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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Can't help you Travis...wasn't listening at that time.

Mateo, thanks for the additional info on the FLIGHT CHECK aircraft. I pretty much know what he's doing. I'm looking for a few specifics such as where based, etc.

I posted a question a couple of days ago about the Langley runways and whether they were reopened or not. The construction project was supposed to be done at the end of July. However, I haven't heard any of fighter squadrons returning or operating from there yet.

1848: There's a BULLY flight of F-16s just landing back at Andrews. Didn't have the radios on to know where they were. Just changed from 335.5 to tower 349.0 and asking about the cable status.
1855: There are more BULLY aircraft - at least BULLY 2 - operating at Pax on 270.8....and he's just quitting and heading home at 1858.

1901: BULLY 2 to SOF on 139.9 with mission results...reports Code 1....5 minutes out.
1906: BULLY 2 with Approach on 335.5...descending toward the field.
1910: And over to tower 349.0 to land on runway 19L...reports gear down on a six mile final.

2044: Have (OPEC) 48 and 49 (KC-10A McGuire) chatting on interplane 139.875. One of them mentions their receiver - LORRIE or LORRY 13 - didn't show up. (I have nothing on that callsign no matter how it's spelled.)

2109: OPEC 48 with ACY Approach 124.6 descending from 10,500 to 8000...then 5000...heading for McGuire.

There's a new freq for Webster NOLF according to the new DAFIF info released today....358.0 has changed to 316.45. (Thanks Joe for bringing that to my attention.)
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
TinEar said:
There's a new freq for Webster NOLF according to the new DAFIF info released today....358.0 has changed to 316.45. (Thanks Joe for bringing that to my attention.)

It's been fixed on the Pax River wiki page. If there are other changes there, Tin, email them to me directly and I'll take care of it. 73s Mike

[edit] Re the 300.125 brief logging above - the Scan Cape Cod mil wiki ( has this freq as NORAD 'Blue 40', sometimes used by the 102nd FW. Normally I don't notice brief logs like that one, but it stood out because the freq is a little odd. I also see this one as a Nationwide allocation, according to a 12/2005 MT article.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mike said:
Re the 300.125 brief logging above - the Scan Cape Cod mil wiki ( has this freq as NORAD 'Blue 40', sometimes used by the 102nd FW. Normally I don't notice brief logs like that one, but it stood out because the freq is a little odd. I also see this one as a Nationwide allocation, according to a 12/2005 MT article.

Mike, I'm not quite sure what that group of freqs is called and there's a dozen or more of them (actually 16) that all go together. All I know is that they seem to be used by F-15s in various parts of the country. I just added them and, sure enough, got a hit right away.

2133: Just turned the radios back on (watching the Red Sox game again) and am hearing an F-16 flight from Andrews down at Pax on 354.8...callsign ANGRY.
2135: And we've got both 139.15 and 143.6 Andrews tac freqs active. ANGRY and SCARY are both on 143.6 talking about the ground FAC at Pax Vienna Range using the callsign DARK CLOUD. It appears this freq is for SCARY and the ANGRY flight must be the one on 139.15.
2138: Andrews guys are now working on Pax freq 270.8 with the FAC.
2158: And now a BULLY flight of F-16s up from Andrews with TRACON 348.725

2200: BULLY flight to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and checks in at 15000 feet. Guess he's heading for Pax too.
2204: BULLY checks into Pax on 354.8
2205: BULLY to Pax 270.8 to join up with the gang. BULLY is a single ship flight and coordinates with SCARY on 143.6 before joining the fray.
2228: Our Andrews guys are still working at Pax Vienna Range and have added HARD ROCK as a second ground FAC but they're having very much trouble hearing him. «270.8»
2240: OPEC 49 (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY Approach 124.6...descending from 14500 to 8000 and then to 5000. Says he's coming from AR-636 on his way to McGuire and sees a light show. Wants to know if any of it is in his path to McGuire.
2245: SCARY made their last attack at the Vienna Range and say they are moving off to the south to complete other training requirements....BULLY flight says he's taking it for the next 15 minutes and makes arrangements with FAC HARD ROCK. «270.8» ANGRY is still there at Vienna with BULLY.
2256: BULLY advises HARD ROCK that SCARY and ANGRY have departed the range. «270.8»

2302: BULLY tells ZDC-Calvert 281.4 that he's ready to RTB and then goes back and tells HARD ROCK the same thing on 270.8
2306: The whole Andrews flock is with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 clearing back to ADW.
2307: REACH 389T with arrival message to SAM Command 141.55....36 pax, 5 rolling stock to unload at ADW.
2308: Andrews F-16s start checking in with SOF on 139.9.
2310: ANGRY 1 flight with TRACON 257.2 - 24 miles to the south....trying to check in several reply.
2312: One of the Andrews flights checks in with TRACON on's ANGRY
2315: ANGRY flight changes to Tower on 349.0 for landing...gear down at 2316.
2315: BULLY flight with TRACON 343.7
(Heard ANGRY land and don't have a clue where the rest of them are. Wonder if they came in on the VHF Tower freq?)
2337: BOLAR 47 (C-5 Dover) to Dover CP 349.4 to say he should be in the chocks at 45-47 after the hour and wants to make sure they have a crew bus for 5.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Tony/Mateo -- perhaps one of you can clear something up for me concerning the 139.4 freq. I know thats Davison AAF. And I also know that 139.3 is Andrews Dispatch for both Air Force and Navy. Yet I keep hearing aircraft calling Navy Ops on 139.4. For instance, this morning at 0947 there was PAT 834 calling Navy Ops on 139.4. He called a couple of times with no apparent reply so PAT 272 piped up calling Navy Ops and said he heard ground even if 834 didn't. That sounds like those PAT aircraft are calling Andrews Navy rather than Davison. So, what's the real story here? Thanks for anything you can contribute to lessen my confusion.

0950: Giant Killer's operations freq 391.2 is active. No callsigns heard yet. It's ACM activity.
0955: PAT 837 calling Navy Ops on 139.4.

1000: Fighter tac freq 140.2 active. This is a CT-ANG A-10 preset. No callsigns heard.
1002: Also hearing the same fighters on ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 and ZNY-Ship Bottom 307.8....and still haven't managed to catch the callsign. Yesterday it was CUDA when they came down to Warren Grove.
1004: NJ-ANG tac freq 138.425 active.
1008: And those CT A-10s are now with Warren Grove Range on 283.1. Callsign MAKO confirming Bradley A-10s.
1008: Fighter tac freq 143.25 active (PA-ANG A-10s usually)
1008: Fighter tac freq 141.875 active with a flight of four F-16s of the VA-ANG at Richmond. Callsign FURY.
1008: AXEMAN, flight of two A-10s from the MD-ANG at MTN, calling Any Radio on FSS freq 255.4 to say they are entering VR-1709 A-C at 500 feet, 300 knots for the next 20 minutes.
1013: VANDAL 11 (F-15 Langley) with Giant Killer 238.1 heading to Langley. (Guess what this means?)
1014: VANDAL 11 with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 at FL 14000.
1015: Also have VA-ANG tac freq 141.825 active...they're talking about the FURY flight being 60 miles in front of them and the possibility of catching them.
1017: Also have fighter tac freq 138.15 callsigns heard yet.
1018: VENUS 91 with Atlantic City Approach 124.6 at 8000 feet preparing for touch and goes at ACY.
1020: Tac freq 139.625 active. This freq is used by both VA-ANG and by Warren Grove Range. Not sure which this is yet.
1027: Have two fighters chatting on the 139.625 freq. The callsign for one of them is RANGER 12...the other used suffix 11. They then changed back to Warren Grove freq 283.1. That callsign doesn't compute in my database for fighters. Oh...and they referred to 283.1 as U-16 in their presets. (Next time they chat on 139.625, the guy with the suffix 11 does NOT use callsign RANGER but I can't pull it out yet. The one using 12 is definitely RANGER. However, back on 283.1, there is a reference to RANGER 11. Confused yet?) Trying to sort it all out. The 11 guy seems to be an OA-10 directing a couple of other fighters at the range.
1039: Finally caught 11's callsign's HEAT 11 which confirms Bradley A-10s. they are using the 139.625 freq as one of their tac/chat/interflight freqs. RANGER 12 and HEAT 11 are the players here. And we can add RANGER 11. So, the flight of three from Bradley is HEAT 11, RANGER 11 and 12. The problems are that RANGER isn't listed for Bradley and the 139.625 freq belongs to Warren Grove and yet they're using it like one of their tac freqs.
1051: And now we've got the MTN A-10s, callsign AXEMAN, working the Warren Grove Range.
1052: And the Bradley A-10s are now with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 apparently heading home but are too weak to copy here.
1058: Now a MAKO flight with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 heading home to Bradley.
Could the MAKO A-10s have been using callsign RANGER while at Warern Grove? That would explain that unknown callsign.

1105: MAD HOG (OA-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove) with ZNY-Modena 335.6
1105: MAD HOG handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown 227.125 where he checks in at FL 220 and requests direct ?Charleston? (Very garbled transmitter)
1109: AXEMAN tells range controller at Warren Grove they've only got 5 minutes playtime left. 283.1
1110: ANGRY, flight of two F-16s off the deck at Andrews on tac 143.6
1112: ANGRY to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and check in.
1114: ANGRY over to Pax Approach 305.2. They want a discrete freq to work with HARD ROCK (ground based FAC at the Pax Vienna Range) Says they'll be followed by a BULLY flight who will also want a discrete Uniform freq. IN about 45 minutes they want R-4005 South.
1115: ANGRY flight will use Pax's 270.8 for their work as their discrete freq
1117: And the BULLY flight of F-16s is airborne from Andrews...with TRACON 348.725 and tac 143.15
1118: ANGRY flight contacts HARD ROCK on 270.8 and then says BayWatch wants them on 256.5 so they all switch over there to work. ANGRY flight leader says they are a flight of two F-16C+, just one of them is Rover capable on freq 5500 or 5400, both are LITENING II pod equipped.
1121: BULLY flight with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 heading to Pax.
1123: BULLY flight to Pax Approach 305.2 to enter the Pax area and are immediately sent to discrete 256.5 to join ANGRY. And do.

Mid 1100 hour and time to break. Back later.

So...everybody and their brother is up this morning. That's the best sorting out I can do for now. By early 1100 hour, we've had DC/MD/VA/PA/NJ/CT-ANG units active. And a Langley flight.

(Ref a couple below) Dave, I never did hear that RAVEN flight...only AXEMAN but they went to Warren Grove after doing the VR-1709 low-level thing.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: Flightcheck 70

Hi Mateo,

Not "almost certainly", it DEFINITELY is Be300 N70.


Best regards,


Mateo said:
FLIGHT CHECK 70 would almost certainly be King Air 300 N70, which opb the FAA to calibrate navigational aids, and such. Given that ACY is the one of the major FAA bases on the East Coast, it's certainly not odd to hear.

Also, I believe Langley is back open again. If not, the Langley AFB Flying Club Baron that I saw at IAD on Tuesday and was cleared back there might be circling for a while!


Nov 3, 2005
Good Morning All,

Beginning about 1000, have two STEEL tankers in the DUKE MOA. Air to Air on 293.70 and 301.60.
1010: Caught two RAVENS with ZOB-Altoona on 299.20 indicating they are headed up to the DUKE.
1014: RAVENS to ZOB-Wayland on 353.85, looking for clearance into the DUKE, MARSA with STEEL 11 and 12.
The RAVENS will be going to R-5802 when they are done refuelling.
At 1018: The STEELs and RAVENs were coordinating their join-ups (301.60).
One of the RAVENS is 78-0719.
1030: RAVENs received 2000 LBS Each and they are going to be departing towards RAVINE.
1031: Got a quick hit on the 41.95, maybe the RAVENS are using the FM Low again.
1033: RAVENS to ZOB-Wayland 353.85. Repeat request Direct RAVINE and then 5802.
1036: RAVENS push 338.300 (ZNY-Philipsburg). They are at 11,000.

STEEL 11 and 12 are going to remain in the DUKE for a while doing practice maneuvers.

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

The usual one from the morning commute. Will finally get the radio in this afternoon!!

1309Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BELGIAN AIR FORCE 619 (A310) - deps ADW to 19000' QSY 123.82.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1324: BLUE 42 (KC-135 Grissom ARB IN) to Willow Grove AFRC on 351.75. Wants a phone message passed via DSN to BRICKYARD (Grissom Ops) that BLUE 42 will arrive Grissom (time blocked). (Didn't hear who he called at Willow Grove but it was probably SHORTSTOP, the AFRC Ops callsign.)
1324: Also have a flight of Willow Grove A-10s up on tac 142.25 and a pair of F-16s from Andrews on tac 139.15, callsign WILD, heading home.
1329: WILD flight with ZDC-Kenton 354.15
1330: WILD flight to WATERGATE on SOF freq 139.9. Gave mission results for work in in W-107...WILD 1 is Code 1 and 2 is Code 2 for UHF.
1332: WILD flight to U-8, TRACON (BWI) 317.425 for \ (<- that's a descent sign)
1335: WILD flight handed off to TRACON (DCA) 270.275 where they check in at 7000 feet. Lousy comms on this freq so on their own they decide to switch to...TRACON (ADW) 335.5 and do where they say they had no contact on 270.275
1339: WILD flight leader tells his wingman to pick up a one-mile trail
1340: WILD handed off to Tower on 349.0 where they check in at 5 miles south
1341: WILD flight leader tells his wingman to join up with him again...the plan has changed. «349.0»
1344: WILD base, gear, stop, right (1R) «349.0»
1344: RODD 58 (C-5 Westover AFB MA) calling McGuire Command Post several times before making contact...20 minutes out...says he's a flight for maintenance training. He also spells his callsign)
1355: RAVEN 1 flight (A-10 MTN) with Pax Approach 314.0. (Don't know where he came from...either single ship or multiples that were using low band for tac and I missed them going out. Answered next log item.)
1358: RAVEN 1 to Any Radio on FSS 255.4 to announce a flight of two A-10s with entry into VR-1709 A-C for next 15 minutes at 1500 feet and below.

1400: EASY 704 (USMC UC-35B, #165741 NAS-New Orleans) to Andrews CP on 141.55 to announce he's 3 miles out and has Mr. Gardner aboard. (This aircraft went into Patrick AFB FL yesterday as EASY 41 and then on to NAS Key West. He left Key West today, went back to Patrick AFB and at 1217 left from there as EASY 704.)
1410: BOLAR 70 (C-5 Dover) to Dover CP 349.4 with arrival message.
1412: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MTN) at Bollen Range on 237.2
1415: WARDOG 1 (OA-10 MTN) reports off (the deck) at 1814Z «347.2» Raven Ops repeats that.
1418: NJ-ANG F-16s airborne on tac 138.425
1418: AXEMAN is talking to a FAC using callsign WARCRAFT at Bollen. 237.2
1419: F-16s on 138.425 are callsign BICEP.
1421: BICEP 12 talking to DARKSTAR (simulated, I believe) on 138.425 for ACM activity.

1521: Warren Grove Range active on 283.1
1521: Been listening for the past 10 minutes to a couple of pilots chatting on tac freq 138.175. No callsigns used or anything mentioned that would ID them.
1523" JOSA 741 to RAYMOND 16 (Langley) on 251.25 giving arrival message. He'll be leaving there an hour after landing and going to Scott.
1523: EVAC 33114 trying to contact Andrews on joy. (And keeps calling for the next several minutes. Then he tries using 141.55 and has no better luck. Then he begins alternating calls between the two freqs.
1531: REACH 402 calling Andrews on joy. Several calls. And he calls and calls and calls. And then uses 378.1 and calls some more.
Not sure what's happening at Andrews but both freqs are having trouble hearing incoming aircraft the past couple weeks. Have had several within just a couple of minutes from the field before being heard.
1536: RAVEN flight of two A-10s from MTN calls Raven Ops on 347.2 to say they are both Code 1 and are 8.45 minutes out. (that's what he said)
1539: WARDOG 1 to Raven Ops on 347.2 to report 10 minutes out and 5 unexpended (weapons?) Says we've got a shortage of BDUs.
1541: REACH 402 and EVAC 33114 still calling both Andrews freqs...still no reply.
1544: Still trying.
1547: REACH 402 finally makes contact on 141.55 for arrival message...he's 25 minutes out, he has 123,000 pounds of cargo to download on 24 pallets. Needs 4-60 KLoaders and 1-25 KLoader with bridge, he also has 3200 pounds of type 9 and type 8 hazardous cargo to offload. He'll have 73 Space A seats available on the outbound leg. He has 9 crew members that need transportation and they will RON at Andrews. He also needs Customs and Ag to meet the plane. (This is NOT a Piper Cub.)
1548: EVAC 33114 heard with Andrews Tower in the landing pattern on 118.4....never did make contact on the Base Ops freqs.
1555: REACH 402 calls Andrews on 141.55 to say he's a little closer now and maybe he can be heard. Wants to know if they have his parking spot yet. Gets Spot 13.
1558: JOSA 949 reports off the ground at 1949Z (took two calls to get a response) Gives tail as 40125. «141.55» He gets no response to his message so calls again to ask if they copied his last transmission.
Something is very wrong with the comm system at Andrews lately. I need to get down there and straighten them out. :)

And on that note, I'm out of here.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: Navy Ops

Hi tin,

You're actually hearing the informal callsign "DAVEY OPS" as opposed to "Navy Ops".

Best regards,


TinEar said:
Tony/Mateo -- perhaps one of you can clear something up for me concerning the 139.4 freq. I know thats Davison AAF. And I also know that 139.3 is Andrews Dispatch for both Air Force and Navy. Yet I keep hearing aircraft calling Navy Ops on 139.4.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Davison Master aka Tony said:
You're actually hearing the informal callsign "DAVEY OPS" as opposed to "Navy Ops".

No, I'm hearing "Navy" Ops. The fact that it's really "Davey" Ops is a separate issue and that issue is that I'm obviously going deaf. :roll:

Thanks Tony.

P.S. We're about to hit 100,000 views of this thread. Take a look because I think it's going to either recycle back to 1 or malfunction when we hit that number. It looks like 5 digits is maximum. I asked Lindsay about it on another thread but never got a response so am not sure what it'll do.
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Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
TinEar said:
P.S. We're about to hit 100,000 views of this thread. Take a look because I think it's going to either recycle back to 1 or malfunction when we hit that number. It looks like 5 digits is maximum. I asked Lindsay about it on another thread but never got a response so am not sure what it'll do.

Let’s go ahead and make another thread called “Thread for MilAir 2” or something like that. Just to note….We have 137 pages of Milair information that we collected over the past 15 months.


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
CitationJet said:
You're actually hearing the informal callsign "DAVEY OPS" as opposed to "Navy Ops".

He's talking to DAVEY, while still in the Navy, and probably will be for life.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I don't know what happened to this was here once. I started the new thread and came back to this one and the message was gone. Anyway....

Tried a couple more times and it just won't allow me to quote your message Ben.

New thread started. Thanks for the suggestion Ben.

Eric, would you lock this thread, please?
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Annapolis, Maryland
Dare range

Am off to the outer banks soon for my birthday.

Am looking for an early present: a pro 96 milair file for dare range and the Va Capes area.


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