflight 138.425 and with ZDC-Casino 285.4...callsign AERO 11
1352: LIBERATE says he's 71 miles away belay his last call (he's Navy)...(I still can't catch who it is he's calling)
1354: AERO 11 handed to ZDC-Woodstown and checks in at 17000, climbing to FL 210...says his target is 25 left for 110 miles...not sure yet where the flight is headed...363.0
1356: AERO 11 flight over to ZDC-DuPont and check in at FL 200...says they'll be heading 300 for 100 miles...climbing to FL 230...mentions something about St. Thomas at 98 miles...307.25
1358: LIBERATE reports 56 miles out...sounds like he's calling something with "OSACOMM" in it...311.0
1358: AERO 11 over to ZNY-Modena and check in...climbing to FL 240...335.6

1400: AERO 11 to ZNY-Harrisburg and checks in as a flight of 3 at FL joy so back to Modena 335.6
1402: AERO 11 given a new freq for ZNY-Lancaster (backup freq) and check in at FL 230...285.65
1403: LIBERATE tells someone they're loud and clear (he's a mush mouth)...says they're 142 miles out...311.0
1403: JINX 21 calling McGuire Command Post...319.4
1405: AERO flight now on interflight 138.875 (heard them earlier say to go to V-17 while on 138.425)
1407: AERO 11 tells ZNY they'll be looking for a descent to 16000 in two minutes to cancel (IFR)...cleared down to FL 190 for now...285.65
1408: AERO 11 flight handed off to ZNY-Middletown...requesting flight level 16000...322.4 (Did I mention this is a flight of three F-16s?)
140915: JINX 21 still calling MCGuire CP...319.4
1410: AERO 11 heading down to 11000...says they'll get below 13000 quickly...going down to 5000 feet on a heading for 350 (no doubt going into a low level flight route)...322.4
1412: AERO 11 says they're leaving the ZNY freq and will be back up in about 30 minutes...322.4
1423: AERO 11 has been talking with ZBY-Middletown off and they switch to ZOB-Tyrone (Cleveland Center Sector 52) and ask for the weather for Johnstown...299.2
1438: AERO 11 back up heading to Atlantic City...322.4
1439: RAPTOR 11 on interflight...228.175 (F-22A)
1440: RAPTOR 11 with ZDC-Blackstone... 235.625
RAPTOR tracking a target...sounds like they were scrambled...very excited pilot
1442: AERO 11 with ZNY-Lancaster...239.05
1442: ARMY 10301 has been calling Griffin Command and SAM Command at Andrews for the past 10 joy...141.55
1446: RAPTOR flight still in ACM activity...guess it was just a practice scramble...228.175
1446: AERO 11 flight with ZNY-Modena 335.6
1448: Have F-22a types with ZDC-Cape Charles...256.8 (Not sure if these are the same RAPTOR 11 flight from above)
1449: AERO 11 to ZDC-DuPont...flight of three direct R-5002 (Warren Grove)....307.25
1452: AERO 11 handed to ZNY-Dixie and try to check in...finally do at 17,500 feet...307.8

1549: Back at the radios just long enough to hear some F-22A types reporting to Giant Killer they're RTBing to Langley...249.8 (Maybe the MAI TAI flight Jeff mentions below...these guys had suffix 51)
1555: Nope...MAI TAI is 61 suffix and now heading home to Langley at 14,000 feet...249.8

1610: HIRE 71 (C-17A, tail 99-0060, 62nd Airlift Wing, McChord AFB WA) calling McGuire Command Post...349.4
1615: TALON 21 with ZDC-Casanova 282.2
1617: TALON 21 over to TRACON heading for Andrews...270.275 (Probably a T-38 or T-45)
1621: HIRE 71 still calling McGuire and still using 349.4 instead of 319.4.
1623: TALON 21 over to ADW Twr for landing...349.0
1623: MAI TAI 62 now with Giant Killer heading home due to low fuel...249.8
1627: HIRE 71 finally switches to 319.4 and makes contact with McGuire...5 crew
1628: GIANT 8702 with Giant Killer...118.125
1640: OMNI 781 Heavy calling McGuire...134.1...and then to McGuire Approach on 124.15 asking for the weather.
1649: OMNI 781 Heavy with Atlantic City McGuire...124.6
1650-55: Navy TP 15 (T-38, TESTER, USN Test Pilot School Pax NAS) with Andrews Approach 335.5 and Tower 349.0 doing approaches before heading back to Pax.
1655: Flying overhead is a Russian Antonov-124, callsign VDA7259 and tail RA-82046 (Volga-Dnepr Airlines)... Don't see/hear many of those in this area.
1658: BATON 73 with Baton Ops giving arrival message...395.1

Log is done.

Ref below: Jeff, what is WBFM - ORDERWIRE? I don't understand that.
Sheesh....I'm almost sorry I asked.
I plugged in 249.95 and 325.0 and heard nothing Jeff. However, I heard something on 310.15 from Pax that was kind of strange. It was airborne since he said he'd land in an hour or two but when he talked it sounded like a whole room full of people in the background and did not sound airborne. No callsigns heard to identify him.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
1344: 374.55 WBFM - ORDERWIRE up
1353: 138.425 & 138.875 - Active. I guess the NJ ANG is up. No C/S heard as yet. Must be in GK, Have them weak here.
1353: 249.95 & 325.0 PAX "HOT MIC TO CHASE" Active at the moment. I can't tell if anyone away from PAX can hear these or not as I am unsure if being re-transmitted from ground side or air side. If anyone could plug them in a check for me I would really aprreciate it.
1355: 382.95 - PAX RTPS freq active with UNID flight test
1359: 235.725 - UNID flight test. Search Scanners just found the freq last week. I am unsure of use. Sounds like RTPS but unconfirmed
1412: 383.7 - UNID Flight Test. I have ben hearing C/S "SAIL" used here lately. Appears to be comms oriented testing.

Tin, ORDERWIRE WBFM Signal. WALDORF GEP (GROUND ENTRY POINT). COMBAT CEDARS. Now If that just did not confuse you enough it was most likely AF-1 or AF-2. Now, Having said all that craziness I will say this. I know what to call it. Have no idea what it is exaclty. :) But I do know there are many in the hobby that track it because you can at times catch comms from AF-1 or AF-2 patching into the ground based hardline telephone patch system. Also might be referenced as "NORSTAR NETWORK" or possibly "NORTHSTAR NETWORK" I have seen it both ways. I think there is a doc in OHIO SCAN that briefly explains it. Oh, and by the way, See what you get when you ask me to explain something before I have had my coffee? ;-)

1452: 391.2 GIANTKILLER. Tin, I think your RAPTORS are involved in the action I am picking up on this freq as well. Oops Nevermind. RINGOS are the players here

Tin, 310.15 would be VQ-4 TACAMO (TAke Charge And Move Out). I have been in their birds. I think there are 2-3 radio operators sitting side by side in the back. Woud not be uncommon to hear background voices. 310.15 is the OPS/MAINT freq at PAX. BTW, TACAMO uses ORDERWIRE as well. And thanks for checking on the other 2 freqs. I don't know how these freqs operate. It's almost like the comms are being transmitted back to the ground from the aircraft then are being re-transmitted or repeated from a ground based transmitter.

1525: 391.2 - MAITAI 1 & 2, 1st FW up in GK. I think I spelled that right. Like the drink
1529: 296.9 - Freq just went active with Unknown players. Possible ACM activity. Should be the 1st FW

freqhopping, Thanks for posting the OW stuff. I am not into that at all but by running the searches like I do I stumble into it pretty often. It's nothing I care to listen to but I had to research it just enough to be able to at least throw a tag on the freqs.

1753: 272.4 - UNID aircraft up in Flight Test with ROMEO
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19

This location is the hub for one of AT&T's least-well known telecommunications services, the US Air Force's wideband ground entry system, known as Combat Ciders. This and a similar system known as Presidential provide secure multi-line air to ground connectivity for the NEACAP, Looking Glass, and other airborne nuclear command posts and Air Force One and other VIP aircraft to ensure communications for the National Command Authorities. Note the vertical antennas atop the tower. Resembling UHF television transmitting antennas, they provide high-power and high gain, enabling each such site to cover an area of the US exceeding 200 miles in diameter.
The Combat Ciders system [an AUTOVON segment also knonwn as "Wideband"} is a full-duplex FDM multi-channel Air Force One communications link, via nuclear hardened antenna's at many of the Autovon switching centers. The system also connects via relay aircraft and the various emergency command post aircraft, such as Lookinglass. The system has provisions for secure voice, teletype and FAX, as well as fully automatic AUTOVON voice trunks with standard AUTOVON signalling and control. Trunks are located on 12, 16, 20 and 24 kHz SSB channels, 0-4 kHz is used for an order wire to ground station. The system uses various frequencies in the 225-400 mhz military UHF band, 390.55 and 392.55 have been used as transmit from Air Force One in past. EIRP is (or was) very high, one published description of system said it was 1 Kw to counter absorption effects near nuclear fireballs.

And if you have Google Earth you can change the extension on this file to .kmz and load it to see exactly where it is. I've got .kmz files for many AUTOVON sites.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0959: AXEMAN flight of MD-ANG A-10s reports airborne to Raven Ops at 58 after the hour...347.2

1000: SCARY and WILD flights of DC-ANG f-16s operating in the Pax area on interflight 139.15 and 143.6
1005: Mention of "Once the Global Hawk gets airborne" on Pax freq...the speaker is calling himself "213"...270.8
1010: AXEMAN flight of two A-10s checking into the Pax area...say they'll be there for 20 minutes operating between 5 and 15000 feet...270.8
1010: AXEMAN flight working interflight...142.3
1013: WILD flight mentions the Global Hawk...270.8
1015: NJ-ANG F-16s active on interflight...callsign BANGER 21...138.875
1019: SCARY flight gives in flight report to SENATE SOF...both Code 1, 6.5 minutes out...139.9
1019: NJ-ANG BANGER 21 flight with ZDC-Casino...285.4
1022: BANGER 21 flight to ZDC-Cape Charles...256.8
1023: AXEMAN flight reports leaving R4006 north VFR to Pax controller...270.8
Conditions are extremely noisy again today across the MilAir bands. Not a joy to listen to.
1027: SCARY flight back at ADW with Tower doing an approach or two before landing...349.0
1030: BANGER 21 flight going south...currently with Norfolk TRACON...370.925 (Possibly heading for the Dare County Range NC)
1030: AXEMAN flight heading for Atlantic City (heard them but didn't see the freq)
1040: AXEMAN flight with ACY Approach...327.125
I think I heard the WILD flight say they were landing at Pax. No reason given.
BANGER 21 flight out of range.
1052: DC 22 to LIBERATOR reports flight of two - DC 21 and DC 22 - off at 1550Z...378.1
Both KC-135R types from the 756th ARS at Andrews...tails 57-1512 and 57-1487.
1056: DC 21 and DC 22 are using their 143.8 freq for interflight...something they normally don't do while still in this area because of the MD-ANG using that for their Raven Ops freq.

1102: DC 21 [female] tells DC 22...."these winds are kicking our ass"....22 agrees...(And they're currently only at about 18,000 feet)...143.8 (At 1104 they're up to FL 250 and the female mentions something about a TIGER flight...that must be their receivers)
1104: Had a U/I aircraft with Giant Killer saying their altitude block would be 500-600...249.8 (that's getting up there!)
1116: DC 21 and 22 still chatting their way down the road...their receivers have a CT time of 1730Z...22 says they'll probably get there earlier than what they're saying...143.8
1130: BANGER 21 flight back in with ZDC-Irons...360.85 (they were sent to 320.2, had no joy and came back to 360.85 for another handoff idea who's supposed to live on 320.2)
1131: BANGER 21 with ZDC-Franklin...290.425
1132: BANGER 21 now over to Norfolk TRACON...370.925
1143: BANGER 21 flight now nearly home...with ZDC-Casino at 11,000 feet...285.4
1145: AXEMAN flight coming Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out, 1 is Code 2 for multiple writeups, 2 is Code 1...Raven Ops says he'll see them when they get on the ground...347.2
1146: BANGER 21 flight with ACY Approach...327.125
1154: DRAGNET VICTOR (AWACS E-3 Tinker AFB OK) doing Link 16 checks with HUNTRESS...260.9
DRAGNET is backend callsign...look for SENTRY 6x for the front end on ATC freqs.
1158-1203: REACH 484 calling Quantico Ops and then Quantico Ground on same joy...355.3

1208: REACH 484 finally makes contact with Qualtico Ops...25 minutes out, A-1, requesting parking spot...also requesting 120,000 pounds of fuel and wants to know if they can get a rental vehicle for six people...355.3 (I've had several hits on this freq over the past few days. Kind of unusual since it has been a long time since I heard it previously.)
1259: Andrews F-16s back up on both 139.15 and 143.6 interflight freqs.
SCARY is 139.15 and WILD is 143.6

1300: WILD with ZDC-Calvert at 15000 feet...281.4
1302: SCARY flight to Patuxent Approach at 15000 feet...cancel IFR...305.2
1303: SCARY over to BayWatch...going to R-6609 to work from 3500-20000 feet for the next 40 minutes...asking how long the WILD flight has been in R-6609...want north spin area at same altitudes...(guess WILD beat them into 6609)...354.8
1326: REACH 500 to Quantico Ops...putting fuel on request...355.3
1330: MD-ANG A-10s report airborne at 30....347.2...they're working 142.3 interflight...callsign AXEMAN
1331: REACH 4068 to McGuire CP...want a message passed to Charleston...get a phone patch and say they're due in the blocks at 2000Z, 1 pax, no cargo, need Customs and Ag...319.4
1334: CRAB 58 (C-130J MD-ANG) with Crab Ops...148.925
1333: DC22 on the way home from a failed refueling effort in New Engley...119.75
1340: WILD flight on the way home to Andrews...139.9
1340: AXEMAN flight to the Pax area with BayWatch...354.8
1348: DC 21 also on the way home (missed the freq) calling LIBERATOR at 1358...will do pattern work for the next 45 minutes...current fuel is 45,700 pounds...378.1
1358: FUZZY 22 (KC-135R, tail 58-0023, NY-ANG Niagara Falls) zipping overhead at FL 270 (missed freq)

1400: CAPITOL 91, flight of two F-16s DC-ANG, to SENATE SOF, both jets Code of them has one flare remaining and wants to know if they have dearm it before taxiing in...139.9
1402: REACH 3365 to Dover CP...IDs as a C-130, tail 20551, A-1, 6 pallets, no pax, needs 22,000 pounds of fuel and fleet service...349.4
1403: WILD flight came home to ADW but the SCARY flight is still up on interflight...139.15
1410: CAPITOL 91..."base, gear, stop, right"...CAPITOL 92 gives same report as they land with Tower...349.0
1413: JOSA 147 coming into Andrews...tail 84-0126...378.1
1413: FUZZY 22 still in the area...again missed freq as I was out of the room when I heard him...
1415: AERO 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG) with ZDC-Casino...mention going to R-4006 and will tank...285.4 (Bet FUZZY 22 is the tanker that will take care of them)
1415: AERO 11 flight on inteflight freq...138.425
1415: REACH 511 to Dover...349.4 (C-17A, tail 00-0173)
1415: REACH 7043 to McGuire...319.4
1418: AERO 11 checking in at 16000 feet with ZDC-Cape Charles...256.8
1420: AERO flight leader sends wingman to Pax on 270.8 to see if FUZZY is there....AERO comes up with Pax and says they're a flight of four F-16s and want to meet up with FUZZY 22...270.8
1421: AERO 11 flight to Pax on 305.2 for mission V-68...cancel IFR
1421: AERO 11 to Pax Advisory...entering airspace at 17,500 and will climb up to join with FUZZY 22...270.8
1423: AERO tells Pax they'll be with FUZZY 22 for the next 15 minutes and then depart to the south...270.8
1424: AERO11/FUZZY 22 meet up on 270.8 and decide refueling boom freq will be Pax discrete freq 256.5...all four F-16s come up on 256.5 as does FUZZY 22 [female)...22 is at FL 270 and they chat about the meet...256.5
1426: AERO 11 tells Pax he believes they're the only chicks for FUZZY 22...270.8
1427: FUZZY 22 asks the sequence...AERO flight leader says it'll be 1,3,2,4...3000 pounds apiece...FUZZY 22 clears AERO 1 onto the boom...256.5
1430: AERO flight chatting on interflight about positioning around the tanker...138.425
1432: TESTER 15 telling Pax they want to start their supersonic run...270.8
1433: Unfortunately, the AEROs must be using the boom intercom during refueling so there is almost no chat once they started with the tanker.
1434: and a TESTER 10 also going supersonic in 2 minutes...270.8
1438: AERO says they'll be pulling away to the southeast VFR toward Cape Charles...256.5
1438: TESTER 10 finishes supersonic run at 32,500 feet, top speed 1.05 mach...started at the 110/24, ended at 139/24 radials from pax...270.9
1438: Just little snippets of conversation between FUZZY 22 and the AERO F-16s if they get off the boom before they finish talking on the intercom...256.8
1440: FUZZY 22 finishes refueling the chicks...tells them they took 4500 pounds each...256.5
1441: Both AERO and FUZZY 22 trying to contact BayWatch on 256.8...AERO decides to go to 270.8 where they make contact and say they're at FL 180 direct Cape Charles.
1444: FUZZY 22 asking for ZDC freq so they can get out of the area...256.5
1444: AERO 11 does the same but on...270.8
1445: AERO 11 handed to ZDC-Cape Charles and checks in just out of R-4006 ...says they're going into a VR route (I missed it) from Point A-L and then back to Atlantic City...256.8...they were at 10,500 and 1447 they report at 4000 feet and leaving the freq. (getting weak obviously)
1449: SPORT 1 (A-10 MD-ANG MTN) with MTN Tower for landing...297.2
SPORT is used for flights out of the area. Not sure where this guy went or when.

Enough for today...tired and worn out.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1540Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 13 (UH-60) - deps DAA QSY 118.950 @ 2000' cleared to 4000' QSY 125.650.
1543Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PAT 192 - lands rwy 1L.
1544Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 142 - deps DAA QSY 118.950 to 8000' dir LDN QSY 125.050.

1650Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - SPAR 28 (C-37A 01-0028 310th AS MacDill) - on the ILS rwy 1L.
1659Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 192 - deps ADW to 5000' then cleared to 12000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1858Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 119 (C-21A 84-0119) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 118.675.

1913Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - VENUS 93 (C-32A 99-0003) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1925Z 349.400 Dover AFB CP - REACH 511- requests and receives cargo upload figure.
1941Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - MUSSEL 7 - dir Marshall Hall at this time.
1941Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - WAMO 51 - cleared to land rwy 1L.
1946Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - DC 21 - 7 DME 1R gear down fullstop.

2009Z 322.300 Potomac APP - MAZDA 1 - up on this freq descending to 4000' from 6000'. Also something about "coming in behind the four ship for the visual straight in."
2017Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - MAZDA 1 is landing 1R.
2018Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - NAVY 7N 468 (UC-12B NAF Washington) - 10 mi. vis app to rwy 1L full stop.

2105Z 139.700 ZDC-HUNTRESS - BLACKJACK 1 (HH-65C USCG Washington National Airport) - up on this freq very difficult to copy mentions something about Gordonsville.
2117Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JV 404 (C-40A VR-58 NAS Jacksonville) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
2126Z 354.800 BayWatch - ????? 168 - up on this freq will be in area for the next 10 mins., "360". So I stand by here for the next 10 minutes and get squat further...first hit on this freq from within "The Batcave"...:cool:
2147Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 147 (C-21A JOSAC) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
2148Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 147 (C-21A JOSAC) - rpts t/off time 2145Z code 172 pax 8.
2149Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - VENUS 42 - gear down for the option rwy 1L.

2242Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 3113 (C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
1838: 313.7 - Have aircraft talking with GREEN DOMINION. GD unheard. I think the Aircraft is WATERBUG 849. Anyone know who GREEN DOMINION is? Some sort of Communications testing underway.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
1052: DC 22 to LIBERATOR reports flight of two - DC 21 and DC 22 - off at 1550Z...378.1
Both KC-135R types from the 756th ARS at Andrews...tails 57-1512 and 57-1487.
1056: DC 21 and DC 22 are using their 143.8 freq for interflight...something they normally don't do while still in this area because of the MD-ANG using that for their Raven Ops freq.

1102: DC 21 [female] tells DC 22...."these winds are kicking our ass"....22 agrees...(And they're currently only at about 18,000 feet)...143.8 (At 1104 they're up to FL 250 and the female mentions something about a TIGER flight...that must be their receivers)

Just checking my recorded audio and had these folks up on 324.6 for AR207 PRIMARY at 11:15 talking to UNID aircraft advising they will be at the IP waiting for them. THe aircraft they were tlaking to to was "24" but I could not pull anymore than that out of the comms.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Jeff Ed up in Maine via Milcom had them up his way working with OPEC 24 but AR failed for mech reasons so the DEECE's rtb back to Andrews.
Odd thing Tin and I noticed was that DEECEE's were using old squad CP freq 351.200 for A/A up there.
Figuring they still have old presets so when out of town use that for A/A when VHF is lousy like today was.

DEECEE's were busy today as later heard DC 23,24 and 25 up and about.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr Jeff Ed up in Maine via Milcom had them up his way working with OPEC 24 but AR failed for mech reasons so the DEECE's rtb back to Andrews.
Odd thing Tin and I noticed was that DEECEE's were using old squad CP freq 351.200 for A/A up there.
Figuring they still have old presets so when out of town use that for A/A when VHF is lousy like today was.

DEECEE's were busy today as later heard DC 23,24 and 25 up and about.


I never heard DC25 last night but did manage to hear 23 and 24. DC24 was one of the same aircraft that flew earlier in the day as DC22. That one was tail 57-1512.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
03.06.2007 - part 2

Logged on the way home last night during a horrendous me it was longer than this log indicates!

2327Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 691 (C-20D 163691 VR-1) - deps ADW to 17000' dir GINYA.
2342Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - DC 24 - option app rwy 1R.
2357Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - ARMY 01053 (UC-35C 00-1053) - lands rwy 1L.

0009Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 1212 - deps ADW to FL210 dir HAFNR QSY ZDC-Montebello 121.675.
0017Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 318 (C-21A JOSAC) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
0023Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 248 - 6400' for 4000' cleared for the app to rwy 32 at Davison AAF.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And the first aircraft of the day....
0700: REACH 295 to Dover CP with arrival message...20 minutes out, zero cargo or pax, A-2 and needs parking spot....349.4
0705: REACH 295 adds that he'll need Customs and Ag and a conveyor belt for the luggage...349.4
0709: JOSA 554 calling Griffin Command...departure at 1207Z...D/V was late so they took off late...378.1
0714: SAM 1208 (C-37A, tail 99-0404 Andrews) reports departure at 1215Z and ETA at destination 1545Z...378.1
0730: TITUS 01 with ADW Twr...mentions visibility 1/8 mile...118.4

0805: VENUS 42 (C-37A, tail 99-0402, Andrews) to Griffin Command...took off at 0755...going to Wilmington for 2-3 hours and then come back to Andrews...378.1
0808: JOSA 435 reports takeoff at 1304Z...delay due to wx and deicing...378.1
0820: JOSA648 airborne at 1315Z...delay for wx and deicing...378.1
0824: REACH 486...20 out from Andrews...leaving tomorrow on his mission - if it hasn't changed...378.1

Ref below: Jeff, I also notice the FURY flight called Fury Ops on the Langley SOF freq 383.2 rather than on their old freq when they were still at Richmond. Looks like they've rid themselves of all the old stuff.
I also noted that YODA is one of the F-22A callsigns today and that's the first instance I've had that call for the Raptors so am adding it to my callsign list for them. Heard them on 315.85 interflight.
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Bit of drama going on with DECEE 24 yesterday. At 1735, LIBERATOR on 378.1 called the tanker while still on the ground reporting that receiver DEUCE 25 was in the green and would be off at 2302Z.
At 1755, DECEE 24 called back to the command post on 378.1 reporting off at 50 past. The CP responded that the receiver would be late, and had requested a 1 hour slip in the ARCT (to 0045Z), but the gut feeling was that it would be cancelled.
DECEE said she'd stay local until it was time to head out, and contacted Approach on 119.3 to say they'd be doing some pattern work, and to make sure the the clearance to the AR route would still be active. Just after 1800, LIBERATOR called and said that the receiver would just launch a single, and that the ARCT would be slipped by only 20 minutes.

Otherwise, from the 1700 hour yesterday, were VENUS 42 (C-37 99-0402) doing approaches and REACH 3113 (C-17A 03-3113 Jackson) departing. There were also ground comms between the CP and REACH 294.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
Tin & Mark,
Copy on the DEECEE flights. I don't monitor them very often so I would not know an old Freq from a new one. :)

BTW, concerning my previous post concerning GREEN DOMINION. I did end up catching them talking to POSSUM HOLLOW at PAX last night on 313.7 as well. And I did hear POSSUM HOLLOW. I have heard other aircraft call POSSUM HOLLOW as well as WATERBUG LAB on the freq. At this point I am almost thinking POSSUM HOLLOW is the C/S for WATERBUG LAB.

GREEN DOMIONION still eludes me as to who that is. I can't hear them. Another monitor and I shot an email or 2 back and forth about it and both of us kind of agree that from our memory the comms with GD were also Secure NETWORK test related. He came up with the possible idea of the C/S GREEN DOMINION might possibly point to:
'GREEN' Eluding to GREEN comms (secure)
'DOMINION' Eluding to it's possible location along the VA shorline.

Of course that is just an assumption on his part.

Also they advise the Primary freq was 345.1 and the Secondary was 313.7. My audio on 345.1 was very dirty and when they came up on 313.7 they advised the signal there was much cleaner than the Primary.

I have been hearingcomms to GREEN DOMINION for several years and have yet to be ale to put my finger on who exactly they are.

0824: 296.9 FURY 51. Sounds like they are going up against RAPTORS
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1556Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 8005 (KC-135E 58-0005 117th ARS KS ANG) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675; at first IDed as REACH 8005 but then corrects callsign.
1559Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - EVAC 8005 (KC-135E 58-0005 117th ARS KS ANG) - rpts t/off time ADW 1555Z.

Note re: 459th ARW: even though it has been revealed that these flights use DECEE on their fps, I will continue to use "DC" instead, in hopes that someone from the 459th will see my continued posts with that version of the callsign and decide to change it...:cool:)

1607Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - REACH 392 (C-17A 01-0195 437th AW) - deps ADW to 11000' dir PALEO QSY 124.550.
1614Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PACER 13 (C-21A 457th AS) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 118.675.
1617Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PACER 13 (C-21A 457th AS) - rpts t/off time ADW 1610Z.
1625Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - ARMY 01053 (UC-35C 00-1053) - deps ADW to 14000' QSY ZDC-Calvert 133.900.
1629Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 179 - deps DAA to 3000' then cleared to 12000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1738Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - PAT 876 - QSY 124.550.
1745Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - TITUS 01 - deps ADW @ 2000' cleared to 5000' dir DAILY.

1806Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 0533 (C-17A 90-0533 62nd AMW McChord) - deps ADW cleared to 17000' QSY 123.825. Controller comment of the day: "REACH 0533, have a good flight to the aroma of Tacoma".
1811Z 119.300 Potomac APP - TITUS 02 - vects. for the loc. app 1L and another option. Also up @ 1824Z commenting on poor vis. Up again @ 1907Z for another app. and switching to TWR 118.400.
1855Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JU 969 (C-9B VR-56 NAS Oceana) - deps ADW @ 1500' for 3000' cleared to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1912Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - REACH 446 (C-17A 01-0193 437th AMW Charleston) - no details heard just the callsign assume a landing.
1924Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SUNNY 864 (UC-12B VMR-1 MCAS Cherry Point) - deps ADW to 16000' QSY 123.825.
1924Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - VENUS 42 (C-37A 99-0402) - deps ADW to 11000' QSY 121.050.
1946Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 28 (C-37A 01-0028 310th AS MacDill) - deps ADW 3000' for 11000' then cleared dir HAFNR to FL210 QSY ZDC-Montebello 121.675.

2015Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2401 (C-12T Davison pm shuttle) - deps DAA 1400' for 2000' recleared to 5000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400.
2031Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - NAVY BJ 551 (MH-53E HM-14 NAS Norfolk) - deps ADW rdr contact 2 nms. N of ADW @ 1800' heading 050 cleared to 5000' dir Harcum QSY Patuxent APP 120.050.
2035Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - MARINE 206 - deps ADW rdr contact 3 nms. NE of ADW cleared to 17000' dir HUBBS QSY ZDC-Calvert 133.900.
2047Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - ARMY 10301 (UC-35C 01-0301) - deps ADW 1300' cleared to 17000' dir HUBBS QSY ZDC-Calvert 133.900.

2106Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - TITUS 01 - on the loc. for rwy 1L.
2126Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JOSA 682 - 10 nms. out on the ILS 1L full stop.
2147Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NIGHTHAWK 30 (CH-53E HMX-1 MCAF Quantico) - vects. for Quantico QSY Quantico APP 127.050.

2258Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 114 (UC-12B NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - deps ADW to 8000' dir DAILY.

2301Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A 97-1944) - 6700' to 6000' recleared down to 2000' maintain until established cleared ILS rwy 1L @ ADW.
2305Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - REACH 446 (C-17A 01-0193 437th AMW Charleston) - deps ADW to 11000' dir PALEO QSY 124.550.
2307Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - ARMY 1944 (C-37A 97-1944) - 8.1 nms. out inbound rwy 1L gear down.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Note re: 459th ARW: even though it has been revealed that these flights use DECEE on their fps, I will continue to use "DC" instead, in hopes that someone from the 459th will see my continued posts with that version of the callsign and decide to change it...:cool:)

I'm with you on that one Tony. DEECEE (and DECEE through ATC) isn't for grownups. DC just seems much more dignified.

I forgot to mention I heard a REACH 0495 last night heading toward the McGuire area. He was a World Airways MD-11 which was kind of unusual. I''m not sure if he landed at WRI since he faded before quite getting there but that's the direction he went.
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