Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not expecting a whole lot this morning. Rain all around the area. It was 61 degrees earlier this morning and has dropped 13 degrees in the past hour or so. Andrews has a couple of aircraft holding in the area before landing while a strong rain cell passes through that area late in the 0900 hour. BWI is telling aircraft it's very bumpy below 13,000 feet.

Those three flights of A-10s (9 aircraft) from the CT-ANG Bradley that came through here yesterday morning not only went as far as Langley as I reported - they then went on to Savannah GA which is a good reason they never appeared in traffic yesterday as expected.

1036-1046: Had an aircraft calling Langley Command Post using the RAYMOND 16 call for Langley. The aircraft callsign was CAN DO 01. He called many times with no reply during this period. Finally, he made contact and apparently the ground station didn't get his callsign so he pronounced it very slowly and I feel fairly good about the CAN DO although it appears nowhere in any of my callsign database lists. Anyway, he expects to be in the blocks at Langley at 1605Z, is A-1, has a D/V A-7 on board that requests a meeting with the Colonel...he didn't say which colonel. At 1051, he's back to calling RAYMOND 16 again several times without reply. He makes contact again and wants to know about the parking spot and will there be a "Follow-Me" truck. He says he's roughly 12 minutes out at 1054. Again, he gets no reply from the ground station after this. Once again he makes contact to state he needs no fuel and gives a tail number 03-3126. That tail number comes back to a C-17 Globemaster. All of this was on Langley's Command Post freq «311.0»

1107: Fighter tac freq «140.025» active but it's not in this area. I think it's just freaky - and temporary - atmospherics allowing me to hear a few transmissions.
1108: REACH 690T landing at Andrews «118.4»

1115: REACH 990 with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» approaching McGuire for landing, is A-1....and when he's on the ground he says he has to unload the "Silver Bullet." Anyone????
There are lots of references to "Silver Bullets" in the Air Force that have to do with everything from new weapons to a car built by cadets at the Air Force Academy. But my favorite choice is this one....

Since it's quiet, I haven't really been listening to the transport activity unless it jumps up and bites me. I'm rearranging some freqs and labels for the overflowing MilAir file that has overtaken my scanners. With hundreds of freqs to move around in the program and then download to five BC785Ds plus manual programming of older Radio Shack scanners, it'll take awhile. When done, I'll gladly share my freq files with anyone wanting them.

1207: REACH 427 going into Dover with Command Post on «349.4»
1208: THOR with a couple of transmissions to OMAHA 4 (Customs) on «282.425»
1234: REACH 427, A-1, arriving at either Pope or Shaw on «381.3» (Both bases use the same freq.) He has no cargo or pax but needs Customs and between 100-120,000 pounds of fuel when he lands.

Weather in the 1200 hour has turned partly sunny but the surface winds are still high - currently at 25 MPH with gusts to 44 MPH - (temp 44 at BWI) so no fighter activity has developed...yet.

1306-09: ?MAKO/MAPLE? 91 with ZDC-Gordonsville «351.9» Shaw. (If callsign was MAKO, it could be A-10 from CT-ANG Bradley. If it was MAPLE, it could be F-16 from VT-ANG Burlington.)
1311: DC-ANG flight in the air on tac «127.275» It's a flight of three F-16s. Callsign BULLY
1313: RAVAGE 1 (F-16 DC-ANG) up with Reagan TRACON «348.725» at 1,000 heading for 2,000....then cleared up to 11,000, then 12,000 ...also a 3 ship flight
1314: Langley tac freq «233.525» Sounds like F-22A, callsign RASTER...flight of two
1314: RAVAGE flight working tac «143.15»
1314: RASTER flight with ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» going to Pax River area....push «305.2» (Pax River Approach/GCA) ...push «270.8» with BayWatch where they clear into the area for 30 minutes of work at Pax River.
Because of the ground attack capability of the F-22A aircraft, we may see more of them going to the Pax River ranges. That would really allow us in this area to hear them so much better.
1323: RASTER asking BayWatch who else is in the area because he has other aircraft in his view. «270.8»
1330: The RASTER flight is doing their operational work on tac «233.525» They are RASTER 1 and 2 and are very loud and clear which is a real treat by comparison to when they are off the coast of VA or NC in W-386.
The RAVAGE/BULLY F-16 flights took off, ascended up to about 12,000 feet and just disappeared from listening range. I can hear a bit of the RAVAGE flight traffic on «143.15» and nothing from the BULLY flight.
1334: I have another Langley flight airborne on tac «228.45» Callsign COWBOY
1337: RASTER 1 reports "bingo" so I guess they'll be heading for home soon. «233.525»
1338: STUD 21 (1st FW Langley) with ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» requesting to do a 360 and going to R-4006 in the Pax River area. Push 305.2
1339: RASTER 21 with Pax River Approach on «305.2» heading out
1339: STUD 21 with Pax River Approach on «305.2» reports as a single ship...switching 354.8
1342: STUD 21 calls BayWatch and reports working 10 minutes in R-4006 and then RTB...says he'll be working below FL300 and upon completion direct Langley. «354.8»
1343: STUD 21 tells BayWatch he'll stay above 10,000 feet to deconflict with the A-10s «354.8» (What A-10s? Must have missed a Martin State flight?)
1345: RASTER 21 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» as they head home. Down to 12,000 feet....push 370.925
1346: RASTER 21 flight with Norfolk Approach (East) on «370.925» low, weak and unreadable soon after switching to this freq.
Looks like Langley may be pushing some of these F-22A aircraft into the Pax River area for familiarity training for future ops. I love the sound of that.
1352: PAT 957 arriving Andrews in 18 minutes...wants just fuel and a parking spot «378.1»
1352: STUD 21 with Pax River Approach «305.2» as he heads home. He switched here from «354.8» as he's leaving Pax. At 13, headed for 14,000.
It looks like the frequency sequence for a Pax trip for the Langley fighters will first be a tac freq, then to Norfolk TRACON (E) on 370.925, to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8, to Pax River Approach on 305.2 and then to one of the BayWatch freqs - either 270.8 or 354.8 to enter their ops area. All should be easy to hear from distances such as mine with the possible exception of the 370.925 Norfolk freq.
1358: STUD 21 with ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» and then switched to «370.925» for heading into Langley

Continued below if necessary....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1405: COWBOY 31 (Langley) flight reports RTB to ZDC-Montebello «284.7» FL260 to FL270
1407: COWBOY 31 again to ZDC-Montebello to report now at FL270 and RTB.
1407: PAT 957 leaving 6,000 for 4,000 with Andrews Approach on «119.3» as he heads toward the runway.
1410: COWBOY 31 on Langley tac «228.45» where he says the weather today limited their operations.
1410: COWBOY 31 leaving FL270 for 240 to Montebello «284.7» Push 370.925 (but I never do hear them there).
1411: COWBOY switch to 12 AUX while on tac «228.45» and comes up on SOF freq «383.2» and then to 13 AUX which puts them back on tac «228.45»
1412: Three A-10s, callsign COLT, on the way home to Martin State with Raven Ops on «347.2» These are our missing A-10s as reported by the STUD 21 flight earlier at 1343 in the Pax River area.
1418: BULLY flight back in the area on tac «127.275» Push V-1
1419: BULLY flight to SOF SENATE «139.9» with mission results...1 Code 1, 2 Code 2, 3 Code 1...asks SENATE to look out the window and give him the ceiling....says clear when left and now occluded. Push V-5
1420: BULLYs getting in one mile trail «127.275»
1422: BULLY 1 to Andrews GCA on «335.5» looking for SFO airspace. Wants 5,000 at present position. Says he won't be able to see Andrews from present altitude because of clouds.
1424: BULLY 3 taking the lead and 1 the chase position in the trail. 2 wants a straight in because of fuel. «127.275» BULLY 1 wants to go to Tower «335.5» and does on «349.0» where he explains the setup - BULLY 2 straight in, the other two in trail with 3 in the lead.
1426: RAVAGE flight back into listening range on tac «143.15»
1427: NJ-ANG F-16 flight airborne on «138.425» flight of two...DEVIL 11 and 12
1429: RAVAGE flight to SOF on «139.9» with mission results and codes...presently 69 miles out.
1433: RAVAGE leader asks why a BULLY flight is coming back toward them...wingman says they're getting split up for vectors. «143.15» (that must be BULLY 1/3 giving up the space to BULLY 2 who needed to get straight in)
1434: RAVAGE flight with Andrews GCA on «335.5»
1435: DEVIL flight into BayWatch area on «270.8» at 16,500 for 30 minutes...reports the two of them may be separated up to 20 miles.
1439: RAVAGE flight leader thought he had a light for gear down showing...asked for a chase to come take a sooner had he said that when the light came on indicating his gear is down and locked. «143.15» Flight to tower on «349.0» for landing
1444: BANGER 21 flight of F-16s from the NJ-ANG also coming down this way. Currently with ZDC-Casino on «285.4» Push's a flight of two.
1445: Langley tac freq «257.075» active
1446: BANGER 21 at 16,000 with ZDC-Cape Charles on «256.8»
1447: DEVIL flight on tac for operations «138.425» sounds like the Vienna range for them.
1447: BANGER pair using «138.875» for tac.
1449: Langley's IRON Ops «357.1» is SOF «383.2»
1452: Cape Charles tells BANGER to switch to 305.2 «256.8»
1452: BANGER 21 to Pax River Approach on «305.2» where he reports in at 16,000 and says they'll be MARSA with DEVIL...cancels IFR at this point. Push 270.8
1453: BANGER 21 to BayWatch on «270.8» at 16,500 and to report entering area and the DEVIL association.
1455: BANGER 21 wants clearance to FL300 but if he can't get that FL250 will do. Says the BANGER flight will remain in the northern part of the airspace. He says when they leave, they'll want IFR at 12,500 direct Waterloo, direct Atlantic City. «270.8»
1456: BANGER 21 flight working their operations on tac «138.875»
1457: The DEVIL flight is prowling above the roads of southern Maryland looking for unsuspecting vehicles to perform simulated attacks on. «138.425»
1459: U/I military flight through the area with ZDC-Yorktown on «387.05» (First time I've ever heard this freq active.)

1500: And another U/I with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» flapping his way through the area.
1502: Have another RASTER flight from Langley working ZDC-Cape Charles on «256.8» Push 305.2
1503: RASTER with Pax River Approach on «305.2» wanting confirmation there's a two ship F-16 flight in the north and another two ship in the south. Says he's working R-4006. He also wants the callsign of the flight in the south. Push 354.8
1506: RASTER to BayWatch on «354.8» will be in area for 30 minutes and ascending to FL250. Again he's asking for callsign of the flight in the south and wants to know if they're on this freq. Says when he leaves, he'll be direct CCV, direct Langley. (CCV=Cape Charles)
1508: Meanwhile, there are some Navy fighters working Pax freq «363.35» No callsigns heard.
1510: RASTER, flight of two, working tac «233.525» as they did during the earlier flight.
1519: SAM 9700 arriving Andrews 0045Z «378.1»
Both NJ flights of F-16s still doing ground attack work and the Langley RASTER flight still working their tac freq. These RAPTORs sure are nice to listen to. They're a tad worried about all the activity around them though.
1523: BANGER flight to SOF on «138.125» with codes...back to tac «138.875»...push U-6
1526: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Casino «285.4» heading home...both NJ flights going up the road toward ACY.
1528: RASTERs say they'll do one more exercise «233.525» (Wish they'd stay here for a bit longer.)
1530: RASTERs knock it bingo, climbing to 14,000 from present position «233.525» (these transmitters are so sweet sounding)
1531: RASTER flight back to Pax River Approach on «305.2» heading for Langley at 14,000 feet.
1533: U/I mil flight with ZNY-Matawan (Kennedy High) on «282.3» though the area. This might be the DEVIL flight and, if so, possibly to Warren Grove.

Well, I didn't expect all this afternoon activity so I didn't get much done with my frequency realignments and labeling chore. Maybe tomorrow. Looks like everything is on the runways for now so it's time to make this the....END OF REPORT.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Just heard AC F-16s A/A 138.8750 say"Oh a Raptor" about inbound RASTER flight.
Maybe we can confirm RASTER as F-22 callsign.Seems RAPTORS like that 233.525 freq also.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark, the RASTER flight is certainly a Raptor flight. The terminology is totally different than that used by F-15s. So is the sound of the transmitter. I've confirmed it on my callsign lists and have made the changes.

The earlier STUD 21 flight was probably a Raptor also. I based that on the sound of the transmitter but since he was a single ship flight, I didn't have all the terminology to compare so I left him as "tentative" F-22A.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Seems a busy night for the area ANG aircraft.
Just had AXEMAN 1 flt of 3 off Willow Grove climbing with NYC 322.400 and A/A 142.300
BICEP 11 NJ ANG F-16's targeting A/A 138.300
Someone else on 138.8750 A/A targeting ground targets getting ready to depart.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Yet another JOSA flight departing Dulles and reporting to SAM command on 378.1. This time JOSA-358, a C-21, at 0024Z. I thought also heard JOSA-441 one minute prior to that.

A few times a week I hear them call in right after takeoff. Why Dulles? VIP or medical transports?


Nov 3, 2005
Heads Up Folks. Axeman flight just wrapped up with Steel 71 in the Duke and have just exited at 2000 hours. They were on TAC at 142.30, they just contacted New York Center on 338.3. Also contacted Cleveland Center on the usual 353.85 and were on 301.60 in the Duke.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Nice to have some evening activity. Heard the earlier flight of BICEP F-16s from the NJ-ANG that Mark mentioned. They were working ground attack exercises down this way on «138.425» and left at 1930 to start up toward ACY. After a check in with ZDC-Casino on «285.4», they went to the Warren Grove Range for some high level strafing practise using «283.1» at 1939 and left for home 9 minutes later.

Just heard the AXEMAN flight mentioned by both Mark and Dave as they checked in at 11,000 feet with ZNY-Flint Hill (Pottstown low) at 2010 and over on «142.3» tac freq. At 2012, they reported 15 minutes from Martin State and are checking on the weather at home.

Travis, I've heard the JOSA flights out of Dulles for VIP pickup/dropoff but I guess it could be for all the reasons they go to Andrews or any other base. Good catch.

AXEMAN flight on «273.575» at 2020. Who's freq is this?
Never's Philadelphia Approach per AXEMAN's call. And AXEMAN doesn't like the freq and asks for a VHF replacement and gets 128.4. However, I don't see the 273.575 freq listed for Philly in the database...anyone have more insight for this freq? Just found an ID for the 128.4 which is Philadelphia North Approach. The latest airport/facility directory doesn't list the 273.575 freq either.

2040: Fighter tac freq «139.625» active. The VA-ANG F-16s use this but not sure yet if this is who is using it this time. (And I hear nothing after 2-3 quick transmissions.)
2050: The AXEMAN flight is still here and there around the area using tac «142.3» It was 40 minutes ago they got the Martin State wx and said they were 15 minutes out.
2108: The AXEMAN flight is finally preparing to land with Martin State Tower on «297.2»

Thanks Chuck. I checked everything except what I normally check - Airnav. The 27 October A/F Directory doesn't show it. I know that has been replaced by the 22 December version so perhaps it's a new/replacement freq.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
AXEMAN flight on «273.575» at 2020. Who's freq is this?
Never's Philadelphia Approach per AXEMAN's call. And AXEMAN doesn't like the freq and asks for a VHF replacement and gets 128.4. However, I don't see the 273.575 freq listed for Philly in the database...anyone have more insight for this freq? Just found an ID for the 128.4 which is Philadelphia North Approach. The latest airport/facility directory doesn't list the 273.575 freq either..

It's listed at as the UHF opposite to 128.4. Which directory are you looking at?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Don't have time to log this morning but had to recap this flight....

It's a flight of four F-16s from the DC-ANG at Andrews. Apparently, they went south this morning - I'd guess to the Dare County Range in North Carolina. I caught them on their return trip starting at 1023.

The flight consisted of BULLY 1, 2, 3 and WILD 1. I first heard them with ZDC-Norfolk on «327.8» as they descended from 24 to 22,000 feet. Their next check in was with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» at 1025. At 1026 the flight changed to SOF freq «139.9» where they told WATERGATE they may have to divert to Patuxent because of low fuel levels. At 1028 the flight was 60 miles south of OTT (Nottingham).

Back on «281.4» the flight requested flight level 14,000 from the Center and then at 1032 said they were direct Nottingham and were handed off to Potomac TRACON (Reagan) on «270.275». I should add that their tac freq during all this was «127.275». When they switched to the TRACON freq on «270.275» they said they were at minimum fuel levels.

Then, surprisingly, the flight leader called Patuxent on the «270.275» freq and began recounting the fuel problem and requested descent from 11,000 down to 6,000. At 1039 BULLY 1 mentioned 5 minutes of fuel left as he continued talking to Patuxent on the same freq. At 1040, there was mention on SOF «139.9» of going into runway 14 at Patuxent and I believe one of the BULLY flight (#3) did that very thing. Back on «270.275» BULLY leader was still talking to Patuxent and mentioned they were in an emergency fuel situation.

At 1041, the remaining three aircraft reported Andrews field in sight to Patuxent. (I think that was a mistake on his part and he meant to say Potomac rather than Patuxent during that transmission.) He also reported they'd be in a non-standard formation and would do a straight in approach as they scrambled to reach the runway.

Here they switched to Andrews Tower on «349.0» where the flight leader said they were BULLY 1 and 2 along with WILD 1 that were landing and in an emergency fuel situation. By 1045, the three aircraft had reported gear down, full stop landings and had made it home on nothing but fumes left in their tanks. End of saga.

At 1045, just as that flight finished their landings, I heard the Northrup-Grumman base station at BWI ask the airborne test flight when he'd be back on the ramp and the reply from the aircraft was in two and one half hours. This was on their normal «123.225» frequency.

1106: Have TROOPER 17 (MD State Police helo) with Martin State Tower on «121.3» saying he's returning to the field directly to "The Point" pad. (Strawberry Point)
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Sep 10, 2005
northern VA

freqhopping: I heard some of those SAM flights landing at dulles because the winds were still blowing too hard at Andrews, heard something later about how the reports had been wrong....

freqhopping said:
Yet another JOSA flight departing Dulles and reporting to SAM command on 378.1. This time JOSA-358, a C-21, at 0024Z. I thought also heard JOSA-441 one minute prior to that.

A few times a week I hear them call in right after takeoff. Why Dulles? VIP or medical transports?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just took a check about 1800 to see if there was any MilAir active in the area and hear...

315.85 and 312.3 - Langley tac and Giant Killer's ops freq

237.2 Bollen Range and 143.25 tac - Bollen Range callsign BALKY with FLYER A-10 callsign from the PA-ANG. On tac they mentioned using NVGs. It's a flight of three. They are leaving Bollen in about 15 minutes (reported at 1810) and going to the Duke MOA for ARCT. They also checked in on ZNY-Flint Hill 278.3 (Pottstown) to get clearance to head for Slate Run although that just might be another PA-ANG A-10 flight that's part of the group. The flight that was on 278.3 switched to ZNY-N. Mountain on 338.3 (Williamsport) to check in and report a speed of 375 knots at 1822.

1818: Have a flight of NJ-ANG F-16s on tac 138.875. Sounds like an AERO flight. They are also using NVGs. AERO 21 and 22 are the full callsigns.
1823: Giant Killer's ops freq 373.1 active. Air combat exercise.
1825: Raven Ops on 143.8 with A-10s out of Martin State is active
1826: 139.875, the tanker interplane freq is active.
1828: The AERO flight on 138.875 just mentioned a BICEP flight off his nose
1828: The BICEP F-16 NJ-ANG flight is working tac 138.425. Full callsigns are BICEP 11 and 12.
1830: One of the BICEPs reports deadeye laser on 138.425. The BICEP flight is on the Pax River Range around Vienna MD. Since the AERO flight saw BICEP off his nose, they are obviously in the same area.
1831: The FLYER flight leaves Bollen Range and heads up toward Slate Run to enter the Duke MOA for their ARCT work. Leaving 237.2 and switches to 338.3 ZNY freq.
1837: Have a Langley flight working Norfolk TRACON (East) on 370.925.
1838: Langley flight entering GK's area using 238.1
1838: AERO flight doing buddy lase activities on 138.875
1845: BICEP flight doing the same type activity on 138.425
1847: GK's ops freq 292.3 active
1847: Have RAPID 71 (1st FW Langley) flight with GK on 238.1
1848: Also have a FLASH 81 flight of two (1st FW Langley) with GK on 238.1
1848: AXEMAN flight of MD-ANG A-10s with ZNY-Modena on 335.6
1849: FLASH flight on primary air refueling freq 238.9
1850: OPEC 48 (KC-10A McGuire AFB NJ) on refuleing freq 238.9
1856: OPEC 48, while on primary 238.9, said to switch to secondary which should be 319.7. Someone else also using the 238.9 freq which is no doubt why they are switching to secondary.

1900: The AERO and BICEP flights meet up on 138.425 to talk about leaving for the range soon. I think they mean Warren Grove Range but didn't specifically say that.
1901: AXEMAN, flight of three, with ZNY-Flint Hill 278.3 at 14,000 feet. They switch to ZNY-North Mountain on 338.3. They may also be going up to the Duke.
1902: AXEMAN flight working 142.3 tac.
1905: OPEC 76 (KC-10A McGuire) on tanker interplane 139.875 talking about refueling the AXEMAN flight in the MOA but might have a conflict with other refueling taking place. (That could be the PA-ANG flights that went up to Duke MOA) He says he'll stay at 23,000 and try to deconflict
1908: BICEP flight looking for VFR departure to the north at 16,500 feet from the Pax area with BayWatch on 354.8
1909: CAP flight on 148.15 testing a couple of airborne radios with a very loud ground station.
1911: BICEP 11 flight checking in with ZDC-Kenton on 277.4 as they head north. The AERO 21 flight checked in about 10 seconds earlier.
1911: The Duke MOA 301.6 freq is active.
1916: CRAB 55 (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State) with Tower on 121.3
1917: AERO flight leader talking with RANGER, the Warren Grove Range controller, on his tac freq 138.875 about entering the range and what they'll be doing.
1917: The PA-ANG flight is back within range on 143.25.
1919: Have a flight entering the Bollen Range on 237.2...this might be one of the PA-ANG flights again....but it isn''s the BICEP flight from NJ.
1921: Have a flight entering GK on callsign heard.
1922: Another flight trying to enter GK's area on reply so he switches to 233.7 and calls GK using WHISKEY 71. Not sure who that callsign belongs to. At first I thought he meant area W-71 but he's using it as a callsign
1924: REACH 690T calling McGuire Command Post on 319.4. I heard him with Andrews just about the time I started this log on 378.1 taking off.

There is just an obscene amount of MilAir activity going on tonight.
I've got to quit the log for's dinner time. Still have the two NJ flights - AERO at Warren Grove and BICEP at Bollen. A couple of PA-ANG flights are up and at least one of them is at some range - probably also at Bollen. At this time - 1930 - there are several Langley flights in Giant Killer's area and the AXEMAN flight from Martin State is up around the Duke MOA getting refueled. There is also plenty of activity on the UHF ZNY and ZDC freqs as these and others travel around. I hate to leave it all but humans must eat at least once a day.
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Nov 3, 2005

They're up in the Duke right now with OPEC 76. Do you know their "Push 2" Freq? They were on 142.3 but they switched over and I lost them.

Ugly, flight of two, left the Duke a while ago and were going to the Bollen Range. Flyer also refuelled after they were at the range. They were headed back to Willow Grove. Ugly and Flyer were refuelling with Taz 71. Everyone is getting gas on 301.60. Also, if anyone is keeping track, tonight Ugly pushed 17 and it was the 338.30 ZNY and Flyer pushed 18 and it was 353.85 ZOB.

I'm having no luck with the MD ANG Tac, dammit. They are heading out right now as I write this. They were leaving at 13,500 and headed to R-5802, Bollen Range.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Dave, they might have meant their secondary air refueling freq since the primaries seem to be full with refueling. Or not. Another tac freq for them is 140.0

Thanks for the UGLY ID. I knew there was a PA-ANG flight that was just ahead of the FLYERs going up to Duke but never heard a callsign. The NJ BICEP flight was running past their alloted time at Bollen and I guess they were being pushed because UGLY was coming in.

2008: Back just long enough to report on CRAB 55, the MD-ANG C-130J. He's still in the area working with Martin State and talking about doing a deer sweep before he goes in.
2010: OPEC 76, who earlier refueled the AXEMAN flight, heard calling Dover Command Post on 349.4 to ask if HAGAR 71 (C-5 Dover AFB DE) was airborne. About that time HAGAR 71 popped on the freq to say to switch to the primary refueling freq. They then come up on 228.0 to talk about the times they can be at the IP for their refueling. One will speed up (76) and one will slow down (71) so they meet up at 0122Z.
And now...back to dinner.
2050: AXEMAN flight coming home...with Raven Ops on 347.2 and Martin State Towere 297.2

2121: DC 44 (KC-135R, 756th Air Refueling Squadron, Andrews AFB MD) to LIBERATOR on squadron tac freq 351.2. He reports being 20 minutes out, is A-1 and has 35,000 pounds of fuel left on board. He'll finish out his flying time in the local area.
2124: DC 43 (KC-135R, Andrews) to LIBERATOR also on squadron freq 351.2. This one is 30 minutes out, is A-2 and has 43,000 pounds of fuel left.
2139: DC 44 in the pattern at Andrews...Approach 119.3 and Tower 118.4 (Female speaker)
2145: DC 43 in the pattern at Andrews...Approach 119.3 and Tower 118.4
Both KC-135R aircraft will fly the pattern until they've reached their scheduled amount of flying time.

2227: DC 44 gear down, full stop landing at last on tower freq 118.4. (DC 43 probably did the same and I just missed it.)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Was out earlier tonite and missed much of the action but did have tape on and heard.
YANKEE 1 flight of 11 with Atlantic City 327.1250 at 1933 local at 5k and heard later switching to 363.800 which is McGuire appch freq.
Thats a good size squadron flight!
Could be A-10's out of Connecticut Bradley or F-16's out of Shaw.
Sounded more like A-10 type com.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark, we had nine (at least) A-10s from Bradley come down this way two days ago. They went to Langley and then on to Savannah GA. I wonder if those flights were coming home? The three flights I heard going down were YANKEE 11, 21 and 31 for a total of nine. Of course, there could have been another flight of two aircraft that I didn't hear on the outbound.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Turned the radios on at 0940 and between then and 1000 heard...

Langley fighters working their tac freqs 276.675, 257.075 and 358.85 as they went from home through Norfolk on 370.925 and into Giant Killer's area on 238.1 and 249.8 and working their ops on 391.2. One flight was LION 71 - a flight of at least three aircraft.

F-16s from the VA-ANG were up on tac freqs 141.625, 142.175 and 141.875. They also went into GK's area using 238.1. Callsigns were SLAM 01/02 and THOR 11. THOR is a new callsign for the VA-ANG

A-10s active from the PA-ANG on tac 143.25 and at Bollen Range on 237.2.

A German Air Force plane - missed the numbers - landing at Andrews on 118.4.

Navy refueling activity on 123.525.

The Northrup-Grumman test flights on 123.225.

Tanker interplane 139.875 with chat about working in Giant Killer's area.

Other than that, it was relatively quiet during that 20 minute period.
From 1015-1045 there was a flight of four F-16s from the DC-ANG at Andrews doing ground attack work in the area. Their callsign was BULLY. Tac 127.275 was used along with TRACON 270.275 on their return and Tower freq 349.0 as they landed at Andrews. Before landing, they reported in to SENATE SOF on 139.9 that they were all Code 1.

In the last few minutes of the 1000 hour, there was an E3B from Tinker AFB OK using callsign DARKSTAR POPPA working two freqs. One operator was working with NORTHERN LIGHTS on NORAD freq 260.9 giving lat/longs and BRAs to various tracks on his scope. The other op was using Giant Killer's 238.1 to give info about an upcoming mission today. He mentioned wanting to reserve space in area W-387A/B between 27,000 and 29,000 feet for refueling with KC-10 aircraft TEAM 50 and TEAM 51. He also said he wanted all aircraft during event V-2010 to contact DARKSTAR on 292.3. At 1107, DARKSTAR contacted GIANT KILLER again on 238.1 to request he have TEAM 51 come up on 292.3. I then hear TEAM 51 (female speaker) come up on that freq but very weak. She's giving the area and altitude for their work.
At 1114, DARKSTAR again calls GK on 238.1 to ask if he has the Mode 3 for the RUST 91 and HOVER 41 flights. RUST 91 is 1st FW Langley and no doubt so is the other flight.
At 1115, TEAM 50 and 51 are chatting on tanker interplane freq 139.875 about their positions and altitudes before the activity begins.
1116: RUST 81 (note 81 versus 91 as DARKSTAR gave) with GK on 249.8 wanting the freq for TEAM 50. He says he's switching to 292.3 so that's obviously where TEAM 50 is hanging out. The tankers are very weak on that freq.
1118: TEAM 50/51 again chatting about refueling and which freqs they'll use. One says they'll work V-1 here on 139.875 and work with DARKSTAR on 292.3 which is U-2 and will use 238.9 for a boom freq.
1127: DARKSTAR (fem op this time) on 292.3 talking about upcoming mission. She's just too weak to be able to copy the callsigns she's mentioning that her ops will be controlling during the mission.
1132: GK apparently trying to contact RUST 82 on 238.1. DARKSTAR intervenes and tells GK that RUST 82 is currently on the tanker which is why GK can't contact them. DARKSTAR (the femop again) on 292.3 tells RUST 82 to call Giant Killer.

1140: SALTY DOG 534 currently zipping through the ZDC zone with Swann Sector on 360.7 where he's descending from 21,000 down to 15,000 feet. He's then handed off to TRACON freq 317.425

1143: TRAP 81 (1st FW Langley) into GK's area on 238.1. This is a flight of four aircraft.
1143: DATSUN 71 (1st FW Langley) into GK's area on 249.8. Says' he'll be MARSA with RUST and TRAP flights. No reply so he repeats all this on 238.1
1145: HOVER 41 (assume 1st FW Langley but this is a new callsign) into GK's area on 249.8 and says he'll be working with all those above flights.
Once these fighters are signing into GK's area, they are all switching to 292.3 to contact DARKSTAR and that frequency is a complete mess with activity.
RUST=At least 5 aircraft, TRAP=4 aircraft, DATSUN=at least three aircraft and HOVER not sure of numbers. As they get to the W-386/W-387 areas, they are refueling, testing comms with DARKSTAR and then doing DATALINK checks to ensure they're all in the net with DARKSTAR. This has been going on for the past 15 minutes.
At 1155, TEAM 50 and 51 chatting on interplane freq 139.875 about having to extend their schedule in the area to get all those aircraft refueled. TEAM 50 says he'll take care of getting the extention and goes to GK's 238.1 to request an extention for TEAM 51 so he can refuel the HOVER aircraft.
1157: DARKSTAR then goes to 238.1 to tell GK he needs a 30 minute extention for the TEAM tankers.
Back on 292.3, we have the posse led by DARKSTAR that includes TEAM 50 and 51 KC-10A tankers from McGuire and about 15 fighters from Langley.

1205: Have a U/I aircraft (no doubt a tanker) with Giant Killer on 118.125 to say he's entering the area to refuel with SENTRY. SENTRY is the front end callsign for the E3B that's using the DARKSTAR callsign in the back end.
At 1220, DARKSTAR is partly unreadable while talking to GK on 238.1 but is talking about refueling more aircraft and wanting a Mode 3 for the TEAM aircraft. I'm taking this to mean there is another TEAM tanker coming into the area to help with the refueling and might just be the who we heard coming in on 118.125. DARSTAR also wants the callsign of who is yet to be refueled.
At 1224, DATSUN 3 and 4 (73 and 74) report to GK on 238.1 they're going to RTB.
1225: The TEAM tankers are chatting on interplane freq 139.875 about one of them having a problem with engine number three and it's spitting fuel all over the boom window. They now have it controlled so don't have to quit and head for home but it is affecting refueling activity.
1230: TRAP 83 calling GK a half dozen times on 238.1 without a reply. Someone pops up and tells him to try 249.8 which he does another half dozen times before making contact to say he's a single ship RTB
1231: TRAP 81, flight of two from Snow Hill RTBing...same routine...calls several times on 238.1 and then 249.8 before making contact. TRAP 81 then goes to ZDC-Cape Charles on 256.8 to head for home.
1232: Tanker interplane with TEAMs of them mentions they have a camera crew on board today.
1234: DARKSTAR to Giant Killer on 238.1 to say he's through with W-386 and that there's a RUST flight that will be contacting him when they're ready to leave the airspace. This was an extremely quick mission for all those fighters. They no sooner refueled - or tried to refuel - when they started heading for home. It sounded more like the entire thing was a bust rather than a good mission. On the other hand, maybe that WAS the mission...go up, make contact with DARKSTAR, refuel, do Alpha checks on the DATALINK, get ready to be a fighting force...and then go home.
1239: Langley SOF freq 383.2 active as those fighters head for Langley.

1237: NJ-ANG F-16 flight on tac 138.425.
1244: Two aircraft using tac 142.75. Doesn't sound like fighters though. One is extremely loud and one very weak.
1249: SPAD 91 flight of two with Reagan TRACON currently at 13,000 heading for Andrews. They are using 138.95 as a tac freq. (SPAD is a travelling callsign for DC-ANG F-16s)
1252: SPAD 91 leaving 13 for 11,000 «343.7» report to ARMEL at 8,000...switch to TRACON on 322.3 at 11,000 at 1254.
1254: Have fighter activity on tac 138.0 (Could be SPIDERs from the ND-ANG)
1256: SPAD 91 leaving 7 for 3,000 «322.3
1259: SPAD 91 flight of two landing with Tower on 349.0 on runway 19R. They are still using 138.95 as a tac freq as they descend to the runway.
1301: SPAD 91 has landed.

Continued below....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And here we go with the CAP
1300: SPIDER 41 and 42 (F-16, ND-ANG Fargo but deployed to Langley) in the area with GUARD DOG on «135.525» They then switch to GUARD DOG freq «288.35»
1302: Strangely, they are doing the Alpha check to the bullseye on «288.35» rather than on a HUNTRESS freq. At 1304 they push 260.9 as expected.
1304: SPIDER 41 and 42 with HUNTRESS entering GUARD DOG 210 to 250 flight levels. «260.9»
1305: The SPIDERs report weapons safe. «260.9»
1305: TANKER 1 calling GUARD DOG on «135.525»
1308: SPIDER flight leader doing another Alpha check to bullseye on their DATALINK. «260.9»
1308: Winds 265/80 per SPIDER 41 «260.9»
1309: TANKER 01 entering area at FL290 with HUNTRESS on «260.9» and says the boom freq will stay on this one unless HUNTRESS wants them on a different freq.
1310: SPIDERs decide they'll maintain 23 and 22,000. «260.9»
1310: TANKER 01 asks HUNTRESS if SPIDER 41 is a replacement for AERO 23. «260.9» That tells us that TANKERs flight plan had called for him to meet an F-15 from Eglin and was surprised to find SPIDERs instead. No indication heard of why the ND-ANG F-16s have the CAP rather than Eglin F-15s. Maybe this is a short flight only until AERO gets here.
1313: Confirmed...SPIDER 41 tells TANKER 01 they'll only be here for a short time and if TANKER 01 needs any practice, they'd come in and do some refueling. TANKER 01 declines. «260.9»

1319: TEAM 50 and 51 chatting on interplane freq 139.875. They are at flight levels 8,000 and 9,000 and are very close to me based on booming signal strength. It appears this is a different tanker than the TEAM 51 last hour. He says they didn't get his callsign straight so he's just going to use the TEAM 51 callsign. They are switching to 134.3 (probably a Center freq).
1324: TEAM 50 and 51 now at flight levels 6,000 and 7,000...still loud and clear. «139.875»

1327: I set a radio up on «369.15» which is what the Eglin F-15 fighters used last weekend during the CAP for an air-to-air chat freq and just heard some weak activity there. Not sure if it's our AERO flight yet. I have it set up on a RS PRO-2042 which isn't nearly as sensitive as the normal BC785Ds I use but plenty good enough once they get in the area.
1330: NJ-ANG F-16s on tac «138.875»
1331: Yes's our Eglin flight coming up the road toward our area. They haven't used a callsign yet to confirm it's AERO but here they come. «369.15» Sounds like they are still way down in Virginia maybe from the signal strength.
1333: Just heard a very weak AERO callsign calling HUNTRESS on «260.9» Still weak and I don't believe he got a reply since there was no followup.
1335: Bollen Range freq «237.2» active.
1338: A-10s from the PA-ANG on tac «143.25» This may be the flight at Bollen
1338: AERO 23 (F-15 Eglin AFB FL) calling HUNTRESS on «260.9»
1339: SALTY DOG 122 with Norfolk TRACON (E) on «370.925»
1340: AERO 23 trying again on «260.9»
1340: AERO 23 comes in reporting timber sweet and wants to know where TANKER 1 is. He also wants to know if any other aircraft are on station. «260.9» AERO 23 says both he and his wingman will top off with fuel.
1341: SPIDER 41 says something about TEAM 10...surely a mistake since only KC-135 tankers are used in the CAP. «260.9»
1341: AERO 23/24 with GUARD DOG on «288.35» in altitude block 21 to 25.
1342: AERO flight does an Alpha check on the bullseye «260.9»
1343: SPIDERs chatting on their tac «138.0»
1343: AERO asks SPIDER for an area check...SPIDER tells him mostly clear, winds out of the west about 80 knots. «260.9»
1344: AERO confirms boom freq will be on primary «260.9»
1344: AERO 23 reports just entering the CAP and wants to know if they should maintain this current freq. «288.35» (The AERO 23/24 flight is using AERO 1/2 to each other and on chat freq.)
1345: AERO flight heading for the tanker «260.9»
1348: AERO 23 makes contacti with the boom and reports tail number as EG 80-031. AERO 24 pops up in the background and gives his tail number as EG 80-507. TANKER 1 asks where they are from...AERO 23 responds 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin. TANKER 1 aks if 23 wants about 9,000 but 23 says more - about 12,000 and asks if the tanker will have enough for both of them. TANKER 1 replies, "Well, certainly!"
1347-50: Meanwhile, the SPIDER F-16s are just chatting up a storm on their tac «138.0» about nothing important.
1350: SPIDERs report fuel remainders to HUNTRESS on «260.9»
1352: AERO 24 cleared into/onto the boom «260.9»
The AERO flight has not gone to a chat freq since checking into the CAP but since they used it (369.15) while flying up here, I guess we can assume they'll continue to use it.
1354: TANKER 01 asks AERO flight leader if they'll refuel again. 23 says at least once and maybe twice. «260.9»
1354: SPIDER 41 reports they'll be at 21,000 in the south end of the CAP as they head out. Both report Code 1. «260.9» SPIDERs push 288.35
1355: SPIDERs on «288.35» to report RTB.
1355: The pair of fighters - SPIDERS I presume on «138.0» - are not the pair of SPIDERs in the CAP. The 138 pair is pointing out various points along the ground as they prepare to do ground attack.
1357: SPIDER 41 reports the pair is now direct HARCUM and will maintain FL210. «288.35»
1358: The fighter pair on 138.0 is talking about setting up steer points for Shaw although they admit Shaw is kind of far away for that right now.
1359: SPIDER 41/42 down to 17,000 «288.35» and repeat they are to switch to 281.4 which is ZDC-Calvert.

1400: SPIDER 41/42 check in on ZDC-Calvert «281.4» currently at 18,200 heading for 17,000, direct HARCUM, direct Langley.
1401: The pair of fighters on «138.0» are talking about various freqs they'll use. One of them wants to give the other the primary freqs they'll need. He starts by giving him U-1 as 318.1 and then is interrupted by the other fighter who tells him he doesn't need them right now. (Damn!!!!...I was ready to recover a whole list.)
1403: SPIDER 41/42 check in on Victor «138.0» Nothing from the other pair that's already there to complain or say hello or anything.
1404: SPIDER 41 reports leaving 17 for 13,000 «281.4»
1404: The pair that was chatting on «138.0» before the SPIDERs got there say..."TIGERs push 138.025"
1405: TIGER 1 and 2 come up on «138.025» and continue their meaningless chat like nothing had happened. Based on their callsign and the fact they already talked about setting steer points for Shaw, I will put the Shaw AFB SC F-16 label on them since that callsign is already confirmed for Shaw. I'm adding these two freqs - 138.0 and 138.025 - to the other confirmed tac freqs I have for Shaw which are 138.15/141.6/141.9 - all with the TIGER callsign.
1414: The Tiger pair talk about pulling up Andrews, ADW on their nav indicator. One of them has a broken piece of equipment since it says it's 999 miles away. The other one has it at 45 miles. I haven't heard this pair on any of the ZDC freqs flying through the area but that's obviously what they're doing. They are just beginning to get a bit weak as of 1416. (When I went to enter the 138.025 freq for Shaw, I found it's V-1 for the Shaw fighters and that I already had it programmed.)
1416: Meanwhile the AERO pair is still in the CAP flying their track but not talking much at all. They only transmissions from them have been about the weather in the CAP area. «260.9»
1416: The Northrup-Grumman test flight pair is up and flying...currently hearing them on their alternate freq «123.2»
1420: F-16s from the DC-ANG at Andrews are up on tac freq «127.275» They are over some airfield since they are pointing out hangars on the ground. It's not Andrews since they are talking about a crossing runway which Andrews doesn't have.
1421: The Shaw pair of TIGER F-16s has faded out on «138.025» They are still talking but I can't make out what they are saying.
1426: I can hear the TIGER pair again on «138.025»
1428: RAVEN 1 (A-10 Martin State) flight with ZDC-Casino on «285.4» heading north.
1432: AERO 24 telling HUNTRESS someone (I missed who) is going to call them on a landline.
1434: As happened last week during the CAP, I also now have NJ-ANG F-16s using callsign AERO on «138.425» This flight appears to be doing ground attack work around the Pax River Range.
1435: Have a REACH 8211 with Dover Command Post on «349.4» saying during a landing at Aberdeen he did an emergency skid and did damage to the nose landing gear and will land at Dover for repairs. He IDed as a C-5.
1437: AERO 23/24 F-15s using their chat «369.15»
1438-41: AERO 23/24 working with their DATALINK to ID tracks and make sure it's working. 23 may be having a bit of a problem as tracks fade in and out for him. «260.9»
1446: BANGER 21 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-Casino on «285.4» and using «138.875» for tac.
1446: The DC-ANG F-16s on «127.275» are talking with HUNTRESS and using callsign CAPITOL 91. I haven't really paid attention to this flight since I reported they went airborne earlier and maybe I should have. Last I heard they were pointing out hangars at an airfield.
1447: CAPITOL 91 got the "skip it" command from HUNTRESS. Sounds like they were diverted from whatever they were doing to chase down an intruder into the ADIZ. «127.275»
1450: CAPITOL 91 flight being sent after another low flying target by HUNTRESS «127.275»
1457: WARDOG flight on «139.625» (either MD or PA ANG)

Sorry Dave...I must have missed the AXEMAN flight among the tons of activity I'm currently hearing. Do have the RAVEN flight maybe coming your way though.

And so...AERO and BANGER from NJ-ANG, RAVEN and AXEMAN from MD-ANG, UGLY and FLYER from PA-ANG, AERO from Eglin in the CAP, CAPITOL from DC-ANG, various Navy fighters in Pax River area and lots of transports to all three bases in the listening area. Busy.

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Nov 3, 2005

Currently Steel 11 and Steel 12 are going to be working with Ugly flight of four. They are refuelling on 301.60. Axeman flight is also going to enter the Duke when the Uglies are done. Uglies are on 143.25. No TAC for the Axeman Flight, not picking anything up on the 142.30.

1438 Uglies are headed back south right now and the Axeman flight is entering the Duke.
1455 Axeman is done and heading to the south.

Ugly tailcodes I heard were: 80-0184, 78-0692, and 78-0658. Didn't catch the fourth Ugly or any of the Axeman tailcodes.

I don't think the Ravens will be up here, the Duke was reserved until 3:00PM. I'm surprised that the Axeman flight snuck by you, don't let it happen again......just kidding of course :).

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