Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Here's the update for the CAP's TANKER 05...he's a KC-135R, tail 61-0276, from the 173rd Air Refueling Squadron NE-ANG based at the Lincoln Municipal Airport in Lincoln, Nebraska.

1757: PITMAN 33 and 34 getting ready to go home...33 reports he took 11,000 pounds from TANKER 04 and 6,000 pounds fromTANKER 05...34 took 12,000 and 9,000 from the two tankers. PITMAN 33 is Code 2 for multiple writeups and 34 is Code 1....260.9
1759: PITMAN 35 and 36 are refueling and are ready to take the CAP...260.9

1801: PITMAN 33/34 picking up clearance back to Shaw from Guard Dog (Potomac)...135.525
1805: PITMAN 33/34 handed off to ZDC-Irons...132.95
1810: PITMAN 33/34 get cleared direct Shaw...132.95
1811: PITMAN 33/34 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone and check in direct Shaw...235.625
1811: PITMAN flight leader tells #2 to switch to interflight Victor-8...and come up on 139.825
1831: PITMAN 35 going to TANKER 05 for fuel...260.9 (They are using primary 260.9 for a boom freq again)
1837: PITMAN 35 off the boom...35 now has 12,000 pounds in his tanks and 36 has 10,000...PITMAN 36 tells the tanker he'll wait 15-20 minutes before his AR...260.9

1931: PITMAN 35 and 36 have taken on gas from TANKER 05...they tell HUNTRESS they won't need gas for another 45 minutes or so if he wants to let TANKER 05 go home...260.9
1933: TANKER 06 calling HUNTRESS...260.9
1934: Looks like we've got a pair of A-10s from Martin State in the air on interflight...142.3
1035: It's a RAVEN flight that reports to Raven Ops they were off at 33 past the hour and the ceiling is at 1800 feet right now...347.2
1936: TANKER 06 calling HUNTRESS a few times, no reply...139.7 (Someone is answering him and giving him the correct freq to use)
1938: I'm hearing that open mic thing again on 136.725 (I thought this was the usual mistake the first time I heard it but this is three days in a row now someone has been doing this on this freq.)
1943: TANKER 06 makes contact with PITMAN 35 to swap squawks...260.9
1944: TANKER 05 leaving FL 240 for 250 so TANKER 06 can come in at FL 240...260.9
1945: TANKER 05 requestint FL 360 for the trip home from Potomac...135.525
1948: TANKER 05 tells Potomac he'd like to start working his clearance...he should be out of the CAP in about 10 minutes...135.525
1949: TANKER 05 gets his flight route back to Lincoln NE at FL 240...says he'll be expecting FL 360 later...135.525
1952: TANKER 06 just entering the Guard Dog area...there he's a KC-135E, tail 57-1496, from the 132nd ARS ME-ANG based at Bangor International Airport in Bangor, Maine....260.9
1958: TANKER 05 handed off to ZDC and begins his trip home...135.525

2000: TANKER 05 reports leaving the airspace...260.9
2003: TANKER 06 reports dropping from FL 250 to 240 as he sets up for his track in Guard Dog...135.525
2005: AXEMAN flight of A-10s reports off the deck at 02 to Raven Ops...347.2
I'm starting to suspect the A-10s from MTN have changed their low band FM freqs. I used to hear them very often as they climbed out of MTN when they used those freqs - at least for a short time although they quickly disappeared from listening range on the low band. Over the past couple of months I haven't heard them at all and I know sometimes they've got to be using low band such as the AXEMAN flight that didn't show up in the 138-144 band.
2024: Apparently, PITMAN 41 is on his way to the CAP but 42 is going to be late...260.9 (I would have thought PITMAN 35/36 would have pulled a 5 hour shift until the end of the cap at 2300 but apparently they're going to split it up.)
2030: PITMAN 35 advises Potomac his flight is approximately 30 minutes from RTB...request either direct Shaw or J75 to Columbia and then direct Shaw...135.525
2033: REACH 3812 to Andrews with arrival message...0050Z is the ETA, says he's a returning airevac flight...378.1
2035: PITMAN 41 with ZDC-Irons heading this way...360.85
2036: RAVEN flight back in range on interflight 142.3 and just reported to Raven Ops they're 10 minutes out and both Code 1...347.2
2037: PITMAN 35 requests TANKER 06 do a north spin so 35 can top off...HUNTRESS agrees, TANKER 06 agrees...260.9
2038: RAVEN flight chatting about not wanting to go down to Avon Park (Range in Florida)...142.3
2039: Apparently, PITMAN 42 is in the air and 130 miles to the south (or that's what it sounded like...HUNTRESS is getting very noisy from here)...260.9
2040: PITMAN 35 tells 36 to hang out in the north and that he'd join on him after tanking...260.9
2042: PITMAN 41 handed off to Potomac 135.525 by ZDC-Irons...360.85
2042: RAVEN 1 with MTN Tower for approach to runway...297.2
2043: PITMAN 41 to Potomac at FL 230...he's cleared into Guard Dog...135.525
2044: PITMAN 35 tells 41 to stay in the south part of the CAP at FL 230...35 and 36 will stay in the north until 42 arrives...260.9
2048: PITMAN 35 on the his tail as 91-390 and tail for 36 is 35 comes off the boom he reports having 11,300 pounds...36 reports 11,400 pounds...35 requests to join up with 36...260.9
2048: PITMAN 42 now with ZDC-Irons...360.85
2050: PITMAN 41 is given the BRA to TANKER 06 by HUNTRESS...260.9
2053: PITMAN 41 tells TANKER 06 he's in a one mile trail...260.9
2056: PITMAN 42 handed off to Potomac 135.525 by ZDC-Irons...360.85
2056: PITMAN 42 checks in with Potomac at FL 230 and is cleared into Guard Dog...135.525
2057: PITMAN 35 asks Potomac the status of their clearance to Shaw...says they'll be leaving in 5-10 minutes...135.525
2058: HOIST 98 (KC-10A McGuire) with arrival msg to McGuire CP...25 minutes out, A-2, has 4 pax and 2 pallets...319.4
2058: PITMAN 42 wants BRA to the tanker...and gets it...260.9
2057: PITMAN 42 checks in with HUNTRESS...260.9
2059: PITMAN 42 reports timber sour, energy sweet (meaning: the sumbitch ain't showing me diddly squat but at least it's lit up)...260.9

2101: PITMAN 35 requests clearance in about 2 minutes to J75...wants 2 mile trail with a separate squawk for PITMAN 35...135.525
2103: PITMAN 35 tells HUNTRESS low man has 10,200 pounds and they're both Code 1...260.9
2103: PITMAN 35 tells Potomac they're ready to go...135.525
2104: PITMAN 42 in one mile trail with the tanker...260.9
2105: PITMAN 35/36 cleared to the J75/Columbia/direct Shaw route at FL 220...135.525
2105: PITMAN 35/36 handed to ZDC-Montebello and check in at FL 220, 2 miles non-standard...284.7
PITMAN 35 tells #2 to open Victor-8 for interflight which should again be 139.825...and is.
2109: Raven Ops repeats a message from AXEMAN that he's 10 minutes out and Code 1 (I hear the ground but not the aircraft on this one...strange)...347.2
2110: PITMAN 42 off the boom so both new F-16s are now refueled and ready to fly circles...260.9
2110: PITMAN 35 asks 36 if he's flown NVG recently..36 tells him awhile ago but not since (not sure what that means)...139.825
2111: TANKER 06 tells Potomac he's an E type KC-135...135.525 (But we knew that because I posted it at 1952)
2113: PITMAN 41 and 42 both report timber sour...HUNTRESS gives them a time hack to make sure they're in synch...still nada so HUNTRESS tells them to re-synch...260.9
And everything is now settled down and it should stay quiet until the end of the CAP at 2300.
2131: TANKER 06 tells Potomac he'll be ready for clearance home about 0245Z...135.525
2136: Air Force 2 with Andrews Tower for landing on runway 1L...cleared to land...118.4
2151-58: REACH 273 calling McGuire joy...319.4

2202: REACH 278 makes contact with McGuire at last...arriving 20 past the hour, A-1, has two pax and no cargo...need parking...319.4
2230-ish: PITMAN 41 and 42 refuel for the last time with TANKER 06...260.0
2239: TANKER 06 contacts Potomac and says he'll RTB in about 10 minutes...135.525
2248: TANKER 06 tells Potomac he's ready to leave the area and requests FL 290...cleared to 250 for now and course 340 degrees...135.525
2250: TANKER 06 handed off to ZDC and we say goodnight and goodbye to him...135.525
2251: PITMAN 41 tells Potomac they'll be ready to RTB in about 10 minutes...135.525
2254: PITMAN 41 reports Code 1 and 7500 pounds of fuel remaining...42 is Code 1 with 9700 pounds...260.9
2259: PITMAN 41/42 released to RTB by HUNTRESS...260.9
2259: PITMAN 41 to Potomac for clearance and are handed off to Potomac on 350.25
2259: PITMAN 41 tells wingman to go to Victor-8 and come up on 139.825

2300: PITMAN 41/42 handed off to ZDC-Irons and check in there...360.85
2303: PITMAN 41/42 cleared direct Shaw...360.85
2303: PITMAN 41/42 chat happily away as they fly south toward Shaw...we'll say goodbye to them too...139.825
Early bird special...CAP starting again at 0600.

Ref below: Nice picture Paul. I posted that about 10,000 messages ago but someone has added the blue sky and clouds to it since then. Nice job. That interactive site is great for learning the layout of the F-16 cockpit.

Ref below below: Travis, we had AF 2 go out this afternoon in the 1500 hour so it might be him coming home causing the ramp freeze. (Edit: And it is...log item at 2136)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
0010 local Some AR refueling now on 341.750 which is normally AR-20 but very strong signals more like South Jersey.
Also heard on ZDC MIllville REACH 293 says routine AR on 125.450.
0016 local heard on ZNY Matawan 125.3250 direct Robbinsville then JONI vortac.
0020 ETHYL 03 finishes REACH 293 and will rtb St Thomas level 200 on 125.325

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Aeronautical side note for the listeners

As many know, the A380 is scheduled to land at Dulles tonight, and will be parked over by the Dulles Jet Center.

The Dulles Jet center uses ARINC freq 130.6500am. They might have some interesting comms.



Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
RAVEN-1 flight of one heading west. 307.9>343.7>120.65>J134
Was asking TRACON for a more northwest route for SHB (Shelbyville, IN) or ANX (Napoleon, MO).

TANKER-08 was from McConnell AFB. I heard Guard Dog read his entire flight plan.
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Jun 23, 2005
Allegany County, Maryland
md_p97 said:
And here's a link to a too cool interactive layout of the entire on the device to see its details.

Too bad it is in German I think. You know what it is but I can't understand the function. Cross referencing would work I guess.

Nice addition...Thanks.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
1212 edt: Night Hawk with Pittman 45 advising Night Hawk would be joining the cap 260.9000
1216: Marine 1 calling Huntress for radio check 260.9000
1217: Huntress asks Pitman about RTB'ing in 15 mike, and whether or not they will need to refuel one more time...Pitman 45 and 46 to join up in middle of cap. 260.9000
1222: Huntress gives Pitman and Tanker Homeplate weather reports. 260.9000
1233: Huntress advises Pitman 45 & 46 to continue southern leg in cap, and anticipate RTB. 260.9000
1239: Tanker 08 checks in with Guard Dog, gets clearance to RTB leaving fl250 for fl240. Pitman 45 and 46 check in, report fuel status to Guard Dog and are cleared to RTB. 135.5200

CAP is over!

Tanker 08 with Guard Dog requests and gets clearance to Morgantown.
Pitman 45 tells 46 to push V-11 343.7000
1248 Pitman 45 checks in with Montebello 284.7000

1304: Navy 6 Echo 523 making numerous attempts to contact Potomac approach, but no joy. 257.2000

1311: Navy 6 now calling Guard on 243.000. too staticy to hear response.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
OPEC 76 KC-10 arrive McGuire 1945z,42 pax,AF Drum and Bugle Corp
and cheeleaders looking for their bus on CP 319.400



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Global Hawk @ PAX NAS

Hadn't heard this before:

"Drones could defend airports

By Mimi Hall, USA TODAY
The Homeland Security Department and the military this summer will test whether drones flying 65,000 feet above the nation's busiest airports could be used to protect planes from being shot down by terrorists with shoulder-fired missiles.
Dubbed "Project Chloe" after a character on Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff's favorite TV show, 24, the anti-missile strategy is the latest to be explored by government leaders looking to thwart potential missile threats at commercial airports. Other methods are being considered, but Homeland Security officials say they may be too costly or impractical.

The drones, to be tested over the Patuxent River Naval Air Station outside Washington, would be outfitted with missile-warning systems and possibly anti-missile lasers that could send plane-bound missiles veering off course, says Kerry Wilson, a deputy administrator of Homeland Security's anti-missile program.

An unmanned plane's warning indicators could pick up the ultraviolet plume from a missile's rocket booster and trigger an anti-missile laser, which could be shot from the drone or from a site on the ground. That laser would lock on to the missile, essentially blinding it.

The tests follow four years of research on anti-missile laser systems that could be mounted on the bellies of planes for $1 million or more per plane.

Those systems, regularly used by the military, are being tested on nine Federal Express cargo planes to see how well they hold up. Early military tests showed they broke down after 300-400 hours of use, a failure rate that's problematic for commercial use.

Concerns about those systems prompted officials to look for a less expensive, more reliable solution, and using unmanned aerial vehicles "is an idea worth looking at," Wilson said.

Project Chloe has critics in Congress and in private industry.

Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., says the government should share the cost of installation and maintenance of the more expensive systems with the airline industry. "It's been four years of trying to figure out how to get this cheaper," he says. "But it's just a matter of time before a shoulder-fired missile becomes the biggest blow to our economy."

Aviation groups have expressed concerns about drones in civilian airspace. Chris Dancy of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association says there would be no problem with drones flying at 65,000 feet, well above the altitude of commercial jets. He said he was concerned, however, about how airspace would be restricted when the drones take off and land.

Inexpensive, widely available shoulder-fired missiles have been used against passenger and cargo planes overseas. Although no one has tried to take down a plane in the USA, Homeland Security is concerned about the possibility."


Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
md_p97 said:
As many know, the A380 is scheduled to land at Dulles tonight, and will be parked over by the Dulles Jet Center.

The Dulles Jet center uses ARINC freq 130.6500am. They might have some interesting comms.


Keep your ears out for the new A380 AIRBUS...

The new A380 AIRBUS is expected to arrive at Dulles some time after 8pm tonight. "A demonstration flight is scheduled for Monday, March 26 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1 p.m."


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
ScanManQSL said:
Keep your ears out for the new A380 AIRBUS...

The new A380 AIRBUS is expected to arrive at Dulles some time after 8pm tonight. "A demonstration flight is scheduled for Monday, March 26 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1 p.m."

He came in around 2010 on 126.1 and then changed to 125.8. He used callsign Lufthansa 8948 Super. I didn't try to follow him down to the ground on the IAD Tower freqs. I don't know why but I was expecting to hear this deep, booming voice from the world's largest airplane. Instead, it was a "twinkletoes" type voice with a German accent that I heard.

BM82557/Brian said:
Hadn't heard this before:

"Drones could defend airports

By Mimi Hall, USA TODAY
The Homeland Security Department and the military this summer will test whether drones flying 65,000 feet above the nation's busiest airports could be used to protect planes from being shot down by terrorists with shoulder-fired missiles.
Dubbed "Project Chloe" after a character on Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff's favorite TV show, 24, the anti-missile strategy is the latest to be explored by government leaders looking to thwart potential missile threats at commercial airports. Other methods are being considered, but Homeland Security officials say they may be too costly or impractical.

I think she plagiarized that story from I'm fairly sure that's where I read it a week or so ago and it sounds almost word-for-word what I previously read.
2100: BLACKJACKs 1 and 2 buzzing around the Andrews area....using Tower freq 349.0 for chat....and coordinating their work area with 118.4
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0405: PAT 109 (C-37B, 04-1778, US Army) departed ADW...I think...118.95 (I believe this guy usually travels as ARMY 1778 but I'm not overly familiar with the PAT flight details.)
0408: Belgian Air Force, BAF 609 (A-310, tail CA-01, 21st Squadron of the 15th Air Transport Wing based in Melsbroek, Belgium) departs Andrews and heads southeast...(think it was 125.65) [He just arrived a couple of hours ago around 0200.]
[Belgium...that's the country with the German flag turned 90 degrees counter-clockwise.]

0645: NAVY 7C-765 departs Andrews...118.95 (7C should make this an aircraft from Norfolk NAS but type, BuNo, etc. is anybody's guess. I still haven't learned to speak Navy.)

0824: JOSA 919 reports departing Andrews at 1217Z...reason for late departure was late D/Vs...378.1

1030: HAGAR 70 (C-5B, 87-0029, 436th AW Dover AFB) reports airborne to Dover CP...349.4
1034: PAT 492 (C-26D) to Andrews Dispatch...reports he's 7 minutes out..he has 14 pax to deliver to Navy Norfolk and will be on the deck in about 7 minutes. (not sure if that means he's picking up 14 pax at ADW to take to Norfolk or he already has the 14 pax and is landing in Norfolk in 7 minutes...I think the prior)...372.2
1037: Well that one's answered...PAT 492 to Andrews Tower for landing on runway 1R...118.4
1045: EVAC 58152 (C-130J, 05-8152, 815th AS AFRC Keesler AFB MS) reports off at 1440Z to Andrews CP...141.55 (also heard on 118.95 climbing out)

1101: CODY 01 Heavy landing runway 19R at Andrews...118.4
1107: REACH 805H (Hotel)..(C-17A, 02-1098, 437th AW Charleston AFB) departs Andrews...118.95 [This aircraft landed at Andrews just prior to 0900 this morning.]
1115-20: MUSSEL 06/MUSSEL 03/PAT 58/ PAT 492 (who must have picked up his 14 pax and is leaving)/NAVY 7N-653 all heard buzzing around Andrews
1150: REACH 9011 (C-5A, 69-0011, 337th AS Westover ANGB MA) to Andrews CP to report 25 minutes out, A-1, needs crew bus for 14...378.1

1208: CODY 01 [female] back up from Andrews after a quick turn...125.65 (All I can tell you about this one is that it's a KC-135.)
1219: REACH 9011 landing runway 19R at Andrews...118.4
1228: VENUS 44 (C-37A, 99-0404, 99th AS Andrews) to Andrews CP to report takeoff at 25 past the hour...says he'll be up for a couple of hours and will notify Andrews when he returns...378.1
1229: Coast Guard 101 (C-37A, tail 01 -Big Dog's aircraft) with TRACON...119.85
1241-43: VENUS 44 trying to contact Griffin Command at Andrews...several tries, no joy...378.1 (Last I heard from him, he was flying that low level route that goes directly north from D.C. and he was near the PA line but at fairly low altitude - about 6700 feet)
1242: THUG 01 calling McGuire CP...319.4
1246: THUG 02 calling McGuire CP and gives arrival message...(fades)...says gear is down and apparently locked...looking for parking and transportation...319.4

1343: JOSA 609 to Andrews CP to report takeoff at 1739Z...late takeoff due to late D/Vs (where have we that before?)...378.1 (At the same time, a female JOSA 609 was on departure freq 118.95)

1346: BACKY 91 [female] (KC-135R, 58-0038, 77th ARS Seymour Johnson AFB SC) to a U/I Base Ops on 311.0 (Base Ops at Seymour Johnson uses this freq)...says she has a Blackjack Report to give...and gives it as follows:
1. fragged minus 15
2. one writeup (later given as pilot's clock inop)
3. 33.5 (fuel remainder)
6. 4
7. 3
8. 2
(There was no 4 or 5)

1420: BOLT 91 (Possibly...KC-135T, 58-0071, 22 ARW McConnell AFB KS) to Andrews CP with arrival msg...20 minutes out, 6 crew, zero cargo, needs about 25K fuel. Will upload cargo tonight which consists of three pallets. Notify MSgt xxxxx at 858-xxxx.
1423: Egyptian Air Force C-130H, registration 1239/SU-BKS in the area somewhere
1428: LOBO 12 (UC-35D, BuNo 166715, VMR-1, Cherry Point NC) arrival msg to Andrews...IDs as a Citation, tail 715, with a Code to drop off...141.55 (Just when I was convinced the Cherry Point VMR-1 unit used 3 digit suffixes with LOBO, here comes one with two digits. Perhaps they use 3 digits with their C-9B aircraft and two digits with the UC-35D. That's a WAG. No doubt on his ID since he gave his aircraft type and last 3 of the tail.)
1429: NAVY 692 landing runway 19R at Andrews...118.4
1432: LOBO 12 landing Andrews...118.4
1437: BOLT 91 landing Andrews...118.4

1502: VENUS 02 Heavy (VC-25A, 92-9000, You Know Who flies this other times) working the pattern at Andrews...118.4
1519: A French government transport (A-310-304, tail 421/F-RADA, Armee de l'air, ET03.600) flying over the area at FL 360 toward the southwest on a course of 220 degrees. Callsign CTM-1023.
1524: NAVY 998 (C-130T, BuNo 164998, VR-53) also doing pattern work along with VENUS 02 -- around and around they go...118.4
1540: Fighters up...NJ-ANG F-16s on interflight...138.875
1544: Also have fighters on interflight...telling someone they'll be "there" in about 15 minutes... 140.1

And that's where this log is going to come to an end.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Ref a couple of messages below:
md_97/Paul said:
Hey Alan: What is a Regency Digital Filghtscan?

It was the world's first programmable airband scanner. It covered only the VHF portion of the aircraft band and had just 16 channels. I still use it to this day to listen to BWI because it is the best sounding radio in my collection. It was built before the audio manufacturing industry collectively lost all knowledge of how to build good audio circuits to feed internal speakers that you can actually hear and understand. I guess I bought it when they first appeared somewhere around 1980 or perhaps a couple of years earlier. (That Radio Shack PRO-2 has an internal speaker you can hear from a block away also. That one is from the 1960s.)

Ref the same message below:
md_97/Paul said:
And here all the while I thought you had some new fangled super duper radio!

Surprising how many people have thought that after seeing it on my equipment list. In its day it was indeed "some new fangled super duper radio." Actually, it still is if you just want to listen to the local airport and be able to hear every word spoken with extreme clarity. People used to come look at that radio and just couldn't believe you didn't have to buy crystals for it to operate and that you could change the frequencies at will. I have two of them but the second one has a problem. It will operate just fine for maybe an hour or two and then just shut down - perhaps when it reaches a certain internal temperature or something along those lines. I wouldn't have a clue where to get it repaired these days. I have a couple of old Bearcat programmable radios from that same era with the same problem. I think maybe they were models 250 and 350 - the big old hulking boxes and you could actually program alpha tags on one of them - the 350 I think. It was a bear to do it though and they didn't have dynamic memory so if you lost power, you lost all your programming work. Scanners retaining their programming with/without power is actually one of the greatest advances in scanner design that happened. Funny how things always seem rosier when you look to the distant past. You forget how you used to cuss at the damn things everytime something went wrong with them.

Now that's got me thinking of my first programmable scanner - the Tennelec MCP-1 which was the first of its breed that came on the scene. Talk about difficult to program!! You programmed it with 16 switches on the front panel that entered binary codes for each freq. You had to learn how to convert the 16 switches to a binary number for each digit in the frequency. I don't remember how many channels it held but it sure was a marvel at the time. Unfortunately, they broke often and the company left the business quickly.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: NAVY 7C 795

Hi Tin,

The NAVY 7C's are also the ones used on the Davison AAF-Chambers Field weekday shuttles. Type is UC-12B and you can pick from:


All seen last year operating at Davison with Chambers Field titles.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
0645: NAVY 7C-795 departs Andrews...118.95 (7C should make this aircraft from Norfolk NAS but type, BuNo, etc. is anybody's guess. I don't speak much Navy.)


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
0945 + HMX1 using 273.5000 for tac channel. Doing manuevers over Thurmont.

Also attempting to contact Potomac (Tracon?) to get/verify airspace restriction

Hey Alan: What is a Regency Digital Filghtscan?
It was the world's first programmable airband scanner. It covered only the VHF portion of the aircraft band and had just 16 channels. I still use it to this day to listen to BWI because it is the best sounding radio in my collection. It was built before the audio manufacturing industry collectively lost all knowledge of how to build good audio circuits to feed internal speakers that you can actually hear and understand. I guess I bought it somewhere around 1980 or perhaps a couple of years earlier.

And here all the while I thought you had some new fangled super duper radio!

It is really tempting for me to head up the road to Thurmont to see those guys...but alas...I think I'll go to Dulles instead. Gonna sit on top of one of the parking garages and watch this thing take off and land. I'll post some pics if I get any.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Won't have time for logging today but just turned one radio on and found...

1000: RAVEN flight of A-10s from MTN reporting off the deck at 1358Z to Raven Ops on 347.2. They are using 142.3 for interflight.
1007: PACK 91 (KC-135 from Pease NH) talking to Fury Ops (VA-ANG Control) about their upcoming mission scheduled for 1510Z. Look for VA-ANG fighters to be up around that time. They used Fury Ops freq 289.3 for that.
1014: SCARY and WILD flights from Andrews are just coming home from a mission...currently with SENATE SOF...SCARY flight still 95 miles out...139.9

NOTE: We've had REACH aircraft with 3 and 4 digit suffixes and we've had REACH with the 3-digit plus T suffixes -- but the last two days I've had REACH 805H and REACH 805I which are new to me. Both the H and I aircraft were C-17A types from the 437th AW at Charleston.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Recent logs


A few quick ones from the past two days...


2015Z 119.850 Potomac APP - COAST GUARD 102 (C-143A 02) - 12000-8000' ELDEE arrival into DCA.
2023Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 492 - i/b ADW dit OTT.
2055Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - LOBO 275 (pres. UC-35) - 15000' for 17000' dir HUBBS QSY 133.900.

2102Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - ARMY 01053 (UC-35C 00-1053) - 12 mins. out with a Code.


1703Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - ARMY 23128 (C-12 78-23128) - lands rwy 1R. Deps 1R @ 1800Z.
1753Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 152 up on this freq no details.

1800Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXR 377 - deps ADW 2300' for 3000' init. alt. then cleared to 17000'.

1912Z 119.850 Potomac APP - REACH 1187 (C-17A 01-0187 62nd AMW McChord) - 12000' for 9 then X ELDEE @ 8000'. QSY 119.300.
1918Z 319.400 McGuire AFB CP - OPEC 76 - pax drop AF Drum and Bugle Corps and cheerleaders, total of 42 pax.
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