Here's how to use Lone Worker:
1. Set the response and reminder times in the General Setting dialog.
The response time sets how often the user needs to check in--every x minutes. When the response timer counts down to zero, the radio will beep to notify the user it is time to check in. The reminder time setting controls how much time the user has to respond to the check-in reminder before the radio broadcasts an automatic emergency alert. A good starting point is 10 minutes and 10 seconds, respectively. The response timer is reset when the user keys the mic, so if you have it set for 10 minutes and the user keys the mic every 5 minutes, the radio will never remind the user to check in.
2. Configure an Emergency System.
This configures the type of alarm alert is sent.
System Name:
This names the system. I suggest "Audible" if configured to audibly alarm, and "Silent" if you configure a silent alarm.
Alarm Type:
Regular--The radio speaker emits an alarm tone to indicate it is in emergency mode.
Silent--The radio does not give any audible indication it has entered emergency mode.
Silent w/voice--Same as silent, but the radio automatically keys the mic for the Hot Mic Duration setting.
Alarm Mode:
Emergency Alarm--the radio goes into emergency mode, but does not notify other radios it has done so. Totally pointless if one of the silent Alarm Types is selected.
Emergency Alarm w/Call--the radio enters emergency mode, and broadcasts "pings" to notify other radios on the channel that it has done so. The number and type of pings are set with Impolite Retries and Polite Retries. Recommended.
Emergency Alarm w/Voice--Radio enters emergency mode, but auto keys the mic to notify other radios of emergency instead of sending pings.
In most cases, you'll want the regular or silent alarm type, and emergency alarm with call. 5 impolite retries is a good setting for the pings. 10 seconds is a good remote monitor setting.
Channel Settings:
Channel Mode--must be digital.
Lone Worker--does not need to be checked if you configure a programmable button to turn lone worker on/off.
Emergency Alarm Ack--determines whether the radio will alarm when it receives an emergency mode ping from another radio. Should definitely be checked on a dispatcher's radio, or all radios if you don't have a designated dispatch to handle emergencies.
Emergency System--select an emergency system preset you created earlier.
Group List--Must be populated for Emergency Alarm Ack to work, even if Contact Name is populated. If necessary, create a Digital RX Group List with the Contact Name in it so you can populate the Group List setting. Not sure if this is a feature or bug.
I strongly recommend programming buttons to enable and disable Emergency Mode, and to toggle Lone Worker.
Button 1--Emergency Off (short press) and Emergency On (long press) gives the user the option to activate emergency mode without having to wait for the response timer to count down.
Button 2--Lone Work On/Off (long press)