Trunk Recorder - 2 FleetNet sites simultaneously to Broadcastify Calls


Rosco P. Coltrane
Jan 11, 2004
Kawartha Lakes, ON
I added a second "Systems" statement in my Trunk Recorder config, and have signals from two adjacent FleetNet Zone 2 sites (Fenelon Falls+Peterborough) being ingested.

Each "System" in Trunk Recorder (eg a FleetNet site) has their own Broadcastify Calls Site number and Key, and are uploading to the Calls Platform.
There are significant duplicate calls between these adjacent sites, so watching to see how the Calls platform handles this.

There is one "Source" which is a NooElec RTL-SDR with a center frequency of 142.350, and vacuums up 141.140 to 143.540
Running this on a desktop PC running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Trunk Recorder, and have 10 analog and 10 digital recorders running.



Jun 14, 2006
Cornwall, ON
So you have one SDR covering two control channels? "Signal" and then it chases around to the "Voice" channels, 10 being analog & 10 being digital?

I see the V5 of the NooElec has 3.2 Mhz of BW. I have not played around with Trunk Recorder, just UT2, hence UT2 terms. It's able to switch around that fast without dropping something?


Rosco P. Coltrane
Jan 11, 2004
Kawartha Lakes, ON
So you have one SDR covering two control channels? "Signal" and then it chases around to the "Voice" channels, 10 being analog & 10 being digital?

I see the V5 of the NooElec has 3.2 Mhz of BW. I have not played around with Trunk Recorder, just UT2, hence UT2 terms. It's able to switch around that fast without dropping something?

The software has a separate control channel decoder routine running for each "system" aka site.
The software decodes the control channel "Channel Grant" OSW messages, translates the Channel Number to a frequency, and then assigns either an Analog or Digital decoder to that frequency to capture the audio. Audio is captured, stored locally, compressed and then uploaded to Broadcastify.
I'm using the NooElec RTL-SDR V5. I think it's plugged into a USB-3 port. I had it set for 2.4 MHz sample rate, but given your prompt to look at the specs, I've changed the config to try larger sample rate, I can get it to work reliably at 2.8, and it doesnt work at 2.8, 3.0 or 3.2.
Looking at RadioReference, the lowest FleetNet Zone 2 frequency is 141.195 and the highest is 143.880.
That's 2.7 MHz bandwidth. If the NooElec RTL-SDR will work at a sample rate of 2.8, I can scan almost all FleetNet VHF spectrum with one RTL-SDR. (141.185 to 143.885)

I'm running this on an HP Desktop PC. Intel i5-6300 3.20 GHz, 16GB DDR4 RAM, Intel PCIe NVMe SSD. It's your typical office PC that I bought from a used PC recycler for $149. The NooElec V5 is $47 on Amazon. So $200 and my time figuring it out.
I have the NooElec pulled into an USB 3.1 port.

This is the "Source" starting up:

[2024-03-29 21:52:40.251124] (info) Source Device: rtl=0
gr-osmosdr (0.2.0) gnuradio
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy airspyhf soapy redpitaya freesrp
Using device #0 Nooelec NESDR SMArt v5 SN: 00000001
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.871207] (info) SOURCE TYPE OSMOSDR (osmosdr)
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.871440] (info) Setting sample rate to: 2800000
Exact sample rate is: 2800000.037087 Hz
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.994039] (info) Actual sample rate: 2800000
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.994298] (info) Tuning to 142.535000 MHz
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.046639] (info) Gain Stage: LNA supported values: 0 0.9 1.4 2.7 3.7 7.7 8.7 12.5 14.4 15.7 16.6 19.7 20.7 22.9 25.4 28 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48 49.6
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073356] (info) Gain set to: 14.4
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073627] (info) Auto gain control is OFF
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073765] (info) Setting antenna to [RX]
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073895] (info) Max Frequency: 143.885000 MHz
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074048] (info) Min Frequency: 141.185000 MHz
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074185] (info) Digital Recorders: 10
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074333] (info) SigMF Recorders: 0
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074488] (info) Analog Recorders: 10
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.075235] (info) P25 Recorder two-stage decimator - Initial decimated rate: 100000 Second decimated rate: 25000 FA: 6250 FB: 12500 System Rate: 2800000

Trunk Recorder config
"ver": 2,
"sources": [{
"center": 142535000,
"rate": 3000000,
"error": 0,
"gain": 15,
"digitalRecorders": 10,
"analogRecorders": 10,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=0"
"systems": [{
"control_channels": [142605000, 142230000],
"type": "smartnet",
"squelch": -55,
"digitalLevels": 8,
"analogLevels": 32,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"recordUnknown": true,
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 144000000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"maxDev": 3500,
"callLog": true,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"audioArchive": true,
"transmissionArchive": false,
"compressWav": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "trs_tg_2560.csv",
"hideUnknownTalkgroups": false,
"shortName": "Fleetnet-Fenelon",
"broadcastifyApiKey": "<removed>",
"broadcastifySystemId": <removed>,
"audioArchive": false
"control_channels": [142800000, 142350000],
"type": "smartnet",
"squelch": -55,
"digitalLevels": 8,
"analogLevels": 32,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"recordUnknown": true,
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 144000000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"maxDev": 3500,
"callLog": true,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"audioArchive": true,
"transmissionArchive": false,
"compressWav": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "trs_tg_2560.csv",
"hideUnknownTalkgroups": false,
"shortName": "Fleetnet-Peterborough",
"broadcastifyApiKey": "<removed>",
"broadcastifySystemId": <removed>,
"audioArchive": false
"defaultMode": "digital",
"captureDir": "/recordings",
"callTimeout": 5,
"frequencyFormat": "mhz",
"controlRetuneLimit": 50,
"logFile": true,
"logLevel": "info",
"broadcastifyCallsServer": "",
"controlWarnRate": 5


All that said... I'm not sure how well it's actually working....It seems to be working, but I'm studying the log outputs.
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320104] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 0C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 8s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 8
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320210] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 0C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Call was UPDATE not GRANT
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320421] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 0C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz - Transmission src: 15327 pos: 0.00 length: 4.77
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320630] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 1C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 7s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 8
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320807] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 1C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz - Transmission src: 15327 pos: 0.00 length: 4.73
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321060] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 2C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 7s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 8
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321237] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 2C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz - Transmission src: 15327 pos: 0.00 length: 4.64
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321391] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 3C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 7s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 7
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321492] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 3C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Call was UPDATE not GRANT
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321646] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 3C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz - Transmission src: -1 pos: 0.00 length: 4.00
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321800] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 4C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 2s Recorder last write:0 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321960] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 4C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz - Transmission src: 47069 pos: 0.00 length: 2.16
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.322126] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 5C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 0s Recorder last write:0 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.322886] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 5C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz - Transmission src: 47069 pos: 0.00 length: 2.16
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.323392] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 6C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 2s Recorder last write:1.71176e+09 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.323998] (error) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 6C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz No Transmissions were recorded!
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.324429] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 7C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 2s Recorder last write:1.71176e+09 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.325162] (error) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 7C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz No Transmissions were recorded!

[2024-03-29 21:53:35.659471] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] TG: 35072 Freq: 141.435000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Skipped: SKIPPED---ALREADY-RECEIVED-THIS-CALL

[2024-03-29 21:53:35.663353] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] TG: 35072 Freq: 142.155000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Skipped: SKIPPED---ALREADY-RECEIVED-THIS-CALL

[2024-03-29 21:53:35.676787] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] TG: 35072 Freq: 143.325000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Skipped: SKIPPED---ALREADY-RECEIVED-THIS-CALL

[2024-03-29 21:53:35.933904] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] TG: 35072 Freq: 141.435000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Success - file size: 61423

[2024-03-29 21:53:36.010803] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] TG: 35072 Freq: 142.155000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Success - file size: 29763

[2024-03-29 21:53:36.024474] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] TG: 35072 Freq: 143.325000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Success - file size: 60663


Jun 14, 2006
Cornwall, ON
Interesting. That's a steal for the PC. I can "hear" two other towers in my area besides my main one, but not quite good enough to have a full stable lock.


Rosco P. Coltrane
Jan 11, 2004
Kawartha Lakes, ON
The software has a separate control channel decoder routine running for each "system" aka site.
The software decodes the control channel "Channel Grant" OSW messages, translates the Channel Number to a frequency, and then assigns either an Analog or Digital decoder to that frequency to capture the audio. Audio is captured, stored locally, compressed and then uploaded to Broadcastify.
I'm using the NooElec RTL-SDR V5. I think it's plugged into a USB-3 port. I had it set for 2.4 MHz sample rate, but given your prompt to look at the specs, I've changed the config to try larger sample rate, I can get it to work reliably at 2.8, and it doesnt work at 2.8, 3.0 or 3.2.
Looking at RadioReference, the lowest FleetNet Zone 2 frequency is 141.195 and the highest is 143.880.
That's 2.7 MHz bandwidth. If the NooElec RTL-SDR will work at a sample rate of 2.8, I can scan almost all FleetNet VHF spectrum with one RTL-SDR. (141.185 to 143.885)

I'm running this on an HP Desktop PC. Intel i5-6300 3.20 GHz, 16GB DDR4 RAM, Intel PCIe NVMe SSD. It's your typical office PC that I bought from a used PC recycler for $149. The NooElec V5 is $47 on Amazon. So $200 and my time figuring it out.
I have the NooElec pulled into an USB 3.1 port.

This is the "Source" starting up:

[2024-03-29 21:52:40.251124] (info) Source Device: rtl=0
gr-osmosdr (0.2.0) gnuradio
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy airspyhf soapy redpitaya freesrp
Using device #0 Nooelec NESDR SMArt v5 SN: 00000001
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.871207] (info) SOURCE TYPE OSMOSDR (osmosdr)
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.871440] (info) Setting sample rate to: 2800000
Exact sample rate is: 2800000.037087 Hz
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.994039] (info) Actual sample rate: 2800000
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.994298] (info) Tuning to 142.535000 MHz
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.046639] (info) Gain Stage: LNA supported values: 0 0.9 1.4 2.7 3.7 7.7 8.7 12.5 14.4 15.7 16.6 19.7 20.7 22.9 25.4 28 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48 49.6
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073356] (info) Gain set to: 14.4
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073627] (info) Auto gain control is OFF
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073765] (info) Setting antenna to [RX]
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073895] (info) Max Frequency: 143.885000 MHz
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074048] (info) Min Frequency: 141.185000 MHz
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074185] (info) Digital Recorders: 10
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074333] (info) SigMF Recorders: 0
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074488] (info) Analog Recorders: 10
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.075235] (info) P25 Recorder two-stage decimator - Initial decimated rate: 100000 Second decimated rate: 25000 FA: 6250 FB: 12500 System Rate: 2800000

Trunk Recorder config
"ver": 2,
"sources": [{
"center": 142535000,
"rate": 3000000,
"error": 0,
"gain": 15,
"digitalRecorders": 10,
"analogRecorders": 10,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=0"
"systems": [{
"control_channels": [142605000, 142230000],
"type": "smartnet",
"squelch": -55,
"digitalLevels": 8,
"analogLevels": 32,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"recordUnknown": true,
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 144000000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"maxDev": 3500,
"callLog": true,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"audioArchive": true,
"transmissionArchive": false,
"compressWav": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "trs_tg_2560.csv",
"hideUnknownTalkgroups": false,
"shortName": "Fleetnet-Fenelon",
"broadcastifyApiKey": "<removed>",
"broadcastifySystemId": <removed>,
"audioArchive": false
"control_channels": [142800000, 142350000],
"type": "smartnet",
"squelch": -55,
"digitalLevels": 8,
"analogLevels": 32,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"recordUnknown": true,
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 144000000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"maxDev": 3500,
"callLog": true,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"audioArchive": true,
"transmissionArchive": false,
"compressWav": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "trs_tg_2560.csv",
"hideUnknownTalkgroups": false,
"shortName": "Fleetnet-Peterborough",
"broadcastifyApiKey": "<removed>",
"broadcastifySystemId": <removed>,
"audioArchive": false
"defaultMode": "digital",
"captureDir": "/recordings",
"callTimeout": 5,
"frequencyFormat": "mhz",
"controlRetuneLimit": 50,
"logFile": true,
"logLevel": "info",
"broadcastifyCallsServer": "",
"controlWarnRate": 5


All that said... I'm not sure how well it's actually working....It seems to be working, but I'm studying the log outputs.
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320104] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 0C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 8s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 8
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320210] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 0C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Call was UPDATE not GRANT
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320421] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 0C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz - Transmission src: 15327 pos: 0.00 length: 4.77
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320630] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 1C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 7s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 8
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320807] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 1C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz - Transmission src: 15327 pos: 0.00 length: 4.73
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321060] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 2C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 7s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 8
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321237] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 2C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz - Transmission src: 15327 pos: 0.00 length: 4.64
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321391] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 3C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 7s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 7
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321492] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 3C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Call was UPDATE not GRANT
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321646] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 3C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz - Transmission src: -1 pos: 0.00 length: 4.00
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321800] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 4C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 2s Recorder last write:0 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321960] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 4C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz - Transmission src: 47069 pos: 0.00 length: 2.16
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.322126] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 5C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 0s Recorder last write:0 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.322886] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 5C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz - Transmission src: 47069 pos: 0.00 length: 2.16
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.323392] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 6C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 2s Recorder last write:1.71176e+09 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.323998] (error) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 6C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz No Transmissions were recorded!
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.324429] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 7C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 2s Recorder last write:1.71176e+09 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.325162] (error) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 7C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz No Transmissions were recorded!

[2024-03-29 21:53:35.659471] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] TG: 35072 Freq: 141.435000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Skipped: SKIPPED---ALREADY-RECEIVED-THIS-CALL

[2024-03-29 21:53:35.663353] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] TG: 35072 Freq: 142.155000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Skipped: SKIPPED---ALREADY-RECEIVED-THIS-CALL

[2024-03-29 21:53:35.676787] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] TG: 35072 Freq: 143.325000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Skipped: SKIPPED---ALREADY-RECEIVED-THIS-CALL

[2024-03-29 21:53:35.933904] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] TG: 35072 Freq: 141.435000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Success - file size: 61423

[2024-03-29 21:53:36.010803] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] TG: 35072 Freq: 142.155000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Success - file size: 29763

[2024-03-29 21:53:36.024474] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] TG: 35072 Freq: 143.325000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Success - file size: 60663

Having tried this for 24 hours or so, I can see a couple of systems problems that make this less than ideal.

1. Trunk-Recorder de-duplicates calls, and only uploads to one of the Broadcastify Calls Node Numbers.

2. After a few hours of good operation, the system would lose one or both control channels, would scan and could not re-lock.
The logs suggest the RTL-SDR went off frequency, possibly it heated up from working it so hard and the TCXO could not compensate.
It may have been because I was pushing the RTL-SDR bandwidth to the limits.
3. I saw some odd behaviour in the logs where the "Peterborough System" was tuning to "Fenelon System" frequencies, and vice versa.

Still, amazing technology and cheap.

Premium Subscriber
Dec 21, 2003
Ontario, Canada
Having tried this for 24 hours or so, I can see a couple of systems problems that make this less than ideal.

1. Trunk-Recorder de-duplicates calls, and only uploads to one of the Broadcastify Calls Node Numbers.

2. After a few hours of good operation, the system would lose one or both control channels, would scan and could not re-lock.
The logs suggest the RTL-SDR went off frequency, possibly it heated up from working it so hard and the TCXO could not compensate.
It may have been because I was pushing the RTL-SDR bandwidth to the limits.
3. I saw some odd behaviour in the logs where the "Peterborough System" was tuning to "Fenelon System" frequencies, and vice versa.

Still, amazing technology and cheap.

Hmmm, I have a v4 Noo-Elec pulling in four different FleetNet towers into one instance and never have had them lose the control channel. BUT you may be maxing out your USB ports for the amount of bandwidth which could be your loss of signal.

USB 2.0 vs 3.0
TR doesn't do De-duplication itself, but if you have the Multi-Site parts turned on Configuring Trunk Recorder | Trunk Recorder
falsetrue / falseEnables multiSite mode for this system
stringThe name of the system that this site belongs to. This is required for SmartNet in Multi-Site mode.
0numberAn arbitrary number used to identify this system for SmartNet in Multi-Site mode.

If you have multiple sites being monitored that are covering the same talkgroups. When a recording starts, it will stop all but one of the recordings so it doesn't upload duplicates.

Broadcastify does try to do de-duplication so it could be that you are seeing.
Also this will help you get the proper centre freq for your sites, you just copy and paste in all the CC and voice freqs from a site and it will tell you how to setup your config.
These results are based on a sample rate of 2.4

Dongle 1 (Recorders needed for 100% coverage: 6)
141.028125<-- Lowest edge of dongle based on sample rate
1142.234375<-- Center Frequency For Dongle
143.428125<-- Highest edge of dongle based on sample rate

Based on pasting in just
141.405 142.170 142.350c 142.410 142.695 142.800c
143.010 143.070

Also if you really want help with Trunk-Recorder, they have a discord server, Links are on the bottom. Hello from Trunk Recorder | Trunk Recorder

I hope I didn't confuse you.


Rosco P. Coltrane
Jan 11, 2004
Kawartha Lakes, ON
Hmmm, I have a v4 Noo-Elec pulling in four different FleetNet towers into one instance and never have had them lose the control channel. BUT you may be maxing out your USB ports for the amount of bandwidth which could be your loss of signal.

USB 2.0 vs 3.0
TR doesn't do De-duplication itself, but if you have the Multi-Site parts turned on Configuring Trunk Recorder | Trunk Recorder
falsetrue / falseEnables multiSite mode for this system
stringThe name of the system that this site belongs to. This is required for SmartNet in Multi-Site mode.
0numberAn arbitrary number used to identify this system for SmartNet in Multi-Site mode.

If you have multiple sites being monitored that are covering the same talkgroups. When a recording starts, it will stop all but one of the recordings so it doesn't upload duplicates.

Broadcastify does try to do de-duplication so it could be that you are seeing.
Also this will help you get the proper centre freq for your sites, you just copy and paste in all the CC and voice freqs from a site and it will tell you how to setup your config.
These results are based on a sample rate of 2.4

Dongle 1 (Recorders needed for 100% coverage: 6)
141.028125<-- Lowest edge of dongle based on sample rate
1142.234375<-- Center Frequency For Dongle
143.428125<-- Highest edge of dongle based on sample rate

Based on pasting in just
141.405 142.170 142.350c 142.410 142.695 142.800c
143.010 143.070

View attachment 159372
Also if you really want help with Trunk-Recorder, they have a discord server, Links are on the bottom. Hello from Trunk Recorder | Trunk Recorder

I hope I didn't confuse you.

Thanks for the tip on MultiSite. I saw those experimental commands, but when they used the word "simulcast", I thought they were referring to simulcast trunked systems and not multicast on different frequencies. So I assumed that was not for my application.

I now have Fenelon and Peterborough sites in Zone 2 running together again, and with the Multisite config in place.

The RTL-SDR is plugged into a USB 3.1 port on the HP PC.
usbtop suggests about 5 Mbps coming off the RTL-SDR. I think USB 3.1 has a Gigabit/s capacity, so that should be fine.

Bus ID 0 (Raw USB traffic, all USB buses) To device From device
Device ID 1 : 0.00 kb/s 0.00 kb/s
Device ID 2 : 1.21 kb/s 4949.03 kb/s
Device ID 3 : 0.00 kb/s 0.00 kb/s
Device ID 4 : 0.00 kb/s 0.00 kb/s

And then top on the Linux system. The i5-6500 is working - 42% CPU

top - 23:16:39 up 2:02, 2 users, load average: 8.14, 7.87, 6.45
Tasks: 242 total, 2 running, 239 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie
%Cpu(s): 42.9 us, 16.7 sy, 0.0 ni, 40.3 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.1 si, 0.0 st
MiB Mem : 15860.3 total, 11072.7 free, 2107.5 used, 2680.1 buff/cache
MiB Swap: 1952.0 total, 1952.0 free, 0.0 used. 12435.9 avail Mem

Thanks again for the help.


Rosco P. Coltrane
Jan 11, 2004
Kawartha Lakes, ON
Thanks for the tip on MultiSite. I saw those experimental commands, but when they used the word "simulcast", I thought they were referring to simulcast trunked systems and not multicast on different frequencies. So I assumed that was not for my application.

I now have Fenelon and Peterborough sites in Zone 2 running together again, and with the Multisite config in place.

The RTL-SDR is plugged into a USB 3.1 port on the HP PC.
usbtop suggests about 5 Mbps coming off the RTL-SDR. I think USB 3.1 has a Gigabit/s capacity, so that should be fine.

Bus ID 0 (Raw USB traffic, all USB buses) To device From device
Device ID 1 : 0.00 kb/s 0.00 kb/s
Device ID 2 : 1.21 kb/s 4949.03 kb/s
Device ID 3 : 0.00 kb/s 0.00 kb/s
Device ID 4 : 0.00 kb/s 0.00 kb/s

And then top on the Linux system. The i5-6500 is working - 42% CPU

top - 23:16:39 up 2:02, 2 users, load average: 8.14, 7.87, 6.45
Tasks: 242 total, 2 running, 239 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie
%Cpu(s): 42.9 us, 16.7 sy, 0.0 ni, 40.3 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.1 si, 0.0 st
MiB Mem : 15860.3 total, 11072.7 free, 2107.5 used, 2680.1 buff/cache
MiB Swap: 1952.0 total, 1952.0 free, 0.0 used. 12435.9 avail Mem

Thanks again for the help.

I'm seeing the recorder detect duplicate grants, and stop the duplicate recorder as you indicated.

[2024-04-01 23:35:51.843318] (info) [fleetnet-peterborough] 425C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz Duplicate Grant - Not recording: 425C FleetNetZone2/822 - Original call: 424C FleetNetZone2/822


Missed him again!
Apr 14, 2002
FYI USB 3.x ports have a separate 2.0 bus. There's no bandwidth benefit plugging in a 2.0 device into a 3.x port apart from using a separate 2.0 bus. You can see the separate root hubs in Device Manager.


Rosco P. Coltrane
Jan 11, 2004
Kawartha Lakes, ON
FYI USB 3.x ports have a separate 2.0 bus. There's no bandwidth benefit plugging in a 2.0 device into a 3.x port apart from using a separate 2.0 bus. You can see the separate root hubs in Device Manager.
Ah yeah. and the RTL2832U chip is USB 2.0 so theoretically 480 Mb/s
  • USB 2.0 Interface
    • Supports USB Full/High speed
    • Configurable vendor information via external EEPROM
    • Passes USB-IF certification

Also coming back to say it's been working perfectly well over last 24 hours.
The weakest link in my system is now a high power VHF transmitter in the neighborhood..
Down to the basement I go to tune up a reject cavity on the tracking generator/spectrum analyzer and stick that in my antenna feedline for scanners.


Jun 14, 2006
Cornwall, ON
I have a cavity on mine for the marine weather broadcast off of the Seaway Building. I get blasted from the fire dept. too. Especially when I have the gain up.