Not real good OPSEC when any goof on the internet (like me), can track it.Im surprised its trackable at all, even though MLAT isnt exact. My local police helos dont show up at all, not with ADSB nor MLAT
Its possible, but I cant find them on adsbexchange, flightradar24, or with my own ads b antenna. Look over Tampa - there are two helos up right now that I am listening to.
Its possible, but I cant find them on adsbexchange, flightradar24, or with my own ads b antenna. Look over Tampa - there are two helos up right now that I am listening to.
edit: sometimes HCSO can be seen (there is one out west right now), but I have never seen Tampa PD helos, even when I can see them from my balcony over downtown chasing people. I'd be happy if you can prove me wrong though!
I think so - I thought first maybe there were a lack of receivers in the area, but after trying it myself and having a line of sight at the actual helo, I think they have it shut off.Maybe they are flying without the parrot on. FAA can grant exceptions.
New Rule Allows Military Aircraft to Turn Off ADS-B Transmissions - Aviation Today
U.S. federal, state and local government aircraft performing sensitive operations are now permitted to fly with their installed automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) position reporting electronics turned off, according to a new rule published by the Federal Aviation
ALG ID 84 = AES-256.
On the way home yesterday afternoon, I turned into the lane to the private community on the north side of GSO where I reside and met a white outbound suv with numerous antennas. Looked good. My suv has numerous antennas, too, and the same Scottish flag plate on the front as well, so I casually waved as we passed. Haven't seen it since and probably won't see it again, but over the past few days I have noticed digital traffic on the itinerant frequencies in our ops radios as I head into town on N. Elm St.
See a lot of aircraft with nothing but a tail number in and out, too.
So what happened guys? Ya'll need some more batteries? The world is pensively waiting for your updated reports on this High Strangeness!
Don't let us down!!!
Still heavy traffic on on 451.800, mostly afternoon and evening with about 25 ID's showing up in the above ranges. Based on transmissions I think ID 1 is a console. Everything has been 100% encrypted except for 3927 calling "Air to Ground" and then "Affirm", then secure after that. Guess he got scolded for being in the clear. 154.5275 $167 has been active as well but sounds like simplex. 43.04 and 469.550 have not been active the last couple days.
Spacella, you really are a trip. The simple answer here is that nobody is holding out, that I am responsible for corporate radios in our fleet in my retirement job, that I am a former Fire/Rescue & USAR Task Force member, that I am a former Mother Moto MSS employee, that I'm a ham radio operator, that as a former pilot, I look up when I hear anything bigger than a Super Cub flying over, that it's hard to miss what's flying over when you live right under the approach and departure routing, that GSO has become a major aircraft maintenance, manufacturing and parts source location, that we have so many industries here that have corporate aircraft, that at least one Caribbean carrier has a facility here, that FedEx has a flight hub and a ground hub here, that I have an incredible granddaughter that has spent several years flying things ranging from sailplanes to her own Super Cub stol/bush plane to Gulfstream to Boeing, etc, and that all the preceding has given me the opportunities to see and be involved in a lot of stuff and I possess a great deal of curiosity about the world around me. Howzzat for a run-on sentence?
PS. The encrypted P25 traffic on itinerant frequencies is a new anomaly here and I got nothing but questions myself.
Still heavy traffic on on 451.800, mostly afternoon and evening with about 25 ID's showing up in the above ranges. Based on transmissions I think ID 1 is a console. Everything has been 100% encrypted except for 3927 calling "Air to Ground" and then "Affirm", then secure after that. Guess he got scolded for being in the clear. 154.5275 $167 has been active as well but sounds like simplex. 43.04 and 469.550 have not been active the last couple days.