I have a Uniden BCD 396 XLT tunktracker scanner it scans the Trunk groups with P25 ok but it doesn't pickup the VHF channels when they become active during the scan. any suggestions it has the firmware version 1.11..01
Do said VHF channels & the trunked system(s) in question have their own unique system quick keys assigned? If yes, turn off the trunked system's quick key. Are the VHF channels now scannable?
A lot of the VHF frequencies in Spartanburg County have a mode of BM. You will hear the mobiles only if they are nearby or you have a good outdoor antenna. You may also have a bad antenna. The 800 MHz simulcast systems can sometimes be received even without an antenna. The VHF frequencies require a fully functional antenna. Try swapping antennas. Check if the attenuator is on and your squelch setting.
Do said VHF channels & the trunked system(s) in question have their own unique system quick keys assigned? If yes, turn off the trunked system's quick key. Are the VHF channels now scannable?
A lot of the VHF frequencies in Spartanburg County have a mode of BM. You will hear the mobiles only if they are nearby or you have a good outdoor antenna. You may also have a bad antenna. The 800 MHz simulcast systems can sometimes be received even without an antenna. The VHF frequencies require a fully functional antenna. Try swapping antennas. Check if the attenuator is on and your squelch setting.