Before we get too carried away, I want to inform those who are not locals,
and remind our locals from the 7202 group what happened in the summer of 2002.
The Olympics were over, and one of our members who belonged to a Search & Rescue,
posted to the group, a map of his SAR radio. Shortly thereafter, he posted that he
had been chastised offline about posting this sensitive information.
The 7202 Group was a private group that only members could view.
My conclusion: we now had an "Insider Threat" in our membership that was working against us.
It scared our members who were of police, fire, or other government agencies.
Posts from those members ceased altogether.
I also noted that on (RR Utah forum), posts from members known to be police were removed.
After the security of the 7202 Group was compromised, little if any new information appeared,
and eventually the 7202 Group became non-existant.
Up until that time, we could discuss anything. Special ops, SWAT, surveillance, and we
mapped out the entire Olympic Trunked Radio System in about two weeks.
Originally, the Rocky Mountain Radio Association (RMRA) had a scanning discussion page.
A local ham with ties to Homeland Security was vehemently opposed
to online discussions of anything Olympics related.
Reportedly, he was giving RMRA a lot of grief about their online scanner discussions.
So, the local RMRA hams created the members only 7202 Group where we could openly
discuss anything scanning related, including sensitive information.
Sometime in early 2002, this ham with ties to Homeland Security,
who opposed our discussions, requested membership to the 7202 Group.
He was granted membership, but he never posted any information of any kind.
But not long after he became a member, that's when our local SAR member got
chastised offline about posting sensitive information.
NOTE: I have avoided mentioning any names here, and even if you know
who the people are that were involved, please do not out them here.
I only want to make a point about some incidents.
With all of that in mind, here are my recommendations:
We limit our discussions of the new digital UCA system to
locals who have PROVEN to be valuable contributors to scanning in Utah.
Examples: GL Davis, PM Stewart, KC7NEC, N7OLQ, enosjones, and others.
(I still have a list of 7202 Group members)
Excluded: ecps92 from Taxachusetts? Who is that? Not someone local.
MtnBiker2005 From San Diego. Not local.
belvdr, anonymous person,
Any previous member of 7202 Group who no longer resides in Utah.
Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not being rude. But if you are not from Utah,
how can you identify Utah repeater sites and talk groups?
If you are an anonymous person, you cannot be considered someone
who has proven to be a valuable contributor to scanning in Utah.