Omni low angle radiator
Hi there, I have been off air a lot more these days I just over did the DX a little and became tired of it and have just come back on after some months rest from radio. I see myself as a high performance yet small station. I run 100W and use verticals. There will always be high power beam users and those who want to speak about themselves and I of course do that. Hams have a sense of pride about what they do and their choices. You can actually learn something and you can always shorten a QSO if it feel best to do so. So don't let that put you off.
Some need to shout about what they are up to all the time for attention on Youtube, live streaming, showing their newly made junk as being the best antenna on the planet, endless models letting us know how great something is without ever building or using it. Making QSO's is not enough they need to shout about it too. It also might help them with their DX if they are online streaming their DX session. Maybe more people watching the stream than on the radio ! Almost certainly more than the DX contacts actually made.
Let them get on with it... some need to make a big fuss about nothing. The hard and fast truth of the matter is luck is a very big part of ham radio
DX contacts. Right time, right QTH, right conditions and they can change over a space of just 30 miles, put the best signal you can out and hope someone is there listening when it comes back down on one of its potentially many hops. The rest is down to luck.
Just enjoy what you can achieve.. that is the fun of it. Some people are more competitive than others for different reasons. I am a little competitive at heart but I realize in ham radio such a big part comes down to luck that it is competitive spirit misplaced really. There are a vast number of factors out of your control that make some contacts seem more impressive than others.
I made a really nice contact yesterday on 15m to a station in Corpus Christi Texas.. you may well have made contact he seems like a prolific DXer
portable/mobile down on the beach. 100w each way vertical to vertical S0 to me for most of the contact with a peak up at S3 on occasion. Omni to Omni is good going when you think how little energy is sent in any one direction.
Try and learn your technical stuff and just go for it I say. It just adds more things you can do with radio and can be very rewarding, the solar cycle is progressing well and it is a good time to become licensed.
Do it and find out for yourself, it'll be your own journey........that is the right way forwards.
I wish you the best of luck with it all.
Some need to shout about what they are up to all the time for attention on Youtube, live streaming, showing their newly made junk as being the best antenna on the planet, endless models letting us know how great something is without ever building or using it. Making QSO's is not enough they need to shout about it too. It also might help them with their DX if they are online streaming their DX session. Maybe more people watching the stream than on the radio ! Almost certainly more than the DX contacts actually made.
Let them get on with it... some need to make a big fuss about nothing. The hard and fast truth of the matter is luck is a very big part of ham radio
DX contacts. Right time, right QTH, right conditions and they can change over a space of just 30 miles, put the best signal you can out and hope someone is there listening when it comes back down on one of its potentially many hops. The rest is down to luck.
Just enjoy what you can achieve.. that is the fun of it. Some people are more competitive than others for different reasons. I am a little competitive at heart but I realize in ham radio such a big part comes down to luck that it is competitive spirit misplaced really. There are a vast number of factors out of your control that make some contacts seem more impressive than others.
I made a really nice contact yesterday on 15m to a station in Corpus Christi Texas.. you may well have made contact he seems like a prolific DXer
portable/mobile down on the beach. 100w each way vertical to vertical S0 to me for most of the contact with a peak up at S3 on occasion. Omni to Omni is good going when you think how little energy is sent in any one direction.
Try and learn your technical stuff and just go for it I say. It just adds more things you can do with radio and can be very rewarding, the solar cycle is progressing well and it is a good time to become licensed.
Do it and find out for yourself, it'll be your own journey........that is the right way forwards.
I wish you the best of luck with it all.