Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Great pics Tin!
Like the VC-10 especially.Rare bird around here.

Earlier on tape 1600 local had a SAME 90 arrive McGuire says he was transient aircraft.
Don't have that one..
2320 local..first Thunder this year head here.. Spring is here.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD

Getting started reviewing my audio for the day and one of the first freqs I had was as follows. (225.875) I thought it was extremly odd as I never heard anyone ID themselves as SPAD OPS as I can't hear Ground Side from them or from anyone else in SE VA. I am assuming "SPAD OPS" was an airborne aircraft who just chose to ID himself to SENTRY 05 as such. The possibility also occured to me that GOLIATH might have the capability to "RELAY" comms and possibly had some switch in the wrong position. Ducting did not appear to be the case as the Signal was a good 5X5 and SPAD OPS actualy appeared to come in cleaner than SENTRY 05.

09:19:59 225.875 SENTRY 05 Calling any station for signal Check
09:20:11 225.875 SPAD OPS Calling GOLIATH. (SPAD OPS was clear as a bell) SENTRY 05 Answers and advises has them loud and clear and asks "HOW ME?"
09:20:54 225.875 SENTRY 05 again asks for signal check

2051: 236.25 I had an Aircraft calling what certainly sounded like OTIS BASE. Comms were pretty weak though.

0931 - 1003: 225.775 SLAMS 1 & 2 using the freq as Interflight for ACM. @ 0946: had UNID A/C come up 289.3 reporting they should be back on the deck in 15 minutes so these were likley the VA ANG SLAMS calling their OPS. Interesting to note here that 1 called 2 several times with no reply from 2. 2 eventually came up and advised while yanking and banking his head slammed up against his canopy and he was dazzed for a few seconds and needed to recover.

1518 - 1528: 225.775 UNID flight of 2 using as Interflight for ACM

1022 - 1028: 327.0 TAZZ 74 reporting just north of the 37/45. Talking to UNID station reporting in W-386 Flight Level 270. Nice Clear signal on him.

1441 - 1558: 341.95 Was hard to determine the players here but I definately had "RAGE" used as a Callsign. "VIPER" was used alot but for this iteration I could not tell if term was used as a Squadron C/S or just a generic callsign for the targets. But anywho, the freq was being used for the coordination of A-A intercepts.

1401 - 1626: 123.35 Aircraft #s 964 & 157 using as Interflight. It appeared I only had them coming to and from their work area. They referenced something about meeting north of the "HOOK". I have been watching this freq for a few weeks now. Even had 1 WATERBUG aircraft calling LAKEHURST AIRSHIP OPS on it. The other day I had 2 aircraft PUSH to this freq. I can't figure out what the freq is used for as yet but am still working it. I had 157 loud and clear taking off from PAX reporting airborne. 964 was pretty weak and I suspect was already established in GK. I did have one of them call BAYWATCH on the freq but could not tell if intentional or not. Possibly was on wrong freq or radio. Time will tell. Would not surprise me at all to start stumbling into a few BAYWATCH VICTORS soon as they seem to be few and far between. Thus far from my notes I show the largest number of confrmed users of the freq have been WATERBUG Aircraft. All the rest have just been numbers but could be WB as well.

1431 - 1604: 313.7 Aircraft 964 & 157 again. Same as 123.35 (above). 157 referenced this freq as UNIFROM TAC. Also made reference to coming up on a VICTOR TAC. I am assuming the 123.35 freq. Something else to note is at various points in the flight the number 2992 kept popping up. I could not tell what the reference was to. Just in case it is a PUSH, I have programmed this into a bank of other PUSH frequencies and will see what comes back. So 299.2 is in for grins. But as best I could tell one aircraft was spooling out a length of wire/cable for whatever reason. The other aircraft was flying chase and making obsevations about how the wire was acting. Even described the action of the wire as a SIGN WAVE. Lead A/C would make various truns, dives etc while chase observed. CHASE aircraft primary function was calling "STABLE". As the lead aircraft would go through the flight test card initiating various turns, he would call the CHASE and advise him to call when STABLE. Lead woud then intiate the move. For example 30 degrees left turn. Chase would observe and let Lead know when the wire/cable had settled and would call "stable". Then Lead would call off "LEVELING OFF" and prep up for the next move.

1402 - 1456: 143.75 FLYER & UGLY flights using as Interflight. This freq is a pain in the tail for me. I get alot of bleed on it from CABLE TV. Apparently the Home Shopping Channel. Fighters one minute then some babe trying to sell pots & pans the next. What a variety show. I keep track of all the freqs I generally have to keep locked out and periodically I load them all into a scanner just to see of anything has changed and I can reliably receive them. I am glad I did this or I would not have caught this freq today. Also worth noting here is FLYER reported unable to copy on FM. UGLY comes back with a PUSH. Switch 46.75

1903 - 1956: 288.0 ROCCO 61 and BICEPS. Unfortunately this is another one of my bad freqs and the comms were extremely dirty. I was lucky enough to be able to pull the callsigns and that there was refueling ops underway.

382.7 Not going to get into much detail on this. Information being passed is way too specific and appears to involve stuff I know absolutely nothing about so I am taking the 5th on it so I don't flub up and put out something that I shouldn't.

0917 - 0931: 383.7 I have been watching this one as a PAX Flight test freq involving various NETWORK testing (SPIDER, TIMBER ETC).But today I had several fighters up very weak in an ACM somewhere. Too weak to pull any callsigns out of.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
0818: 383.7 Picking up sporadic traffic. Apparenty Interflight but weak. No C/S heard

Tin, Tried to lay down and take a nap. Unsuccessful so figured I would play with the radios. Did not catch your 277.225 freq.

1013: 360.85 NAVY SD 2 checks in with WASH CTR.
1015: 139.875 active. TEAM 50 is one of the players. 51 is the other. I assume TEAM but unsure.
1015: 313.7 Active again, sounds like same players as yesterday.
1017: 365.7 getting weak traffic
1021: 238.1 Just caught the tail end of a transmission. Aircraft advising GK they were going to be working with HUNTRESS
1024: 259.9 New freq for me. Just went active with verbal comms, 1 Hit. Nothing else gained.
1025: 139.875 goes active. Female advises "Radio Check on VICTOR 1". Then 228.0 fires up with same Female. "Radio Check on UNIFORM"
1037: 259.9 still active. Being used for Interplane. No C/S heard as yet but am recording it.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
0818: 383.7 Picking up sporadic traffic. Apparenty Interflight but weak. No C/S heard

Couldn't hear anything on that one from here Jeff.

At 0855 I'm picking up 277.225. It sounds perhaps like helo activity...talking about a drop zone....he's at 3,000 feet.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
0850 MAPLE 03 with ZDC 254.300 direct JFK sw to ZNY 350.300
0856 GIANT 8755 Boeing 747 with Dover CP 134.100 landing Dover tail N355MC.
Req customs/ag. Tail reg search shows Atlas Air 747.
1206 KING 30 C-130 arriving McGuire to ero upload pax back to KVAD Moody.

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May 6, 2004
Milair Teamspeak

The last address I had for the Teamspeak Milair was Can not connect, is there a new address?


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Just got back from Frederick. I was up there since 9am this morning. No signs of BlackJack 1.

The rain has stopped and the skies are clearing. Expect to hear Marine 1 comms shortly.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1510: PITMAN 31/32 flying up the road toward Thurmont to begin the Guard Dog CAP...currently with ZDC-Brooke 327.0
TFR shows the CAP starting at 1550 local.
PITMAN on 139.825 for interflight.
1530: PITMAN 31/32 to Potomac 135.525 to check into Guard Dog area and radio check on 260.9 for HUNTRESS. They called 135.525 as V-10 freq.
1532: PITMAN 31/32 check in with HUNTRESS...they talk about altitude block...31 asks about TANKER 01 and TANKER 01 checks in....HUNTRESS is loud and clear...31 reports timber sour (datalink display of aircraft in the area not working)...HUNTRESS will work on it...260.9
1538: HUNTRESS tells PITMAN that TANKER 1 is 310 degrees at 105 miles away...he's chugging his way to the CAP...260.9 (I normally never hear HUNTRESS when he works the 260.9 freq...he must be transmitting from a different antenna today.)
1539: MARINE 1 calling PITMAN 31 but he's on 228.9 and getting no reply.
1540: MARINE 1 over to 260.9 and tells PITMAN 31 he's on the way. MARINE 1 says he'll be off frequency but will call him when ???(they arrive)????
1543: TANKER 1 asks about the altitude for clearing into Guard Dog...260.9...HUNTRESS tells the tanker he can't give him that...he's got to go to Potomac for altitude clearance on 135.525
1545: TANKER 01 is now at 320 degrees, 48 miles from the fighters per HUNTRESS...260.9
1545: TANKER 01 goes to Potomac and gets cleared for the block 21-25 in Guard Dog...135.525
1547: TANKER 01 lets PITMAN 31 know he'll be tracking counter-clockwise today...260.9
1550: TANKER 01 clears PITMAN in to tank...they do the nose cold, weapons safe routine...and looks like they're going to stay on primary freq for the boom too...tanker is right at 24,000 feet which will be their AR altitude...PITMANs will get topped off...260.9
They're using the boom intercom for chat so no tail numbers given over the radio to identify the tanker.
1557: PITMAN 31 going north after finishing his onload...32 is sucking on the boom now...260.9

[1500 hour: If you run across someone working with HUNTRESS on 235.9, it's a DEVIL 11 flight of F-16s from Atlantic City. They're out in W-107.]

1600: PITMAN 32 done with the AR...he has 12,100 pounds now...PITMAN 31 has 11,600...32 will take the south part of the CAP at FL 220, 31 will take the north at FL 230...TANKER 01 will fly his circles at FL 240...260.9
1602: HUNTRESS asks PITMAN 31 if they're NVG equipped...they're not...31 says their VOL time is before civilian dusk time concludes (how typically military!)...260.9
1622: PITMAN 31/32 and TANKER 01 quickly settled into their respective flight patterns and have gone quiet...260.9

1740-50: PITMAN 31 and then 32 refueling with TANKER 01 again...260.9
In the past few minutes, both TANKER 01 and PITMAN 31 have gotten their route clearance for their RTB. It seems a bit early to be doing that. If they break it off at 2300 as they normally do, it will have run for a tad over 7 hours today. PITMAN 31 just seemed to indicate their shift runs until 2000.
Both fighters have completed the AR op...31 has 11,500 pounds and 32 has 12,300 pounds remaining at this time.

1816: A pair of A-10s from MTN, AXEMAN callsign, has been flying around the area but are ready to call it a night. AXEMAN 2 just reported to Raven Ops they're 10 minutes out, AXEMAN 1 is Code 1, AXEMAN 2 is Code 2 for "no Maverick"...347.2
1817: RAVEN flight also reports to Raven Ops he's 10 minutes out and Code 1 (Sounded like a report for a single ship)...347.2
One of those two flights is using 142.3 for interflight chat...believe it's AXEMAN.
1839: PITMAN 32 going to TANKER 01 for fuel...completes AR at 1845 and took 4200 pounds..260.9
1847: PITMAN 31 off to the tanker now...260.9
1855: PITMAN 31 completes the AR and took 5200 pounds....31 now has 11,900 remaining and 32 has 11,700 pounds in his tanks...260.9

1901: PITMAN 31 asks HUNTRESS to call MAD DOG at Shaw and let him know the weather in the CAP is "schmeazy" with haze and no trouble with deicing. Calling DSN 965-xxxx...260.9
1923: TANKER 02 is on the way in...260.9
1923: PITMAN 31 says he's going to TANKER 01 for another 1500 pounds...260.9
1924: PITMAN 31 wants HUNTRESS to call MAD DOG at Shaw again and check on the weather at Shaw...2609
1928: Weather at Shaw is outstanding per HUNTRESS to PITMAN 31...VFR conditions, visibility 10 miles plus...260.9
1931: HUNTRESS tells TANKER 01 he can scoot once he finishes refueling PITMAN 31...260.9
1931: TANKER 01 to Potomac to request his clearance home...he's out of the 128th ARW, WI-ANG at Milwaukee...135.525
1938: HUNTRESS releases TANKER 01 to RTB...260.9
1940: TANKER 01 handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown and checks in there at FL 240, direct BUFFR...134.15
1941: PITMAN 33/34 flight to Potomac as they head toward Guard Dog...given block 210-250...135.525
1943: TANKER 02 tells PITMAN 33 he's entering from the southwest corner of Guard Dog at FL 250...260.9
1943: TANKER 02 check in with Potomac and requests FL 230-250...135.525
1945: TANKER 01 cleared to FL 270 (after requesting 340)...134.15 (Won't follow him any longer since we know where he's going.)
1946: HUNTRESS gives BRA to TANKER 02 to PITMAN 33/34 so they can close and begin refueling...02 is at FL 250 and he's requesting FL 240 when possible...260.9
1959: PITMAN 31 making arrangments to pick up his clearance to Shaw in about 5 minutes...non-standard, two mile trail...135.525

2002: HUNTRESS releases PITMAN 31/32 to RTB...260.9
2002: PITMAN 33/34 are NVG capable...260.9
2004: PITMAN 31/32 over to Potomac to head for home...requesting DL 240...135.525
2005: NJ-ANG F-16s are up on 138.875 interflight. (Actually, they've been up for quite a while...heard them earlier with ZDC-Casino and forgot to post it.)
2007: PITMAN 31/32 handed off to ZDC-Montebello and check in at FL 240, 2 mile non-standard formation...tries 4 times to make contact before getting a reply...284.7 (And that's enough of PITMAN 31/32)
2007: PITMAN 31 tells 32 to come up on Victor-8 and they do on 139.825
2010: PITMAN 34 to Potomac to request a discrete Mode 3....gets 4334...135.525
PITMAN 33 and 34 along with TANKER 02 are good now until the CAP ends for the night at 2300. So...I'm done for the night also. I'd appreciate it if someone could catch the home base of TANKER 02, either during a refueling (doubtful) or when he leaves the CAP at 2300 (very promising.) 'Till tomorrow....

It appears the Shaw F-16s have fixed freqs in their radios now for the CAP. The last two CAPs have featured Victor-8 as the interflight freq on 139.825 by all fighters. Earlier, they were just grabbing any channel they wanted for intercom but they have apparently settled on 139.825 as the standard. As mentioned earlier, they've also put Potomac TRACON freq 135.525 in the radio as Victor-10. That means they've probably got presets for the 228.9/260.9 HUNTRESS freqs also.

Ref below: Chris, not much can be expected on a Friday evening. Other than the CAP, there are A-10s from Martin State up on 142.3 but they probably won't be there very much longer. You could toss in the Willow Grove Base Ops and DE-ANG Ops freq (343.0) Dover CP (349.4) and McGuire CP (319.4) to catch some transport/tanker types moving around. Put in 135.525/260.9/139.825 for the CAP crew. You might catch them.

Ref below below: Brian, yes, HUNTRESS normally transmits from an antenna closest to the aircraft he's controlling. Since they're protecting Camp David, his transmitting antenna would certainly be closer to your area than mine. That's why I was so surprised to hear him loud and clear this evening.
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Sep 24, 2006
N. Catasauqua
I wish some A-10's were forced to land at KABE so I'd have some action here! :) Although living in a apartment doesn't help with monitoring much (PRO-97 w/Maldol AL-500HS).

Anyway the girlfriend wants to head to North East MD and visit Woodys Crab House. Figured this would be a good op to get some MilAir listening in. Besides ZNY and ZDC any specific freqs. that would be good to monitor while in the area? Feel free to PM/IM me.

Keep up the good work guys!

*EDIT*Thanks for the info Tin. I forgot to mention when I was heading south, we will be heading down tomorrow;)
I have alot of programing to do tonight, got some stuff from the WIKI.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Bluegrass Tower

14:57 - Mussel 06 asking Bluegrass Tower for permission to land -- 241.0

Who's Bluegrass Tower?

Ref. Tin above - "(I normally never hear HUNTRESS when he works the 260.9 freq...he must be transmitting from a different antenna today.)" I always hear Huntress on 260.9, maybe the transmitting site is closer to me than you.

Ref Tin above #2 - "[1500 hour: If you run across someone working with HUNTRESS on 235.9, it's a DEVIL 11 flight of F-16s from Atlantic City. They're out in W-107.]" I heard Huntress only on this freq about that time, never been active before for me.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
HUNTRESS must be simulcasting from at least three locations today. I hear him as well as usual when I do hear him, likely transmitting from Dulles. Also have the Potomac controller overloading my scanner since that antenna is right down the road.

Over the last 10 minutes or so I've heard a couple aircraft preparing for AR on 341.75.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
DarkPhoenix said:
Anyway the girlfriend wants to head to North East MD and visit Woodys Crab House. Figured this would be a good op to get some MilAir listening in. Besides ZNY and ZDC any specific freqs. that would be good to monitor while in the area? Feel free to PM/IM me.

Keep up the good work guys!

Try the "Net Buster" at Woody's.Two can split that but actually ate most of a whole one myself once.
Has a lot of everything as far as tasty Seafood goes so a good deal.

I would also in that Maryland area plug in Martin State tower freq along with Phillips AAF.
May hear some action on weekends at those places.
Also Harford and Cecil Counties both use 122.800 as local airport Unicoms so if you see something
overhead low and slow they will be on that plus 123.025 for Choppers

update,forgot to post but on tape earlier today had
RAIDER 53 single F-18 VFA-125, FRS NAS Lemoore, CA landing Willow Grove NAS with tower 340.200 today at 2245z,runway 15.
Nice to see WG still getting some transient Navy aircraft from time to time.
2310 local unid A/A 139.750

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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
I think TANKER-02 may be with the 117th Air Refueling Wing. When he switched to ZDC-Montebello he was weak but it sounded like he was cleared direct to Birmingham. Just before that they had him heading 235 degrees. I never heard him after that.

The fighters were from the 55th Fighter Squadron. -34 id'ed as such and -33's tail number is 93544. 34 may have been 91394. 33 was reading off a bunch of numbers and 394 were some of them. is a great resource.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
Getting alot of odd looks from my neighbors today.

Hehe. I am outside rubbing my truck down with clay today getting ready to buff it out. I have the BC-785D running in the truck and have it coming out of the loudspeaker under the hood. So as all the joggers come running up and down the road they hear the comms. Even have had a few of them sort of lose step as they are trying to look over here to see where in the heck those types of comms are coing from. :)

So between rubbing my truck down with clay and having aircraft comms coming out from under the hood I am getting my share of strange looks today. :)


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


Just now getting a few minutes to monitor - I did a little drive home listening yesterday afternoon, but cannot find the log right now. Will get it posted later on.

1342Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 w/TANKER 03 in sight. FL250 for FL230 now. QSY 228.900 for the refuel.
1344Z 228.900 - HUNTRESS - up on boom freq. PITMAN 31 @ FL230 with 10 mis to go cleared to approach.
1347Z 228.900 - HUNTRESS - TANKER 03 ready for contact. PITMAN 31 reports timber sour.
1348Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - TANKER 03 - req. our replacement get on station as soon as possible due to our problem. Getting the ground side too from my present location, albeit very weakly. (QTH here at home non-negotiable at the moment!).
1353Z 228.900 - HUNTRESS - TANKER 03 passes serial 59-1523 (KC-135T 171st ARW PA ANG) out of Pittsburgh, PITMAN 32 is clear and QSYs 260.900 and established back in the CAP.
1357Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 is established in the CAP. Confirm ground station is up on Zulu time?
1359Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS PITMAN31/32 both confirm timber sour.
1359Z 135.525 - ZDC Guard Dog - PITMAN 25 standing by at FL200 for RTB CLNC.

1400Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS PITMAN 31 to PITMAN 32 - now at MACH .95.
1403Z 284.700 - ZDC Montebello - PITMAN 25 checking in @ FL200 req. direct Shaw when able.
1404Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 32 to PITMAN 31 - confirm timber? 31 to 32: Timber sweet unable PITMAN 1.
1407Z 378.100 - SAM CP Andrews - NAVY AX 340 - req. help in getting in touch w/Andrews Metro on HF. Can you assist?
1411Z 349.000 - Andrews AFB TWR - NAVY AX 340 - CP advised QSY to you for a message relay. Trying to get an HF check and freq. given seems to be U/S. NAVY AX 340 has to come back and explain to controllers what HF is...:cool:)
1415Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - TANKER 04 (KC-135R 60-0349 77th ARS Seymour Johnson) - reports FL240 and about seven mins. out.
1416Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - TANKER 04 to PITMAN 31 - want to use this freq as boom or push to other freq. Push to other freq., and HUNTRESS comes back to confirm that as 228.900.
1420Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS to PITMANS: HUNTRESS has TANKER 04 in Guard Dog airspace, 25 mis @ FL240.
1421Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - TANKER 03 reqs. update on homplate RVR and rwy in use.
1423Z 228.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 to TANKER 04 - nose cold pushing to boom has visual cleared for contact. TANKER 04 reqs tails: PITMAN 31 tail 91-0389 (F-16C). 394 (F-16C 91-0394) for PITMAN 32, TANKER 04 copies both.
1431Z 311.000 - STEEL OPS - TANKER 03 - reports 20 mins. out a/c #23, four writeups caught only #4: fuel leaking from boom nozzle multiple rcvrs.
1453Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 32 up for refuel nose cold QSY boom freq. 228.900.
1454Z 228.900 AR Boom freq. - TANKER 04 rtg PITMAN 32 has contact.
1458Z 228.900 - PITMAN 32 off tanker, TANKER 04 asks unit, 32 replies "we're the 55th from Shaw". 32 to 04: you're from Seymour? 04 to 32: Yep." 32 to 04: "...we're both brothers up here." 4.3 off.
1459Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 is up for AR, nose is cold switch is safe. 3.0 off 31 AR complete @ 1505Z.

1500Z 228.900 - PITMAN 31 has contact w/TANKER 04.
1511Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 reports timber sweet with 32 but lost all else.
1514Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 reports timber sweet all players now.
1541Z 395.100 - BATON Ops - JESSE 97 (C-130H 86-1397 180th AS MO ANG) - just passing through the area and requesting to know if your planes are equipped with the 241 radar? Tnx Tin for the c/s.
1548Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 rpts in the clear looks like solid undercast at around 16000'.
1549Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 32 rpts off to refuel at this time and is pushing boom freq.
1550Z 228.900 - PITMAN 32 w/TANKER 04 - accelerating to 280 at this time.
1555Z 260.900 - HUNTRESS - PITMAN 32 rpts established in the CAP. PITMAN 31 has vis. on tanker nose is cold switch is safe.
1557Z 228.900 - PITMAN 31 w/TANKER 04 - 1 nm. in trail cleared to pick up.

1601Z 228.900 - PITMAN 31 - AR complete.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
TANKER 04 coming on the scene in the CAP...he's a KC-135R from the 77th ARS at Seymour Johnson AFB....tail 60-0349. Using a boom freq 228.9 for the AR with PITMAN 31/32....PITMAN 31 confirms tail as 91-389 and PITMAN 32 as 91-394.
At 1026, TANKER 04 confirms the fighter is taking gas proving his boom is in the green...and so HUNTRESS releases TANKER 03 to return home to Pittsburgh.
1030...TANKER 03 with Steel Control on CP freq...311.0...trying to establish comms with the SOF...20 minutes out, A-2, will have 39K on the gas....TANKER 03 reads off his problems and all concern the boom and various things that went wrong which is why he requested TANKER 04 get to the CAP as quickly as possible.
1040: EVAC 44138 (C-17A, 04-4138, 729th AS March AFB CA) reports takeoff at 37 past the hour to Andrews CP...378.1
1056: EVAC 37812 (C-130E, 63-7812, 171st AS, MI-ANG) to Andrews...wants a call placed to AMC Norfolk at DSN 564-xxxx to let them know their ETA is 1525Z and they'll have four ambulatory patients....378.1

1140: JESSE 97 (C-130H, 86-1397, 180th AS, MO-ANG) to Baton Ops (193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) asking if their aircraft have the 241 radar...answer is apparently negative and he says, "Thanks anyway" and goes away...395.1

By the way...Andrews Tower is back on 118.4 today.

1223: REACH 5007 (C-5B, 85-0007, 436th AW Dover AFB DE) to Baton Ops with arrival message...15 minutes out, mentions using runway 13 and that he'll try to do things quickly because he knows they (on the ground) want to get out of there soon...395.1
1233: AUTO 71 (KC-135R, 61-0294, 63rd ARS AFRC, Selfridge ANGB MI) to McGuire CP requesting a phone patch to Charleston AMC...319.4
1236: AUTO 71 now calling Andrews CP...378.1 (Calls several reply fm ADW)
1251: AUTO 71 now calling Seymour Johnson CP...311.0 (No reply here either. First call he used "Seymour Johnson" and second call was to "RAYMOND 25" which is Seymour Johnson. It didn't change the result...nada.)
1253: AUTO 71 now calls RAYMOND 16 (Langley AFB 1st Fighter Wing)...had contact for a moment there and asked for a Phone Patch to Charleston AMC...311.0
1254: AUTO 71 now gets a reply from RAYMOND 25 so he tells 16 to forget about it...tells RAYMOND 25 he's arriving his station in 45 minutes....needs Customs and AG..IDs as a KC-135, tail 61-0294...311.0
1258: AUTO 71 is still talking - I presume with RAYMOND 25 - but he's getting too weak to copy...311.0 (Hear him again briefly at 1303 giving his arrival items but he quickly fades away.)

1305: Sounds like PITMAN 33 just made contact with HUNTRESS...he was still very weak...must be way out there flying toward the area...260.9 (I'm still hearing HUNTRESS today but not nearly with the signal strength as last night.)
1310: SAM 1285 climbing out of Andrews...with departure (TRACON)...118.95
1314: PITMAN 33 calling HUNTRESS again but HUNTRESS can't hear him...260.9
1315: SAM 1285 to Andrews CP...reports departure was at 1703Z...estimated time in the blocks is 2140Z...has D/V 2 plus 8..reason for late departure was late D/Vs (happens almost every flight)...378.1 (I'd guess this is a C-20B taking a certain Congresswoman home to CA.)
1332: JOSA 831 (C-21A, 84-0092, 457th AS Andrews AFB) to Griffin Command at Andrews with arrival msg...30 minutes out, A-1, home station C-21, tail 40092...378.1
1348: PITMAN 33 has tail 93-544 and 34 is tail 96-085...given on boom freq to TANKER 04...228.9

1434: RHODY 31 [female] (C-130J, 99-1431, 143rd AS, RI-ANG) calling McGuire joy...319.4
RHODY 33 is also somewhere in the area (99-1433)
1440: RHODY 31 now calling "Command Post" on 349.4...then back to 319.4
1442: RHODY 31 [male now] calling and makes contact with McGuire and then the female comes back to report 20 minutes out, A-1, one pallet to offload..actually it's a K-Loader so will need a fork lift and a K-Loader driver...319.4

freqhopping said:
I think TANKER-02 may be with the 117th Air Refueling Wing. When he switched to ZDC-Montebello he was weak but it sounded like he was cleared direct to Birmingham. Just before that they had him heading 235 degrees. I never heard him after that.

Thanks for that info Travis.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
03.24.2007 (cont'd)

1714Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 advises PITMAN 33 clg.
1715Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - SAM 1285 - departure report - off 1703Z ETB 2140Z, DV code 2 + 8, late dep due to late DV arrival.
1725Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 to PITMAN 33 - I don't think you're close enough to HUNTRESS yet - try again.
1727Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 - requests when PITMAN 33 checks in could you please advise wx rpt for Andrews and homeplate? Will be req. FL220 dir Shaw.
1732Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 871 (C-21A 84-0092) - home station C-21A inbound 30 mins. out status A1.
1740Z 135.525 ZDC-Guard Dog - PITMAN 31 - in 20 mins. req. FL220 dir homeplate for RTB.
1741Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 rejoining NE corner @ FL220. PITMAN 33 is entering airspace w/Potomac DEP and squawking.
1742Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - TANKER 04 up with PITMAN 33 advising HUNTRESS of PITMAN 34's squawk code. PITMAN 33 FL210-250 block alt. req.
1745Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 33 weapons safe nose is cold and TANKER 04 has PITMAN 33 in sight.
1747Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - TANKER 04 requests PITMAN flight QSY boom freq. 228.900.
1748Z 228.900 Boom Freq. - PITMAN 33 tail 93-0544 (F-16C) and PITMAN 34 is #085 (F-16C 96-0085). PITMAN 34 is cleared for contact with TANKER 04.
1752Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 34 is on station. Meanwhile on 228.900, TANKER 04 has contact with PITMAN 33. PITMAN 31 is cleared to RTB and goes to 135.525.
1753Z 135.525 ZDC Guard Dog - PITMAN 31 checks in ready for RTB.
1754Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 34 reports timber sweet.
1755Z 228.900 Boom Freq: TANKER 04 rpts PITMAN 33 has 4.0. PITMAN 33 reports back on station to HUNTRESS on 260.900.
1759Z 135.525 ZDC Guard Dog - PITMAN 31 - cleared dir Shaw FL220.

1825Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 33 - req wx @ ADW.
1840Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMANS discussing wx and alts. 34 goes to FL230 and 33 goes to FL220.

1907Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 33 is off station for the tanker; 2992 weapons safe tanker in sight.
1911Z 228.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 33 nose is cold switch is safe 2992. TANKER 04 copies and AR begins.
1917Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 33 reports back on station - 34 is station protector.
1918Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - TANKER 04 - end VOL time is approx. 10 mins, req. homeplate wx.
1919Z 228.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 34 to TANKER 04 - is 17 nms. rejoin.
1923Z 228.900 HUNTRESS - TANKER 04 has contact with PITMAN 34.
1926Z 228.900 HUNTRESS - TANKER 04 requests status update on lights underneath from PITMAN 34.
1928Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - passes squawks for TANKER 04 (@ FL250), PITMANS to TANKER 05.
1929Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - TANKER 04 advises end of VOL time req. RTB.
1932Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - HUNTRESS reqs if PITMAN 34 can do a quick hookup with TANKER 05 once he enters the GD airspace to see if he can pass gas. Controllers words not mine! :cool:

1944Z 350.250 ZDC Guard Dog - TANKER 04 cleared to RTB dir RIC dir GSB QSY ZDC-Brooke 126.875.
1948Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - HUNTRESS advises PTIMAN 33 that TANKER 05 is entering airspace FL260 for FL240.
1950Z 228.900 Boom Freq: TANKER 05 refuels PITMAN 33. Refueling completed successfully.
1956Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 33 reports back in the CAP.

That's all for live logging right now, will continue to log when mobile but will post anything of interest later!
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