When and if they ever do get a proper dispatch center set up in AR, then you will hear tones, and the typical, "Survival Ops to Survival XX, weather check for flight." then a go/no go for flight. If its a go, you will get the basic details of what the flight is for, contact info if its not a transfer flight, and patient data if transfer flight such as, "Transfer from University, to XXX. Patient weight XX Kilos....XYZ equipment." And then so on. That is again, when and if they do set up a proper dispatch center. Most of this is pretty standard for most medevac helo systems. In many states, 155.3400 is called Statewide, or State ER Net. Its usually the main HEAR freq used, with 155.2050, or 155.2800 as the secondary. Also expect them to get AWIN radios and use them if they do not already have them.