• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Wasn’t P25 supposed to solve all interoperability problems?


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Reference the many threads on this site of people wanting to bring Baofeng radios to fire response efforts, purchase surplus gear on auction sites and listen to their local agencies digital and encrypted comms. Or, many that go cheap on life-safety related radios and their use. P25 is and remains a standard, or starting point for public safety grade radios.
Because everyone on this forum is an SME who armchair quarterbacks every incident. They know better, despite never having orchestrated anything but keyboard warrior wisdom. Most don't/never/can work in actual PSAP/ECCs or comms and therefore their hatorade and ignorance is on display because this one of the few places they'll get an audience.

In the real world, COM-Ts and COM-Ls work with professional tools like ACUs and ICRIs, attend planning meetings, author and distribute ICS-205s but all is for nothing if command staff or agencies do their own thing. The USSS is a closed organization- they do their thing and come ask if they need something.


Mar 15, 2010
There needed to be a unified command post and there wasn't one. Period. I can tell you the USSS is not going to patch anything with local podunk police. This was a complete breakdown at several levels.


Apr 3, 2008
Port Charlotte FL
you don't need everybody on them but what about
155.475 has been known as: National, NLEEF, NLER, LERN, LEEN, LEN, etc. It is now known as VLAW31.
the 8tacs.
and of course you will not get to hear/see the inside of the SS command center, and that makes sense.
how hard would it be that the locals tell their story up their chain and he talks to SS.


Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
In theory it would be worse without P25. We went from Privacy Plus and EDACS to P25.

Analog trunking was tied to vendor. each vendor had to re-invent the wheel to sell a trunking system.

Communications systems will always get blamed when it's always a failure to plan.

People under stress seem to claim their radios don't work too, but usually it's their stress prevents them from using the radio correctly.
EDACS Motorola Type 2 are Project 16 'standard' as you can see, they were not compatible. At least with P25, much more is defined, although not everything is, and tye 2 major I frastructure vendors still do non-compliant things. Patching is one example.


Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
They all got to have their "FifeDom" Agencies encrypt their traffic and then complain about other agencies and interop ability. So the Right hand knows not what the Left is doing. AKA Secret Police
Encryption is not the barrier to interop that you think it is. Especially on a wide area trunking system. It does, however, require people to set ego aside and actually work together.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 4, 2004
All over the Great State of Mississippi
According to the hearings on Capital Hill, USSS refused radios offered by PA authorities in order to better communicate for inoperability. The times the USSS has come to MS I have heard them on special events talkgroups, I know they had their command ctr and all but they were still communicating on MSWIN system with State and local LEO.

Be safe


Premium Subscriber
Jun 29, 2013
From everything I've read and watched it appears that someone from the Secret Service was *supposed* to be monitoring relevant local channels and receiving updates from local and state LE in-person at a CP, and relaying info to the Agents. Obviously there was a catastrophic failure somewhere in that process.

Some media reports have indicated local LE wasn't even allowed in the SS command center.

Currently, there has been almost zero reports about how the CP was setup, who was supposed to be there from which agencies, what radios the Secret Service was or wasn't monitoring etc. That would certainly be interesting to find out.


Jul 8, 2002
There is a wonderful product by JPS called an ACU-1000 (may have a later model). Everybody connects their portables to patch cables, programs the ACU appropriately and all on-scene radio systems can intercommunicate. No matter modulation mode or band. Make sure you have the suite of nationwide interop channels programmed in your radios. Install in your mobile command post. Many of my clients got them through FEMA for 10 cents on the dollar.
and if in the hands of "the properly trained" aka ComL/ComT it works well, but ask the folks in all the CP's working the Pentagon where all the patching went beep, bonk, click, ker-chunk till someone walked to each CP and said "shut em off"


Premium Subscriber
Oct 13, 2006
Reading, PA
From everything I've read and watched it appears that someone from the Secret Service was *supposed* to be monitoring relevant local channels and receiving updates from local and state LE in-person at a CP, and relaying info to the Agents. Obviously there was a catastrophic failure somewhere in that process.

Some media reports have indicated local LE wasn't even allowed in the SS command center.

Currently, there has been almost zero reports about how the CP was setup, who was supposed to be there from which agencies, what radios the Secret Service was or wasn't monitoring etc. That would certainly be interesting to find out.
Butler Co has a nice Comm trailer, but the USSS had their CP set up under a tent.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Dallas, TX
Because everyone on this forum is an SME who armchair quarterbacks every incident. They know better, despite never having orchestrated anything but keyboard warrior wisdom. Most don't/never/can work in actual PSAP/ECCs or comms and therefore their hatorade and ignorance is on display because this one of the few places they'll get an audience.

In the real world, COM-Ts and COM-Ls work with professional tools like ACUs and ICRIs, attend planning meetings, author and distribute ICS-205s but all is for nothing if command staff or agencies do their own thing. The USSS is a closed organization- they do their thing and come ask if they need something.
Spot on. I can tell you that "interoperability" applies only to the Feds for "25-Cities" radio checks every so often - if at all. I truly believe the Fed comm centers viewed the checks as a nuisance and any interop channels were in a radio "zone" that no end user knew how to get to or much less, cared to learn how to do so. No sour grapes here but - been there, done that..


Retired 0598 Czar ÆS Ø
Dec 19, 2002
South FL
Encryption is not the barrier to interop that you think it is. Especially on a wide area trunking system. It does, however, require people to set ego aside and actually work together.

Correct, our local Federal partners have shared access and the CKR's were assigned so they wouldn't be overwritten when they would OTAR. It's been that way since 2017.


Aug 28, 2006
Boynton Beach, FL
Spot on. I can tell you that "interoperability" applies only to the Feds for "25-Cities" radio checks every so often - if at all. I truly believe the Fed comm centers viewed the checks as a nuisance and any interop channels were in a radio "zone" that no end user knew how to get to or much less, cared to learn how to do so. No sour grapes here but - been there, done that..

An at least some of the "25 cities" projects have been shut down and the hardware recycled.

Yor tax dollars at waste.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2010
This sounds like a failure of unified command more so than a technical failure of communications. I worked a political rally right before the 2016 elections. Among attendees were the speaker of the house and the VP candidate. Local police were on analog VHF, county resources were on 800 analog (both simplex and trunked), capital police and SS were on who knows what.

Communication was effective for several reasons.

1. local LE was teamed up with SS on the perimeter monitoring each entrance.
2. local LE was on BOTH nearby rooftops WITH federal LE.
3. A unified command post had members of EACH LE agency so that everyone could hear comms on each other's channel.

There was a suspicious vehicle that ended up being part of a security detail to one of the attendees. The local sniper team identified it and we all knew about it within seconds. They were stopped and had it sorted out very quickly.

Point being, the Butler County failures had nothing to do with radio technology. In fact, if every single agent/cop/deputy, etc. were on the same channel, it would likely have been detrimental and distracting.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 29, 2013
Interim Director Rowe just concluded his first press conference. The most hilarious thing he stated, is that State and Locals had a "Unified Command Post" and the Secret Service had its own Security Center. (He made a passing statement that this may have been unique to this event site, at least he seemed to imply that).

News flash: it was NOT a unified command post! It was the exact opposite of a Unified Command Post. Everything that happened at this event was the polar opposite of Unified Command.

Also, I am totally baffled by the fact that they apparently used drones which require a cellular connection to simply operate. I get having an option for cellular data connectivity, but the very fact that someone approved of a acquiring and deploying drone technology that is totally reliant on cellular to operate at all, is insane.
Last edited:


Dec 22, 2013
Interim Director Rowe just concluded his first press conference. The most hilarious thing he stated, is that State and Locals had a "Unified Command Post" and the Secret Service had its own Security Center. (He made a passing statement that this may have been unique to this event site, at least he seemed to imply that).

News flash: it was NOT a unified command post! It was the exact opposite of a Unified Command Post. Everything that happened at this event was the polar opposite of Unified Command.

Also, I am totally baffled by the fact that they apparently used drones which require a cellular connection to simply operate. I get having an option for cellular data connectivity, but the very fact that someone approved of a acquiring and deploying drone technology that is totally reliant on cellular to operate at all, is insane.


Feed Provider
Feb 18, 2005
Attleboro, MA
The one I helped build back in the day. But I am not going to post it here -- -
I know the one I work in is still alive and functioning as intended. We are on second and third generation equipment with buildouts still happening. UHF conventional, still plugging along, just like it was designed to do back in the 70s. The way that trunked systems have developed with increasing complexity, it would be no wonder that systems built out when the project first started are obsolete, unsupported by the manufacturer and dismantled today.


Feb 5, 2004
Hudson, FL
Like many here, I have done MANY of these.
Technology is not the answer.
As said above, having EVERYONE on the same freq/system is a prescription for worse disaster.
SS "command post" wasn't...
UNIFIED Command wasn't...
Biggest error was setting the "perimeter" too small (probably inexperience and understaffed SS).
Overestimated their ability and underestimated their face to face briefing.
Those briefings are a pain and time consuming. but CRITICAL.
What a shame.
Really "dodged a bullet".