Ok so once correct system created I wish to scan... how do I know the needed frequencies? Is their a input reference?
Basically I want to find any signals, not yet saved to device or already uploaded to Radio Reference. Thank you.
Also how do you verify "avoided" frequencies? As I wish to make sure everything is open.
If it is for a system that is already in the database, but perhaps with not all talkgroups listed, the frequencies would be documented in the system details.
But if you are during a random search of a frequency range, there is nothing that will positively specify what you are hearing. You can start by looking at the licensing data for your area, then setting your frequency range search to include them. Once you find an active frequency, look at the licensing for clues as to who it may be. However, just because a user is licensed for a given set of frequencies, that does not guarantee that they are being used. Perhaps they are maintaining a license for frequencies they used to occupy, but are not actively using. Or, they may have gotten a license for a future use.
The only way you'll be able to verify specific users is by listening for a period of time, that period being determined in part by how actively the channel is being used. Also, you'll have to determine if all usage is the same entity, or more than one. Many of the business frequencies in my area are licensed to several different companies, so it's a judgement call as to who I may actually be hearing. There's nothing that is going to magically pop up on your scanner with all the missing information.
So what, exactly, is your goal? If it is to document every possible user and their frequencies in your area, then that's a project that may never end. New licenses are applied for and issued regularly. Some are put to use immediately, some not. If you are in a fair sized metro area, then there are many more possibilities that will require long, patient research.
You would be better served by focusing on a specific company, or agency, and trying to figure out the details for usage. Listen to what's being said in transmissions, what does the conversation seem to refer to.