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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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What Was The Pearce Simpson Simba SSB/2?

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Jan 11, 2014
More the merrier

I may have said it wrong.

I know they only had 23...And what a shame, as it led to many of these beautiful radios falling to golden screwdrivers & basturdisation. I am just saying that with our current theories, Why did they not have a 40 switch for them ?

Why did they not continue on beyond the 23 era ? The chassis was sound and used my other labels with 40... And yes the older chassis were still used (made/produced) whilst the newer single PCB was being produced.

Also is it possible that with these early chassis, could they expand better than later designs, due to the uncertainty of how much expansion there could be ?

Future D858 pcb layouts indeed have pin 19 by design permanently grounded as you said.

Hi Orbie

Nobody is saying it ever had more than 23 channels. I am just saying that clearly the bottom of the PCB supported more and the engineers had that it in mind to have more (up to 199). It was never used, but it looks like they were ready to pull the trigger if it was approved by the feds. Dawn is saying this with even more background to back it up. After it was clear that the amount was going to be 40 channels, it appears some of these modules had the artwork changed and pin 19 was physically grounded

The later Uniden 858 design without the module, like the TRC 449/457/458 had that pin grounded right out of the chute.



Aug 7, 2014
Orcutt CA
simba is finished


I finished the Simba project and it is working perfectly. I will try to make a video on Sunday and I will post a link here. Here are a few stills. The first shows the interior before I did anything. Note the old bulbs on the old bracket. The next picture shows the same area after the mod. Note the added brass bracket holding the 4 LEDs. Also in that pic is the microprocessor that takes the input from the channel selector and drives the channel indicator LED and the PLL module. The next pictures show the brass bracket outside the radio and the board I mounted the chip on. All of the old bulbs are replaced with LEDs, the Mode, the transmit, the meters, and the channel selector. It operates like I wanted. It is all stock when it turns on and the channel selector is amber. I let it sit on 22A and it rotates colors thru amber, green, and red, then amber again. When I switch the channel away from 22A on one of those colors, it is selected. If I select green, channels 1-20 become channels 21-40. To go back to stock, I just turn it Off/on.


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Jan 11, 2014
Great work my friend.. What an amazingly clean radio....That has got to be the most practical, visually pleasing mod I have ever seen on a radio... Thank you for sharing..


Jan 11, 2014
I have noticed a few Simba`s & the odd Cheetah turn up on ebay.. The Simba`s still seem to fetch quite a few $$$ whilst the Cheetah`s almost go unnoticed.. Same can be said for others using the same chassis.

Just thought I would revive this thread and see if any new owners are here and looking for answers.


Feb 18, 2016
Does anyone have a picture of C108?
I have a centurion 40D and the schematic is showing a different polarity than the silkscreen.

I recapped the radio and cant remember if it was a 47UF or a 0.1uf also.


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Aug 7, 2014
Orcutt CA
Here i go again

I have decided to do another radio kind of like this one. I am going to take an old General RadioTelephone MC5 that has a VFO for receive, count that frequency, add the IF freq, and make it work for transmit. It will be a true VFO transceiver. I will also duplicate what I did above with the Simba where I have a mode where channels 1-20 become channels 21-40. I have some more ideas I will share later. As with the Simba project, the radio will act stock until you do something to take it out of that mode. I just recently got the radio working. I will report later when i start this.



Dec 13, 2007
Mojave Ca
Hello tinker: Wow good call please share with us all on your modification to the General Radiotelephone MC-5. Suggest you start a new thread.

I had a VFO hooked up to a MC-12 General Radiotelephone radio years ago and it worked great.

Good going.

Jay in the Great Mojave Desert
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