So Thursday around this time I put this tape
On the battery door over the foam, I place two layers.
Where I notice the biggest difference was on
472.23750 127.3 PLBC Police 1County Police 1
470.35000 107.2 PLFD 2 NorthCounty Fire F-2 Response North
I did notice some improvements on mainly on office side not so much on dispatch
471.50000 131.8 PLBC Police 2County Police 2
I did however notice very minor improvements on
472.08750 103.5 PLFire/EMS DspCounty Fire/EMS F-1 Dispatch
471.17500 110.9 PLFD 3 SouthCounty Fire F-3 Response South
472.51250 114.8 PLFD 4 FD/PDCounty Fire F-4 Fire / PD Backup Ch
471.02500 118.8 PL FD 5 EMS OpsCounty Fire F-5 EMS Operations
472.68750 123.0 PLFD 6 LZ OpsCounty Fire F-6 Medivac LZ Control
The system for all these channels is analog systems. The two channel with the biggest difference were also the one that serves the further area from where I am at in country on daily basis. I main interested in this because when I travel I notice the P25 system seem to come in bad. Sometime in next 2 to 3 years, the county is switching to P25 system. So I, of course, want to make sure I am getting the best receptions I can.
The before and after examination were done with radio in the same place with the same diamond SRH77CA antenna
The wife, about as non-technical as you can get, notices a difference in scanner over the last few days. So it not just me that notices a difference.
Transmission had less static. I was able to listen to the radio at the much lower volume level. The improvement was noticeable in the three place I listen to the scanner. At work in concrete and steel building. At home and in the car.
Now as for the capacitance with the outer battery. Sorry not buying that on my scanner I picking up zero voltage across the battery terminal and outer skin of battery. And resistance shows full resistance.
I did take a peek into the radio and the back of the radio those have metal shell above the battery area to the top of the radio. On the side of the battery. but said metal has round holes likely to do adjustments. it possible that shielding that battery door is simply keep what noise the batteries or sd card make from reaching these hole and messing with the reception of the radio.
That my opinion as some who been dealing with RF and Electronics since 1992.