Tarrant County Texas, Talk group with no Alias


Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2025
How does anyone even find out the talk group aliases for any trunked systems? Because I am curious. Anyway, can you figure out what the alias should be for this unlabeled 7106 APCO-25 talk group on the Arlington city control, in Tarrant County, Texas. On the NTIRN system.

It has no alias, and I don't know what they're talking about. I've heard them talk about activating pumps and stuff. But I don't want to label it wrong, if somebody can actually find out what it is. Unless it's simply a radio for public works that's misconfigured into an un-aliased talk group.

I made an alias for this talk group so that I can record every communication I receive from it. I can upload the files whenever you need them.

I currently have my scanner Livestreaming to my YouTube channel if you'd like to investigate what's going on, on screen. You will see sdr-trunk, and the audio recordings folder (which new recordings push down the old recordings).

- YouTube (Arlington Scanner Radio Livestream)


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
How does anyone even find out the talk group aliases for any trunked systems? Because I am curious. Anyway, can you figure out what the alias should be for this unlabeled 7106 APCO-25 talk group on the Arlington city control, in Tarrant County, Texas. On the NTIRN system.

It has no alias, and I don't know what they're talking about. I've heard them talk about activating pumps and stuff. But I don't want to label it wrong, if somebody can actually find out what it is. Unless it's simply a radio for public works that's misconfigured into an un-aliased talk group.

I made an alias for this talk group so that I can record every communication I receive from it. I can upload the files whenever you need them.

I currently have my scanner Livestreaming to my YouTube channel if you'd like to investigate what's going on, on screen. You will see sdr-trunk, and the audio recordings folder (which new recordings push down the old recordings).

- YouTube (Arlington Scanner Radio Livestream)
Pull up the NTIRN system in the database. Choose the option to show 'All Talkgroups. That will list them in numerical order.


If you look at talkgroups in the system, in most cases, you'll see a string of TGIDs in numerical order for a given agency or department.

My guess (and only my guess) is that if you listened to that TGID long enough, you may find it is connected to UTA. 7102 is UTA PD. The next listed TGID, 7114, is Arlington Fire. Odds are 7106 is connected to the college.

Based on your description of what you're hearing, about activating pumps, hints to me that this may be 'engineering' or building maintenance at UTA.


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
What do you mean by alias? In the database there are only apha tags and descriptions. It's probably too short to be a radio ID.

Sort the whole system by talkgroup ID and look for ones that are close.

7086 1bae T Arl Signals Traffic Signals Public Works
7098 1bba T UTA PD Disp Police Dispatch Law Dispatch
7102 1bbe T UTA PD Talk Police Talk Law Talk
7114 1bca TE Arl FD Tac 1 Fire Tac 1 Fire-Tac
7140 1be4 TE GP Event 2 Event 2 Interop

7106 probably belongs to UTA but the only way to verify the user is by listening to it for a long time.

Also check the unidentified talkgroup wiki article. North Texas Interoperable Radio Network Unknown Talkgroups - The RadioReference Wiki. Somebody could have found it and added it there.


Premium Subscriber
May 12, 2001
7106 is Arlington W-2 (water).

FYI for everyone, you can search for something on a page in many programs, including most browsers by pressing CTRL+F and then type in what you're looking for.

Happy scanning,


Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2003
Van Alstyne, TX
My guess (and only my guess) is that if you listened to that TGID long enough, you may find it is connected to UTA. 7102 is UTA PD. The next listed TGID, 7114, is Arlington Fire. Odds are 7106 is connected to the college.

Based on your description of what you're hearing, about activating pumps, hints to me that this may be 'engineering' or building maintenance at UTA.

UTA has their own trunked system, so it wouldn't make sense to have facility operations on NTIRN.


911 Dispatcher
Premium Subscriber
Dec 15, 2015
North Texas
Also keep in mind, their DMR trunked system is low power, so you'll need to be close to pick it up.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2025
7106 is Arlington W-2 (water).

FYI for everyone, you can search for something on a page in many programs, including most browsers by pressing CTRL+F and then type in what you're looking for.

Happy scanning,
Where did you find this answer? I did control F and typed 7106, getting no results? In the NTIRN talk groups page.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2025
They’re out of range for me, so their two PD talk groups on NTIRN are more likely so that they can work with Arlington if needed.
I live within 6 to 10 minutes of the UTA campuses. I could likely add their trunked systems to my playlist and listen to them. But being 6-10 minutes away, I might not get good reception to listen to their system. But I think I'll consider adding their system into my playlist to hear more action. Even if it's just janitors and maintenance, security probably. Police too, since they have police vehicles with UTA police written on them. Complete police vehicles. Just a different name.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2003
Van Alstyne, TX
I live within 6 to 10 minutes of the UTA campuses. I could likely add their trunked systems to my playlist and listen to them. But being 6-10 minutes away, I might not get good reception to listen to their system. But I think I'll consider adding their system into my playlist to hear more action. Even if it's just janitors and maintenance, security probably. Police too, since they have police vehicles with UTA police written on them. Complete police vehicles. Just a different name.
If you do monitor UTA, please be sure to share any talkgroups you identify. I have 11 talkgroups in my log file, but because of the distance from Van Alstyne to Arlington I don't get down there enough to capture recordings at a scale large enough to positively identify them (it took me 2 years of intermittent trips just to get the frequencies and the associated channel ID's to a point I could submit it to RRDB).

DM me if you want what I have captured, because if you're using a SDR receiver like I do (in my case DSD+) you can actually pick up radio id's over the air, which can help with Talkgroup identification. And for those using DSD+, it does appear the UTA system is using CPS-P3 numbering scheme, much like Megahertz's Tier 3 system.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2025
How does anyone even find out the talk group aliases for any trunked systems? Because I am curious. Anyway, can you figure out what the alias should be for this unlabeled 7106 APCO-25 talk group on the Arlington city control, in Tarrant County, Texas. On the NTIRN system.

It has no alias, and I don't know what they're talking about. I've heard them talk about activating pumps and stuff. But I don't want to label it wrong, if somebody can actually find out what it is. Unless it's simply a radio for public works that's misconfigured into an un-aliased talk group.

I made an alias for this talk group so that I can record every communication I receive from it. I can upload the files whenever you need them.

I currently have my scanner Livestreaming to my YouTube channel if you'd like to investigate what's going on, on screen. You will see sdr-trunk, and the audio recordings folder (which new recordings push down the old recordings).

- YouTube (Arlington Scanner Radio Livestream)
I have decided to share the 12 recordings I have received so far. Listening to them still gives me zero good information in figuring out what the group is for. Here is my drive link, go ahead and leave comments on the files if you want.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2025
My own notes.
Alright, so I labeled 7106 as "Arl W-2???", can you please tell me what notes and data you've collected to help you determine that to be correct?

I am also monitoring a talk group 7097, which does not exist in the radio reference database for NTIRN at the Arlington control frequencies. The voice comes out of both itself (7097 an unlabeled talk group), and Arl FD 1 (7017) at almost the same time, but the labeled talk group (7017) is delayed. And gosh it sounds horrible hearing them both playing off pace from each other on the left and right speaker lol.


Dec 17, 2000
Alright, so I labeled 7106 as "Arl W-2???", can you please tell me what notes and data you've collected to help you determine that to be correct?

I am also monitoring a talk group 7097, which does not exist in the radio reference database for NTIRN at the Arlington control frequencies. The voice comes out of both itself (7097 an unlabeled talk group), and Arl FD 1 (7017) at almost the same time, but the labeled talk group (7017) is delayed. And gosh it sounds horrible hearing them both playing off pace from each other on the left and right speaker lol.
There are a few people here that have pretty good knowledge of NTIRN and share it. BenScan and hiegtx are among them.
BenScan spends tons of time collecting information on the system from various sources. You would be wise to listen to his comments.