• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

What Motorola Radios Do You Own? (Survey)

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Feed Provider
Nov 4, 2004
Sunny SoCal
Too many...

GR300 - UHF x2
HT1000 - 4 UHF 2 VHF
MTS2000 - 2 UHF 1 800
Astro Saber - 2 Hi, 2 Lo UHF. 1 VHF
Astro Spectra 8 of various flavors, plus one UHF Consolette
XTS3000 - 3 UHF S Split, 1 VHF, 2 800
XTS2500 2 UHF S Split
XTS5000 1 Q Split, 1 VHF
XTL2500 1 UHF S
XTL5000 2 UHF S

And boxes of various mics, parts, accessories, and other stuff


Dec 19, 2002
Strasburg, Va
Motorola radios i own

1 Motrac Lo-Band U41LHT1430A DE8394 2ch WGL 47.9/48.5 Extender
2 Motrac Lo-Band U41LHT1400A K20637 47.90 WGL 47.90 Extender
3 Motrac Lo-Band U41LHT1430A CE414M 47.90,48.50 Ext ID plate error
0 Motrac LB 44.26 Tx Inop U71HHT3400B H61545 ck relay,ck IF tx cover miss 146.2 plug br-
4 Motrac LB 43.02 Rx Inop U71LHT3400B 112791U3M 43.0 Corroded plug 131.8 $100. 9-68

5 Motrac VHF Hi 25 U43HHT3130C G07104 Montgomery County Fire Dept in 6631
6 Motrac U43HHT3130C G07105 151.925
7 Motrac U43HHT3130C G07107 146.19/.78 146.37/.97
8Motrac U43HHT3130C G07112
9Motrac U43HHT3130C G07115 Eng 64 Car 13
10Motrac U43HHT3130C G07117 151.925 Mt bad, ck front end split
11Motrac U43HHT3130C G07118
12Motrac U43HHT3130C D02163 2 freq tasco fr MCFD Id Plate error
13Motrac Lo-Split 40 U43MHT 1100A I95577 Falls Church PD Charlie Collier 146.97
14/15 Maratrac 110 T73XTA7TA7BK 76TAJ1699/77ATG1262 U63HHT C05542 Lost

16 Motrac UHF 25 U54HHT3130A H34308 2 freq 452.175/457.175 F2 0000 $100.00
UHF Table Top/Mike 15 L44LHB3100AM FA088F 451.15 PL 7A 192.8~ fr DC TV
Hammerlund FM 60A 52.525 IF Xtal bad fr J&H 35
Low Band
1. T41GGV-3100 2298 6/12 vibrator, 42.96TU365HM RN-19 TU366rxRM-15A 42.96,TU540S
2. U41 010 30 52.525 RN-3 tx R-28 rx J&H
3. U41GGT-3100C B81371 52.525 RN-19 tx RM-15A rx Ext
4. U41GGT-3100C I45775 52.525 RN-19 tx RM-15 rx Ext #6632
5. U51GGT-1 676 50 52.525 RN-3 tx R-28 rx J&H Ext#6631
0. U51GGT-3100 A96838rxTU553SJ,psTU588TS,txTU548T HM,rx cap mt 12-60 fr TJ
High Band
6. U43GGT-3100A B57040 TKN6007A 37/97 PltxRN-1 TTD6050ACstdSqRxRM-10A TA237
7. U43GGT3100 D36667 RN-1 158.49 RM10 152.03 car#66-63e854729d Apr 22,’59 30
8. U44BBT-3000 E14046 462/467.075 6Z 167.9 15

S1059 Motorola Test Box/2cables from 2 ea Motorola Test Box,Lamkin,sig


Database Admin
Jun 5, 2002
Hubert, NC
I have more from different manufacturers, but here's my Motorola only list:

1 - APX7000 VHF/7/800
2 - Astro Saber M3 800
3 - XTL5000 O5 UHF Low
2 - XTS5000 M3 VHF
2 - XTS5000 M3 UHF Low
1 - XTS5000 M3 800
2 - XPR5550 UHF
1 - XPR5550 VHF
1 - XPR4550 VHF
1 - XPR7550 UHF
1 - XPR7550 VHF
2 - XPR6500 UHF Low
4 - Systems Saber UHF 438-470
4 - Maxtrac 32 Channel UHF 438-470
2 - Maxtrac 32 Channel VHF 146-174
1 - Desktrac 16 Channel Lowband 42-50
2 - Desktrac 16 Channel VHF 146-174
2 - Desktrac 16 Channel UHF 438-470
2 - Astro Consolette W9 VHF 146-174
2 - XTL5000 Consolette W9 UHF Low
1 - MCS2000 160 Channel M3 VHF 136-174 (25 Watt)
1 - STX821
3 - MCX100 32 Channel VHF 136-162
6 - MC2500 Desktop Tone Remotes
4 - MC3000 Desktop Digital Remotes
2 - MC2000 Desktop Tone Remotes
4 - RCH3000 Desktop Digital Remotes
3 - Quantar Repeaters, 110 Watt 438-470
1 - XPR8400 Repeater UHF Low
1 - XPR8400 Repeater VHF
2 - Minitor II VHF
6 - TNA200 Tone Remote Adapters
4 - L3208A Digital Junction Boxes
4 - CDN1337A Digital Junction Boxes


Ø Manager
Premium Subscriber
Feb 9, 2014
1 APX7000 XE UHF/7/8
1 XTS 5000 M3
1 XTS 5000 M2
3 XPR 7550
3 XPR 3300
1 SL300
1 XPR 5550
1 CDM 1550LS+
1 HT 1250LS+
2 ASTRO Sabers M3
2 XPR 8400s
6 GR1225s

All of them are UHF
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Feb 5, 2004
Hudson, FL
Easier to list what I DON'T have.
Pocket Transmitter or Pocket Receiver
Handie Com (MH 10 or MH70)
Mocom 30
Business Dispatcher
No MOTRAC's right now, but have a complete CHP MOTRAN with GE Exec II extender.
No T-powers or vibrator radios or the tube type packsets
PT500 or PX.
Nothing as new as APX.
I have a couple hundred HTS and packsets, and also a couple hundred mobiles.
A few dozen of the bases and repeaters.
WAY too much stuff.
Lots of the odd test equipment stuff.
But, still missing a couple things...


Mar 7, 2002
New Orleans region
How come no one is listing any Spectra mobiles or even the fine Syntor X9000 mobiles.

Guess no one likes to play with and make radios do what they want them to rather than what Motorola designed them for. Getting into the guts of radios is part of the fun playing with radios. Then getting into the software and changing it to be able to program the frequencies you want. Maybe taking a radio and changing the range on UHF to go from the normal segment into the ham band segment.

The plug and play seems to be the way everyone wants to go these days. What ever happened to the techs that use to get into the insides of radios and modify them.

Not trying to hijack this thread, but just pointing out that just about everything listed so far is off the shelf new or almost new stuff that you just take the existing software and do the plug and play thing.

What happened to the geeks that want to experiment with their older equipment?

There were a few of the old dynamotor radios listed by one person. Those are more of a show piece than a radio you use every day. Think the same person listed some vibrator powered radios also. Good for you.


Database Admin
Jun 5, 2002
Hubert, NC
How come no one is listing any Spectra mobiles or even the fine Syntor X9000 mobiles.

Guess no one likes to play with and make radios do what they want them to rather than what Motorola designed them for. Getting into the guts of radios is part of the fun playing with radios. Then getting into the software and changing it to be able to program the frequencies you want. Maybe taking a radio and changing the range on UHF to go from the normal segment into the ham band segment.

The plug and play seems to be the way everyone wants to go these days. What ever happened to the techs that use to get into the insides of radios and modify them.

Not trying to hijack this thread, but just pointing out that just about everything listed so far is off the shelf new or almost new stuff that you just take the existing software and do the plug and play thing.

What happened to the geeks that want to experiment with their older equipment?

There were a few of the old dynamotor radios listed by one person. Those are more of a show piece than a radio you use every day. Think the same person listed some vibrator powered radios also. Good for you.

Because I just gave away a bunch of Spectras, MTS2000s, Astro Spectras, Astro Sabers and a bunch of parts for all of the above. I didn't have the heart to throw them in the trash. No way you can sell this stuff anymore as people want the newest and greatest stuff. Hey, I did keep the STX821 and the MCX100s! I love those radios!


Quebec Database Admin
Database Admin
Oct 19, 2014
St-Eustache Quebec Canada
Because I just gave away a bunch of Spectras, MTS2000s, Astro Spectras, Astro Sabers and a bunch of parts for all of the above. I didn't have the heart to throw them in the trash. No way you can sell this stuff anymore as people want the newest and greatest stuff. Hey, I did keep the STX821 and the MCX100s! I love those radios!

Well... of course I want an APX1500 or APX2500... but i could use an old XTL 2500 or XTL 5000 since all the P25 in my area is Phase I.... so if anybody is looking to sale XTL2500 or XTL5000 700/800MHZ 9600Baud Trunk, Hit me up!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Points down to bottom siggy.....

And for those that are too lazy to look down -
Motorola HT1250 LS Plus (UHF Conventional/LTR Trunking)
Motorola APX 6000 XE Enhanced (700/800 MHz Conventional *Analog & P25*/ASTRO-25 *Phase I Currently* Trunking)

Oh yah - Formerly Owned :
Motorola Visar 800 MHz (800 MHz Conventional Analog) Actually an nice little HT.
Motorola XTS 3000 MIII (800 MHz Conventional Analog/Legacy ASTRO SmartZone *Analog/P25* Trunking) Second best radio I have ever had! *This APX is currently the best so far IMHO*
Both sold when I moved a few years back.
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Repeater Collector
Feb 8, 2013
Because I just gave away a bunch of Spectras, MTS2000s, Astro Spectras, Astro Sabers and a bunch of parts for all of the above. I didn't have the heart to throw them in the trash. No way you can sell this stuff anymore as people want the newest and greatest stuff. Hey, I did keep the STX821 and the MCX100s! I love those radios!

Thank you for at least giving away the radios. I'm glad someone else will be able to put them to use. It makes me sick to think of it, but too many hams, dealers, and other guys just throw away perfectly good older commercial gear.

Also forgot to list earlier, but I have a few VHF 2 channel and one 8 channel GP300 (converted to 16) that get used on a regular basis on the ham band. The Motorola speaker mics on the GP300s have THE Best audio.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2006
Personal Collection/Use
1-XTS5000 (7/800 MHz)
1-MTS2000 (800 MHz)-no longer used
1-XTL2500 (7/800 MHz)
1-HT1000 (VHF)
2-HT1000 (UHF)
1-JT1000 (VHF)-no longer used
1-HT1250 (VHF)

Work Use
APX6000/APX6500/XTS2500-7/800 MHz (depends on which job I'm working).


Dec 22, 2013
How come no one is listing any Spectra mobiles or even the fine Syntor X9000 mobiles. .

Sadly the only radio to fail me is my UHF Spectra which is in sick bay waiting to transplant a command board from a working, now functionally obsolete 800 MHz Spectra. I did replace the evil capacitors, but it is stuck with a rude unsquelch noise. Maybe the audio chip has failed, who knows .

It is a shame these fine radios are stricken by an engineers mistake when designing them. Maybe a bean counter slipped the design engineer a salary increase to build in some planned obsolescence like they did the rogue Ever Crumbling Saber Knob designer.


Mar 7, 2002
New Orleans region
Sadly the only radio to fail me is my UHF Spectra which is in sick bay waiting to transplant a command board from a working, now functionally obsolete 800 MHz Spectra. I did replace the evil capacitors, but it is stuck with a rude unsquelch noise. Maybe the audio chip has failed, who knows .

I have kept all my old 800 Spectra radios and use them for parts. Just recently replaced the controller board because of a problem. Have a pile of them on the shelf for just this reason. It keeps my VHF and UHF Spectra radios going.

You just need to change the serial numbers and maybe the model number when you replace the board. Even take the MLM boards and use them in other bands. It just takes replacing them and loading in an old codeplug to be back up and running.


Dec 22, 2013
I have kept all my old 800 Spectra radios and use them for parts. Just recently replaced the controller board because of a problem. Have a pile of them on the shelf for just this reason. It keeps my VHF and UHF Spectra radios going.

You just need to change the serial numbers and maybe the model number when you replace the board. Even take the MLM boards and use them in other bands. It just takes replacing them and loading in an old codeplug to be back up and running.

Thats good to know. I have an older MLM in the UHF radio and would like to gain multi PL capability from a later MLM. As far as RSS I think I have the secret sauce.
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