Well, I have recently gone from zero Motorola radios to a whole bunch in the past couple years. And, I have more than just radios, the service monitor is an R2410A and it also has an RTX4005B test box to accompany it with most of the cables. Now, if only I could find a cheap RLN4460 test box...
XTS5000 Model II VHF (the GREATEST)
HT1000 UHF
MTS2000 (no tags basic FLASHcode, got it from another ham who became SK, has a sticker on back Scan Shop, Philip Riley, Rockford IL, maybe someone has more info?.
MT2000 VHF (display has lost almost all pixels :-(
HT220 VHF (actually works but no battery, makes a good decoration)
MT500 Red case VHF (amazing radio)
MTX8250 (useless but they were free)
ASTRO Saber (VSELP but 1mb VOCON, need to upgrade to P25 FW and DSP)
CDM1550LS+ 220 on the ham band
Maratrac UHF
Gm300, radius M100, Maxtrac
MCS 2000 mid power UHF split
Micor 100w mobile, works but needs some ham band crystals
And of course, the trusty old RLN4008B RIB (it really needs a SmartRIB to keep it company though...)
Do Motorola keys count too? I have some kind of strange obsession with collecting all the cabinet and XTVA keys.
Can't wait to see what will be at Hamvention this year to expand my collection further