SDR# TETRA Demodulator Trunk Tracking Demonstration


Nov 22, 2016
Last week i try this test setup for monitor LA-1, LA-2, LA-3 used in the same Network
Run multiple RTL-SDR + SDR# + TTT only in SINGLE mode and copy all the files in different folders
SDRTetra-01, SDRTetra-02, SDRTetra-03
TetraTrunkTrack-01.exe, TetraTrunkTrack-02.exe, TetraTrunkTrack-03.exe
this setup seem to work for short period time, not for long because i think still writing in the same GSSi and SSi txt file, this causing problems


That type of setup is not supported. Who knows what's going on in a setup like that.

Latest version (v1.0.13) can be found here: Release post


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
TTT or the tetra plugin doesn't use anything from the frequency managers settings and groups. They both use the info that is decoded from the frequency that #SDR are tuned to. What happens sometimes with TTT are if you change LA and it doesn't decode properly it will wait for the Call Timeout to end and then return to last LAs control channel, CC Park.



Mar 23, 2014
TTT or the tetra plugin doesn't use anything from the frequency managers settings and groups. They both use the info that is decoded from the frequency that #SDR are tuned to. What happens sometimes with TTT are if you change LA and it doesn't decode properly it will wait for the Call Timeout to end and then return to last LAs control channel, CC Park.

Understand you got a good point,
when switch from Network-A- LA-1 to Network-B- LA-1 there is or was no call running that moment. The last command seen in TTT whas D-release. (Network-A / Network-B have different users) When turn OFF DecoderCheckbox for 2 or 3 seconds, than TTT not jump back to Network-A- LA-1
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Mar 23, 2014
Some possitive feetback, the Full release 1.13 after 10 days full run in DUALmode, only have one time a crashed.
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Nov 22, 2016
It look like when there are more FREQ in the list manager or use "SHOW ALL" in manager, TTT start switching between LA.
When use different groups in manager, it still keep switching to the LA inside the other manager group :)
I need turn OFF decoderbox and turn ON decoderbox again, to stop the switching.
Funny isn't it, this free scanning functing?


Under the red "Received" is 100% [x]. Do you see the value in "[x]" been a high value? Like around or at [1001].
It should not be that high. You should see it at 0-15 max. [changing fast]

Latest version (v1.0.13) can be found here: Release post


Premium Subscriber
Jun 21, 2008
Under the red "Received" is 100% [x]. Do you see the value in "[x]" been a high value? Like around or at [1001].
It should not be that high. You should see it at 0-15 max. [changing fast]

I have 1001 for value, what do I have to do to correct this ?


Nov 22, 2016
I have 1001 for value, what do I have to do to correct this ?

Normally this is caused then 'Network Info' window is closed. For use with TTT, this should be opened. (by TTT)

Maybe some more information about the configuration of SDR# and TTT. Please supply:
  • SDR#, TTT, Plug-in version and TTT mode.
  • Un/Selected options in TTT and command line options if used.
  • Un/Selected options in SDR#.
  • The SDR# window states. Is SDR# main window and Network Info window open or minimized.
  • What tab is selected in Network Info window.

Latest version (v1.0.13) can be found here: Release post


Mar 23, 2014
Dont know if all ready mention to you? Its not very big deal but just for knowing when TTT version 1.13 startup first time, it is not set the DecoderClickbox to ON in SDR#CC.
TTT version 1.13 after 10 days full run, only 1x crash see crash report in my message #661


Nov 22, 2016
Dont know if all ready mention to you? Its not very big deal but just for knowing when TTT version 1.13 startup first time, it is not set the DecoderClickbox to ON in SDR#CC.
TTT version 1.13 after 10 days full run, only 1x crash see crash report in my message #661

Have you setup the "Configuring Checkbox Detection" as described in "TTT_Set-up_manual"?
If you have setup the above, is the TETRA Demodulator panel visible as described in "Configuration of SDR#" in "TTT_Set-up_manual"

Also, as you mentioned about the issue, can you see this post and let me know if you see this occurring in your setup that has the CC switching.

Latest version (v1.0.13) can be found here: Release post


Aug 25, 2011
Since the last version I seem to have an issue with that.

When I select a different LA it reverts back to the initial LA and then keeps on switching between the 2.

@thewraith2008: This is basically what I have been seeing as well on my side and we dicussed in PMs. As we spoke it looked like it could be due to the LA not being available and then switching to another based on the decoded data.

Edit: I will have to check if I also see the number as high next to "Received" when this occurs. What have seen is that when this occurs I have to End Process on SDR# process to be able to recover. SDR# ver 1660 still


Nov 22, 2016
@thewraith2008: This is basically what I have been seeing as well on my side and we dicussed in PMs. As we spoke it looked like it could be due to the LA not being available and then switching to another based on the decoded data.

Edit: I will have to check if I also see the number as high next to "Received" when this occurs. What have seen is that when this occurs I have to End Process on SDR# process to be able to recover. SDR# ver 1660 still

This is what I wrote to RMW1010 in a PM:
I think what is happening is because the buffer has 1000 PDUs in it, it is causing a delay so when you click the new CC(LA) it is still is seeing old PDUs where it retrieves the current MCCH from so it switches to that old MCCH again.

I don't know why you see this buffer overflow condition.

Latest version (v1.0.13) can be found here: Release post


Nov 22, 2016
Actually, I may have already fixed this for next release.

One of the fixes I made was to address some PDUs not been cleared after being processed, this may lead to the buffer filling to much. Although when I tested the current release again, I still was not seeing the overflowing buffer.

I will need some time to package up the release for people to try out. Maybe tomorrow.

Latest version (v1.0.13) can be found here: Release post


Mar 23, 2014

Under the red "Received" is 100% [x]. Do you see the value in "[x]" been a high value? Like around or at [1001].
It should not be that high. You should see it at 0-15 max. [changing fast]
Latest version (v1.0.13) can be found here: Release post

Yes all done, All see full screen
Yes all jump low 0 - 5
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Mar 23, 2014
What do you mean by this?

Just idea thinking out loud for future updates

When monitor 10x different Network Main CC now all GSSi and SSi from all different network users collected in one file.
So when use different main CC / LA, the TTT know where to find the GSSi and SSi when switch to other main CC LA
A separate logfile for GSSi and SSi for different main CC like this example:


Or using the frequency like this example


Nov 22, 2016
10th Public Release - TETRA Trunk Tracker and TETRA Demodulator plug-in - v1.0.14

With the recent changes to TETRA Trunk Tracker and the TETRA plug-in both may experience more frequent issues.
Bear with me through these issues and help if you can by supplying detailed reports of any problems you have.
(e.g TTT version, TTT mode and selected options, Plug-in selected options and SDR# version and crash log if exists)

This package (version) of TETRA Trunk Tracker and TETRA Demodulator plug-in (with codec libtetradec.dll) are only meant to be used
with each other and with no other previous versions. To do so will most likely cause issues.

TETRA Demodulator plug-in has been updated by me. "Tweaked Edition (Unofficial) v1.0.14.0"
It's is required for some SDS features to work with TETRA Trunk Tracker v1.0.14. Please read text files in zip for plug-in.

This plug-in version changes/adds and fixes some items:

ADDED: RM3014 code improvements (Optimized). Supplied by TSSDR
       - This is for AACH block (channel decoding)
         This block is in every burst so speed improvements will go along way.

FIXED: Returned the encrypted PDU message.
       - Added the MAC PDU type, Encryption Mode element for class(2 or 3) and timeslots of encrypted PDU.
       - Removed the invalid PDU data that followed.

FIXED: 'Auto' timeslot selection. Was not always selecting a active slot.

FIXED: 'Listen only clear speech' was not working properly. Encrypted audio can sometime bleed through.
       - After fix there is a caveat to this:
         - When PDU's are clear and speech is encrypted, then blocking of speech should occur (when enabled)
         - When PDU's are clear and speech is a mix of clear and encrypted, then blocking of speech should occur for encrypted speech (when enabled)
         - When PDU's are encrypted and speech is encrypted then blocking of speech should occur (when enabled)
         - When PDU's are a mix of clear and encrypted and speech is a mix of clear and encrypted then blocking of speech may not work well (when enabled)
           - This is because both clear and encrypted PDUs are seen confusing things. Not much can be done about this I think.

FIXED: Some PDUs where not been cleared after processing. (mainly from MM protocol)
        or if 'Network Info' window was closed the PDU collection would keep filling up. (would clip at 1001)

FIXED: SDS Message with user data header (UDH) [maybe others] - "An item with the same key has already been added"
        This is because some SDS messages have a message reference element and some don't.
        I forgot to add code to test this for SDS protocols that are not supported. (Where a binary string is output)

CHANGED: AACH (Access-Assign) when FN:18 seen. Was not correctly assigning physical channel type.

ADDED: Traffic usage number (UMt)[4-63] to 'Burst Type' output.
        Each call (MS's) is assigned this number. For testing at the moment.

CHANGED: With above change to AACH, I'm now testing all frames [FN1-18] for assigned timeslot. (for use with unallocated code)

FIXED: MM protocol - "D_LOCATION_UPDATE_ACCEPT" PDUs where not always showing if "registration/authentication" after a "D_AUTHENTICATION" 'demand' PDU was seen.

MD5 hash:
libtetradec.dll    - b9f3173cb6e7dbecd35eecb831325b26
SDRSharp.Tetra.dll - a8e400a84c6140203b09fb60e147a50a

If SDR# is crashing when 'Demodulator' is enabled, it's because you have not set-up the plug-in correctly.
You MUST do this 1st. This is NOT TETRA Trunk Trackers fault.

You generally need to get these installed:
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Offline Installer)"
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (Offline Installer)"
"Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable" and install both 32/64 bit versions (if you use 64 bit OS)

This TETRA Trunk Tracker version changes/adds and fixes some items:

CHANGED/FIXED: Private calls - TTT 'Dual' mode only
               - On some occasions, SDR# CC was setup but a call setup was not complete resulting in
                 SDR# CC audio been left open and another calls audio would bleed through.

CHANGED: Private calls - Recording
         - Recorded files now have both* ISSI in filename. ( TIME_CALLID_GSSI[0]_ISSI[Caller]_ISSI[Called].wav )
           * Both ISSI values been correct is dependent on receiving all the required PDUs to resolve
             these values. (When ISSI is unknown, then value will be '0')

ADDED: Change LA from within TTT (2nd Presets panel)
       - "TETRA_la.txt" will require change to enable feature. (To include LA frequency)
          New file format: MCC;MNC;LA;FREQ[Hz];LABEL
       - When a new LA is selected, TTT will switch SDR# CC to new frequency then TTT will determine Base frequency, MCCH, and Offset (if enabled)

Has been tested on Windows 7 - Basic (64 bit)
Has been tested on Windows 7 - Professional SP1 (32 bit), English
Has been tested on Windows 10 - Professional (64 bit)

I have created it to suit my needs. And it currently works for me with the TETRA network I monitor.

I make no claim that it will work for other networks.

Please read the provided files for set-up and usage:

  • TTT_set-up_manual.pdf
  • TTT_Features_and_Usage.pdf

I have tried to be as thorough as possible with the documentation to explain usage and features.
I believe any questions can be answered by reading these files.
These files most likely are not complete and contain errors and are not laid out as good as they could be.

The TETRA plug-in is now been mainly tested with SDR# 1700 on Windows 7 Professional 32 bit with no issues seen.
The TETRA plug-in with SDR# 1700 on Windows 7-10 64 bit PCs is untested by me and is known.

It only works with the provided TETRA plug-in supplied in zip. (2019-March-06).
This version uses a custom compiled version of 'Net Remote' supplied in zip

It is only meant to be a temporary solution until something better comes along.

If you want to use the CC(LA) switching feature, you will need to modify the "TETRA_la.txt" file to include the frequency (in Hz) of the LA.
New file format is: MCC;MNC;LA;FREQ[Hz];LABEL

Accessing LA list is done via clicking the 'P' for the 'Presets' panel a second time, then click to drop-box to expose the list then click a entry to switch to that LA.

Download link

MD5 HASH 8d75ac0d3865032db4099befaef0148b


Mar 23, 2014
Thank you, install new version 1.14
Do i need make or setup manualy the file TETRA_la.txt?
I made manualy but info not show in dropdown list
LA <=== NOT setup LA:2 but only use 2
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Nov 22, 2016
To elaborate on the usage of the new "TETRA_la.txt" file format to use with the CC(LA) switching in TTT.
The each line must be exactly formatted as follows: MCC;MNC;LA;FREQ[Hz];LABEL

So if:
MCC = 555
MNC = 30
LA = 10
FREQ[Hz] = 420112500 (this = 420.1125 Mhz)
LABEL = Gotham

Then the entry in the "TETRA_la.txt" file will be:

Latest version (v1.0.14) can be found here: Release post