The key word was that the government did well in past VOA funding but not anymore as I stated. Things have changed.
We should all agree that silencing non-tax supported media is a very bad thing no matter how much we disagree, unless they are actually breaking a current law.
Reaching areas lacking infrastructure with our message, as long as balanced is fine but I would love to see some type of data showing where this has helped us directly in the USA. Some of these areas, in spite of all our work, still hate us.
After all these posts, no mater what our belief, it comes down to a simple (or difficult) cost versus benefit analysis. Like our own personal budgets, we only can afford so much and then we must stop spending past our means.
We should all agree that silencing non-tax supported media is a very bad thing no matter how much we disagree, unless they are actually breaking a current law.
Reaching areas lacking infrastructure with our message, as long as balanced is fine but I would love to see some type of data showing where this has helped us directly in the USA. Some of these areas, in spite of all our work, still hate us.
After all these posts, no mater what our belief, it comes down to a simple (or difficult) cost versus benefit analysis. Like our own personal budgets, we only can afford so much and then we must stop spending past our means.