How about a little "real history" -
Back in the early days, when horses pulled the equipment, everything was much smaller.
A "pumper" was a wagon with a pump on it. Since the pump was steam powered, it also had a boiler and was big and heavy, so nothing else came with the "pumper".
A second wagon was the hose wagon, to bring the hard suctions to draft or hook to hydrants (rarely) and the soft hose for attack lines.
A "hook" was another wagon with the large poles for pulling ceilings - and less well known, the big chains w/hooks for pulling down the walls of building to create fire breaks.
A ladder was another wagon that had ground ladders, and maybe a gear driven (but "man" powered") turnstile ladder.
Finally, you might also get a "tank" wagon - also known back east as a "water tender" - it's basically what it sounds like - a wagon with a big water tank on it.
Once fire apparatus went motorized, the vehicles get larger and can carry more "stuff". Also, the days of pulling down buildings for fire breaks goes away, and in the bigger cities, hydrants become common, so tanks are less necessary.
Big city departments combine pumpers and hose wagons into "engines" - that's the normal truck you see - typically nowadays has a 1000-2000 gallon per minute pump, and a 500 gallon or less tank, plus several hundred feet of "large" hose (might be all 3", or might be some small stuff and a bunch of 4" or 5". The big stuff is supply line (hydrant to pumper) and the smaller (3" and down) are attack lines. 3" can go either way. So now a pumper is really a "triple combination" - powerplant - the diesel engine - pump, the 1000gpm or greater pump and hose tender - the fact that it carries both attack and supply hose in some form. If it carries enough of each, then it qualifies (according to the NFPA) as a triple combo. Most big city pumpers will.
In "interface areas" (suburbs with significant borders of wildland or farmland) or rural areas, large amounts of supply hose becomes less of an issue - 1000' of 5" does you no good if the nearest hydrant is 3000' away, so some of their trucks have larger water tanks but then have to carry less hose (due to the weight). If the truck is big enough to still do both, then it might be classified as a quad. I forget the exact number, but I think either 1000 gallons or 1250 gallons is the lower limit to classify as a "tanker", too. Interestingly, big city units carry LESS water, and become dependent on the hydrants. At one point Philly was trying going to pumpers with NO tanks at all.
Now for the truck companies - you can have a rescue "truck", a ladder truck, or a salvage truck. Rescues used to be like Squad 51 from the old "Emergency" tv show - a 1 ton 6-by with a cargo box and storage comparments. Take the same chassis and put a 250 gallon water tank and a small, lawnmower engine powered pump and it's a brush buggy, wildland unit or (in Sapulpa) a QR (quick response). Some places call them mini-pumpers, too, and they can be a lot bigger than a 1 ton. But rescue got more sophisticated (with rope rescues, trench rescue (requires lots of shoring and plywood) and all the hydraulic tools, and all of a sudden rescue trucks start looking like the beer delivery trucks (and some are!).
Then there's salvage - this is the guys with plywood, tarps, buckets and shop vacs. Also likely to have fans for ejecting smoke and saws for cutting vents. That's the traditional "truck" job. Truckies do search and rescue first, then vent, then clean up, and leave the "wet on red" to the engine company crews. BTW, that's the old job of the "hook" companies. Ladders were an afterthought - what happened was things went both ways. The explosion of suburbia meant less 2 and 3 story buildings ("taxpayers" with a store on the 1st floor and apartments above) was exchanged for miles and miles of 1 story (suburban ranch) and thus ladder trucks became irrelevant. So you see things like truck 7 in Tulsa, with lots of compartments (it carried all the fans, tarps, ropes and rescue gear) but no hydraulic ladder or platform. At the other end you have downtown highrises that are too tall for ANY ladder truck. But where ladders work, they are big - and that means lots of room for comparments.
Eventually, ladder trucks got so big that someone tried to put everything on one set of wheels. Most ladders don't carry any water (the ladder is too heavy and makes the truck top-heavy, so the last thing you want is a tank of water sloshing around) and few carry pumps, either. They are dependent on an engine (pumper) sitting next to them to feed them water at high pressure and in high quantity. But by the time you get to 45' long truck chassis with tandem rear axles and 550 hp CAT engines, you realize they CAN carry a pump, and a decent amount of water, too (if not 1000 gallons). Now you get the Quint.
A quint is just a "5 way" combination - engine (propulsion), pump, hose, ladder (usually hydraulic) and rescue. A quint technically has to carry jaws of life and other rescue tools and be able to pump its own water. It doesn't necessarily have to carry its own water, though, especially if it has enough hose to reach a hydrant (remember, that's relative to how far apart the hydrants are). The downside of quints are they're bigger. In old neighborhoods with narrow streets, quints aren't so hot. Then again, in big, spread out suburbia, you can usually put one truck in front of the house, and one pumper at the hydrant (and the pumper brings most of the hose) and now all you need is manpower.
In Tulsa, there's really no reason for the downtown ladders (L-4) to be a quint - pumpers and hydrants are both abundant. Nor should L-7 be a quint - too big for the narrow streets. That's the same reason that E-3, E-5, and E-15 are the short wheelbase smaller types. L-29 and L-30 are perfect candidates for quints, though. Big streets, big buildings (even the single family houses in some spots) and places where the hydrants "thin out", which means your pumpers aren't "next door", they're strung out down several blocks "finding" water, or shuttling. Those are the reasons for having everything you need in "one rig".