SDS100/SDS200: Unsure about this New Uniden SDS100 ....


Jun 29, 2023
Sure, the SDS100 could be improved upon and so could its software. Are there really any surprises there, or with anything else that we touch, or purchase? That's why all of the many different product related forums I’ve frequented, have a wish-list section.

From a personal perspective, I would consider it irresponsible to buy a product of the 436HP's sophistication, without first doing pre-purchase due diligence and certainly before blaming my assumptions, or laziness on anything but myself.

If assumptions were foregone and pre-purchase research were performed, the arm chair quarterback rants about the scanner, software and how they should be according to the poster’s perfect world, would have been unnecessary. This of course would be because the scanner either wouldn’t have been bought, or if it was bought, the perceived foibles would have already been known.

The 436HP model is virtually identical to the SDS100 in terms of set-up and programming. However, I spent days researching which scanner model to buy and then what it would take to use it.

I have found that as “Mstep” said in his post: “The capabilities of the radio are practically limitless”. Complaining about what the radio won’t do, or how it should do it, before actually knowing what it will do, is presumptuous and “entitled” as another poster suggested.

This forum and its congenial posters provided great assistance directly when answering my questions and indirectly, from my reading of all of the posts associated with what I was seeking. Additionally, the hundreds of reviews on Amazon provided further data points and information. In fact, I copied all of the relevant text from all sources and inserted them into a Word file for future study and reference.

As some have said, the HP (Home Patrol) type digital scanners are as simple or complex as one wants them to be. They are quite sophisticated both in their operation and what they will and won’t allow. There is much jargon to learn regarding radio communications as well as much to learn regarding the HP line of scanners. I have 100’s of hours under my belt and have barely scratched the surface. But because of forehand research and knowledge, this was anything but surprising. Also not surprising, was how Sentinel worked or didn’t, because I loaded it before my purchase as I did with both the Butel and ProScan software.

This is coming from a guy who recently purchased my first digital scanner, a BCD436HP. And a guy who could actually be considered a crotchy old man; whose only "bar prep", is deciding whether to order on the rocks, or straight up.