Here's an interesting one. N139L Aero Vodochody L-39C. There are photos online showing it at KFDK.
Ahhh, those Czechs - always out hustling business. LKVO is their home. The FAA registration is a surprise though.
1558: Have an ETHYL 93 with REACH 141 setting up for an AR operation at 1620 (local)...341.75 (Only can hear the ETHYL 93 tanker)
1612: ETHYL 93 tells REACH 141 he's just about to get MARSA (presumably from ARTCC)...asks if REACH 141 is at FL 190 and reports his own as FL 200...341.75
ETHYL 93 = KC-10A, 83-0081, 305th AMW McGuire
1624: ETHYL 93 doing a boom radio check with REACH 141...341.75
1631: ETHYL 93 gives tail and unit confirming what I have above...341.75
REACH 141 may be C-17A, 04-4138, 729th AS March...that one was operating on the other side of the pond (way over) a few days ago with that mission number. Should be coming in off the Atlantic.
1634: REACH 141 ready for boom contact...93 confirms...341.75
1642: REACH 141 has connected and disconnected several times. Not sure if there's a problem or if it's training....341.75
Never did get a Mode-S hit from REACH 141. While that was going on, there was REACH 799 contract flight arriving from Europe. It was a DC-10, N621AX from Omni International.
1612: Have been watching a C-32A, 98-0001, 1st AS Andrews coming into the area and descending. He's displaying AF1 in his Mode-S but I haven't heard him on the radio yet to confirm that callsign.
1617: And another C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews is coming in showing AF2.
1619: Nope...98-0001 is with Andrews Tower as SAM 91 for landing...asking if he can get runway 19R...118.4
1621: SAM 91 wants a wind check and he's told to land on runway 19L...asks if he can go to the "hammerhead" instead of going to the Navy side, like, uhhh, Pad 92...118.4
1625: Air Force 2 with ADW tower on an 8 mile base for runway 1L...118.4 (The VP gets the same runway just denied to SAM 91...RHIP)
1626: AF2 reports gear down...118.4
1628: And here comes AF1...82-8000 on the way in.
1637: Air Force 1 to ADW Tower reporting on a right base for full stop...118.4
Colonel Rick Tillman's time is getting short. The primary AF1 pilot retires when the President leaves office. Custom. Hope the new pilot for 44 speaks as clearly as Col Tillman does. Never miss a syllable with him.
Didn't intend to monitor this afternoon. Just came to check on the beeps and boops the PC was making. It decided to run a virus scan of the entire system which is scheduled to be run every Friday. Either it's confused or I lost a day.
Actually have spent most of the afternoon reading and trying to digest the PRO-197 manual. It's an interesting radio with lots of excellent features that aren't readily obvious - unless you read the manual. Too bad the scanner isn't sensitive enough to grab the signals I could try those features on.
1655: And now...back to the manual and to the daily grub roundup.