Copy/paste blast from the past:
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Opitz [SMTP]
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 1997 8:25 AM
To: ''
> Early in 1997, representatives from industry, including RadioShack,
> met informally with the FCC to discuss current problems in the
> scanning hobby. Identified as a major problem was the ability of some
> scanner hobbyists to develop illegal modifications that allow scanners
> to receive cellular telephone transmissions. Among the possibilities
> discussed for eliminating this problem were the total epoxying of all
> circuit boards, which would render scanners both unmodifiable and
> unserviceable, or the restriction of technical information regarding
> scanner circuit design.
> As a result of this meeting, Tandy limited the availability of scanner
> service manuals to Tandy Service Centers only.
> While Tandy understands the desire of the do-it-yourself community to
> have easy access to service information, we feel the interests of the
> scanning hobby as a whole are best served by making it more difficult
> to develop illegal modifications by restricting access to some service
> manuals containing schematics. Therefore, in response to industry
> concerns, Tandy is implementing the following policy in regards to the
> release of service information and the servicing of scanners.
> * Tandy (RadioShack and TechAmerica) will withhold schematics
> (service manuals) for all scanners that can receive 800 MHz or above
> which were submitted for FCC certification after April, 1997. As of
> December 12, 1997, this means that service manuals for the following
> RadioShack scanners will not be available: 20-417 (PRO-2048), 20-430
> (PRO-2050), 20-512 (PRO-67), and 20-520 (PRO-90), along with all
> future service manuals within the stated criteria.
> * To the extent that service manuals exist and are in stock,
> schematics (service manuals) for scanners that can receive 800 MHz or
> above that were submitted for FCC certification before May, 1997 will
> continue to be available to customers and others.
> * To the extent that service manuals exist and are in stock,
> schematics (service manuals) for scanners that cannot receive 800 MHz
> or above will continue to be available to customers and others.
> * Modified scanners (regardless of frequency or date of
> manufacture) will not be serviced by Tandy. These scanners will be
> returned to the customer with a notice indicating that the unit
> appears to have been modified and if the scanner is returned to its
> original specifications, Tandy will use reasonable efforts to repair
> it.
> * To the extent that scanner parts are available and in stock,
> scanner replacement parts will continue to be available regardless of
> the scanner's frequency range or date of manufacture.