Spoken like a loyal Uniden employee. Are you one?
You have no proof seth21w is shilling for Uniden, paid or unpaid. Disagreeing with you doesn't make anyone a shill for anyone.
Should people stick their head in the sand and accept a poorly performing receiver or be pro active and rule out they have an affected radio? "Most likely" doesn't cut it here and people should be able to determine if they have the noise problem via visual inspection of the radio or an easy to perform receiver test.
There are ways to objectively test how much self-interference noise affects reception. I've outlined one easy to perform test method most any user can perform (if they are willing to spend $20 or less on a RTL-SDR stick), and demonstrated that the problem isn't necessarily the "sky is falling" type of problem you and others are claiming, at least with my units.
IMO this discussion would be a lot more productive if people confine themselves to facts and data rather than grandiose hyperbole and paranoid accusations. Test your own scanner(s), and see how closely your results track with mine. If you don't think the test procedure I outlined is valid, then propose your own, with an explanation of what shortcomings it addresses. Either way, test your scanner(s) and post the test results, so that others can compare notes.