I am no scanner expert by any stretch of the imagination but what I am picking up on Tusc county after reprogramming my scanner sounds terrible. cuts in and out, cant understand it alot of the time. im not talking about the LE channels. just the fire and EMS. I dont know if i have something programmed wrong or if they just dont have all the bugs worked out quite yet.
If you are programming some scanner other than a Uniden SDS-100 or SDS-200, that makes sense. You're probably suffering from distortion -- typical scanners cannot handle simulcast distortion. The SDS-100 and SDS-200 can. In the absense of having a commercial radio or a Uniden SDS-100/200, you could try using a yagi pointed at the closest tower to you -- or re-orienting your scanner in your listening room. Depending upon where you go in/out of your house, you'll find places where it sounds great and places where it sounds lousy.