Silent Key
UHF/VHF picked up good with the tape on in the area I was staying at. I was hoping the 800 system would have been better in the area I was at. But I was picking up a 800 system with 1 bar that was 50 miles away.
50 miles! -- must be a pretty old analog system... any reception of that with "stock" materials (radio, antenna, etc.) is probably as good as it will get.
I would consider the 436 to be superior on 800 mhz. I would expect you were just too far away from the system. UHF has been the area of poor performance, but we all know that can be fixed with some shielding.
I agree almost 100% - the one word I'd change is "fixed" in this - it can be improved with some shielding but a "fix" would have to come from Uniden but my guess is they'll never acknowledge there is a problem. This line (BCDx36HP) and it's recall/repair issues have almost certainly already cost Uniden a ton of money.