The software has a separate control channel decoder routine running for each "system" aka site.
The software decodes the control channel "Channel Grant" OSW messages, translates the Channel Number to a frequency, and then assigns either an Analog or Digital decoder to that frequency to capture the audio. Audio is captured, stored locally, compressed and then uploaded to Broadcastify.
I'm using the NooElec RTL-SDR V5. I think it's plugged into a USB-3 port. I had it set for 2.4 MHz sample rate, but given your prompt to look at the specs, I've changed the config to try larger sample rate, I can get it to work reliably at 2.8, and it doesnt work at 2.8, 3.0 or 3.2.
Looking at RadioReference, the lowest FleetNet Zone 2 frequency is 141.195 and the highest is 143.880.
That's 2.7 MHz bandwidth. If the NooElec RTL-SDR will work at a sample rate of 2.8, I can scan almost all FleetNet VHF spectrum with one RTL-SDR. (141.185 to 143.885)
I'm running this on an HP Desktop PC. Intel i5-6300 3.20 GHz, 16GB DDR4 RAM, Intel PCIe NVMe SSD. It's your typical office PC that I bought from a used PC recycler for $149. The NooElec V5 is $47 on Amazon. So $200 and my time figuring it out.
I have the NooElec pulled into an USB 3.1 port.
This is the "Source" starting up:
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.251124] (info) Source Device: rtl=0
gr-osmosdr (0.2.0) gnuradio
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy airspyhf soapy redpitaya freesrp
Using device #0
Nooelec NESDR SMArt v5 SN: 00000001
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.871207] (info) SOURCE TYPE OSMOSDR (osmosdr)
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.871440] (info) Setting sample rate to: 2800000
Exact sample rate is: 2800000.037087 Hz
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.994039] (info)
Actual sample rate: 2800000
[2024-03-29 21:52:40.994298] (info)
Tuning to 142.535000 MHz
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.046639] (info) Gain Stage: LNA supported values: 0 0.9 1.4 2.7 3.7 7.7 8.7 12.5 14.4 15.7 16.6 19.7 20.7 22.9 25.4 28 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48 49.6
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073356] (info) Gain set to: 14.4
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073627] (info) Auto gain control is OFF
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073765] (info) Setting antenna to [RX]
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.073895] (info)
Max Frequency: 143.885000 MHz
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074048] (info)
Min Frequency: 141.185000 MHz
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074185] (info) Digital Recorders: 10
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074333] (info) SigMF Recorders: 0
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.074488] (info) Analog Recorders: 10
[2024-03-29 21:52:41.075235] (info) P25 Recorder two-stage decimator - Initial decimated rate: 100000 Second decimated rate: 25000 FA: 6250 FB: 12500 System Rate: 2800000
Trunk Recorder config
"ver": 2,
"sources": [{
"center": 142535000,
"rate": 3000000,
"error": 0,
"gain": 15,
"digitalRecorders": 10,
"analogRecorders": 10,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=0"
"systems": [{
"control_channels": [142605000, 142230000],
"type": "smartnet",
"squelch": -55,
"digitalLevels": 8,
"analogLevels": 32,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"recordUnknown": true,
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 144000000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"maxDev": 3500,
"callLog": true,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"audioArchive": true,
"transmissionArchive": false,
"compressWav": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "trs_tg_2560.csv",
"hideUnknownTalkgroups": false,
"shortName": "Fleetnet-Fenelon",
"broadcastifyApiKey": "<removed>",
"broadcastifySystemId": <removed>,
"audioArchive": false
"control_channels": [142800000, 142350000],
"type": "smartnet",
"squelch": -55,
"digitalLevels": 8,
"analogLevels": 32,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"recordUnknown": true,
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 144000000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"maxDev": 3500,
"callLog": true,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"audioArchive": true,
"transmissionArchive": false,
"compressWav": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "trs_tg_2560.csv",
"hideUnknownTalkgroups": false,
"shortName": "Fleetnet-Peterborough",
"broadcastifyApiKey": "<removed>",
"broadcastifySystemId": <removed>,
"audioArchive": false
"defaultMode": "digital",
"captureDir": "/recordings",
"callTimeout": 5,
"frequencyFormat": "mhz",
"controlRetuneLimit": 50,
"logFile": true,
"logLevel": "info",
"broadcastifyCallsServer": "",
"controlWarnRate": 5
All that said... I'm not sure how well it's actually working....It seems to be working, but I'm studying the log outputs.
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320104] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 0C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 8s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 8
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320210] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 0C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Call was UPDATE not GRANT
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320421] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 0C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz - Transmission src: 15327 pos: 0.00 length: 4.77
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320630] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 1C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 7s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 8
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.320807] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 1C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz - Transmission src: 15327 pos: 0.00 length: 4.73
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321060] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 2C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 7s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 8
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321237] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 2C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 143.325000 MHz - Transmission src: 15327 pos: 0.00 length: 4.64
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321391] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 3C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 7s Recorder last write:3 Call Elapsed: 7
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321492] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 3C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz Call was UPDATE not GRANT
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321646] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 3C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 141.435000 MHz - Transmission src: -1 pos: 0.00 length: 4.00
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321800] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 4C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 2s Recorder last write:0 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.321960] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 4C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz - Transmission src: 47069 pos: 0.00 length: 2.16
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.322126] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 5C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 0s Recorder last write:0 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.322886] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 5C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.155000 MHz - Transmission src: 47069 pos: 0.00 length: 2.16
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.323392] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 6C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 2s Recorder last write:1.71176e+09 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.323998] (error) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] 6C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz No Transmissions were recorded!
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.324429] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 7C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz Concluding Recorded Call - Last Update: 2s Recorder last write:1.71176e+09 Call Elapsed: 2
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.325162] (error) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] 7C TG: Lindsay South ( 35072) Freq: 142.695000 MHz No Transmissions were recorded!
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.659471] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] TG: 35072 Freq: 141.435000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Skipped: SKIPPED---ALREADY-RECEIVED-THIS-CALL
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.663353] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] TG: 35072 Freq: 142.155000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Skipped: SKIPPED---ALREADY-RECEIVED-THIS-CALL
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.676787] (info) [Fleetnet-Fenelon] TG: 35072 Freq: 143.325000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Skipped: SKIPPED---ALREADY-RECEIVED-THIS-CALL
[2024-03-29 21:53:35.933904] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] TG: 35072 Freq: 141.435000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Success - file size: 61423
[2024-03-29 21:53:36.010803] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] TG: 35072 Freq: 142.155000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Success - file size: 29763
[2024-03-29 21:53:36.024474] (info) [Fleetnet-Peterborough] TG: 35072 Freq: 143.325000 MHz Broadcastify Upload Success - file size: 60663