No i am not. As i stated in the original thread fruitland/duchense county UCAN i am using an old radio shack pro 2050 scanner at work to scan UHF/800 Mhz and a Yaesu Ft-2800 radio to monitor the local ham repeaters & VHF public safety. Home is a yaesu Ft-8800 dual band radio with one side scanning the local ham repeaters and the other side monitoring public safety. If the 800 mhz were true trunking sites i would not be able to monitor them. For what little 800mhz activity their is in the area i can not justify a new scanner just to monitor them. Public safety is still VHF out here with the exception of Gold Cross Ambulance out of Vernal which is 450. All the 800 Mhz repeaters are standalone and patched back to the local VHF repeaters. Listings for Duchesne, Uintah, and Daggett county are still current to my knowledge. There have not been any changes made since the switch to narrowband 2 years ago. The exception to this would be The Bureau Of Indian Affairs Police that are using a P25 encrypted system that i have not been able to narrow down. I am friends with the local fire chief and am his first call when he has radio questions or problems so i have access to the frequency information should something change.
Northeastern Utah