Unitrunker and SDRtrunk audio routing

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Premium Subscriber
Apr 7, 2004
Having finally setup a sufficiently powerful PC to monitor 5 or more trunking sites (single PC with mutliple Airpspy receivers), I find my self struggling with audio management. When I was running one trunked system per old lap top or Pi, life was simple, just turn up or down that device, or route all the audio to an analog mixer.

I have unitrunker monitoring several sites and SDR trunk for several others. Either way, everything is getting dumped into the same microsoft sound mapper.

First question, how are members managing audio levels dynamically (ie, me fiddling with a knob on the spot, increasing decreasing or muting) individual sites with Unitrunker and secondly the same question for SDRtrunk?


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Mar 31, 2020
Woodland, WA
All piped to trunking recorder

unitrunker you'd need to setup multiple vfo's to assign to priority ranges to get the most traffic (example sheriff on its own vfo, fire split on two vfo's, city police, ems on its own vfo, etc) every vfo would utilize its own vac (virtual audio cable)

sdrtrunk only utilizes one audio source

I only had vb cables, A,B,C,D, hifi & free
So on the single system I monitored with unitrunker, I split it between 6 vb-cables/vfos. Vfo-1 sheriff priorities 1-15, four cities vfo-2 priorities 17-27 | vfo-3 priorities 29-38 etc
This a how I recorded 95%ish of all calls

Yours would be on a grander scale

if you set it upright
Is able to create many virtual audio cables

if you arelinux fluent, trunk-recorder might be more feasible doing multiple systems on one computer
May be an easier way, at the time I plowed thru with old info to get up and running


Central MN Monitor
Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2016
Sauk Centre, Minnesota
All piped to trunking recorder

unitrunker you'd need to setup multiple vfo's to assign to priority ranges to get the most traffic (example sheriff on its own vfo, fire split on two vfo's, city police, ems on its own vfo, etc) every vfo would utilize its own vac (virtual audio cable)

sdrtrunk only utilizes one audio source

I only had vb cables, A,B,C,D, hifi & free
So on the single system I monitored with unitrunker, I split it between 6 vb-cables/vfos. Vfo-1 sheriff priorities 1-15, four cities vfo-2 priorities 17-27 | vfo-3 priorities 29-38 etc
This a how I recorded 95%ish of all calls

Yours would be on a grander scale

if you set it upright
Is able to create many virtual audio cables

if you arelinux fluent, trunk-recorder might be more feasible doing multiple systems on one computer
May be an easier way, at the time I plowed thru with old info to get up and running
Thanks PDX for linking that. I was about to link the same VAC, but wasn't sure if he's wanting a virtual mixer, program such as VB-Audio VoiceMeeter

But I agree, I love VAC with the ability to build several audio cables


Premium Subscriber
Apr 7, 2004
Thanks. I am familiar with the virtual audio cable concept having used a single virtual audio cable for DSD plus via VB cable. I did stumble across voicemeeter during my searching, but it looks too limited for my intended application. That is it looked like it wanted to give mixer control of 3 input analog devices and 2 virtual. I really need about 5+ virtual devices/vbcables with adjustable volumes.

Alternatively, I’ll go back to my original plan of one old laptop per system I want to monitor. I am familiar with the use of talkgroup prioritys, but it doesn’t look like unitrunker or SDRtrunk has a EASY built in way to dynamically adjust volume on a given trunked site. Unitrunker does allow piping audio to a virtual cable, hence my interest in that, if I can find one that gives me multiple volume sliders. Perhaps the license version of vbcable does this?


Jan 30, 2010
A feature of Trunking Recorder that might help manage multiple systems is the ability to record/import all the calls from Unitrunker/SDRTrunk and queue them up for playback so you don't have multiple talkgroups talking at the same time (hopefully this helps with needing to change the volume of the talkgroups).

Trunking Recorder also provides a web interface that allows you to search for specific calls and play them back on demand. You can create favorite groups to allow for easy searching.

What I normally recommend is have Trunking Recorder record/import all the talkgroups you might ever be interested in and then setup a "Stream" in Trunking Recorder to play back a subset of those talkgroups that you want to listen too normally. Trunking Recorder will queue up the various talkgroups and play them back in the order received to a audio device on the computer (could be the speakers or a VAC if you want to stream it with RadioFeed or some other software).

Take a look at Trunking Recorder - Recording audio from trunked radio systems monitored by Unitrunker, SDRTrunk, and ProScan for more information.


Dec 19, 2022
Trunking Recorder is what I use as well. I set up several favorites lists in Trunking Recorder to selectively listen to the traffic I want to hear and mute all audio in SDRTrunk. The systems I monitor are very busy regional systems and are pretty well impossible to follow directly in SDRTrunk.
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